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Dr. Paul’s Worldviews

News & Politics Podcasts

Dr. Paul’s Worldviews is an interactive podcast that deals with contemporary issues of the day from a historical, biblical, Christian worldview. Whether it is exposition of biblical passages, defense against the claims or accusations of false religions, cults, and sects, or simply addressing daily newsworthy items, Dr. Paul often goes where few Christians dare to tread. So, pull up a chair, turn on your brain, and get ready to be challenged and informed. Above all, get ready to act in a positive way that honors the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Dr. Paul’s Worldviews is an interactive podcast that deals with contemporary issues of the day from a historical, biblical, Christian worldview. Whether it is exposition of biblical passages, defense against the claims or accusations of false religions, cults, and sects, or simply addressing daily newsworthy items, Dr. Paul often goes where few Christians dare to tread. So, pull up a chair, turn on your brain, and get ready to be challenged and informed. Above all, get ready to act in a positive way that honors the Lord Jesus Christ.







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Leaving Podbean

Dr. Paul discusses the possibility of leaving Podbean.


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Episode 17: Noah Falls on His Face (Genesis 9:18-29)

Noah and his family have left the ark. They are embarking on a new life blessed by God, as the human race starts over from a cataclysmic flood that had destroyed everyone and everything on earth. But, shortly after Noah's departure, he involves himself in some serious moral decisions that render his compromised, which then opens the door for one of his sons, Ham, to act immorally. After Noah finds out what his son did to him, a curse is announced against Ham's progeny, which will turn out to be a further moral problem for the nation of Israel later on. Noah ends up living until he is 950 years old, but the infamy of his decision neutralizes any further word about his success as a man of God, for nothing is heard about him during his final 350 years of life.


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Episode 16: God's Covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:1-17)

The earth and all its inhabitants have been destroy with the exception of Noah and his family. God has re-positioned mankind whereby the extreme corruption and violence has been judged and it can now start-over. That said, God also has determined that because of the inherent wickedness in man due to sin, "the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth" (Gen 8:21). Yet, God will not destroy the man and the earth with a flood again. So, he establishes a covenant with Noah, communicating His intent (Gen 9:11). Evidence that God will remember his covenant with Noah will be seen in the sky when it rains. There will be a rainbow. Not only will the rainbow be beautiful for its physical appearance, it will be beautiful for its promise that God, who is rich in grace, mercy, and long suffering, will not immediately, nor totally, punish man's sin with another worldwide, cataclysmic flood. It is not to say that God's wrath will not be exhibited on the earth, or that man will not suffer from God's wrath, but simply that it will not be as all-encompassing as it was before. That will be reserved for later, as the Apostle Paul predicted in 2 Peter 3, when judgment comes by fire.


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Episode 15: Ending the Flood Curse (Genesis 8)

In Genesis 7, God warned Noah of an impending flood that would destroy all of humanity, as well as every breathing thing on the face of the earth. He gave Noah 120 years to build an ark, and only those within the ark would be spared the wrath of God's judgment. Noah builds the ark and then came the flooding deluge. In Genesis 8, Noah and his family ride out the tribulational waters, but eventually, after several months, the waters recede. Noah keeps checking to see when the ground was dry enough to exit the ark. Finally, after over a year on the ark, God instructs Noah, his family, and all the animals to leave. They were commanded, as Adam and Eve were, to "be fruitful and multiply on the earth." It was a re-creational moment. A new beginning for humanity. Noah's first act, though, was to worship God, which led God to covenant with Noah that He would never destroy the earth again with a flood. Why? Because God knew that "the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth," which is an indictment in itself, given the infection and influence that sin would still have over the human race. In the meantime, as long as the earth remains, "seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease" (Gen. 8:22).


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Episode 14: The Flood (Genesis 7)

The earth has become corrupted to the point where God has decided to destroy all of mankind and all breathing animals and creatures. The only exception is Noah's family; eight individuals in total. It is a sad day, but an inevitable day, lest God in his person and his justice be mocked to the degree where God denies himself. And yet, God is not mocked, nor will he tolerate the evil that mankind has descended. Therefore, a flood of catastrophic proportions deluges the earth, thereby wiping away all the mockers, perverts, and demon worshipers. God will start over with Noah, his wife, and his son's wives, as the remnant from a society of humans gone terribly wrong.


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Episode 13: Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6:9-22)

Mankind has become so corrupted and violent that God has decided to destroy it and everything else He has created upon the earth. The exception being Noah, whom God has not only "found favor," but is seen as righteous and blameless before God. Through Noah God is going to re-do what He created in the beginning, except this time God is going to leave it up to Noah and his family to fill the earth. Of course, in order to get through the impending catastrophe, Noah will need to build a really large boat—an ark. Only those on the ark will be allowed to survive the worldwide flood that God is about to let loose upon the earth. The ark becomes a type of Jesus Christ, or the only place of refuge to escape God's wrath, whether personally, corporately, or cosmically. Because of Noah's faithfulness, he builds the ark according to specifications: "he did all that God commanded him" (v. 22). DONATE


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Dr. Paul Needs Your Input

Dr. Paul asks his follower and audience for their input concerning the podcast. podcast@capro.info


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Episode 12: Wickedness Gone Wild (Genesis 6:1-8)

It would not be long after the human race began to fulfill God's command to be fruitful and multiple that it would descend into the darkness of depravity and rebellion against God. Mixed marriages between "the son of God" and "the daughters of men," as well, "every intention of the thoughts of [man's] heart was only evil continually," serve as prime example of the corruption. Attack the sanctity of marriage and before long the whole human form of government devolves into tyrannical dictatorships ("giants in the land) and oppressive governments, whereby God is only left with having to destroy humanity. Genesis 6:1-8 gives us a glimpse into the human condition even today. Humanity, today, would be doing itself a favor to pay attention to the narrative, as it continues to repeat its sordid history without learning it. DONATE


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Episode 11: The Adams' Family (Genesis 5:1-32)

Let's talk about Adam's family. No, not The Addam's Family with Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, and Lurch. But, Adam, as in Adam and Eve. A very truncated discussion of Adam's progeny is found in Genesis Chapter 5, starting, obviously, with Adam and ending with Noah. Mainly, it is the godly side of Adam's lineage that is in view, as opposed to the ungodly side found in Genesis Chapter 4. The account extends for about 8,000 years and discusses the main characters that will ultimate show up in the Messianic genealogy found in Luke Chapter 3. One recurring theme is pointed out in Genesis 5 and it is this: "and he died." Although all the characters mentioned are fairly prolific in producing children and living extraordinarily long lives, each character dies. That is, except one, who is Enoch. Enoch "walks with God," as a fire and brimstone preacher, and manages to escape God, for God "took him." Other than that, every "father" dies, which hearkens back to God's warning that if Adam chose to disobey God in eating of the fruit of the tree of good and evil, "dying you shall surely die." That said, and even though Genesis 5 records the godly lineage of Adam, sin is still having a dire effect upon humanity and Noah is looked forward to as a reprieve. That "rest" will come, although probably not in the way hoped, for later things will get so bad on earth, morally, spiritually, and civilly, that God will have to destroy the human population, minus eight individuals. DONATE


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Episode 10: The Corruptive Influence of Cain and the First Polygamist (Genesis 4:17-26)

Sin is not done in a vacuum, and the extent of sin's effective is often long-lasting and diverse. Such was the case of the first murderer, Cain. After being convicted and judged by God, he leaves the realm of the Eden, starts a family, builds a city, and then manages to influences his offspring to commit further acts of perversion against God, starting with an attack up the sanctity of marriage. Lamech, one of Cain's great, great, great, grandson's takes after him by becoming the Bible's first recorded polygamist. He would set the tone for later and even more perverse attacks upon human relationships, but upon human religiosity, as well. How so? By obligating God to do for him in a seventy-fold way what God did to preserve Cain, even though God was not obligated to Lamech at all! In this short passage, Genesis 4:17-26, are a plethora of examples and lessons we can all learn from, as we all often attempt to obligate God to do things our way, many times under the misconception of "love." DONATE


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Episode 9: When Cain Killed Abel (Genesis 4:1-16)

Soon after the fall of man, and God's judgment placed upon creation, a manifestation of the ugliness of sin takes place in Adam's posterity. Adam and Eve begin their family, bearing Cain and his brother Abel. Cain was a farmer. Abel was a sheepherder. Both knew the religious obligations taught to them by their parents, which is why we read of the account of their religious offerings in Genesis 4. Cain's mind, though, was not upon worshiping God, but upon worshiping himself. From God's rejection of his offering, Cain's sin consumed him, and instead of doing what was right, he became enraged toward his brother, Abel, and killed him. God passed judgment upon Cain, even though he apparently never learned his lesson. It is a lesson we can all learn from, whether willfully or amid our own religious departure from the presence of God. DONATE


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Episode 8: Adam and Eve's Trial Continued (Genesis 3:16-24)

In the previous podcast, Dr. Paul began an exposition of the trial of Adam, Eve, and the devil, and that after Adam and Eve fell from their originally innocent state into sin. In this podcast, Dr. Paul finishes that up that trial by looking at the judgment that God passed on both the woman (Eve) and the man (Adam), which will eventually be passed on to every human being since. It is not a pretty picture, but one that is necessary to understand, if one is to truly understand what the sin nature is, that all humans possess, and the ultimately remedy found on the Gospel, culminating the death of Jesus on the cross at Calvary. DONATE


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Episode 7: Adam, Eve, and the Snake on Trial (Genesis 3:8-15)

Shortly after Adam and Eve rebel against God, a trial takes place where God acts as the judge, jury, and executioner. Adam and Eve try to avoid attending the trial by hiding themselves. The snake (i.e. the devil) makes no such move. Four key questions are asked, which are relevant even today, as the rest of humanity has followed Adam and Eve's leading in trying to run and hide from God, rather than run unto Him in a contrite and repentant spirit. Such is the nature of sin and what it does to everyone and everything affected by it. Ultimately, though, amid all the questioning and shifting of blame, there is a silver lining in the sense that the Gospel is proclaimed by none other than God himself. One day, the devil himself will be crushed by one of the Eve's offspring, which will finalize what it means by "good news" to those privy to acknowledge what God does in the person of Jesus Christ at Calvary. DONATE


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Episode 6: The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:1-7)

In a pivotal and key portion of the Bible (Genesis 3:1-7), Dr. Paul discusses the Fall of Man and how it came about. Satan, as the serpent, has used the same strategy since his successful exchange with Eve to cause humanity to act autonomously from God and carry on it rebellious ways. It all starts by questioning God's Word, which ultimately leads to questioning God's authority and then integrity. When all is said and done, those who subscribe to the devil's wiles ultimately see him as a great liberator and God as the "bad guy." DONATE


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Episode 5: Creation Redux and the First Marriage (Genesis 2:4-24)

In Genesis 2:4-24, the writer returns to the creation narrative and adds a few more details that are not found in Genesis 1. Those details are "generations" or "histories." Moses, as is frequently credited with writing Genesis, tells us that man's constitution was physically made up of "dust" ore elements common to the earth, as well as "the breath of life" from God, thereby making him a "living creature." As Dr. Paul points out, the combination makes it clear that humanity had a beginning at a point in time, and credits God as the supernatural person who brought it to be. It is something that no atheist has an alternative explanation. Probably the most important part of Genesis 2, even though all that is discusses are important, is the recognition of man's loneliness, and the steps God took to dispel it. From Adam's literal, physical side, God took one of his ribs and formed his "wife." The two would not only reflect the image of God within their marriage relationship, any loneliness that man might suffer, as a human being, would be dispelled. The woman would become a fitting helper, not only as a companion in work, but as one who would help the man fulfill God's commands to be fruitful and multiply. It would be a beautiful relationship that would go right along with God's description of his creation being "very good." DONATE


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Episode 4: God rested and it was very good (Genesis 1:28-2:3)

Dr. Paul finishes up his commentary on the last four verse of Genesis 1, which addresses the subject of God charging mankind to "get busy" and fill the earth with human beings and the subjugation of the created order by them. Then, Dr. Paul turns to the subject of God resting on the seventh day. Was God tired from exerting himself too much after creating the heavens and the earth or was God establishing a model to be followed by humans in their work-worship pattern of life? DONATE


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Episode 3: Day Six and the Image of God (Gen 1:24-31)

On the sixth day of creation God finished inhabiting the earth with all the animals, birds, and creatures. But, it was also on that day that he created human beings: the crown jewel of his creation. Not only did the creation of humans give a glimpse into the Trinitarian nature of God by stating, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness," it has left theologians and philosophers with a subject that has been discussed voluminously for centuries. What exactly does the image of God entail? It in this podcast that Dr. Paul touches upon the final aspect of God's creation, namely the image of God, that will have a later effect upon all other doctrines that God will reveal later, and will differentiate the God of the Bible from all other false gods and goddesses created by man. DONATE


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Episode 2: The First Five Days (Genesis 1:3-23)

Secular scientists and philosophers frequently opine about the existence of all that is, but rarely traverse their way back to the origin of existence. It is not that they do not speculate about the age of the universe or perhaps even the age of the earth. It is that it is impossible for the to speak authoritatively, since none of them were around when the universe began, nor were they any human beings around at all! Therefore, they prefer to jump into the middle of the evolutionary model they have created and explain how they believe human beings originated, and then leave the "mythology" of creation origins to others to wrestle with. The Bible, though, makes it quite clear who created the universe, the earth, and all that inhabits both. It gives a timeline of the order of events, which culminates in the creation of the greatest creature of them all, humanity. In this particular episode, Dr. Paul takes a look at the first five days of creation and what came to be out of nothing on those days. More importantly, Dr. Paul credits God with speaking everything into existence, as he prepared the heavens and the earth for the arrival of mankind; God's crown jewel of creation. It is something that certain secularists are willing to keep an open mind, while others repel amid their hostility and vanity, as they suppress the truth in unrighteousness. DONATE


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Episode 1: In the Beginning (Genesis 1:1-2)

One of the best ways to understand God's creation and man's place in it is to go back to the beginning when God created all things and then follow the progress of how things went from "very good" to "every intention of the thoughts of [man's] heart was only evil continually." Dr. Paul's new study in the Book of Genesis does just that. He not only credits God for all that is created, but will explain how God managed to recreate fallen mankind later through the sacrifice of His Son—the Second Adam. Until then, the opening episode addresses not only the exclusivity of God in the creation story, but Trinitarian aspect of creation, which argues that God the Father, Jesus, Christ, and the Holy Spirit were present before the foundations of the earth and universe were spoken into existence out of nothing. DONATE


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The Book of Romans: Episode 43: Paul's Final Instructions and Doxology

In Romans 16:17-27, the Apostle Paul closes his letter to the Roman Christians with instructions that are clearly at odds with today's ideas about diversity, equity, and inclusion. Paul warns the church in Rome about certain characters who would be divisive and scandalous. Those individuals were not only NOT Christians, even though many of them most likely wanted to be thought of as such, they were deceivers who would use Christian talk and flattery to trick the Romans into believing their deceptive, false "gospel." Naivete was something that the Roman Christians did not need to be, but instead, they needed to be wise. By way of application, Paul's instruction needs to be trumped from the roof tops today, in an age where false prophets and teachers abound, and have taken many well-meaning individuals hostage through cunning and deceit. Lastly, the Apostle Paul offers a short doxology, glorifying God through the Lord Jesus, and especially for the gospel message that was a "mystery," but is now fully revealed in the person of Jesus. Thank God for his grace! Thank God for his revelation! Thank God for his Son, who willing paid the sin debt of humanity in-full, so that sinners "may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in" Jesus. Amen!
