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Mark Nolan's Podcast

News & Politics Podcasts

Hello and welcome to Mark Nolan's Podcast. This will come as no surprise to you but my name is Mark Nolan, and what I do is write Spanish news for English speakers, which is published in a number of websites and in print, I advise on Spanish Traffic Law as part of the N332 Road Safety Group, and, with a background in marketing, I work with companies to boost their brands. Oh, and I spent many years on radio! All of that kind of comes together here, in an audio form, as Mark Nolan's Podcast. So, what to expect. Each week I publish The SpanishVida Podcast, The Week Ahead, which is an advance overview of what is likely to be making the news headlines each week in Spain, the UK, and Europe, including markets, news, business and key dates. That usually comes out at a weekend, and you will find it here too. We also have Spain Today, which brings you the latest daily news from across Spain, along with other useful information such as traffic and travel forecasts, and occasional weather reports, as well as a few local events around Torrevieja and either side, Guardamar del Segura and the Orihuela Costa. I also do the N332 Podcast which is about driving in Spain and Spanish Traffic Law. I also answer your questions on that podcast too. The N332 Podcast is a monthly update. Finally, I do an occasional generic podcast, as I am then able to talk about the formal podcasts mentioned, but in an unscripted way, and throw in my own comments about pretty much anything that comes to mind, including some of my favourite stories of the week, and talk based mostly around the topics I mentioned, as well as my own occasional thoughts and feelings. Schedule Sunday 12:00 - The Week Ahead Monday to Friday 08:00 - Spain Today Last Saturday of the Month 12:00 - N332 Update So, that's pretty much what I'm doing here. I'm glad you've come this far, and I am really pleased to have you along on this journey. If you would like to get in touch, you can email If you want to read any of the news or articles then here are some of the websites I work on and will mention.. and where this little lot comes together.




Hello and welcome to Mark Nolan's Podcast. This will come as no surprise to you but my name is Mark Nolan, and what I do is write Spanish news for English speakers, which is published in a number of websites and in print, I advise on Spanish Traffic Law as part of the N332 Road Safety Group, and, with a background in marketing, I work with companies to boost their brands. Oh, and I spent many years on radio! All of that kind of comes together here, in an audio form, as Mark Nolan's Podcast. So, what to expect. Each week I publish The SpanishVida Podcast, The Week Ahead, which is an advance overview of what is likely to be making the news headlines each week in Spain, the UK, and Europe, including markets, news, business and key dates. That usually comes out at a weekend, and you will find it here too. We also have Spain Today, which brings you the latest daily news from across Spain, along with other useful information such as traffic and travel forecasts, and occasional weather reports, as well as a few local events around Torrevieja and either side, Guardamar del Segura and the Orihuela Costa. I also do the N332 Podcast which is about driving in Spain and Spanish Traffic Law. I also answer your questions on that podcast too. The N332 Podcast is a monthly update. Finally, I do an occasional generic podcast, as I am then able to talk about the formal podcasts mentioned, but in an unscripted way, and throw in my own comments about pretty much anything that comes to mind, including some of my favourite stories of the week, and talk based mostly around the topics I mentioned, as well as my own occasional thoughts and feelings. Schedule Sunday 12:00 - The Week Ahead Monday to Friday 08:00 - Spain Today Last Saturday of the Month 12:00 - N332 Update So, that's pretty much what I'm doing here. I'm glad you've come this far, and I am really pleased to have you along on this journey. If you would like to get in touch, you can email If you want to read any of the news or articles then here are some of the websites I work on and will mention.. and where this little lot comes together.





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The Week Ahead - 3 June 2024

Could This Week be Decisive of Divisive for Europe? This is The Week Ahead. As we build up the last leg of the run up to the European Elections, there will be a lot of focus on the candidates this week. There are also elections this week in Belgium, Switzerland, Cyprus, and Hungary. I suppose, on the subject of elections, we cannon not mention the televised debate in the UK this week, although it will no doubt just end up like two pigeons showing their chests rather than actually proposing solutions.


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The Week Ahead - 27 May 2024

We have arrived at the last week of May, before we embark on June at the weekend, a month that sees schools in Spain close for the summer, and one of the biggest celebrations across the Valencia region, which also means another Monday off for many, San Juan. We will talk more about that next week, for now we will return to The Week Ahead. It is largely a quiet week for business, as it’s the end of the month, with little in the way of results or references, but there’s still a bit to keep us occupied. Did somebody mention an election? Okay, we know that the UK will be dominated by campaigning for a while now, we will try not to mention it too much here, other than perhaps mentioning the deadlines, and of course we have the European elections before that, for those eligible to vote. However, this week also sees another important election, which might go unnoticed, taking place in South Africa.


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Travel Update - Tuesday 21 May 2024

There could be #delays to flights between the UK and Spain this week, with Tuesday and Wednesday expected to be particularly affected. Military exercises including live missile firing over the Bay of Biscay, industrial action, and other activities all coming together to cause potential flight delays.


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The Week Ahead - 20 May 2024

This is The Week Ahead from Monday 20 May 2024, looking at what will be making the news in Spain, the UK, Europe and beyond. A couple of dates for your diary that might interest you, in the Valencia region, schools finish for summer on 21 June, which means about 5 weeks now until the summer holidays. More locally, in Torrevieja, those affected by the closure of the “wibbly, wobbly” road between the CV-905 and Auditorium area should be excited by the fact there is now only 2 weeks left on the closure notice, although there´s no sign of the road being ready yet. Another thing to look out for however is that the work to connect the CV-905 with the new Lagoons Village urbanisation has now been marked out on the CV-905, so that main arterial road will soon be the scene of roadworks for the creation of the next new roundabout. This week also sees a special day for recognising the importance of bees, and from my hometown of Manchester, the anniversary of the Manchester Arena bombing.


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The Week Ahead - 13 May 2024

The beginning of the week will stand out for the absence of relevant macroeconomic references, although the climate will be a focus, if anyone actually takes notice, but the week will explode with figures on Tuesday and Wednesday, before retreating for a quieter end to the week.


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The Week Ahead - 29 April 2024

It´s a big week for the workers in Spain as the national holiday of Labour Day is celebrated in the middle of the week, Wednesday, making various variations to the working week of 2 in, 1 off, 2 in, and some people taking a long weekend either side, and others taking the whole week off. As a result, the traffic situation will also be complicated on the roads. Airplane buffs have also got the San Javier Air Show to look forward to this weekend. In the UK, the Conservatives are going to have a great week and Labour will not do very well, or at least that is what we will no doubt be told, despite the evidence before our eyes, as local elections take place. Also in the UK, the Rwanda Bill will… Checks notes… Wait, what? It was passed? Well, that’s the end of that story then, in a week where Ryanair has suggested they would be prepared to fly the refugees to Rwanda, in their aircraft which are not physically capable of reaching the destination city… You can insert your own joke about Ryanair flying to airports some considerable distance from the cities they advertise. There will not be an update next week, I will return for 13 May 2024. Let us look at The Week Ahead in Spain, the UK, Europe and beyond…


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The Week Ahead - 22 April 2024

This week is a significant one for celebrations in both England and Spain, although the Spanish version is somewhat more romantic, and it is also a week to be wary of lunatics (original meaning) and werewolves! We also have lots of business and financial reports this week, and statisticians are going to be busy working out what the countless reports of the week mean to us mere mortals. Plus, we have a roundup of things to do and events coming up this week specifically of interest around the Torrevieja area, and in the future and further afield, from music and culture to sports and spectacles. For regular updates and things to do, pick up The Leader newspaper out every Monday.


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The Week Ahead - 15 April 2024

There is a lot going on this week around the world, and we’re not even going to mention Donald Trump! Apart from Thursday, when nothing significant is planned. All this week, ROADPOL, the European Traffic Police Network, will be carrying out a speed awareness and enforcement campaign, focussing on one of the Fatal 4 most contributing factors in road traffic collisions. Let us have a look at The Week Ahead, day by day, then look at future events taking place around Spain in case you are looking for things to do. Read more on the website,


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The Week Ahead - 08 April 2024

This is The Week Ahead, looking at what will be making the news this week in Spain, the UK, and Europe, in a week in which markets are subdued, with Spain observing several local holidays, including San Vicente de Ferrer. Germany will release February's industrial production and trade balance data, highlighting Europe's economic fragility. Spain and the US will sign a Social Security Agreement to facilitate worker mobility and economic activity. The UK and Europe face various financial announcements, with the ECB's meeting drawing investor focus. Expectations point to the ECB initiating policy easing in June. North America will experience a total solar eclipse, while Spain won't see a full eclipse until 2090. Notable corporate and economic updates include results from Delta Airlines, Tesco, and BBVA dividends. Spain will conclude the week with March CPI data and shareholder meetings for Ferrovial and Telefónica.


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N332 Update - Easter Traffic Phase 2

Although the roads in many places are already busier than usual due to the Easter holidays, things are set to get even busier as we head towards the Easter weekend. Here, we have the breakdown on the busiest times in certain areas for each day. If you are travelling long distance, you should plan your journey in advance and then monitor the situation before you set off, avoiding the busiest times of possible. If you are travelling locally, the situation will still be busier than normal, and many of the drivers will not be as used to the road system as you are, so, again, allow more time for your journey, and be patient and considerate. Here is the traffic forecast for the roads of Spain for each day of the Easter holiday period. Vitist the website,, for links to live traffic and weather information.


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The Week Ahead - 25 March 2024

This week is Easter week, one of the most important religious celebrations in Spain, and so there will be lots of themed activities surrounding that, but it also means a relatively quiet week in the world of business and the news from Spain. It’s not going to be so quiet on the roads however, so the special Easter traffic operation continues, and we will have a varied holiday schedule depending where you are, but as we are based in the Torrevieja area, we will look at that in particular.


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The Origin of Father´s Day in Spain

The 19th March is one of the most important days in the Spanish commemorative calendar, as it´s Father´s Day, and although the day does have religious roots, the history is actually more recent than most people realise, not stemming back to biblical times despite the day being celebrated on San Jose, St Joseph´s day, and what is more surprising to some is that the day was invented by a woman. Let us take a look at the history and the origin of Father´s Day in Spain.


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The Week Ahead - 18 March 2024

This is The Week Ahead for Monday 18 March 2024, a week in which we celebrate Father´s Day in Spain, and in financial and business news inflation and labour costs will be the main focus. We are looking at what will be making the news in Spain, the UK, and Europe for the week ahead, as well as some events over the next few weeks offering something for everyone in Spain.


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The Week Ahead - 11 March 2024

In The Week Ahead this week, the UK news will be dominated by Rwanda, and across Europe the current general financial situation. On the roads, there is an important focus campaign all this week, and a double focus next weekend, not forgetting that major road closure we mentioned in Torrevieja. Finally, we have a look at some of the events taking place, and a reminder that after this week we get three weeks with holiday days in most of Spain.


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The Week Ahead - 04 March 2024

In The Week Ahead this week, the UK news will be dominated by the budget and Rwanda, and in Spain the unemployment figures and labour market will lead the week. I also have two very important announcements specifically for the Torrevieja area, one with details of a major road closure which is likely to cause chaos, and the second is an appeal for information about a Torrevieja resident, now sadly deceased. Finally, we have a look at some of the events taking place in various areas of Spain throughout March and beyond, including concerts, airshows, car shows, and more.


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Weekend Update - 1 March 2024

Welcome to The Weekend Update with a look at a few up and coming events in Spain during March and the rest of spring, including this weekend, and we have the traffic and travel update with a forecast of the road situation in Spain this weekend, and flight information looking at potential disruption. You can get daily updates by subscribing to the email, full details on the website,


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The Week Ahead - 25 February 2024

Sarah Everard will be making the news this week in the UK, and we celebrate International Polar Bear Day, we have a look the news headlines for the week ahead, including financial markets and business, and global headlines, plus the celebration in Spain of one of the most culturally rich areas of the country, Andalusia.


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N332 Update - 18 February 2024

This week, ROADPOL, the European traffic police network, are holding a focussed campaign on vans, trucks and buses, checking everything from vehicle standards and compliance, and driver and documentation. The campaign runs all week and through Sunday 25 February 2024, and will be taking place in most European countries. In Spain, the DGT are supporting this campaign and so the Guardia Civil, assisted by Local Police in areas where they are taking part, will also be checking on these types of vehicles. There is also still the possibility of protests causing disruption on the roads, and so you should consult the official information from the DGT which is updated live on their website. We also still have the risk of snow on higher and mountainous areas, and so snow chains could be required, again, check before you travel.


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The Week Ahead - 19 February 2024

A look at the week ahead to see what will be making the news headlines in Spain, the UK, Europe and beyond. Also traffic update for the roads of Spain, and a few events to look forward to. Dive into the latest episode of Mark Nolan's podcast as we gear up for another week of global headlines, starting from Monday, 19 February 2024. This week brings a quiet start in Europe with no significant macroeconomic references, but gears shift on Tuesday with the eurozone's current account balance update. Investors, keep your eyes peeled! The U.S. takes a breather with President's Day, but the European consumer confidence indicator looms, potentially reflecting the economic unease, especially in Germany. The PMI figures will also be in the spotlight, as we assess the business sentiment in Europe's powerhouse economy. Corporate earnings are on the docket with a roster of heavy hitters like Barclays, HSBC, and Mercedes Benz reporting, alongside U.S. giants like Home Depot and Warner Brothers. Discovery. In the UK, the high-stakes final hearing of Julian Assange's extradition case unfolds, while junior doctors' strike action threatens to intensify the strain on the NHS. Amidst energy firms' soaring profits, Ofgem's energy price cap update is eagerly anticipated by consumers looking for relief. Show notes created by


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The Week Ahead - 12 February 2024

A look at what will be making the news this week in Spain, the UK, and beyond, in a very spooky week for Spain, and a vary scary week (perhaps) for Rishi Sunak in the UK. There could also be flight disruption between both countries. Listen in to find out why. Oh, and of course, it is the week for lovers (immediataly followed by bargains on strawberries and chocolates). Spooky Music by Ashot Danielyan from Pixabay.
