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News & Politics Podcasts

In-depth analysis, incisive commentary and beyond the surface look at the top and trending news of the day.




In-depth analysis, incisive commentary and beyond the surface look at the top and trending news of the day.







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The Controversy That Trails Scrapping Of Kaduna City Authorities

The Kaduna State House of Assembly has repealed the law that established the capital authorities of Kaduna, Zaria, and Kafanchan. What is the rationale behind this decision? What does this mean for these cities?. Join us in this episode of Nigeria Daily to find out.


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The Impact Of Protests In The Last Decade

People often protest to publicly voice their grievances and attempt to influence public opinion or government policy. Do protests truly make a difference? Join us on Nigeria Daily today as we revisit past protests in Nigeria and examine their impact.


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How To Mitigate The Impact Of Rain On Ordinary Nigerians

Every year, Nigeria experiences a rainy season that spans several months, typically from April to October. While the rains are crucial for agriculture and water supply, they often bring a mix of challenges and opportunities for Nigerians. For small-scale businesses, the impact can be even more profound. What measures can small-scale businesses apply to mitigate the challenges of the rainy season? Join us on this episode to find out.


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Is Nigeria A Conducive Environment For Investors?

Nigeria, once the beacon of economic promise in Africa, has seen its allure as an investors’ paradise dim over recent years. Despite being the continent’s largest economy, the country faces significant challenges that deter investors. Is Nigeria becoming a dead end for investors? Join us in this episode of Nigeria Daily as we explore this question with insights from investors, analysts, and experts.


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The Link Between Illegal Mining and Banditry

It is no secret that several states in the North-west and North-central regions have been grappling with banditry for over a decade. Zamfara and Niger, which are blessed with abundant mineral resources are now plagued by illegal mining and terrorism. Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily as we explore the relationship between banditry and illegal mining, and the devastating impact these activities have on local communities.


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Is The APC Trying To Silence Government Critics?

There has been a debate recently about freedom of speech, following some actions taken at the National Assembly against those who “criticised” government. Join us on today’s episode of Nigeria Daily as we discuss why this is happening.


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Reason Behind the Urgency With Which Some States Are Conducting LG Elections

Days after the Supreme Court ruling on the autonomy of local government councils, no fewer than 13 states have fixed dates for local government elections. What might be reason behind the urgency in these states to conduct the elections? Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily as we unravel the mystery.


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Are Governments’ Palliatives Having The Desired Impact?

Since the removal of fuel subsidy, governments at all levels have rolled out various palliative measures aimed at alleviating poverty and hunger. These include food distribution, cash transfers, and other forms of assistance. Are the palliatives reaching those who need them? How are the palliatives changing people’s lives? Join us in this episode of Nigeria Daily as we try to find answers to these questions.


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Why Muslims Fast On The 10th Day Of The 1st Month

Today, the 10th of Muharram, is a day of fasting for many Muslims around the world. This fast is the first day of fasting observed by Muslims every year of the Islamic calendar. Join us on Nigeria Daily as we explore the virtues of this fast, its impact on the lives of Muslims, and how this important act of worship began.


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How To Redirect Young People’s Energy To Peace Building

Whenever there is violence or unrest, young people feature prominently, either as perpetrators or as victims. In honour of World Youth Skills Day 2024, Nigeria Daily explores ways by which young people’s energies can be redirected towards peace building and social development.


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Can The Supreme Court Ruling Guarantee Autonomy For LGAs?

After years of intense debate over the autonomy of local government councils in Nigeria, the Supreme Court has finally delivered a landmark ruling. According to the Apex Court, it is unconstitutional for state governors to withhold funds designated for local government administrations. Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily as we look into this groundbreaking ruling and what it means for the local government councils.


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Achievements Of Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi Of A Century

Prominent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi, has turned 100 years this week. Many people, including his critics, are of the opinion that these years have been quite eventful as far as his contribution to the growth of Islam is concerned. Join us on today’s episode of Nigeria Daily as we hear what scholars, followers, and the public think about his dedication to the service of Islam.


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What Grains Tax Suspension May Mean To You

The Federal Government has announced a 150-day suspension of taxes on grains. This move, it says, is part of a broader strategy to combat rising food prices and ensure food security. What does this mean for farmers, the market, and Nigerians? Join us on this episode of Nigeria Daily to find out.


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How A Group In Kano “Preaches” Same-Sex Marriage

The emergence of a group advocating same-sex marriage in Kano continues to attract people's attention. What measure will the Kano State government take on this group, especially seeing the fact that Islam which the majority of the people practice forbids this act? Join us on today’s episode of Nigeria Daily to find out


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Reasons Behind The Current Resurgence Of Fuel Scarcity

Queues for Premium Motor Spirit, popularly called petrol, have resurfaced in Abuja and some major Nigerian cities following the closure of many filling stations operated by independent marketers. What could be the reasons for this sudden scarcity? How are residents and commuters coping with the long lines and high fuel prices? And what measures are being taken to address the situation? Nigeria Daily will find answers to these and other questions.


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Reasons For Increase In Electricity Tariff For Band A Users

Just this week households and businesses in Band A received an increase in electricity tariff. The sudden rise has sparked a lot of conversations and concerns. Join us in this episode of Nigeria Daily as we search for the reasons for the serial increase in electricity tariff.


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What State of Emergency On Oil And Gas Production Means

The recent declaration of a state of emergency on oil and gas production has sparked significant interest and concern among Nigerians. This move by the NNPC might or might not have any implication for the country's economy, energy sector, and the lives of Nigerian citizens. Join us on Nigeria daily to find out more


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Sokoto State Government's Intentions For The Sultan

The Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar, is not only a traditional ruler in Sokoto State, but also an influential leader in Nigeria. However, there have been recent moves by the state government perceived to be an attempt to significantly reduce the Sultan's influence. What are the implications and possible impact of these moves the Sokoto state government? Join us on today’s episode to find out.


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What Nigerian Leaders Must Do To Set Things Right

There are ongoing complaints from Nigerian citizens about the current state of the nation. Experts believe that there are measures the government can take to swiftly address these issues. Join us on today’s episode of Nigeria Daily to find out what these measures are.


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Why You Should Never Entertain Suicidal Thoughts

In the past few days, there have been reports of individuals who have committed suicide. Experts believe that people who commit this action are said to have gone such lengths as a result of depression. Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily as we look into this and how to prevent one from doing such.
