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Occupied Thoughts

News & Politics Podcasts

From the Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP), Occupied Thoughts amplifies the voices of FMEP grantees and partners, offers critical framing, and promote new ideas and new angles on the many issues connected to achieving justice, security, and peace for Palestinians and Israelis. FMEP works to defend and support Palestinian rights, end Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, and ensure a just and secure future for Palestinians and Israelis. FMEP advances this goal through its grants program, public programming, and research. www.fmep.org


United States


From the Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP), Occupied Thoughts amplifies the voices of FMEP grantees and partners, offers critical framing, and promote new ideas and new angles on the many issues connected to achieving justice, security, and peace for Palestinians and Israelis. FMEP works to defend and support Palestinian rights, end Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, and ensure a just and secure future for Palestinians and Israelis. FMEP advances this goal through its grants program, public programming, and research. www.fmep.org







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Why Some Israelis Refuse To Serve in the IDF

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Peter Beinart speaks with Atalya Ben Abba and Mattan Helman of the Israeli Refuser Solidarity Network. They discuss what makes a person refuse to serve in the Israeli military, how the Israeli military treats refusers, and the surprising solidarity inside military prisons. Resources: Refuser Solidarity Network: https://www.refuser.org/ Instagram: @VoicesAgainstWar X: @againstwarvoice Atalya Ben-Abba is the media manager for the Refuser Solidarity Network, running the page @VoicesAgainstWar. She refused to enlist in the Israeli army in 2017 and spent 110 days in the military prison because she wanted to publicly condemn the Israeli occupation and not take part in its practices. She has been an activist for the past ten years, working mainly in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Mattan Helman is the executive director of Refuser Solidarity Network. Mattan also spent 110 days in Israeli prison for refusing to join the Israeli army and refusing to oppress Palestinians as part of the army. Peter Beinart is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Foundation for Middle East Peace. He is also a Professor of Journalism and Political Science at the City University of New York, a Contributing opinion writer at the New York Times, an Editor-at-Large at Jewish Currents, and an MSNBC Political Commentator. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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Phoenix of Gaza: a 360° view of Palestinian agency and life

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Nour Joudah speaks with Cal State University-San Bernadino Professor Ahlam Muhtaseb. Dr. Muhtaseb is co-founder of the Phoenix of Gaza XR, an interactive virtual reality experience that captures the untold stories of Gaza’s people and its transformation and provides a deep dive into the lives of those who endure and rebuild. The project itself started well before the current genocide, but as a result has taken on a new form and meaning. Professors Joudah and Muhtaseb discuss the Phoenix of Gaza XR as a project and how audiences are responding to it, as well as the relationship between technology and social justice and the challenges and changes they've seen over many years of teaching on Palestine in the U.S. Phoenix of Gaza XR: https://www.gazaxr.com/ Dr. Ahlam Muhtaseb is a professor of media studies and the graduate coordinator of the Department of Communication Studies at California State University, San Bernardino and the Ida B. Wells Senior Data Justice Fellow at Princeton University . She is also the recipient of numerous community and research awards including CSU-SB’s Outstanding Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activities and Faculty Mentor awards, the 2019 Rebuilding Alliance “Story Teller” award, and has been recently named the 2024 Women Support Organization’s Distinguished Woman of the Year. Prof. Muhtaseb co-produced and co-directed the film 1948: Creation & Catastrophe, a documentary focusing on the catastrophic consequences of 1948 for the Palestinian nation. It has been screened at over 20 film festivals and at universities and community organizations. In 2019, the film won the Jerusalem International Film Festival’s Special Jury Award. She is also the producer and lead researcher of the documentary 36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime which centered the three young Muslims murdered in Chapel Hill in 2015 and discusses the state of hate crimes, Islamophobia, and racism in the United States. Nour Joudah is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian American Studies at UCLA and a former President’s and Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Geography at UC-Berkeley (2022-23). Dr. Joudah completed her PhD in Geography at UCLA (2022), and wrote her dissertation Mapping Decolonized Futures: Indigenous Visions for Hawaii and Palestine on the efforts by Palestinian and native Hawaiian communities to imagine and work toward liberated futures while centering indigenous duration as a non-linear temporality. Her work examines mapping practices and indigenous survival and futures in settler states, highlighting how indigenous countermapping is a both cartographic and decolonial praxis. She also has a MA in Arab Studies from Georgetown University, and wrote her MA thesis on the role and perception of exile politics within the Palestinian liberation struggle, in particular among politically active Palestinian youth living in the United States and occupied Palestine. Prof. Joudah is a 2024 FMEP non-residential Fellow. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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Can Syria Rebuild?

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Peter Beinart and analyst Maha Yahya discuss the new developments in Syria. They look at how Syria's new leaders governed in the areas they controlled over the last few years, why some Syrian minorities are fleeing to Lebanon, and whether Turkey will pursue the Kurds in Syria. Maha Yahya is director of the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center, where her work focuses broadly on political violence and identity politics, pluralism, development and social justice after the Arab uprisings, the challenges of citizenship, and the political and socio-economic implications of the migration/refugee crisis. Prior to joining Carnegie, Yahya led work on Participatory Development and Social Justice at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA). Yahya has worked with international organizations and in the private sector as a consultant on projects related to socioeconomic policy analysis, development policies, cultural heritage, poverty reduction, housing and community development, and postconflict reconstruction in various countries including Lebanon, Pakistan, Oman, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Yahya is the author of numerous publications, including most recently Unheard Voices: What Syrian Refugees Need to Return Home (April 2018) and The Summer of Our Discontent: Sects and Citizens in Lebanon and Iraq (June 2017). Peter Beinart is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Foundation for Middle East Peace. He is also a Professor of Journalism and Political Science at the City University of New York, a Contributing opinion writer at the New York Times, an Editor-at-Large at Jewish Currents, and an MSNBC Political Commentator. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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Connecting the Bullets: Guns on the Kitchen Table to Organized Crime to Crimes Against Humanity

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP's Sarah Anne Minkin speaks with attorney and activist Meisa Irshaid, activist and author Rela Mazali, and Professor Jonathan Metzl about the proliferation of guns in civilian spaces in Israel/Palestine. They discuss the the acceleration of organized crime and gun violence in Palestinian communities inside of '48 Israel, the mass armament of Jewish Israeli citizens, mostly men, on both sides of the Green Line, spearheaded by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, and the links between militarization, occupation, and crimes against humanity. Meisa Irshaid is an attorney and an activist, legal advisor to the NGO Gun Free Kitchen Tables, board member at the Human Rights Defenders Fund and former attorney in the Public Committee Against Torture-Israel. A Palestinian citizen of Israel, Meisa is also co-founder of the group Women Against Weapons, focusing on fact finding among Palestinians in Israel combining perspectives on gender and ethnicity. Rela Mazali is a writer, independent scholar and feminist anti-militarist who co-founded Gun Free Kitchen Tables, where she now serves as the coalition coordinator. Rela was born Jewish in Israel, where she has lived most of her life, which–as she sees it–places her in a position of privilege, that she has resisted since 1980 by actively opposing Israel’s militarization and military occupation, co-founding the New Profile movement to demilitarize society and state in 1998 and the small arms disarmament and gun control project, the Gun Free Kitchen Tables Coalition, in 2010. Dr. Jonathan Metzl is a psychiatrist and sociologist, and Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Psychiatry, and the director of the Department of Medicine, Health, and Society, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Jonathan works on a wide range of issues, including mental illness and gun violence and race and whiteness in America. He is the author of many books, most recently What We’ve Become: Living and Dying in a Country of Arms. Sarah Anne Minkin, PhD, is FMEP’s Director of Programs & Partnerships. She leads FMEP’s programming, works to deepen FMEP’s relationships with existing and potential grantees, and builds relationships with new partners in the philanthropic community. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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Eyewitness to Israel's Intentionally Created Health Apocalypse in Gaza

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP President Lara Friedman speaks with Dr. Tammy Abughnaim, an American physician who has been to Gaza twice since 10/7/23, serving as a humanitarian physician and has worked at Al-Aqsa Hospital and Nasser Medical Complex; and Dr. Yara Asi, assistant professor at the University of Central Florida in the School of Global Health Management and Informatics, and visiting scholar at the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University, where she is co-director of the Palestine Program for Health and Human Rights. Dr. Asi is also a non-resident fellow at the Arab Center Washington DC, a 2020-2021 Fulbright U.S. scholar to the `West Bank, and a 2023 Palestine fellow for the Foundation for Middle East Peace. For show notes/resources see: https://fmep.org/resource/eyewitness-to-is…ocalypse-in-gaza/


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How and Why South African Care About Palestinians

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Peter Beinart speaks with writer and editor William Shoki about the history of South Africa and Israel, how South Africa's government sees its global role, and how South Africans think about Israel/Palestine in comparison to post-apartheid South Africa. William Shoki is a writer and editor of the online magazine & archive Africa is a Country. He is based in Cape Town, South Africa. Peter Beinart is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Foundation for Middle East Peace. He is also a Professor of Journalism and Political Science at the City University of New York, a Contributing opinion writer at the New York Times, an Editor-at-Large at Jewish Currents, and an MSNBC Political Commentator. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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A Cartography of Genocide

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Non-Resident Fellow Peter Beinart talks to Eyal Weizman about his work at Forensic Architecture and the recently released "Cartography of Genocide" - an interactive platform that maps Israel's genocidal bombardment of Gaza and use of mass evacuation orders to destroy civilian life. Along with the platform, Forensic Architecture released a 827-page report documenting Israeli war crimes and has presented its evidence and findings to the International Court of Justice. For resources, please visit: https://fmep.org/resource/the-cartography-of-genocide/


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Understanding Palestinian Pain & Resistance: Reporting from the West Bank

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Nour Joudah speaks with journalist Mariam Barghouti about reporting from the ground in the West Bank, views on the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian resistance, and understanding Israeli violence in Gaza and the West Bank within the larger frame of Palestinian history. Mariam Barghouti is a Palestinian writer and commentator based in Ramallah. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, Al-Jazeera English, Huffington Post, +972 Magazine, International Business Times and more. Nour Joudah is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian American Studies at UCLA, former President’s and Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Geography at UC-Berkeley (2022-23), and 2024 FMEP Fellow. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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Beyond unipolarity and the 'rules-based international order' toward a "Better Order Project"

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Peter Beinart speaks with policy experts Zack Paikin and Trita Parsi about the the new report they co-authored, “Toward a Better Security Order,” the first report by the Quincy Institute's Better Order Project. The report is the result of discussions with over 130 experts, scholars, and practitioners from over 40 countries, aspiring to put together a set of recommendations to stabilize international order as it (as they argue) transitions from away from a unipolar structure. They discuss the Biden administration's focus on the so-called "rules-based international order," recommendations for reforming the UN Security Council, and expectations for the incoming administration led by a president who, in the words of Trita Parsi, has "neither patience for rules nor laws." For more information, please visit: https://fmep.org/?post_type=resource&p=29872&preview=true


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Israel’s UNRWA Ban: What it means for Gaza, the UN and the World

On 11/28/24, despite warnings by the international community against such a step, Israel’s Knesset voted overwhelmingly to adopt two laws that effectively ban the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), the UN agency that has served the needs of Palestinian refugees since 1949, from operating in Israel and the Israeli-occupied territories (West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem). Experts weigh in on what these laws say and what they will mean for Palestinian refugees. Find resources and speaker bios at: https://fmep.org/event/israels-unrwa-ban-what-it-means-for-gaza-the-un-and-the-world/


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Holding Israeli Media Accountable: Incitement to Genocide is a Crime

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP's Sarah Anne Minkin speaks with Israeli human rights attorney Alon Sapir about the legal complaint he recently filed, together with other Israeli attorneys, accusing Israeli media Channel 14 of incitement to genocide against Palestinians and other grave crimes. As Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza continues, intensifying especially in northern Gaza where hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians face mass displacement and forced hunger, the legal effort Alon describes represents one concrete attempt to hold promoters of genocide accountable for their speech and actions. Alon Sapir is a human rights attorney with ten years experience in the field. He is currently completing an LLM in National Security Law at Georgetown University. Sarah Anne Minkin, PhD, is FMEP's Director of Programs & Partnerships. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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"The clash between the stories we tell & the reality of life on the ground"

FMEP Fellow Peter Beinart speaks with journalist and author Ta-Nehisi Coates about Coates' new book, The Message. Coates’ website describes this part of the book this way: “Coates travels to Palestine, where he sees with devastating clarity how easily we are misled by nationalist narratives, and the tragedy that lies in the clash between the stories we tell and the reality of life on the ground.” This conversation was co-sponsored by the Beinart Notebook and Jewish Currents and produced by Jesse Brenneman. Original music by Jalal Yacquoub.


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Israel’s Plans for a “New Order” in the Middle East - a conversation with Mouin Rabbani

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP President Lara Friedman speaks with Mouin Rabbani about Israel's war on Gaza, its offensive in Lebanon, and how these and other developments fit into Israel's broader objectives in the region, most notably with respect to Iran. Mouin is widely published analyst and commentator on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya E-zine. Show notes: https://fmep.org/resource/conversation-with-mouin-rabbani/ ‎


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The (Bipartisan) Betrayal of Arab Americans

FMEP Fellow Peter Beinart speaks with Maya Berry, Executive Director of the Arab American Institute to discuss Maya’s experience testifying on hate crimes before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where several Republican Senators challenged her in expressly anti-Arab ways. For more information and resources, please visit: https://fmep.org/resource/the-bipartisan-betrayal-of-arab-americans/


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The (Bipartisan) Betrayal of Arab Americans

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Peter Beinart speaks with Maya Berry, Executive Director of the Arab American Institute. The two discuss Maya's experience testifying on hate crimes before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September, where several Republican Senators challenged her in expressly anti-Arab ways. Peter and May discuss Maya's testimony on anti-Arab hate crimes and why it's so difficult to collect good data on them. Additionally, Peter and Maya talk about the 2024 presidential election and the ways in which Vice President Kamala Harris has botched her relationship with Arab Americans. For video & more on Maya Berry's testimony in the 9/17/24 hearing, see the resources on our landing page: https://fmep.org/resource/the-bipartisan-betrayal-of-arab-americans/ Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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Palestine in the 2024 U.S. Elections

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP President Lara Friedman discusses how Palestine is one of the defining issues of the 2024 elections with Rania Batrice, and FMEP 2024 non-Resident Fellow. Read more: https://fmep.org/resource/palestine-in-the-2024-u-s-elections/


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U.S. Policy Through the Looking Glass

FMEP Non-resident Fellow Rania Batrice talks with Matt Duss (Center for International Policy) about the current state of politics on Israel and Palestine in the U.S..


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The Accountability Archive

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Non-Resident Fellow Nour Joudah speaks with Philip Proudfoot and Mahdi Zaidan from the Accountability Archive (@archivegenocide), which describes itself as a “crowdsourced record of journalists, politicians, and public figures endorsing or encouraging the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and/or defaming pro-Palestinian activists.” The trio discuss how the archive came about, how it is coming along, and plans for the future, as well as what it has been like to undertake both such a massive project as well as the experience of wading through such incredibly graphic material.


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Turning Pain into Power: Feeding Families & Bringing Attention to Gaza

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Rania Batrice speaks with Hani Almadhoun, Gaza native, Director of Philanthropy at UNRWA USA, and co-founder, along with his family in Gaza, of Gaza Soup Kitchen. They discuss survival and loss in Gaza, where Hani's parents, siblings, and extended family live, and the project his family created to provide meals and clean water to thousands of Palestinians in Gaza. Rania and Hani also talk about the hopes and priorities for Palestinians in the United States and how people in America see the Palestinian cause. They draw from Hani's work at UNRWA USA -- including the recent jump in donors to UNRWA USA from 10,000 to 120,000 donors -- as well as Hani's experience attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent speech in Congress as a guest of Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. Hani Almadhoun is the Director of Philanthropy at UNRWA USA and co-founder of Gaza Soup Kitchen. Born in the Emirates, Hani's family fled to the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the first Gulf War. It was tough adjusting to the harsh conditions in Gaza during the First Intifada, but his family was made whole again when his dad got a job at an UNRWA school teaching English to refugees. A child of an educator, Hani was raised with the mantra of school being the top priority, and in this pursuit, he eventually found his way to the United States, thanks to a university scholarship from the LDS Church. After earning both his Masters in Public Administration and his BA in International Studies and Latin American studies from Brigham Young University, Hani settled in Washington, DC where he fell into the world of fundraising for various causes that spoke to him, including civil rights and social justice groups for Muslim and Arab Americans and charities that serve the Palestinian people and other marginalized communities in the Middle East. Rania Batrice is an activist and strategist for progressive change, a public relations specialist, and a political consultant. She is one of two FMEP 2024 Palestinian non-resident Fellows. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.


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Harrison Mann on Immoral Policy, Looming Regional War, and Leaving the Biden Administration

In this episode of Occupied Thoughts, FMEP Fellow Peter Beinart speaks with Harrison Mann, a former U.S. Army major and executive officer of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Middle East/Africa Regional Center who resigned in protest of his office’s support for Israel during its Gaza campaign. They discuss Harrison's decision to resign, why government officials continue to implement policies they consider immoral, and how U.S. intelligence internally predicted almost everything that has happened in Israel's assault. They also compare some elements of U.S. and Israeli policy and look at how and why the US may be dragged into a regional war. Peter Beinart is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Foundation for Middle East Peace. He is also a Professor of Journalism and Political Science at the City University of New York, a Contributing opinion writer at the New York Times, an Editor-at-Large at Jewish Currents, and an MSNBC Political Commentator. Harrison Mann is a former U.S. Army major and executive officer of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Middle East/Africa Regional Center who resigned in protest of his office’s support for Israel during its Gaza campaign. He previously served as a Middle East all-source intelligence analyst and led a crisis cell coordinating intelligence support for Ukraine. Prior to DIA, he worked at the U.S. Embassy Tunis Office of Security Cooperation and led Army Civil Affairs teams combatting regional smuggling under U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) in Bahrain. Harrison began his Army career as an infantry officer. He received a B.A. from the College of William & Mary and a Master in Public Administration from the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government. Original music by Jalal Yaquoub.
