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Resistance Radio with John and Regan

News & Politics Podcasts

"Resistance Radio” is where Native voices are offered to the public discourse on Native issues and issues that affect us all. “Resistance Radio" airs live every Thursday at 3:00 PM EST on WBAI 99.5 FM in NYC. "Resistance Radio" is the only Native hosted, live, call-in radio talk show in a major market.


United States


"Resistance Radio” is where Native voices are offered to the public discourse on Native issues and issues that affect us all. “Resistance Radio" airs live every Thursday at 3:00 PM EST on WBAI 99.5 FM in NYC. "Resistance Radio" is the only Native hosted, live, call-in radio talk show in a major market.



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Voting is NOT activism. Refusing to vote does NOT take away your voice or your right to speak out!

I will not voting in any US election. I never have and never will. I reject US citizenship and refuse to participate in the systems of my own oppression. BUT! I am not telling others not to vote. Just don't ONLY vote!


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Trump's ear, Biden's Covid; What a debacle! Jim Thorpe Longest Run Anniversary. And I explain Condolence.



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7/11/24; Quit trying to suck us into your culture wars!

I won't vote in your election. You have stretched the notion of the lesser of two evils to the breaking point.


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Yup! It's the Fourth of July! Independence Day? Not so much. Not for a country built on slavery and genocide!

From "merciless Indian Savages" to forced citizenship. Scalp bounties, massacres, and theft of our lands and our children. This day marked not a declaration of independence but of a war against anything in their way!


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6/27/24; A live show with live callers. My good friend Donna Fann-Boyle slipped in as a caller!



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Juneteenth! By all means, Celebrate! But "Freedom Day?" We need to talk!

On June 19th 1865, Native people were improsoned in open air prisons called "reservations." Native children we being ripped away from their families and communities, and sent to child prisons called "residential schools," where they were abused, beaten, raped and killed for who they were. Informing some of the last enslaved human beings in the US that slavery was supposed to have been ended two years prior, was not the same as granting freedom.


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Who do I speak for and who am I talking to?

I do not speak for all Native people; not by a long shot! But more and more Native people are coming around. My goal is to empower the next generation of activists. We need allies and accomplices.


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100 Years have passed since the US attempted to force citizenship upon Native people.

But what about the 150 years prior? From Merciless Indian Savages to incompetent wards of the state to forced citizenship. We'll take a look.


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TAXES! State taxes! Federal taxes! What taxes do Native people pay?

The majority of legal battles Native people have with the state and federal governments is over taxation!


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Fund Drive for Resistance Radio on WBAI in New York City

Resistance Radio broadcasts on WBAI Radio 99.5 FM in NYC. Support the station in the name of Resistance Radio by calling 212-209-2950.


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50 years of the pro-sovereignty movement. Our accomplishments and our failures.



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Land Back is not just about land. It's about space; space in print and on air.

If you believe Native people deserve land back, you must also believe we deserve space on air and in print.


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MMIW Awareness Day is Sunday. And the clock is ticking on a bad land claim deal

Any "deal" that extinguishes Native title to our homelands is unacceptable and NO ONE has the authority to sellout the birthright of our children.


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Gentrification is not just about taking over neighborhoods

Native people were driven off our lands at gunpoint by armies. We were defrauded, lied to and cheated in every way possible. Today we are robbed by lawyers trying to "settle" land claims; which are really just lopsided land sales to extinguish our land titles.


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The US Mint claims the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 granted dual citizenship. It doesn't!

One of many narratives promoted to justify stripping and replacing our citizenship.


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If we accept that the US made us all citizens in 1924, are we still sovereign?Is our land? Are we still wards?

The US passed the Indian Citizenship Act in 1924, declaring all Native people to be US citizens. So, are we? What does that mean? Dual citizenship? Voting rights. Taxable. Doe the US hold the underlying title to our lands?


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MLK was assassinated on this day in 1968. How have things improved since then or have they? MMIW: My view on causes.

56 years after the assassination of the country's most famous peace activist, the list of unarmed Black people killed by police continues to grow. And any suggestions of police reforms, if anything are being rolled back in the midst of America's culture wars. Bureaucrats create paper to address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and NEVER address quality of life issues.


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100 years after the US declared Native people to be US citizens and 100 years prior. Who are we?

The Indian Citizenship Act was not a grant for a pathway to citizenship. It was a declaration with no choice or option associated with it. It was NOT the creation of dual citizenship. It was the erasure of ours and the imposition of theirs.


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Erasing the Erasure: Asserting and Defending Identity

We lack any true sense of identity if we don't know or carry our past forward. But going forward with a distinct identity requires a knowledge of how to fight and defend that identity.


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Killers of the Flower Moon went 0 for 10 at the Oscars and RES 2024 wrapped up in Vegas this week

I offer my thoughts on what many have called an Oscar snub to one of the most incredible stories ever told on film. The Reservation Economic Summit was this week in Vegas. The theme was "Strength In Unity." Sounds good! I share some thoughts.
