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That Trippi Show

News & Politics Podcasts

If you're looking for someone who actually knows how presidential and national politics works to explain what's going on in 30 minutes or less, this is the show for you. Joe Trippi is a longtime Democratic campaign manager who ran the progressive Howard Dean presidential campaign in 2004 and the historic Doug Jones Senate campaign to defeat Roy Moore in 2017. He's seen it all and isn't bogged down by the viral tweets or hot takes du jour. He's looking past the headlines to answer the questions that matter: How do Democrats win key races moving forward? How do we convince voters to make Republicans pay for January 6th and its aftermath? What are we headed for in November? Don't just listen to the talking heads. Learn from an expert. Subscribe now to That Trippi Show. New episodes every Friday (at least!).


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If you're looking for someone who actually knows how presidential and national politics works to explain what's going on in 30 minutes or less, this is the show for you. Joe Trippi is a longtime Democratic campaign manager who ran the progressive Howard Dean presidential campaign in 2004 and the historic Doug Jones Senate campaign to defeat Roy Moore in 2017. He's seen it all and isn't bogged down by the viral tweets or hot takes du jour. He's looking past the headlines to answer the questions that matter: How do Democrats win key races moving forward? How do we convince voters to make Republicans pay for January 6th and its aftermath? What are we headed for in November? Don't just listen to the talking heads. Learn from an expert. Subscribe now to That Trippi Show. New episodes every Friday (at least!).





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It's official - Joe Biden is not running for re-election. Joe weighs in on his historic Oval Office address - and why it should remind all of us why we elected him in the first place. And now that the torch has been passed - what does Joe make of the enthusiasm so far? How can the Harris campaign capitalize on their momentum - and what do they need in a VP pick? Plus - what Joe's seeing in the data that should have Trump and MAGA very worried about Project 2025. And speaking of VP picks, is JD Vance ok? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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A crazy RNC, the latest on President Biden, and how to win this fall

Of course, news breaks while Joe and Alex are explaining the Democrats' best path forward to the Presidency... what does Joe think is coming next? What did Trump see in JD Vance? Turns out, flattery will get you a vice presidential nomination... but will he add any votes? Plus - is anything said at the RNC actually breaking through? And why 'unity' is the last word Joe would use to describe the RNC. When they try to pivot, you shouldn't fall for it. But the media will. And for your moment of Zen, take a minute and read David's message: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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"End the noise, get to work, and win"

The sky is not falling! Joe explains how Democrats can end the noise, get to work - and beat Donald Trump this fall. Hint: when 53% of undecided voters think you're a threat to democracy, it's not going to end well... And why the winning contrast keeps getting clearer. What can Democrats do to really hammer it home? And what new issue data (not head to head polls) points to even more growth for Democrats this fall? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Even after all this - Trump is going to lose.

Joe and Alex discuss the fallout from last week's debate performance - and the fallout from one of the scariest Supreme Court rulings in recent memory. SCOTUS just sent a clear signal: this election matters even MORE now - so what does that mean for Democrats moving forward? Why Joe thinks that even though there are no easy answers - why Democrats can find optimism for the race in the fall and why yes, he'd still rather be us than them... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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"Yeah, but Trump is not going to win the presidency. He's that bad."

Yes, we do talk about the debate. Yes, Alex watched steeplechase too. But where do both candidates go from here? Joe explains why - yes, President Biden struggled tonight - but why Trump didn't run away with the debate either. What's the biggest problem Joe Biden has to overcome? (Hint: it wasn't his performance.) And why does Joe think that regardless of tonight's results - Trump still won't be president? How Democrats should take heart in Joe Biden doing what's needed to beat Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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"This could be a blowout"

Joe and Alex discuss the latest from the Sunshine State... why Florida might be closer than people realize. And what does that mean nationally? We zoom out and look at that new Fox News poll that has some VERY encouraging numbers under the hood. Turns out 34 felony convictions isn't actually a good thing... And what does Joe think President Biden has to do to win the debate next week? It all comes down to one word... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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More election results! MAGA should be very worried...

Another big warning sign for Trump and MAGA after a massive underperformance in Ohio. Why Sherrod Brown has to be optimistic after a 20 point decline for Republicans... in Trump country, no less. How should Democrats message the Hunter Biden verdict? Joe thinks it's simpler than everyone is making it. And with more good news on the economy - will President Biden's performance start catching up to battleground Senate candidates? And Joe gets his crystal ball back out to answer a few listener questions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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D-Day. 34 felony counts. Talk about a contrast!

Thursday marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day -- hear why Joe thinks the contrast between Trump and President Biden has never been clearer. And do not believe the media both-sidesing - being convicted of 34 felonies is very, very bad for Trump. Joe shoots down the fantasy that it actually *helps* him... and how should we all be campaigning about the verdict? And we check in on the rest of the campaign -- what new data is Joe looking at that shows Trump is toast? Watch President Biden's D-Day speech here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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No freakouts required, Democrats!

Has the damage already been done with Trump's criminal trial? Joe and Alex discuss just how bad a guilty verdict could be for Trump. What two matters signal big trouble if Trump is convicted (and even if he isn't)? Why the Biden campaign's guerilla tactics matter. And no, Joe isn't freaking out - and neither should Democrats about Joe Biden's chances. Yes, we have work to do. But Joe explains why he'd rather be us than them. Finally - can anything be done about the Supreme Court? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Turns out, Trump's the sucker- Joe Biden's strategic masterclass

Two candidates, two speeches -- why President Biden's Morehouse speech and Trump's NRA debacle sum up the contrast between the two. It's not just about what they're saying. Joe thinks there's a clear tactical difference that's going to hurt Trump in the long term. And that's not even getting into Trump putting out more Hitlerian video content or going after birth control. Plus - Joe explains how President Biden suckered Trump into agreeing to a debate - and why it plays right into Joe Biden's hands. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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"Almost everything is up for grabs"

We spend a lot of time talking about the odds - and not enough time talking about the stakes for 2024. Mike Podhorzer joins Joe and Alex to discuss the long-term implications of the 2024 presidential race -- and how pervasive the Federalist Society's influence on our judiciary has been. What might the Supreme Court look like after another term of Trump in 2028? Bottom line: It's all on the line in 2024. Mike and Joe explain why we have to look at what's already happening in red states or in places where MAGA already controls the judiciary. So what do we do about it? How do we make our democracy better for more people? Read Mike's latest on the Federalist Society and the stakes of the Court: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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"Put country over party and we beat Trump. That's it. That's the whole ballgame" - with Trygve Olson

Our friend Trygve Olson rejoins the show to talk about the latest in the race -- and some things under the hood that may surprise you. Where are President Biden and Trump weak right now? And what can they do about it? (Hint: Look at Joe Biden bringing jobs to Wisconsin where Trump failed bigly!) What to make of some really encouraging numbers coming out of Wisconsin - and why some of the under the hood data means Trump's got an even bigger hill to climb there. Where are the key voters President Biden needs to reach to win? Trygve breaks it all down in an episode you don't want to miss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Rick Wilson is in the house! How we're going to beat Trump...

Our friend Rick Wilson joins the show for his unique take on the keys to sending Trump back to his golden toilet in November. What are the 3 reasons why Rick is much more optimistic - and why we all should feel that way? And what is it about Trump Derangement Syndrome that just won't go away? When they tell you who they are, believe them -- and how Kristi Noem bragging about killing her dog is a symbol of a much grosser rot in MAGAworld. How do we make sure RFK Jr. doesn't spoil the election? And what will Rick and The Lincoln Project be doing to take the fight to Trump? Listen to Rick's pod, The Enemies List, wherever you get your podcasts. And check out Rick's Substack at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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"Don't fall for the massive GOP head fake"

More than a week into the Sleepy Don election interference trial, are Trump's legal troubles finally catching up to him? Joe explains just how damaging they've been to Trump. And why you shouldn't be fooled by the new polls suggesting RFK Jr. hurts Trump more than President Biden. Joe explains why it's all a huge head fake -- why the money doesn't lie. Plus: What numbers from a key Pennsylvania district should have Team Trump very worried? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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A Senate Democratic fundraising avalanche burying MAGA

Joe and Alex zoom out to answer the most common listener question from 2024.The massive momentum shift towards President Biden in almost every recent poll is no fluke -- why? And why MAGA's huge fundraising hole matters even more than people realize -- and why the Senate is back in play. What about the House? Has "MAGA Mike" really changed his tune -- and will it matter? And should President Biden debate Trump? Finally, Joe and Alex highlight a new leaked Kremlin document showing the depths of Russian election interference. Read more about the latest Russian interference: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Steve Bannon's not-so-secret plan for 100 years of MAGA rule with Isaac Arnsdorf

What's behind the MAGA movement? On a special guest episode, Isaac Arnsdorf joins Joe and Alex to discuss his new book "Finish What We Started - The MAGA Movement's Ground War to End Democracy." Why Steve Bannon's rhetoric isn't just bluster. The depth of the psychological underpinnings of MAGA go way beyond any one issue. And how do we fight back? Hear why Isaac thinks turning Bannon's model around on MAGA may be our way out of this mess. Read the book now: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Trump's "Sledgehammer" problem

One spoiler down, another to go. No Labels is out of the Presidential fight - but Joe gets into why Trumpland is feeling good about RFK Jr. - including funneling $20m from a top donor his way. How is the media still missing the point about all these spoilers? Plus - can Trump actually talk his way out of his big abortion problem? Joe explains why the problem runs much, much deeper than most realize. And why the GOP is all in, sledgehammer or not. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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"The must read of the decade" - exposing Trump's 2025 takeover blueprint

Joe and Alex discuss a bombshell New York Times piece from our friend Tom Edsall on just how deep the Trump dark money apparatus goes -- over 100 groups, $2 billion in funding... and very little of it out in the open. Why Project 2025 is a blueprint for turning America into a pro-Trump authoritarian state. What are we supposed to do about it? Then, Joe and Alex explain why right-wing pollsters have the media trapped in a false polling narrative -- why is the mainstream media so obsessed with pro-Trump polling? Read Tom Edsall's piece in the New York Times here: Watch Jonathan Last's pod here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The "Lost Middle" with Scott Klug

Joe and Alex are joined by former Congressman Scott Klug, host of the "Lost in the Middle" podcast. Scott's exploring the stories of Americans who are "lost" in the polarization today -- how does he see the fever breaking? What are the solutions he's found from Americans' stories? And we can't let him go without a Wisconsin preview - how does Scott see the state playing out in 2024? Check out the pod at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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"This isn't going to end well for Trump and MAGA"

More positive momentum for Joe Biden this week in battleground states - Joe and Alex get into the numbers that really matter. And why the Alabama special election victory this week is a sign of things to come for Democrats. Does Trump's wild week really matter long-term? Joe thinks it does. And why making fun of Trump is so effective beyond just clicks on social media. What happened with NBC and Ronna McDaniel? And yes, Democrats can win the Senate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
