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The Ben Domenech Podcast

Fox News

Each week Ben Domenech offers his perspective on the latest news of the day. With a new episode available twice weekly, the program welcomes politicians, authors, musicians and journalists for engaging interviews that go beyond the day’s headlines.


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Fox News


Each week Ben Domenech offers his perspective on the latest news of the day. With a new episode available twice weekly, the program welcomes politicians, authors, musicians and journalists for engaging interviews that go beyond the day’s headlines.



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Setting the Record Straight On Project 2025

Misinformation from the Left regarding Project 2025, a policy initiative developed by the Heritage Foundation and conservative allies, has been spreading like wildfire. President of The Heritage Foundation Kevin Roberts clarifies the goals of Project 2025 and clears up the lies that the Left has been spewing about the initiative. Plus, they discuss their predictions for the upcoming election and how difficult it has become to find qualified people to serve in government. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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What's Next For The Democrats

Amidst growing pressure from the media and Democratic elites, President Biden announced he was withdrawing from the 2024 Presidential Race; it now appears that Vice President Kamala Harris is close to clinching the Democratic nomination. Ben analyzes Vice President Harris' record, as well as how she will run her campaign. He notes how the political class, media, and pop culture stars will prop her up to avoid showing some of her more unhinged tendencies and poor record to the public. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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An Attempted Assassination, A Convention & A Presidency On The Brink

Ben recaps one of the most monumental weeks in American political history as former President Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt, accepted a Presidential nomination, and selected a vice-presidential nominee all within the course of around 52 hours. Plus, the wagons are circling around President Biden as key ally of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) publicly called for the President to step aside. Later, Ben gives his unique perspective on these major political stories and shares where we will go as a nation in the coming days and years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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ENCORE: President Biden & President Trump Agree On This One Thing

On this encore episode, Ben revisits his thoughts on both President Biden and former President Trump agreeing to two debates this year. With one debate down and the other two months away, voters can see both candidates in full view. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Unraveling Of The Biden White House

Following President Biden’s shaky CNN Presidential debate performance, Democratic voters tuned into his exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos hoping to settle their hesitation surrounding the President’s capability to defeat former President Trump come November. Unfortunately, that hope did not come to pass. Ben reacts to the speculation regarding President Biden’s political future and whether his party will seek out alternative options. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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ENCORE: Fourth Of July Reading Selections With Ben Domenech

To commemorate the Fourth of July, Ben revisits some historical passages he finds relevant to the holiday and the current political climate. A few of the selections include President George Washington, political philosopher Alexander De Tocqueville, and abolitionist and author Frederick Douglass. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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On The Anniversary of Dobbs, Surprising Evidence About Abortion Politics

The politics of abortion is sparking concern among many Republican candidates ahead of the 2024 election. However, Ben examines the reality of the abortion issue and explains why it isn't as motivating as Democrats make it out to be. Later, Ben discusses how the pro-life movement can move forward, more effectively. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Telling Better Stories Is Essential To Defending Freedom

As the country stands just a week out from the CNN presidential debate, in a consequential election viewed by most experts as a toss-up, Ben shares some of the most important histories, narratives, and skills of storytelling. Ben illustrates what Republicans can do better across the country to shape their stories to win elections and improve the lives of everyday Americans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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This Isn't Just About Hunter

As Hunter Biden is found guilty on three charges related to the illegal purchase of a gun, Ben breaks down what the verdict means for the country, President Biden, and why it goes far beyond Hunter's addiction problems. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Media Fawns Over Mexico's New President-Elect

As Mexico elects a socialist climate scientist as their new president, Ben weighs in on how ridiculous the media coverage of President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum might be if former President Donald Trump wins in November. Her election could also pose more issues for the United States at the Southern Border. Plus, he breaks down the cartel's massive influence in Mexico, and why it may be even more powerful than the government itself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Major Setback For Humanitarian Aid In Gaza

The U.S.-built temporary pier that was responsible for providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians is being removed from the coast of Gaza after becoming damaged in rough seas and weather, after less than two weeks in operation. This, after it became clear that more of the attempted aid somehow ended up in the hands of Hamas than those suffering in Gaza. Ben shares why he believes the Gaza pier policy was one of the worst decisions seen in years and one that could only have been conjured up by someone who spent their entire life in Washington, D.C. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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It's Time To Move On From The Politicized Trial

As the time for closing arguments approaches in the criminal trial of former President Donald Trump, Ben explains some of the baffling politics that we are seeing in this unique election year. Ben then pontificates on how the rest of the election may play out once the trial is in the rearview mirror. Plus, he shares why Judge Merchan has trampled upon normal legal norms to create an unlevel playing field for the former president. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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President Biden & President Trump Agree On This One Thing

This morning, President Biden released a video on 'X' challenging former President Trump to two debates this year. Bypassing the Commission on Presidential Debates, President Trump subsequently agreed to the debates, and details were quickly released by the respective networks hosting them. Ben breaks down why it was time for the outdated Commission to go and what future debates should look like to best serve the American public. Plus, Ben weighs in on Independent candidate RFK Jr.'s effect on the race and his potential non-presence at the debates. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Bizarre Rise & Fall Of Governor Kristi Noem

Ben analyzes South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's career after she admitted to killing her 14-month-old dog in her new book, and notes that when it comes to politics, Americans aren't sending their best. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Why The Democrats Won't Denounce Anti-Semitism

As anti-Semitic protests take over college campuses across the nation, most Democratic leaders have remained silent and not offered staunch reports to the state of Israel. Ben offers a sharp takedown of the lack of intellectual capacity of the protestors and puts harsh blame on academic and political institutions for allowing nonsensical behavior to continue. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Speaker Johnson Finds His Foreign Policy Footing

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) faces a motion to vacate from Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and is currently attempting to pass Ukraine funding with a razor-thin Republican majority. Opposing forces within his own party believe he has sacrificed any potential deal on border security that could have given Republicans momentum heading into the election. Ben ponders what lessons can be learned from the GOP's governing majority failures and how it could eventually lead to a 'Trump-Reagan' fusion on foreign policy. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Back to Basics With Baseball Legend Bill James

As spring and baseball season are fully underway, Ben revisits a conversation with one of the most influential people in the history of baseball, writer and statistician, Bill James. Bill weighs in on which reforms the MLB can implement to improve gameplay and fan engagement. They also explore the intersection of politics and culture in professional sports. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Revisiting A Conversation with Senator Tommy Tuberville

As Name, Image, and Likeness laws continue to drastically alter the landscape of college sports, Ben revisits a conversation with former Head Auburn Football Coach, Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AB). Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Former President Trump Toes The Line On Abortion

As the 2024 Presidential Election passes from the Primary to the General Election, former President Donald Trump released a statement detailing his official position on the issue of abortion. Despite being the President responsible for appointing the Supreme Court Justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, the former president has received criticism from former Vice President Mike Pence and other Republicans for having too moderate of a stance. Ben gives his analysis of former President Trump's policy position both on its merits, and how it will affect his and other Republican's electoral chances in November. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Remembering The Life Of Senator Joseph Lieberman

On today's episode, Ben commemorates the life of the recently passed Senator Jospeh Lieberman (D-CT) by revisiting a conversation he had with the 2000 Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee and close of companion of the recently parted Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Senator Lieberman examines the only way true legislative progress can be made is if both parties can reject extremism and embrace constructive compromise in the center and how the solutions to the nation's most pressing issue lie in working together with those you disagree with. Follow Ben on Twitter: @BDomenech Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
