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The Newsmakers

News & Politics Podcasts

The Newsmakers is TRT World’s flagship current affairs programme, featuring in-depth reports and interviews with the drivers of the biggest stories of the week. Hosted by award-winning journalist Imran Garda, we go to the heart of every issue, offering unfiltered debates, context and commentary that disrupt conventional perspectives on international affairs. We generate discussion, drive the news agenda and demand accountability from people in power. The Newsmakers is an honest and relevant take on the events that impact people around the world, and challenges the status quo.


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The Newsmakers is TRT World’s flagship current affairs programme, featuring in-depth reports and interviews with the drivers of the biggest stories of the week. Hosted by award-winning journalist Imran Garda, we go to the heart of every issue, offering unfiltered debates, context and commentary that disrupt conventional perspectives on international affairs. We generate discussion, drive the news agenda and demand accountability from people in power. The Newsmakers is an honest and relevant take on the events that impact people around the world, and challenges the status quo.





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Syria A War Without End

Over the past decade, the world witnessed peaceful, local protests against police brutality morph into one of the century's most brutal civil wars. Since 2011, bullets and bombs have terrorised the Syrian people. But the man many blame for that descent into chaos, is still in control. Bashar al Assad has ruled Syria for over twenty years and he's made it clear he has no plans to step down. While it's hoped the worst of the war is now behind us, Syria desperately needs to rebuild and forge a...


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'Hotel Rwanda' Hero's Daughter Talks To The Newsmakers

Paul Rusesabagina inspired the Oscar-nominated film Hotel Rwanda, but now the man many see as a hero is facing a series of charges including financing terrorism and murder. Are the charges against him justified, or is he being targeted for his criticism of President Paul Kagame? Guests: Carine Kanimba Daughter of Paul Rusesabagina Philip Clark International Politics Professor at SOAS University Gatete Nyiringabo Ruhumuliza Lawyer and Political Analyst


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Farmers V The BJP

Farmers in India have been protesting for months over controversial farming reforms. The ruling BJP is adamant the new laws are essential to grow India's economy, but the farmers feel they’re being cheated. Neither side is willing to back down, but eventually one will have to. Will it be the government, or the farmers? Guests: Gopal Krishna Agarwal BJP National Spokesperson Ashok Swain Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University Amandeep Sandhu Journalist and Writer


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Has Myanmar's Experiment With Democracy Come To An End

Aung San Suu Kyi's once-held reputation as a leader for peace was severely tarnished after she defended Myanmar's military against genocide charges at The Hague. No longer considered 'Asia's Nelson Mandela' she lost the support of the international community, but all the while gaining popularity at home. That seemed to anger military leaders who, disputing her party's landslide election victory in November, orchestrated a military coup on Monday that stripped Suu Kyi and the National League...


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Turmoil In Tunisia

Tunisia was hailed as one of the few successes of the Arab Spring, but a decade on thousands are once again on the streets demanding change. Protesters are furious about the country’s ailing economy, corruption and police repression. The prime minister has promised reform, but can he turn his nation’s fortunes around and restore the people’s faith in government? Guests: Radwan Masmoudi Member of Tunisia's Ennahda Party Nawres Douzi Protester and Human Rights Activist Ghaya Ben Mbarek...


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The Biden Era

Joe Biden wasted no time in reversing several of his predecessor's policies, but many challenges remain. The coronavirus is still rampant, the economy is struggling and the country is more divided than it’s been for decades. Can the newly inaugurated president bring the country back together? Guests Nate Lerner Democratic Strategist and Founder of Build the Wave Adi Sathi Chief of Staff at the Young Republicans National Federation Robert Gutsche Jr US Politics Expert and Media Lecturer at...


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Europe's Slow COVID - 19 Vaccine Roll - Out

91-year-old Margaret Keenan was, for one day last December, quite possibly the most famous woman on earth. Millions watched as the British grandmother from Coventry, dressed in her Christmas jumper, became the first person to receive the coronavirus vaccine. As people around the world breathed a collective sigh of relief they would soon be next, hopes rose that an end to the pandemic was in sight. But since then, optimism has turned to desperation as the number of dead and infected across...


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Trump’s Presidential Pardons

From the recent storming of the Capitol building to his decision to pardon convicted war criminals, Donald Trump’s final few weeks in office have been shrouded in controversy. On this episode of The Newsmakers we look at some of the president’s more questionable acts of clemency, including the pardoning of four security guards who were found guilty of manslaughter after the Nisour Square massacre in 2007, where more than dozen Iraqi civilians were shot and killed. It took years for the...


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Was 2020 The Worst Year Ever

The past 12 months have brought fires, protests, panic and let's not forget supermarket brawls. If Google search trends are anything to go by, ‘Coronavirus’ and the US ‘Election results’ are the chart-toppers. With a year that brought mass change to how we socialise, work and live. We look back at how the world coped, in what many believe is the worst year in history. Guests Denis MacShane Former UK Minister for Europe Brad Evans Curator of 'The Quarantine Files: Thinkers in Self-Isolation'...


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Morocco-Israel Reconciliation Deal

In a deal brokered by the Trump administration, Morocco has normalised ties with Israel, making them the fourth Arab League member to do so. In return, Morocco requested the US recognise its sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara region; an area claimed by the Polisario Front, a nationalist movement backed by Algeria that has pursued independence for more than 40 years. So will this deal bring stability to the region? Or will it further fuel the conflict? Guests Yasmine Hasnaoui Board...


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Are Saudi Arabia And Qatar On The Road To Reconciliation

The Arab world was rocked by a bitter diplomatic rift that erupted between Doha and Riyadh in 2017 after Saudi Arabia and its regional allies imposed a crippling blockade on Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorism. But it appears a deal to end the dispute is now within reach, and a lot of credit is going to the Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner. His recent trip to the region is reported to have helped negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but while many are...


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France’s Security Law | Interview with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's Press Secretary

Following nationwide protests, the French government has backtracked on a controversial security law. Article 24 would make it a criminal offence to film, post online and share images of police officers on duty if the state believed it could cause them harm. Emmanuel Macron’s party will now do a ‘total rewrite’ of the bill. Plus, we challenge the Prime Minister's Press Secretary over the government’s claims that there were no civilian casualties during the military offensive, ask why there’s...


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Trump Orders Partial US Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Donald Trump pledged to bring home US troops from foreign wars, and in the final few weeks of his presidency he’s trying to do just that. The US President has ordered the withdrawal of 2,500 soldiers from Afghanistan. But have they left the country worse off than when they entered all those years ago? Guests: Javid Faisal Former Deputy Spokesperson for the Chief Executive of Afghanistan Adam Weinstein Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute Jeffrey Stacey Former State Department Official...


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The Battle For Tigray

Hundreds of people have been killed and thousands displaced as a result of fighting between Ethiopia’s military and Tigrayan rebel forces in the north. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s administration alleges that the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, the TPLF, led a surprise assault on a federal army base, which forced the government to retaliate. Now, the army is making a final push on Tigray’s capital, Mekelle. With neither side looking to back down, how can this conflict be resolved? Guests...


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How Biden Beat Trump

More than 150 million Americans voted in the US election and the majority voted for the former vice president. Joe Biden became the first candidate in history to receive more than 75 million votes and counting. But victory was not as sweet as the Democrats had hoped. Pollsters predicted a landslide, but the elections revealed just how bitterly divided the nation still is. But despite Trump's claims of voter fraud, Biden will most certainly take office in January. So, how did he pull it off?...


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US Election 2020

In an election night speech, US President Donald Trump claimed he secured another four years and accused Democratic rival Joe Biden of trying to steal the election. But as ballots remain to be counted in key battleground states, did the president call it too soon? And could this divisive US election end up being decided in the Supreme Court? Guests: Harry Litman Former US Deputy Assistant Attorney General Michael Johns Co-founder the US Tea Party Movement Charles Kupchan National Security...


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Muslim World's Falling Out With France

The Muslim world is in uproar after French President Macron criticised Islam and defended Charlie Hebdo caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. Across the Middle East and South Asia, the backlash is expressing itself not just in the streets but in supermarkets and shopping malls. The hashtag 'Boycott France' is trending on social media and everything from cheese to perfume is being pulled off store shelves. But will these protests aimed at hurting French pocketbooks have any effect? Guests:...


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What Will It Take To End Anti - Police Brutality Protests In Nigeria

The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) was formed to protect Nigerians, but it may have been doing the exact opposite. The notorious police squad is accused of murder, extortion and torture, and the Nigerian people have had enough. Mass protests have spread across the country demanding an end to police brutality. President Muhammadu Buhari gave in to demonstrators' initial demand and scrapped SARS. But many protesters say that's not enough and want those responsible to face justice. So, will...


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Prosecuting The Far-Right

Golden Dawn, once the third most popular political party in Greece, committed murder, assault, and even human trafficking. A court has now found the neo-fascist group guilty and its leaders have been sentenced to more than a decade behind bars, but what about its far-right thinking? Will this guilty verdict have any kind of impact or will the ideology continue to rise across Europe? Guests: Dimitrios Papadimoulis European Parliament Vice President Daphne Halikiopoulou Author of ‘The Golden...


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Discussing Khashoggi Documentary 'The Dissident' With Oscar Winning Director Bryan Fogel

Jamal Khashoggi's killing two years ago inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul sparked international outrage and demands for answers and justice. To this day, the exact details surrounding the journalist's death are still shrouded in mystery. Now ‘The Dissident’, a new documentary by Icarus director Brian Fogel sheds light on Saudi Arabia's role in the murder. We asked him what he uncovered while making the film. Guest: Bryan Fogel Writer, Producer and Director of 'The Dissident'​
