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The Sound of Solidarity

News & Politics Podcasts

A podcast series brought to you by Solidarity, a revolutionary socialist group in Australia.




A podcast series brought to you by Solidarity, a revolutionary socialist group in Australia.





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Why it's not antisemitic to criticise Israel

Defenders of Israel cannot justify the slaughter in Gaza so they resort to smearing supporters of the Palestinians as antisemitic. Tami Gadir, a Solidarity member and anti-Zionist Jew, takes apart their arguments and shows how fighting for Palestine and fighting antisemitism go hand in hand. Read more about Zionism. Find out more about Solidarity.


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A history of revolution in the Middle East

Erima Dall talks about the waves of revolutionary struggle that have rocked the Middle East and points to the importance of rebuilding the socialist tradition of struggle from below. This talk was given at Solidarity's Keep Left conference on 30 March. Read more about imperialism and resistance in the Middle East. Find out more about Solidarity.


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Trump, Trumpism and the crisis of US politics

Sophie Cotton explains how growing inequality and racism in the US, together with the failures of the pro-big business, pro-Israel Democrats, is opening the door for another Trump presidency. The response by working class people and students has to be struggle in the workplaces and the streets. Further reading: How does Trump survive? California workers strike for Palestine US workers begin to flex some industrial muscle More about Solidarity


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Imperialism and Ukraine: has the US lost?

Adam Adelpour looks at how inter-imperialist rivalry has turned Ukraine into a bloody quagmire and points a way forward based on workers on both sides rejecting their rulers' war. Read more on Ukraine. Find out more about Solidarity.


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After COP28: fossil fuels and the future for capitalism

Chris Breen looks at the failure of international talks to halt global warming, why capitalism can't solve the problem it's caused and how ordinary people can organise and win against fossil fuels. Read more on fighting climate change. Find out more about Solidarity.


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The missing party: Rosa Luxemburg and the German revolution

Rosa Luxemburg was one of the giants of the socialist movement at the beginning of the 20th century. She argued for revolution against reformism and celebrated the power of the mass strike. But, as Caitlin Doyle outlines, she failed to understand the need for independent revolutionary organisation, with terrible consequences. Read about Rosa Luxemburg. Find out about Solidarity.


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Kanaky rises against colonialism

The Kanak, the Indigenous people of Kanaky-New Caledonia, have risen up against their French colonial masters. Paddy Gibson explains why we should draw inspiration from their resistance and build solidarity across the Pacific with all struggles for liberation. Read more about the Kanak struggle. Find out more about Solidarity.


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The Radical Jewish Tradition

The Radical Jewish Tradition is an important new book that debunks the claim of Israel and its apologists to represent Jews everywhere. Solidarity hosted a book launch that heard from the two co-authors, both anti-Zionist Jews: Donny Gluckstein in Scotland and Janey Stone in Melbourne. Solidarity member and anti-Zionist Jew, Tami Gadir, was the final speaker. In Australia, the book is available from Interventions, elsewhere from Bookmarks. Read more on the fight against Zionism. Find out more about Solidarity.


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Climate, cost of living, Palestine: why is Albanese so right-wing?

Labor has a shocking record on so many issues. Solidarity editor James Supple looks at why Labor fails and the kind of alternative we need. Read Solidarity articles on Labor. Find out more about Solidarity.


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How capitalism breeds war

Jason Wong looks at the contradictions within capitalism that make war a central feature of the system. He argues that workers have the interest and the power to end the slaughter. Read Solidarity articles about war. Find out more about Solidarity.


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Israel: is Zionism in crisis?

Israel is a pariah state, stripped of legitimacy in the eyes of billions around the world. Anti-Zionist Jews are mobilising in record numbers to say, not in my name. So can Israel survive? David Glanz discusses the issues. Read Solidarity articles about Israel. Find out more about Solidarity.


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Is international revolution possible?

How can ordinary people fight for real change when our rulers seem so powerful? Cooper Forsyth argues that workers everywhere have the power to spread struggles around the world and win. Read more about revolution. Read more about Solidarity.


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Imperialism and the Pacific: no US bases, no war on China

Phil Griffiths challenges the ruling class propaganda about China and argues that it is imperialist rivalry that is making the region less safe and threatening war. Read Solidarity's articles on China. Find out more about Solidarity.


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Alienation and the misery of capitalism

Lucy Honan explains what Marxists mean by alienation and how its impact shapes our lives – and how we can retake control through collective struggle.


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Palestine, resistance and revolution

Lebanese socialist Simon Assaf outlines how the crimes of the Israeli state are fostering anger and resistance across the region, creating a new opportunity for revolutionary change. Read Solidarity's coverage of the fight for a free Palestine. Find out more about Solidarity.


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Theories of settler colonialism

Australia is a settler colonial state. Israel is, too. But what does that mean for the struggle for Indigenous rights in Australia and liberation for Palestine? Paddy Gibson unbundles the theory. Read Solidarity's coverage of the fight against racism. Find out more about Solidarity.


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Eyewitness from Gaza

Sameh Nasser, who escaped Gaza in December and who has lost 16 family members to Israeli terror, addressed Solidarity's Keep Left conference. David Glanz provided an introduction. Read all Solidarity's coverage of the Palestine crisis here. Find out more about Solidarity and get involved.


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Capitalism and anti-Aboriginal racism

This talk by Paddy Gibson outlines the importance of anti-Aboriginal racism to the ruling class in Australia. Paddy explores the ways that the so-called "Aboriginal problem" has posed challenges for Australian capitalism and the way Aboriginal resistance continues to threaten the system. Recorded at a Solidarity meeting in April 2016, this podcast is dedicated to the memory of Arrente and Alyawarr Elder Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, who famously asserted, "Don't try and suppress me. I am not the problem. I have never left my Country, nor have I ever ceded any part of it."


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How teachers are organising for Palestine

Teachers and School Staff for Palestine has organised some inspiring actions, despite hostile media coverage and attempts at suppression by Labor state education ministers and their departments. We talk to Lucy Honan, an experienced teacher and long-time member of the Australian Education Union. She’s also a member of Solidarity.


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What's wrong with capitalism? What's the alternative?

Paddy Gibson gives an introduction to Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism. He includes basic explanations of the concept of alienation, surplus value, the centralisation and concentration of capital and what we mean by workers' power and socialist revolution. This talk was given to a Solidarity student club meeting at Sydney University in August 2014.
