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Exploring Perceptions





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Luis J Rodriguez - Poet/Author/Activist

We are thrilled to welcome back Luis J. Rodriguez, former Los Angeles Poet Laureate from 2014 to 2016, in this episode. We discuss the Always Running festival, which is named after his well-known book - Always Running: La Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A. Since our last interview, Luis has been traveling with his wife Trini for poetry readings and speaking engagements around the world. Currently, he is working on a script with Freddy Negrete based on the true story of the killing of David Dominguez, a gang member, by San Gabriel ex-cop Billy Joe McIlvain. We also touch on a project that Luis was involved in with John Leguizamo, though unfortunately it was not completed. One of the most heartbreaking topics we discuss is the growing homeless population in Los Angeles and how expensive housing is causing many people to leave the city or move to Mexico. Take a listen to this insightful conversation with an accomplished author and activist. In addition to being a novelist, memoirist, short story writer, children's book writer, and essayist, Luis is also a poet. He is also known as a mentor, healer, youth and arts advocate, community and urban peace activist, husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. And if you find yourself in the Los Angeles area, be sure to visit Tia Chucha Bookstore and Cultural Center. He has 16 books in all genres (poetry, children's books, fiction, and nonfiction), including the best-selling memoir, "Always Running, La Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A." His latest memoir is the sequel, "It Calls You Back: An Odyssey Through Love, Addiction, Revolutions, and Healing." His last poetry book is 2016's "Borrowed Bones" from Curbstone Books/Northwestern University Press. In 2020, Seven Stories Press released his first book of essays, "From Our Land to Our Land: Essays, Journeys & Imaginings from a Native Xicanx Writer." Among his many awards and fellowships, in 2022 Luis was given a California Arts Council Legacy Fellowship and a Los Angeles Times' Robert Kirsch Lifetime Achievement Award. Luis is founding editor of Tia Chucha Press, now for over 30 years, and more than 20 years ago he co-founded with his wife Trini Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural & Bookstore in the San Fernando Valley. He has traveled across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, Europe, and Japan to speak, do poetry readings, indigenous ceremonies, or reportage over the past 40 years. This includes prisons, jails, and juvenile lockups in around 20 U.S. states, as well as Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Argentina, Italy, and England. Dedicated to his indigenous roots and Native American spirituality, Luis has a Mexika name: Mixcoatl Itztlacuiloh. With his wife Trini (Tlazohteotl) he has a podcast called "The Hummingbird Cricket Hour"--http://hchpodcast.libsyn.com/ Luis is dedicated to a clean, balanced, abundant, cooperative, healing world. No more capitalist private property relations, exploitation, war, or inequities. "In essential things, unity; in nonessential things, liberty. In all things compassion." Always Running – La Vida Loca, Gang Days in LA by Luis J. Rodriguez The Concrete River: Poems by Luis J Rodriguez Tia Chucha Bookstore & Cultural Center Freddy Negrete: Smile Now, Cry Later Good Cop or Bad Cop? The Story of Billy Joe McIlvain and the Murder of David Dominguez


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Lynne Thompson - Fourth Los Angeles Poet Laureate

Los Angeles Poet Laureate, Lynne Thompson, as our distinguished guest. Her words flow gracefully and effortlessly as she reads several of her poignant poems, including Ode to Bones and A Woman’s Body, Aging, Still Loves Itself from her latest book Blue on a Blue Palette. Through our conversation, Lynne shares insight into her poetic process, the lessons she has gleaned along her journey, and powerful observations on the current state of women's lives and history. Tune in to experience the eloquent wordsmith at work and delve into an enlightening dialogue with this remarkable poet. Lynne Thompson was the 4th Poet Laureate for the City of Los Angeles, The daughter of Caribbean immigrants, her poetry collections include Beg No Pardon (2007), winner of the Perugia Press Prize and the Great Lakes Colleges Association’s New Writers Award: Start with a Small Guitar (2013), from What Books Press; and Fretwork (2019), winner of the Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize. Thompson’s honors include the Tucson Festival of Books Literary Award (poetry) and the Stephen Dun Prize for Poetry as well as fellowships from the City of Los Angeles, Vermont Studio Center, and the Summer Literary Series in Kenya. https://www.lynnethompson.us/ Lynne Thompson’s Blue on a Blue Palette (2024) reflects on the condition of women—their joys despite their histories, and their insistence on survival as issues of race, culture, pandemic, and climate threaten their livelihoods. The documentation of these personal odysseys—which vary stylistically from abecedarians to free verse to centos—replicate the many ways women travel through the stages of their lives, all negotiated on a palette encompassing various shades of blue. These poems demand your attention, your voice: “Say history. Claim. Say wild.” Blue on a Blue Palette Fretwork Beg No Pardon Start with a Small Guitar


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Rha Arayal - Poet

The latest episode of the Poetic Resurrection Podcast features the incredibly talented Rha Arayal, a poet who has graced our show before. In the time since her last appearance, she has added several more titles to her impressive collection, including her latest work, Sunset Hues. As our honored guest, she treats us to a powerful reading of two of her newest poems – "The Graveyard of Ambition" and "Maya" – both featured in her upcoming book. During our conversation, we delve into a range of thought-provoking topics such as Shakespeare, the fascinating realm of lucid dreaming, and how her experiences at university have shaped her daily creative process. Prepare to be captivated by this dynamic discussion with one of poetry's most promising voices. Rha Arayal is a 20-year writer from South Wales with British and Nepali roots. She finds joy in exploring the interplay between nature and nurture, particularly regarding her own identity as an Asian Welsh person. Through her writing, she delves into themes of racism, kindness, and other facets of humanity. In 2021, her first book of poems, Encapsulated Emotions, was published by Genz Publishing. Outside of writing, she enjoys indulging in American vampire television shows, practicing Pilates, and browsing secondhand bookstores. Amazon US: Encapsulated Emotions Book: https://amzn.to/4bBdFGw The Wishing Well: https://bottlecap.press/products/wishing Amazon Europe/UK: https://amzn.eu/d/bAL73gZ


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Sonia Iris Lozada - Awakening Dreams: A Poet's Struggle

Writing poetry has been a passion of mine ever since I learned how to write. However, for the past couple of years, I have been determined to complete my next book in the Inspire Me Series, titled "Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams." Lately, though, my thoughts have been clouded and focused on sci-fi short stories instead. My goal is to finish this poetry book by summer so that I can fully dedicate myself to the short stories. It's strange how my writing habits have changed - from writing multiple poems a week to only one a month. Perhaps it's due to the pandemic, or the loss of my mother and close friend soon after. Strange Thing Grief, is the title of one of my upcoming poems, referring to how grief has affected all aspects of my life. Simple things are no longer simple. Writing poetry used to be therapeutic for me, but lately my emotions have been too heavy to express through writing. This poem, "Bound," is from my previous book Inspire Me Series: Book 1 & 2 and is a glimpse into my upcoming collection. Bound Sorrow sweeps through my soul like The sword of yesteryear Waves of sorrow smash upon my heart Reminding me of you Of your love Of your kindness I drown in the eventual stillness, gasping for air Why was life so unfair to you? But it's me who doesn't let go It's me who feels guilty for not suffering your loss longer If I hold on to that feeling, then the memory Of you doesn't slip away Miss the feeling of our etheric touch I dreamt of seeing your soul last night but I had tied a rope to it You kept trying to fly away But I kept pulling you back—You turned to me, broken Today I cry and let you go—release you from the earth plane The rope unties and I see your smiling soul fade away Music by Gotama: Take a Break


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Jack Remick- Poet/Writer

We are thrilled to announce that Jack Remick will join us as our guest for this month's episode on the Poetic Resurrection Podcast. He's a poet and a writer and he recites his poems, Dying Dreams, Secret Disease and Lovdeth, from his poetry collection entitled Satori. They're beautiful poems. I love this section from Dying Dreams: "Despite the cult of youth, we know this: flowers fade, we come to the closing of doors where we lie down naked for the dying of dreams." Not only is he a talented poet and writer, but he also imparts his knowledge by offering a writing masterclass. Take the time to listen in to this episode, which promises to be both enjoyable and educational. Throughout my career, I have taken on various roles such as a college instructor, grammar school teacher, social worker, community activist, tunnel worker, and even a bus driver. But my journey as a writer began at UC Berkeley where I studied poetry under the guidance of Thom Gunn. It was there that he taught me the importance of originality by challenging me to question why I was emulating the styles and ideas of other poets who were no longer living. Jack, he said, when you inhabit another man's universe, it will always be smaller than the one you create for yourself. After years of work, experimentation, and exploration of the writing world–which involved three trips to South America and their exposure to both Indigenous and Colonial lifestyles–I returned home carrying a load of understanding and desire that had not driven me before. Life in South America gave me three novels: No Century for Apologies, which won Honorable Mention for the Hoffer Grand Prize; Gabriela and The Widow, which was a finalist for the Book of the Year Award; as well as a Finalist for the Montaigne Medal and One Year in the Time of Violence, a novel that follows a Gringo living in the time of the Colombian Violencia with all its horror and political chaos. My writing world expanded with each life experience until I was able to write a ground-breaking novel titled Citadel. Enraptured with fiction, I had ignored poetry until events unfolded, which led me to write Josie Delgado, a Poem of the Central Valley and Satori, Poems. With each publication, I understood more of Thom Gunn's wisdom. I have learned the effectiveness of collaboration with other writers. Robert J. Ray and I co-wrote The Weekend Novelist Writes a Mystery a how-to that demystifies writing of the mystery. You can find my published work here: http://www.amazon.com./author/jackremick


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Ruben Rodriguez - Book Editor

Ruben Rodriguez, our guest for this month's episode of the Poetic Resurrection Podcast, is a highly accomplished editor and English teacher. He shares with us the intriguing story of how he first ventured into the world of editing and teaching. From a young age, Ruben had a deep appreciation for literature and storytelling, which led him to pursue a degree in English. Throughout his academic journey, he discovered his talent for editing and his ability to bring out the best in written works. His passion for working with writers and helping them refine their stories is evident in every project he takes on. Ruben's experiences have taught him the importance of not only understanding the technical aspects of editing but also fostering a nurturing and collaborative relationship with writers. In this episode, he shares valuable insights on the creative process, the challenges faced by writers, and the fulfillment he finds in helping them realize their literary visions. Ruben J. Rodriguez received his degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major in English from UCLA, magna cum laude, was an editor of Westwind magazine, has read his works at UCLA’s Powell Library, co-edited the L.A.-based poetry anthology Coiled Serpent, and currently works as a freelance editor, including with Tia Chucha Press, and as an English teacher through IANT Education with a focus on creative writing. He recently started a YouTube channel focused on book reviews and discussion of literature, To Readers It May Concern. Listen to his YouTube Channel Here


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Poetry - Shade of Being

In this January 2024 episode, I'll discuss poetry. Poetry became my outlet, my means of processing and articulating the complexities of my dual identity. Through the rhythmic words and vivid imagery, I could capture the nuances of my emotions, the clash of cultures, and the struggles of navigating between two worlds. It allowed me to explore and embrace the beauty of both sides of my heritage, while also acknowledging the challenges and conflicts that arose from it. Poetry became a form of self-discovery and self-expression, a way for me to make sense of my place in the world. It provided solace and comfort in times of confusion and uncertainty, offering me a sense of validation and understanding that I couldn't find elsewhere. Poetry became my therapy, my self-help, and my sanctuary, guiding me through the complexities of my bi-cultural upbringing and shaping me into the person I am today. In my teens, I had a poetry notebook I would carry with me everywhere, treasuring the words I had carefully written. However, one unfortunate day in the bustling streets of Chicago, my three-ring binder slipped from my grasp and scattered its contents in the wind. Helplessly watching as my precious poetry scattered into the air, I felt a deep sense of loss. Unlike today, where technology allows us to back up our work easily, back then, everything was typed, and I didn't have a copy of my poetry. Despite this setback, I refused to let it deter me from my passion. I continued to write, pouring my emotions and thoughts onto paper. Over the years, I have managed to compile my poetry into four books, each representing a different phase of my life. "Inspire Me Series: Book 1 & 2" was published in 2022, previously published were "Inspire Me: Perception" and "Follow Akashic Dreaming Through Time" in 2019. My first book, "Inspire Me: Raw," was released in 2017, marking the beginning of my journey as a published poet. Currently, I am eagerly working on the third installment of the Inspire Me Series, titled "Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams." In, Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams I hope to take the readers on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It delves into the depths of one's subconscious mind, exploring the power of dreams and their ability to inspire and transform. Through imagery and thought-provoking verses, I hope this book encourages readers to explore their innermost desires, embrace their passions, and awaken their true potential. Drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature, the complexities of human emotions, and the mysteries of the universe, the poems in my new collection offer a unique blend of introspection and inspiration. With each turn of the page, I invited you to delve deeper into your dreams, discovering new perspectives and unlocking hidden truths. As the third installment in the Inspire Me Series, Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams promises to be a soul-stirring addition to any poetry collection. As the new year begins, I am excited to share a glimpse of my upcoming book, "Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams." Within its pages, you will find a collection of heartfelt poems, including one titled "Shade of Being." This poem delves into the complexities of human existence, exploring the various shades from beginning to end that make up our being. "Shade of Being" is a reflection on my journey of self-discovery and the power of embracing our finite nature. For those who can't wait to dive into my upcoming book, a sneak peek of "Shade of Being" can also be found in the "Inspire Me Series: Book 1 & 2." Let this new year be a time of inspiration, growth, and awakening as we embark on a poetic journey together. Shade of Being I stand on the beach, absorbing the indigo sky. The whispering breeze surrounds and envelops me as I breathe. It cools the soul. The waves creep up and work with the sand to mold my feet on earth. The Sun's desert colors—rays of light peak through the singing ocean waves, sounds of release and content. There I feel...


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Life of 2023 Yearend Thank You

Happy New Year to all! As the year comes to an end, I want to wish everyone an amazing New Year filled with love, joy, prosperity, and most importantly, good health. We often take our health for granted, but it truly is the foundation for enjoying life's many blessings. Amidst a global pandemic, I named this extended podcast season "Life," using it as a tool for introspection and helping others do the same. But now, as we enter a new season, I plan to shift gears and focus solely on fictional literature. We will continue to showcase authors and poets and their creative processes, while also inviting literary agents, publishers, and editors to share their insights and educate us on the industry. This year we had amazing guests and I want to say thank you to them. Bex Rose – Poet author of Health via Poetry. Rocco Jarman - a Poet – author of Stepping Through, Philosopher and Podcaster. Kevin Palmieri - Founder & Co-Host of Next Level University Podcast Kelly Keefe - Creator of The Heartspace.co, and a Reiki Master Teacher. Jim Marshall - Author of Septemics. Rha Arayal - a nineteen-year-old British Nepali Poet – author of Encapsulated Emotions Cindi Buckley – Author of Love Awakens You Phyllis Leavitt – Psychotherapist and author of America in Therapy Rachel Hanfling – Emmy Nominated Producer and Motivational Speaker Barbara Ann Briggs – Poet and Author Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, William Mackenzie-Smith – Medicinal Alchemist Healing Tune in for the new season as it should not only be entertaining but educational. Many blessings and Happy New Year.


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Life with Bex Rose - Poet

It is our pleasure to have Bex Rose, Poet and Mental Health Professional, as a guest on the Poetic Resurrection Podcast. She shared her poem called A Subconscious Mind, which talks about depression from her book Mental Health via Poetry. We had a fascinating conversation about the poem and her personal story of growing up in Brooklyn, New York writing poetry with Tourette’s, then transitioning to become a mental health clinician. Tune into this touching and entertaining interview to learn more about Bex's inspiring journey. A Subconscious Mind What are these thoughts The if, and, why, What is this feeling I get As if I'm ripping apart from inside Why has my internal drive Become so weak Why am I too depressed to even open my eyes To even sit up and think Can't even make it to my own kitchen sink Not even thirsty for a drink It's lawless The pressure to be human Eat, think, sleep like a person, it's arduous It is not involving the effects of any one single event I wish my time could be better spent Society's pages depend on a therapy book So quick to not even take a real look So quick to hand us the bottle than to ask us how to spell out the name I'm not so easy to belittle with labels Each diagnosis on paper Can become quite easily a fable Remedied with quick-think drugs bought from any store and self-help label Not knowing there's also drugs on the corners underneath the table Waiting For us to crave more Why do we have to think and be challenged to want to search for more When we’re left un-adored In majority, for the very same reason you referred us to get help in the first place I am not a charity case I will not just fall in line I will make use of this time As I tiptoe between the tattered line Between each tear-stained work of mine I speak For others whose medication has rendered them mute and subconscious How dare you try to band-aid depression as if it's a rouse I think rather that it's abuse To be this overlooked Well I stand here let-loose I will tell you with my rhymes The enforced societal standard behind each bind Left on the "mentally unequipped" Considered Drones of the unkind These vastly purged minds It's exhausting Left unchecked it could be an easy departing Why should I let that be the case too I am as much a human being as are you If I had a presumed fully capable mind and funds I guess I would sue But you'd stay there thoughtless Wondering how this mess started to involve you Feeling targeted you alone Truth oftentimes is that You don't even bother unless it happens to one of your own Biography Bex Rose is a born and raised Brooklynite and native New Yorker who is both openly gay and active in the social work community. As a Licensed Mental Health Professional (LMHC), Bex is a Program Director for a NYC based non-for-profit. She has a background in family focused evidence-based practices as well as upper leadership administrative management. Additionally, her work extends beyond community-based services and extends into her private practice – Candor’s Call for leadership development, coaching and consultation. Despite a dysfunctional childhood and diagnosis of OCD and Tourette’s she has been able to cultivate success in her field and through many social media platforms. Her most recent book “Mental Health via Poetry” speaks to the duality of a role as a clinician and experience living with Tourette’s. Bex hopes to utilize social media platforms to continue promoting healthy conversations, collaborations and content around mental health, creativity and positive representation. Get her book: Mental Health via Poetry https://linktr.ee/Bexrose https://www.candorscall.com/


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Life with Rocco Jarman

Rocco Jarman, a guest poet on the Poetic Resurrection podcast, read his poem; They Might Have Told Us. The message was clear: awareness of our behaviors and beliefs influences all aspects of our lives. The tone was one of reflection and self-examination, so that we might overcome ourselves. "Sacred does not need to have anything to do with shared or imposed ideas of religion or god, or whimsy. It is simply the answered wish to discover something deep, foundational and meaningful about this world and our sense of very private gratitude and belonging, we get from that encounter." ~ Rocco Jarman Rocco is an Australian Philosopher Poet and Podcaster. He has an unorthodox and autodidactic mastery of human psychology which provides cutting and insightful observations on all levels of personal psychological, interpersonal and societal dysfunction and specifically the path to effective remediation and stable actualization. Rocco’s own idiosyncrasies have proven to be his greatest assets, which are an undiagnosed neurodivergence, a mistrust of teachers, sycophants, systems and hierarchies, and an irreverence for the restrictive silos of academia. This has resulted in him being an autodidact across many fields such as psychology, philosophy, behavioral science, psychedelics, project delivery, corporate leadership, agile, history, social engineering and relationships. Rocco has an extraordinary mind, with a way of looking at the world, our journey through it and the blind curve we are stuck on, which beautifully reconciles the scientific and the sacred, and provides insights which land like a drink of fresh water after weeks in the desert. They Might Have Told Us they might have told us when we were young: self-ownership is a kind of leadership where you do not expect of yourself to master the world around you but rather, it is an allowing of mistakes. they might have said not to get so hung up on the successes or failures of a moment, they should have said to allow yourself to try, and not expect to get it right first time, allow yourself even perhaps, to give up on things that are no longer meant for you, or were never truly yours to begin with. they might have let us know that the path to wholeness involves asking no one but yourself for permission, and wearing all regrets like a meadow wears the morning mist and afterwards the dew. they really should have told us. but they did not know themselves. because no one told them. and now, no one else is coming. © Rocco Jarman, October 2021 Instagram.com/@rocco.jarman Website is roccojarman.com Substack is https://eyeswideopenlife.org


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Life with Kevin Palmieri

On this episode of the Poetic Resurrection Podcast, we have Kevin Palmieri as our guest. Kevin offers his wisdom about personal growth and maturation. We talked about the variations between having low and high self-regard and trust in oneself, and how those variables impact our goals and ambitions. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge about what it means to be alive. Kevin Palmieri is CFO, Founder & Co-Host of Next Level University, a Global Top 100 Self-Improvement Podcast with more than 1,350 episodes and 800K+ listens in over 125 countries. In Kevin’s own words: Some people find rock bottom... I found out that rock bottom had a basement. In my mid 20's... I had it all. I had a beautiful girlfriend, high paying job, sports car, my dream body... but I still ended up sitting on the edge of a bed debating suicide. After my rock bottom moment, I went all in on holistic self-improvement. I was determined to overcome my anxiety, depression and to finally live the life I'd always dreamed of. Years later, I now host a podcast that impacts hundreds of thousands of people in countries all over the world. At this stage, I've helped grow the podcast into a multi six-figure business, and I've recorded well over 1,300 episodes. I've also given hundreds of speeches, trainings and coaching calls with people all over the world. The main thing that changed was ME. I focused on learning what I didn't know (unlearning a lot too), and my life started to shift. I love talking about Consistency, Commitment, Habits, Mindset, Confidence, Fear, Relationships, Limiting Beliefs and everything in between. I believe in a heart-driven but NO BS approach to holistic self-improvement, and I look forward to teaching even more people about what it really takes to get to the next level! Check out the Next Level University Podcast


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Life with Kelly Keefe

I'm thrilled to introduce Kelly Keefe, the founder of Heartspace.co and a dynamic presenter. She speaks about her vocation and shamanic practices with enthusiasm. Tune into this enjoyable episode as we delve into the world of Heartspace. Kelly Keefe is the creator of The Heartspace, an organization founded in 2016. She's a Reiki Master Teacher, Transformation Guide, and Vibrational Artist who specializes in helping people tap into their innermost feelings. Kelly has written both fiction and nonfiction books. She globally offers coaching sessions, Reiki training courses, and group transformation programs to help guide individuals through life-altering transformations. Her book 'Rise Above Fear' encourages readers to understand fear and embrace it as a way to move past any obstacles they may have created for themselves. Kelly loves living boldly and hopes that others will too.


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Life with Jim Marshall

Our guest for this month is Jim Marshall. We have an educational discussion about his book Septemics. We posed a hypothetical story to experience an in-depth look at the inner workings of the book in relation to personality, behavior, and insight. Jim Marshall is a polymathic intellectual who has devoted over 50,000 hours to the study and practice of multiple dimensions of human potential and development. He received a classical education as an honor student at a Jesuit Military Prep School, was accepted into engineering school while still a junior in prep school, and attended college on academic scholarship. He graduated college with a Bachelor of Science cum laude. While still an undergraduate, he began the study of “alternative” Arts and Sciences which today would be described as Transformational and Holistic. Eventually, he became a professional practitioner and, after 28 years of formal education, had a long career as a Human Development Engineer. Jim has integrated the best aspects of the most advanced techniques on the planet, and expanded their limits by his own Research & Discovery. He has successfully treated and/or trained hundreds of clients over a 40-year career, and is the inventor of Septemics and several consciousness-expanding systems. His areas of expertise include psychology, philosophy, theology, parapsychology, science, engineering, mathematics, law, literature, history, music, organization, metaphysics, military science, political science, physical culture and education. Visit the Septemics website Septemics on Amazon


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Life with Rha Arayal

Our guest this month was the young poet Rha Arayal. We had a captivating talk about her poem ‘The Girl That I Am/The Girl That I Should Be,’ how to handle growing up bicultural, being published at sixteen, and more. It was delightful to speak with her; it's amazing to see someone that age demonstrate such inner strength. Rha Arayal is a 19-year-old British Nepali writer living in Wales. She enjoys examining the balance of nature and nurture, especially the notion of an Asian Welsh identity, as well as exploring racism and kindness and other aspects of humanity in her writing. Her debut poetry collection, Encapsulated Emotions, was published with Genz Publishing in 2021. When she's not writing, she loves watching American vampire shows, practicing martial arts and buying second hand books. Poem: the girl that I am/the girl that I should be she crouches on the floor wearing mud-encrusted flip-flops there is a red shawl wrapped tightly around her waist it holds her brick phone which has run out of battery it holds her aching back like PVA glue wrapping around jigsaw pieces she reminds herself that she is no one just a village girl who cuts grass for the cow her mother milks it and loves it her father carries the milk on a motorcycle into town this world may be alien to you but it is almost home to me but it nearly happened to me but it also never did and for that, I am grateful she isn't scared of snakes winding up her legs her skin is slightly cracked and is darker than mine sun cream is too expensive and the village shops only sell instant noodles she isn't afraid of cows or spiders or the dark they stomp and crawl and engulf her life they are a crucial part of her life they are alien to me so many sources of brutality of nature and of rich cultural love surround her like her red shawl which is split at the seams her grandmother owns the other half my grandmother, who cries to me on the phone my grandmother, who I hope is hanging on like crimson threads swaying in the wind oblivious to snakes and cows and spiders and the dark Instagram @encapsulated_emotions Click here for a copy of her poetry book Encapsulated Emotions on Amazon


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Life with Cindi Buckley

This month’s special guest is Cindi Buckley, the author of Love Awakens You. We had an enjoyable time talking together, where she told me about her experience going from working in a corporate job to writing her book. We had a great time talking and sharing stories, , and I was also able to take a look at her incredible collection of crystals (which wasn’t caught on camera/audio). She talked to me about how cancer impacts both the body and the mind. After 15 years in the corporate world in logistics and software consulting, Cindi changed her life’s direction in her early 40’s. For the last 20 years, she has helped hundreds of people through meaningful life transitions, such as the death of a loved one, opening to spirit and finding the courage to make a change for the better. She published her first book Cosmic Unity and became a student of A Course in Miracles. Cindi Buckleys book: Love Awakens You is available on Amazon. http://cindibuckley.com Connect with her on Linkedin and Facebook Cindi refers to this book in the discussion of a course in miracles. The Disappearance of the Universe on Amazon


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Life with Phyllis Leavitt

Our guest on the Poetic Resurrection Podcast is Phyllis Leavitt, a psychotherapist and author. We discuss her upcoming book America in Therapy where she utilizes her thirty-year practice in psychology and relates it to the state of the country. This is an interesting and informative episode where the dynamics of family and relationships is discussed and applied to what is currently happening in our country. Phyllis Leavitt graduated from Antioch University with a Masters’ Degree in Psychology and Counseling in 1989. She co-directed a sexual abuse treatment program called Parents United in Santa Fe, New Mexico until 1991 and had a small private practice before going into private practice full time. She has been a psychotherapist treating children, families, couples, and individual adults for 32 years, and has worked extensively with abuse and dysfunctional family dynamics, their aftermath, and some of the most important elements for healing. An author of two published books, A Light in the Darkness and Into the Fire, that focus on her spiritual journey, and she is presently working with a professional editor on the book I have written called America in Therapy. She lives in Taos, NM and she’s mostly retired now, focusing on writing. Her website is www.phyllisleavitt.com. “Writing has always been my path and my practice. For most of my life, I have sought deeper connection in some form—to myself, a higher consciousness, and a greater understanding of the meaning and purpose of human existence. I have participated in a wide variety of spiritual practices, healing modalities, a deep connection to nature and art, and in the blessings and challenges of relationship and motherhood. I became a psychotherapist over thirty years ago and did many years of therapy myself. Through it all, writing has been my constant companion and guide. It has gotten me through the darkest times in my life, brought me the greatest wisdom and fulfillment, and it is now my primary creative pursuit and the way I seek to share all that has been given to me. I have written two books about my spiritual journey—A Light in the Darkness and Into the Fire—and I have just completed my third book about bringing America to therapy. Both my inner work and all my psychological experience over many years, have taught me that, for the most part, we are as emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy as our human environment and the family systems we live and participate in. Some of us make it out of the most abusive conditions despite a lack of support or a map to follow, but many of us do not, and what I have found is that we are all at risk from abuses that go unchecked and continually fuel a cycle of violence. My new book is dedicated to helping make common knowledge everything I have learned about how we can repair our fractured human relations in ways we can all implement in the lives we currently live. My deepest wish is that we both understand the severity of the dangers we face from escalating divisiveness, hatred, and violence, and, at the same time, feel hopeful that no matter what our sphere of influence, we can each play a meaningful part in restoring ourselves to peace, safety and caring reconnection to one another. My deepest hope is that together we bring to the Family of America the same healing we are learning to bring to individual families— and thus to all our children, who will inherit everything we leave them.” Phyllis Leavitt lives with her husband in Taos, NM. She has three amazing grown children and three beautiful grandchildren and is a lover of art, nature and gardening. She has a Masters Degree in Psychology and Counseling from Antioch University and has had a private psychotherapy practice for over thirty years. She is recently retired and is now focused on writing.


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Life with Rachel Hanfling

This week on the Poetic Resurrection Podcast we have Emmy nominated producer and motivational speaker, Rachel Hanfling. We had a great conversation about her life and career journey. I learned so much from Rachel. We laughed and had a great time discussing the art of giving speeches. Rachel is an inspirational media coach and communications coach who has helped countless individuals reach their goals in the world of media. With her vast experience in the industry, she has developed a unique approach to coaching that helps her clients become successful communicators and storytellers. She believes everyone has a story to tell, and it's up to them to find the courage to tell it. With Rachel's help, you can learn how to craft your story in order to make an impact on those around you and achieve success in your career. Bio: Emmy-nominated Rachel Hanfling is your guide to clear, confident, charismatic speech. A former producer for Oprah and Anderson Cooper, she's coached clients to land deals on Shark Tank, sell out on QVC, dominate worldwide speeches, generate explosive sales, nail workplace politics and more. She's taught at Harvard, internationally, and across the US. Rachel is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is a mom to twin boys and a dog in New York City. To learn more about Rachel, visit https://www.rachelhanfling.com/


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Life - World Poetry Day

In celebration of World Poetry Day held every March 21st. I'll be reading some of my poetry and since it's an international event, I will also read them in English and in Spanish. "Arranged in words, coloured with images, struck with the right meter, the power of poetry has no match. As an intimate form of expression that opens doors to others, poetry enriches the dialogue that catalyses all human progress, and is more necessary than ever in turbulent times." Audrey Azoulay – Director General of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The following poems are from Inspire Me: Raw. The poem Citizen and it's Spanish translation Cuidadana are read and performed. Also, Forget and it's Spanish version Ovide and to add a little humor because not all poetry is dramatic or traumatic, we have the poem Go-Go Boots. Inspire Me Series Book 1 & 2 Contains Inspire Me: Raw, Inspire Me: Perception and five poems from the upcoming book Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams.


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Life with Barbara Ann Briggs

Barbara Ann Briggs is this week's guest on the Poetic Resurrection Podcast where she discussed her journey into meditation and how it has helped her with her writing. She also shared a reading of her poem Alone which reflects the power of spirituality in helping to create meaningful content. She also graced us with a reading from her book: Pilgrimage on the Path of Love chapter 11. She’s currently working on her book: The Secret of Creative Abundance: Alignment with Your Spiritual Nature. Barbara Ann Briggs believes that meditation can be a powerful tool to help writers unlock their creative potential. Through her poetry, she encourages writers to use it as a way to find inspiration, focus on their craft, and even access higher levels of consciousness Bio: Barbara Ann Briggs is a poet, podcaster and the author of two books. She has over twenty years' experience as a freelance journalist and has had numerous articles and essays published in both print and online media. A practitioner and teacher of Transcendental Meditation for over thirty years, Barbara hosts a bi-monthly podcast called Essence of Life, which has a rapidly growing audience. She was on the faculty of the Maharishi University of Natural Law where she developed courses on poetry, art, creativity and consciousness. The Facebook page for her debut novel, Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, has garnered 2,500 likes. Barbara was born in Manhattan, New York. Her mother came from Vienna, Austria and her father from New Orleans. Needless to say, she loves music! Barbara, who currently resides in India, has travelled widely and considers herself a "citizen of the universe." You can get in touch with Barbara Ann Briggs at the following links. Living Wisdom - Barbara Briggs Barbara Ann Briggs Website Essence of Life Podcast Pilgrimage on the Path of Love Book (from human love to spiritual love)


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Life - A Poem and Prayer for the Grieving

Life - A Poem and Prayer for the Grieving I recently lost my mother and even though we knew it was coming, it was still a very difficult loss to accept. This poem and affirmation prayer is for those who are grieving. I've had many suggestions, but one of the most helpful that I have received is to set aside time to grieve. Pick a time and review the experiences, videos, notes, and other communications from the past loved one. May you find healing in this process. Bound Sorrow sweeps through my soul like The sword of yesteryear Waves of sorrow smash upon my heart Reminding me of you Of your love Of your kindness I drown in the eventual stillness, gasping for air Why was life so unfair to you? But it's me who doesn't let go It's me who feels guilty for not suffering your loss longer If I hold on to that feeling, then the memory Of you doesn't slip away Miss the feeling of our etheric touch I dreamt of seeing your soul last night but I had tied a rope to it You kept trying to fly away But I kept pulling you back—You turned to me, broken Today I cry and let you go—release you from the earth plane The rope unties and I see your smiling soul fade away Dear spirit, God energy, higher self, universal knowledge, thank you for hearing this prayer as I need strength during this challenging time. I turn to you for guidance and love. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Blessings The poem Bound is from: Inspire Me Series: Book 1 & 2 Music: Parting of the Ways - Part 1 by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4195-parting-of-the-ways---part-1 License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
