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Suited For Life-Armor for Men

Philosophy Podcasts

Helping men reclaim their manhood and find true happiness and success in their careers, families, faith, fitness, and friendships. Fulfillment in these areas is THE way to a life well lived. As a man, it is possible to find purpose and happiness in this life. Let us and our guests show you how...


United States


Helping men reclaim their manhood and find true happiness and success in their careers, families, faith, fitness, and friendships. Fulfillment in these areas is THE way to a life well lived. As a man, it is possible to find purpose and happiness in this life. Let us and our guests show you how...



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Leading Your Blended Family from Terrible to Bearable with Joel Hawbaker

Marriage can certainly be challenging, and while we are certainly proponents of marriage and all it's positives it is not without its difficulties. In this episode, we chat with Joel Hawbaker about what happens when you take an already complicated relationship and multiply it exponentially in a blended family. Joel is a family and leadership speaker and coach, and joins us to talk about how to take what can be a very frustrating situation and turn it around. You can find Joel at...


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Men's Role in Directing Culture: Having a Voice on Abortion with Joshua Edmonds

Oftentimes the issues that carry the most weight are the ones we stay the quietest on. Questions and discussions on topics like race, politics, religion, and abortion are critical to the health of our society but all too often men shy away from speaking up when it matters most. We can argue on back decks and in barbershops all day about Ford vs Chevy or whether Jordan or Lebron is the GOAT(Jordan obviously) but we hesitate to tackle the conversations that truly make a difference. Our guest...


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Do you and your family have core values? Should you?



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Earning the Right to Lead

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The Ubiquitous Weakening of Men

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Strong Leadership starts with Communication

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Real Men Lead

We both got pretty fired up over a FB post about what men need and it leads to a great discussion on the importance of men being leaders. In this episode we discuss how men can move past just seeing the value of surrounding themselves with other seeing the value and importance of being a leader. It will take some courage and humility to turn the mirror on yourself but we bring a ton of insight to whether or not leadership is required for men.


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Where Have We Been?

We took a 2 month hiatus. In today's episode we tell you why...


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Becoming an UNcivilized Man with Traver Boehm

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Better ways to communicate with our kids with Zach Blend

We have an incredible conversation this week with Zach Blend, the CEO of Goshen Valley. Goshen Valley is an organization committed to creating environments of safety, love and stability for youth in foster care here in Georgia. We take the time to dive into how everything got started with Goshen Valley, what he sees in the lives of the kids he works with, and how we as men can be more involved/impactful to both our own children but also the children in our communities and society at...


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A Man's Role In The World of Sex Trafficking with Jeff Shaw

We manage to touch on a wide range of topics in this episode but a common thread is the role and POWER we have, as men, in the lives of those around us. From our children to our communities at large, the impact we can and should have is oftentimes not at the level it should be. We have a conversation in this episode with Jeff Shaw. Jeff is the Executive Director of Atlanta Dream Center and walked away from a lucrative career as a lawyer because of the call of God on his life to serve his...


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Three questions every man should ask himself

Questions can be powerful, but the key is asking the RIGHT questions. All too often men waste time asking questions that don't really get them anywhere. They complain, they make excuses, they ask "how/why could this happen to me..." In this episode we start by diving into our catalyst for this episode, and how our lives have changed over the past 9-12 months. It's important to not get caught up in the past, but it CAN be valuable to reverse engineer what has been working so you can keep...


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Is sending your kids to college still the right choice?

One of our greatest desires as men is for our children to grow up and be strong, capable, and accomplished adults. As they grow older, we get presented with more and more opportunities and decisions. One of the big ones is what we can do to help guide them towards a career path and on this episode we discuss a controversial subject these days... Should we even be TRYING to send our kids to college? Some of the highlights include: -Debating the pros and cons of college -Do big schools or...


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We make some very (not so) important decisions

Our lives are filled with decisions. Big ones, small ones, and everything in-between! Justin and Jason have some fun with today's episode and discuss two potentially life altering decisions. As you take a listen, try to do a couple things... Number 1: Play along and try to decide what choices YOU would make. One decision may be easier than the other but let us know if you come to the same conclusions or disagree TOTALLY! (No hard feelings, obviously) Number 2: Take a moment to see what...


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Why you need a coach to win big

The most successful people in the world all have something in common and it's something far too many men don't take advantage of. A COACH. We see incredible athletes like Michael Jordan and Roger Federer benefit from incredible coaches and never bat an eye...but ask a married man with 3 kids and a small business to run who his "coach" is and you'll get nothing but a blank stare most of the time. In this episode Jason and Justin answer the questions men have about why to have a coach in...


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Why Men Need Challenges for a Life Worth Living

There is something missing in many men today and it leaves them frustrated without even knowing why. It affects our careers, our relationships, our confidence, and even our mental health. In this episode we talk about how important it is for men to have CHALLENGES in their lives. We are both right in the middle of really busy times in our lives and while it can feel crazy at moment, we wouldn't trade it for the world. Too many men are unwilling to put themselves in positions where they...


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If you're lonely at the top you are doing it wrong with Dr. Randy Ross

Whether you are leading your organization or your household there are certain principles that need to be followed to be the most effective leader you can be. Lack of trust, lack of authenticity, lack of genuine relationships, lack of communication, and lack of know how are keeping us from being great leaders. Dr. Randy Ross, former pastor, author, speaker to fortune 500 companies, and coach on leadership joins us on the show today to discuss how we can overcome these limitations to excel...


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Beer, Business, and Values with Spencer Nix

Spencer Nix is an incredibly successful guy who accidentally went from pastor to brewer and has built an incredibly fast growing brewery in Georgia. Spencer’s brewery, Reformation, is built on strong personal and business values. That is one of the reasons for it’s impressive growth. He is using his business to bring people together in community and fellowship. We, as men, need community. We need a tribe. Spencer is helping people accomplish that through beer. In today’s episode we...


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Men have an obligation to be strong

Being strong is a part of our job as men. In order for us to execute our jobs as we are meant to, physical strength must be a part of the package. Society looks to men to be strong and capable. To protect when called upon. Doing so effectively will often require a baseline level of strength. The question is, when your name is called will you have the strength required to come through? To step up to the challenge? This is an important question to be considered by all men. Is strength...


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Are you making decisions out of desire or fear? with Robert Kandell

You are being led by fear. There, I said it. Maybe not in every circumstance but I guarantee it plays a large role in some of your major life decisions. You may not always recognize it as fear or you may excuse it away as something else but make no mistake…fear is leading you more often than it should. The sad part is, this will lead to major regret later in life. One day you’ll look back and wonder why: -You were never as happy as you would have liked -You were never as fulfilled as...
