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Psychic or Psychotic? The Interplay between Spirituality and Practicality

The interconnected realms of spirituality and mental health have long been the subject of fascination, debate, and controversy. As we explore the depths of psychic phenomena and spiritual experiences, it becomes crucial to discern between genuine insights and potential delusions that may arise from mental health conditions. Drawing upon the wisdom of spiritual luminaries such as Krishnamurti, Dr. David R. Hawkins, Robert Anton Wilson, Babette Rothschild, Thomas Campbell, Ross Rosenberg, Wayne Dyer, Paramahansa Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, and others, we embark on a journey to understand the intricate relationship between spirituality and practicality, while also delving into the impact of prenatal attachment wounds on our psychic abilities and spiritual growth. In the realm of psychic exploration, creating a harmonious environment that is conducive to psychic insights and spiritual connection is essential. The principles of energy clearing and space cleansing offer tools to clear stagnant energies, release negative vibrations, and create a sacred space that nurtures our psychic abilities. How can practices such as smudging, sound cleansing, and intention setting support individuals in cultivating a harmonious environment for psychic insights to flow freely?


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From self rejection to redirection: A Deeper look at the self sabotaging avoidant

Self sabotage is a tactic often employed by people with avoidant attachment styles (i.e. fearful and dismissive) that is used to keep the balance of power in the avoidant’s favor. This tactic is done at the expense of the avoidant and the anxious partner, often resulting in the loss of the connection between the two parties. It is important to note that this may be done consciously or unconsciously, but either way, the intended results are the same. Examples of self sabotaging include the use of deactivation strategies such as: denial of attachment, compulsive self reliance, intimacy avoidance, triangulation, etc. Employing these strategies can result in not only the end of the connection, but a deep sense of regret, shame and guilt for the avoidant partner. These intense feelings, although they may take time to develop and be acknowledged, are significant to the negative feedback loop that avoidant’s face in seeking relationships. Ultimately if not corrected, it may lead to the rejection of romantic connections altogether. Other pursuits like careers, hobbies, spirituality or even situationships & past failed connections become an escape to avoid the inevitable realization of the positive connection that has been sabotaged.


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“The Sacrifice of Happiness - True or False?” “Men will sacrifice happiness for family whereas Women will sacrifice family for happiness?”

Questions: what’s the difference between sacrifice and compromise, and which gender in relationship does more of both? What sacrifices should be made in a relationship? How important is sacrifice in relationships? How do you know if you're sacrificing too much in a relationship? What is the relationship between compromise and sacrifice? Who sacrifices more in a relationship? What does sacrifice mean in a relationship?


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The Thermodynamic Relationship: "Strategies to Mitigate the Entropic Consequences of being codependent on Unresolved Trauma". How to deal with the inevitable “Relationship Entropy.”

Questions: Are we just messed up people who needed extraordinary support to be normal? Agree or Disagree? Relationship entropy does not mean your marriage sucks or that you are a failure, it means you are human. True or False? In sexual relationships we are genetically programmed to habituate to a partner as our initial romantic infatuation fades over the first one to three years. True or False? Humans create routines, and relationship entropy often is the result.


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“muster the Rohimim” Flying Monkeys Assemble” “A riveting look into the narcissist own Private zombie military.”

Questions: Do Narcissists Turn Against Their Flying Monkeys? Are flying monkeys blind enablers? How to outsmart the flying monkey? In regard to narcissistic abuse, what exactly is a flying monkey? Do flying monkeys know they are being used? What is a flying monkey in psychological abuse? What is a flying monkey in psychology today? Who controls the flying monkeys? Do narcissists discard their flying monkeys? What happens if a narcissist cannot control the victim anymore despite sending flying monkeys also? True or False? “Flying Monkeys” are those who, knowingly or unknowingly, are recruited by the narcissist to serve their agenda, extending their influence and control beyond direct interactions. Do flying monkeys ever see the truth of the person the narc has abused? True or False? some flying monkeys begin to realize they were a participant in a target's abuse when the narcissist's true colors are revealed. Unfortunately, there will always be some flying monkeys who know this from the beginning but do not care due to their own pathology and motivations. Are flying monkeys agents of chaos or blind miscreants? What role does authenticity play in situational awareness when it comes to narcissistic relationship dynamics? How does egoic-based support of the narcissist work to simultaneously alienate the true victim and deteriorate amicable relationships? Are relationships recoverable if a person is unknowingly partaking in flying monkey behaviors? What does becoming a flying monkey indicate about your relationship with your authenticity? Are you cosplaying the do-gooder under the guise of fairness? How does one sided loyalty to narcissists impact one’s ability to operate as a work in progress? Do flying monkeys ever enjoy the spoils of war through validation, acknowledgment or get back? In what way does the justification of harm of the victim further dissolve the flying monkeys' already damaged perception of self? What connections can be drawn between relationship peonage, one sided loyalty and selling your soul to the narcissist?


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Does Dark Triad Reasoning dictate your outlook on relationships?

1. Narcissism 2. Machiavellianism 3. Psychopathy 4. Lack of empathy 5. Manipulativeness 6. Deceitfulness 7. Grandiosity 8. Callousness 9. Impulsivity 10. Exploitativeness Questions: What are the big five traits of the dark triad? What is the dark triad personality attractiveness? How to identify dark triad personality? What cluster of traits does the Dark Triad describe? What are the vulnerable Dark Triad traits? How do you treat the Dark Triad personality? The dark triad personality refers to three negative personality traits, which all share malevolent features: Narcissism (entitled self-importance),Machiavellianism (strategic exploitation and deceit), Subclinical psychopathy (callousness and cynicism) - Reference: Simply Psychology • Narcissism is characterized by grandiosity, pride and ego. • Machiavellianism is characterized by a lack of empathy, manipulation and an indifference to morality • Psychopathy is characterized by impulsivity, callousness, and a lack of remorse. Much of these traits exist in a person’s ability and willingness to exploit, manipulate and utilize the perceived weaknesses of others in a bid to gain status, wealth, control and any other form of advancement. In the context of intimate relationships, the ultimate goal for a person with the dark triad personality, is control and dominance. The means to which someone is willing to go to gain control over another dictates not only the direction of the connection, but also the subsequent inner work needed to be done by both parties. What are some indicators that you or your partner may possess dark triad traits and what does this indicate about your relationships?


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“You’re not a good liar!” - Are Horrible liars are good people: A deeper into the potential psychopathy of the master liar

Questions: 1 True or False: People value the truth less than they value the perception of others. 2 Are lies more convenient than the truth? Can lying be considered a good decision in a relationship? 3 What motivates a person to speak uncomfortable truths? If a relationship ends over an inconvenient truth, is the truth teller in the wrong? 4 Which attachment style is most likely to lie? Are the lies we tell predicated upon unhealed childhood wounds? 5 Is there a difference between a good person’s mistake and a liar’s remorse? Do lies have to be compulsory in order for a person to be considered a “liar” or does the rule ‘once a liar, always a liar’ now stand? Is the Mask that people wear a complete Lie? What makes some people good liars and some people bad liars? Is being a good liar truly bad? Which Types of People Make the Best Liars? Are intelligent people good at lying? What Is the Difference Between a Pathological Liar and a Compulsive Liar?


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“ Could you be dating a Blind ( Self-Unaware) Witch?” - A Deeper look into how self deception negatively impacts your relationships

Witchcraft is often associated with folklore, green women with pointy hats, spiritualism, tarot, etc., but an often overlooked aspect of witchcraft is intent and will. Whether in reference to spell work, gaslighting, deflection, stonewalling, or whatever other tactic you can think of, it’s important to note that the intent to manipulate and the power of will is always present. Similar to a street magician that deceives with a sleight of hand, a person operating in blind witchcraft may employ the same tactics, distracting you with one thing, while performing the true act beneath the surface. Is it possible to become so engrossed in manipulating someone that you deceive yourself or confuse your own motives in the process? What sorts of mental and spiritual gymnastics are involved in the bending and breaking of another’s will through coercion? Is self deception and/or madness the ultimate price to pay for doing so? Can a person unknowingly employ these tactics (i.e. witchcraft)? Are you in a relationship with a Blind Witch?


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“Relationship Bots” “The Uncanny Valley-“ Are you Just going through the motions?”

“A deeper inquiry at the potential negative effects of simply going through the motions in intimate relationships!” Questions: 1 Can “going through the motions” be considered a dissociated state of mind? What connections can be drawn between being on autopilot and CPTSD? Why is this phenomenon considered socially acceptable? 2 In what way does disconnection from our inner self mirror our disengagement with the external world (i.e. autopilot)? 3 What causes us to begin to see our partners as an extension of the trauma that we are seeking refuge from? Could this be the reason that we go on autopilot in the first place? 4 Is novelty viewed as an antidote to keep relationships from going on autopilot? 5 Are certain attachment styles more or less likely to remain in an autopilot phase? What are three things that contribute to people “going through the motions” and not ending failing relationships?


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Relationship Groupies - What happens when the novelty wears off in your relationship?

Novelty is defined as the quality of being new and/or original. Similar to the rush of excitement one feels when purchasing a new item, getting into a new relationship can have that same effect. The mind will perceive the new item/person as better than the previous thing, simply due to its novelty; but what happens when the newness wears off? Are we in a rush to end relationships out of the urge to have someone new? Do we avoid intimacy for the fear of our connections going stale? Is the grass ever greener on the other side? Why or why not?


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Relationship Conformity - A Deeper look at how “checking all the boxes” may be keeping you single

Why do people conform? What is the strongest level of conformity? Does Love Require Complete Conformity? Regarding intimate relationships, what is the difference between conformity, & submission? What are three 3 types of conformity? What is the deepest form of conformity? What is inappropriate conformity? What connections can be drawn between conformity and the avoidance of inner work? How might conforming to society’s ideas surrounding dating keeping one from experiencing better relationships?


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Relationship Conformity - A Deeper look at how “checking all the boxes” may be keeping you single

Why do people conform? What is the strongest level of conformity? Does Love Require Complete Conformity? Regarding intimate relationships, what is the difference between conformity, & submission? What are three 3 types of conformity? What is the deepest form of conformity? What is inappropriate conformity? What connections can be drawn between conformity and the avoidance of inner work? How might conforming to society’s ideas surrounding dating keeping one from experiencing better relationships?


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Is Your Person envious of your “anointing”

Is Your Person Envious of Your “Anointing”? A Deeper Examination The concept of "anointing" often implies a divine or exceptional quality bestowed upon an individual, leading to unique capabilities or recognition. Envy, as distinct from jealousy, arises from a perceived lack rather than a fear of loss. In relationships, envy can be a hidden, corrosive force, particularly when coupled with psychological manipulation. This exploration will delve into the intricacies of envy in relationships, incorporating insights from various scholars and spiritual teachers.


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"Were you psychologically wounded while in your mother‘s womb?” “A Deeper look at Womb Wounds and the development of Maladaptive attachment styles”

Can attachment wounds happen in the womb? What is reactive attachment disorder? Does attachment start in the womb? Can reactive attachment disorder start in the womb? What attachment style do most narcissists have?


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Examining The Cloaked Jezebel - Is your woman the “First Lady” of your relationship?

The Jezebel archetype is often depicted as the over sexualized femme fatale, however her allegiance to her weaker counterpart Ahab often goes under examined. Jezebel is as much the mastermind as she is the coddler for the moral failings of her husband. The Jezebel/Ahab dynamic creates a feedback loop where the desire to enable someone into loving you (using various manipulation strategies) becomes evidence of a lack of connection to higher consciousness. The “First Lady” is a common title given to women married to men in prestigious positions of power. In the context of Jezebel, she was the woman opposite of a powerful, but morally weak king. She used his authority to do her evil bidding. In the context of modern relationships, it is our inability to take accountability and our own narcissistic tendencies that can be used against us to prevent forward momentum. In a Jezebellic dynamic this would be done through a partner’s enablement of unproductive habits, communication styles, lifestyle choices, etc.


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is it Unsafe for a Man to be a “Work in Progress/HUMAN” within Relationship? “Relationship Sanctuary - Examining the necessity for Male “Safe Spaces”

Can Men Be Vulnerable in Their Relationships? | Girls Chase Questions: True or False? If A Man Cont be vulnerable in relationship he can’t be authentic? 1. How does societal conditioning and traditional gender roles contribute to the fear many men have of being vulnerable in relationships? 2. In what ways can the teachings of spiritual leaders like Paramahansa Yogananda or Sri Yukteswar influence a man's ability to open up and be vulnerable in his relationships? 3. How can the concept of "being a work in progress" be viewed as a strength rather than a weakness within the context of intimate relationships? 4. What role does self-awareness play in a man's willingness to show vulnerability and embrace his human flaws within a relationship? 5. How can the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins and his teachings on consciousness impact a man's ability to navigate the vulnerability and honesty required in intimate relationships? 6. How do attachment styles formed in childhood affect a man's capacity for vulnerability and emotional openness in his adult relationships? 7. In what ways can the principles of shamanism and spiritual practices encourage men to embrace their vulnerability and authentic selves within their relationships? 8. How can the concept of "relationship sanctuary" provide a framework for men to create safe spaces for emotional expression and vulnerability with their partners? 9. What role does cultural conditioning and societal expectations play in shaping a man's perception of vulnerability and emotional honesty within relationships? 10. How can the teachings of Krishnamurti and his philosophy of radical honesty influence men to break down barriers and be truly vulnerable in their relationships? 11. What impact does fear of judgment and rejection have on a man's willingness to show vulnerability and share his human flaws with his partner? 12. How can the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness practices help men overcome their fear of vulnerability and cultivate emotional safety within their relationships? 13. How does the work of Babette Rothschild and her trauma-informed approach to therapy inform men on how to heal past emotional wounds and develop a sense of safety in their relationships? 14. How can men navigate the fine line between vulnerability and emotional dependency in their relationships, and what strategies can they employ to maintain healthy boundaries? 15. How do societal stigmas around masculinity and vulnerability impact a man's ability to be open and honest about his emotions within his intimate relationships? 16. In what ways can men practice self-compassion and self-acceptance to embrace their human flaws and vulnerabilities within the context of their relationships? 17. How can the concept of "relationship as a mirror" help men reflect on their own vulnerabilities and insecurities, leading to deeper self-awareness and emotional growth? 18. How can men balance the desire for emotional intimacy and vulnerability with the need for autonomy and independence within their relationships? 19. What role does communication play in creating a safe space for vulnerability and emotional expression between men and their partners? 20. How can men cultivate trust and mutual respect within their relationships to feel secure in expressing their vulnerabilities and human flaws without fear of judgment or rejection? 21. How do power dynamics and gender inequalities impact a man's ability to be vulnerable and open in his relationships, and what steps can be taken to address these issues? 22. How can men work through feelings of shame and unworthiness that may prevent them from being vulnerable and honest with their partners in intimate relationships? 23. In what ways can men practice self-reflection and self-awareness to identify their emotional triggers and barriers to vulnerability within their relationships? 24. How can men navigate the fear of vulnerability and rejection to cultivate deeper emotional...


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Examining The Cloaked Jezebel - Is your woman the “First Lady” of your relationship?

The Jezebel archetype is often depicted as the over sexualized femme fatale, however her allegiance to her weaker counterpart Ahab often goes under examined. Jezebel is as much the mastermind as she is the coddler for the moral failings of her husband. The Jezebel/Ahab dynamic creates a feedback loop where the desire to enable someone into loving you (using various manipulation strategies) becomes evidence of a lack of connection to higher consciousness. The “First Lady” is a common title given to women married to men in prestigious positions of power. In the context of Jezebel, she was the woman opposite of a powerful, but morally weak king. She used his authority to do her evil bidding. In the context of modern relationships, it is our inability to take accountability and our own narcissistic tendencies that can be used against us to prevent forward momentum. In a Jezebellic dynamic this would be done through a partner’s enablement of unproductive habits, communication styles, lifestyle choices, etc


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is it Unsafe for a Man to be a “Work in Progress/HUMAN” within Relationship? “Relationship Sanctuary - Examining the necessity for Male “Safe Spaces” Can Men Be Vulnerable in Their Relationships? | Girls Chase

True or False? If A Man Cont be vulnerable in relationship he can’t be authentic? 1. How does societal conditioning and traditional gender roles contribute to the fear many men have of being vulnerable in relationships? 2. In what ways can the teachings of spiritual leaders like Paramahansa Yogananda or Sri Yukteswar influence a man's ability to open up and be vulnerable in his relationships? 3. How can the concept of "being a work in progress" be viewed as a strength rather than a weakness within the context of intimate relationships? 4. What role does self-awareness play in a man's willingness to show vulnerability and embrace his human flaws within a relationship? 5. How can the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins and his teachings on consciousness impact a man's ability to navigate the vulnerability and honesty required in intimate relationships? 6. How do attachment styles formed in childhood affect a man's capacity for vulnerability and emotional openness in his adult relationships? 7. In what ways can the principles of shamanism and spiritual practices encourage men to embrace their vulnerability and authentic selves within their relationships? 8. How can the concept of "relationship sanctuary" provide a framework for men to create safe spaces for emotional expression and vulnerability with their partners? 9. What role does cultural conditioning and societal expectations play in shaping a man's perception of vulnerability and emotional honesty within relationships? 10. How can the teachings of Krishnamurti and his philosophy of radical honesty influence men to break down barriers and be truly vulnerable in their relationships? 11. What impact does fear of judgment and rejection have on a man's willingness to show vulnerability and share his human flaws with his partner? 12. How can the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness practices help men overcome their fear of vulnerability and cultivate emotional safety within their relationships? 13. How does the work of Babette Rothschild and her trauma-informed approach to therapy inform men on how to heal past emotional wounds and develop a sense of safety in their relationships? 14. How can men navigate the fine line between vulnerability and emotional dependency in their relationships, and what strategies can they employ to maintain healthy boundaries? 15. How do societal stigmas around masculinity and vulnerability impact a man's ability to be open and honest about his emotions within his intimate relationships? 16. In what ways can men practice self-compassion and self-acceptance to embrace their human flaws and vulnerabilities within the context of their relationships? 17. How can the concept of "relationship as a mirror" help men reflect on their own vulnerabilities and insecurities, leading to deeper self-awareness and emotional growth? 18. How can men balance the desire for emotional intimacy and vulnerability with the need for autonomy and independence within their relationships? 19. What role does communication play in creating a safe space for vulnerability and emotional expression between men and their partners? 20. How can men cultivate trust and mutual respect within their relationships to feel secure in expressing their vulnerabilities and human flaws without fear of judgment or rejection? 21. How do power dynamics and gender inequalities impact a man's ability to be vulnerable and open in his relationships, and what steps can be taken to address these issues? 22. How can men work through feelings of shame and unworthiness that may prevent them from being vulnerable and honest with their partners in intimate relationships? 23. In what ways can men practice self-reflection and self-awareness to identify their emotional triggers and barriers to vulnerability within their relationships? 24. How can men navigate the fear of vulnerability and rejection to cultivate deeper emotional connections and intimacy with their partners? 25. How can the teachings...


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“The Thespian Nurturer” A deeper look into the concept of pseudo care for gain!

Definition: Performative caring, also known as pseudo-care, is when someone shows care for a secondary personal gain. It can be a form of pathological altruism, and can involve: Questions: 1. What does genuine nurture look/feel/sound like? How can you recognize the difference between genuine nurturing versus nurturing with a motive? 2. How can the preconceived notion that “women are nurtures” create unrealistic expectations for women in relationships? How do these expectations create false narratives and entitlement surrounding care, nurturing and feminine roles within relationships? 3. What role does attachment style play in a person’s ability to nurture? Are there connections that can be drawn between attachment style, vulnerability and a person’s ability to give and/or receive nurturing? 4. Is performance a byproduct of a lack of nurturing? What distinguishes the mindset of a nurtured person going into relationships vs the non nurtured individual? 5. Is the desire to be validated the driving force behind performative care? If so, could the same be said for the person receiving the so-called care? Are both individuals demonstrating a lack of self worth by seeking validation in different ways? 6. How can the concept of performative caring be seen in the context of social media influencers and celebrities who often promote charitable causes or social justice issues for personal gain or to enhance their public image? 7. Can performative care be a learned behavior from childhood experiences or societal influences? How does childhood trauma or neglect contribute to the development of pseudo-care tendencies in individuals? 8. In what ways can performative caring be harmful to both the individual exhibiting this behavior and the recipient of their supposed care? How does it impact genuine relationships and emotional connection? 9. How can individuals who engage in performative caring work towards developing authentic empathy and compassion without ulterior motives? Is it possible to unlearn pseudo-care behaviors and cultivate genuine care and nurturing instincts? 10. Is there a connection between performative caring and narcissistic tendencies or manipulation tactics? How can one differentiate between genuine care and manipulation disguised as care? 11. How does the concept of performative caring tie into the power dynamics within relationships, especially in romantic partnerships or professional settings? Can pseudo-care be a tool for control or manipulation in such dynamics? 12. What are the psychological motivations behind engaging in performative caring behaviors? How do factors such as insecurity, low self-esteem, or fear of rejection play a role in seeking validation through pseudo-care actions? 13. How can individuals identify and confront their own tendencies towards performative caring? What steps can one take to cultivate authentic care and empathy towards others without seeking personal gain or validation? 14. Is there a spiritual or philosophical perspective on the concept of performative caring, as explored by thinkers like Krishnamurti or Wayne Dyer? How do spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of genuine compassion and selfless service? 15. Can the practice of mindfulness and self-awareness help individuals recognize and overcome their tendencies towards pseudo-care? How can practices such as meditation or introspection lead to a deeper understanding of one's true intentions and motivations in relationships? 1. **What does genuine nurture look/feel/sound like? How can you recognize the difference between genuine nurturing versus nurturing with a motive?** 2. **How can the preconceived notion that “women are nurturers” create unrealistic expectations for women in relationships? How do these expectations create false narratives and entitlement surrounding care, nurturing, and feminine roles within relationships?** 3. **What role does attachment style play in a person’s ability to nurture? Are there connections...


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False Love Logic: “The False Beliefs That Ruin Good Relationships”

Questions: Myth: A good relationship means that you don’t have to work at it. What are some misconceptions about masculinity and femininity based on faulty love logic? Is your significant other responsible for your complete satisfaction and happiness? Myth: If partners really love each other, they know each other’s needs and feelings. In order for your relationship to thrive and remain healthy, you and your significant other should spend the majority of your time together, reinforcing your existing bond? How can relationship actors determine genuineness???? What are some Mistaken beliefs about romantic relationships can thwart satisfaction? Your partner should always have irrevocable exclusive access to you? Myth: “If you’re truly in love, passion will never fade,” Orbuch said. What should you do When Your Ideas of Love Were All Wrong? What are some False Beliefs That Ruin Good Relationships? What is dysfunctional relationship belief? Myth: “Having a child will strengthen your relationship or marriage,” Orbuch said. What is pseudo intimacy in psychology? What are unrealistic standards of love? What are unrealistic relationship beliefs? Myth: “Jealousy is a sign of true love and caring,” Orbuch said. What is the chaos theory of love? What is the fatuous love theory? What is the impossible love syndrome? Myth: Fights ruin relationships.
