Doctor Who: The Moment
Each week on The Moment, I speak with a different guest about an individual moment in an episode of Doctor Who that means a lot to them: something that really had in impact on them, or that they had a strong reaction to, or that they think a lot about for whatever reason.
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Each week on The Moment, I speak with a different guest about an individual moment in an episode of Doctor Who that means a lot to them: something that really had in impact on them, or that they had a strong reaction to, or that they think a lot about for whatever reason.
4.02 - The sound of this planet screaming out its rage!
On this episode of The Moment, I'm joined by Kyle Anderson (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/kyle-anderson), to discuss a moment from Inferno, the finale of the seventh season of Doctor Who back in 1970, featuring Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor. Among other topics, we discuss the sounds of horror, the Doctor's desperation, and the despair of living in the darkest timeline. You can follow Kyle on Instagram at @functional_nerd (https://www.instagram.com/functional_nerd).
4.01 - One Touch to Free Me
To kick off this fourth season of The Moment, I'm joined by Nicole Hill (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/nicole-hill), to discuss a moment from The Church on Ruby Road, the 2023 Doctor Who Christmas Special, featuring the first encounter between Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby Sunday as Ruby Sunday. Among other tpics, we discuss Gatwa's star power, Ruby's vibe shift, and Harry Styles in a dress. You can find Niq's website and social links at their webiste (https://niqfury.com/). Special Guest: Nicole Hill.
Programming Note
A brief announcement. Unfortunately, season 4 of The Moment is going to have to wait a little longer.
REBROADCAST - But what do I do every day, mum?
Season 4 of The Moment is on its way! But it is not quite ready yet. In the meantime, we're revisiting some episodes from previous seasons of The Moment. This week, we revisit episode 2.03 with Deb Stanish (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/deb-stanish), to discuss a moment from 2005's The Parting of the Ways, the finale of Christopher Eccleston's first and only season as the Doctor. We discuss how Rose's perspective really spoke to Deb's personal history, the Doctor's history of putting companions' safety before their agency, and the aspects of the scene that some fans find troublingly classist. Special Guest: Deb Stanish.
REBROADCAST - When you're alone, silence is all you know.
Season 4 of The Moment is on its way! But it is not quite ready yet. In the meantime, we're revisiting some episodes from previous seasons of The Moment. This week, we revisit episode 1.12 with Talcott Starr (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/talcott-starr), to discuss Abigail's song in 2010's A Christmas Carol. We discuss how this episode intersects with Talcott's own story, the themes of grief and love in Matt Smith's era of Doctor Who, and how love lets us see one another across time. Special Guest: Talcott Starr.
Season 4 of The Moment is on its way! But it is not quite ready yet. In the meantime, we're revisiting some episodes from previous seasons of The Moment. This week, we revisit episode 2.07 with Houman Sadri (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/houman-sadri), to discuss a moment from Part two of the 1975 serial Pyramids of Mars, from Tom Baker's second season of Doctor Who. We discuss how sound can terrify us, the impact of opening and closing credits on a viewing experience, and the role that fear and tension and cliffhangers have in making Doctor Who what it is. Special Guest: Houman Sadri.
3.06 - Let me take it from the top. Hello, I'm the Doctor.
This week, I'm joined by Delia Gallegos (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/delia-gallegos), to discuss a moment from 2020's Fugitive of the Judoon. The episode aired in the middle of Jodie Whittaker's first season as the Doctor, and introduces Jo Martin as a previously unknown incarnation of the Doctor. We talk about the sheer amazing surprise of the reveal, how Jo Martin and Jodie Whittaker play on one another, and what the future may hold for this incarnation of the Doctor. Special Guest: Delia Gallegos.
3.05 - We're all stories in the end.
This week, I'm joined by Adrienne Enderle (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/adrienne-enderle), to discuss a moment from 2010's The Big Bang, the finale of Matt Smith's first season as the Eleventh Doctor. We talk about what it means to be a story, how we can make it a good one, and what makes the story of Doctor Who so important during our pandemic year. You can follow Adrienne on Twitter at @alwaysadrienne (http://twitter.com/alwaysadrienne). Special Guest: Adrienne Enderle.
3.04 - I'm just having fun!
This week, I'm joined by Paul Cornell (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/paul-cornell), to discuss a moment from 1979's Nightmare of Eden, the fourth serial of Tom Baker's penultimate season as the Fourth Doctor. We talk about the Doctor's history of employment and unemployment, the Fourth Doctor's particular relationship with money and commerce, and whether or not Paul is in fact "just having fun." You can follow Paul on Twitter at @Paul_Cornell (http://twitter.com/Paul_Cornell). Special Guest: Paul Cornell.
3.03 - Like it's meant to be flown!
This week, I'm joined by Sanjay Lago (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/sanjay-lago), to discuss a moment from 2008's Journey's End, the finale of series four, David Tennant's third and final full season as the Doctor. We talk about the culmination of four years of Doctor Who storytelling, how Doctor Who got Sanjay through hard times, and what such a scene of togetherness can mean to us now during a long period of isolation. You can follow Sanjay on Twitter at @SanjayLago (http://twitter.com/SanjayLago). Special Guest: Sanjay Lago.
3.02 - Be a Doctor.
This week, I'm joined by Merlin Mann (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/merlin-mann), to discuss another moment from The Day of the Doctor, the 50th anniversary special from 2013, featuring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, John Hurt as the War Doctor, and Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald. We discuss what it means to for the Doctor to encounter himself from another time, how media nostalgia can do the same for us, and how the Doctor's promise makes him such a compelling character. You can follow Merlin on Twitter at @hotdogsladies (http://twitter.com/hotdogsladies). Special Guest: Merlin Mann.
3.01 - You know, I really think you might.
To kick off this season, I'm joined by Shannon Dohar (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/shannon-dohar), to discuss a moment from The Day of the Doctor, the 50th anniversary special from 2013, featuring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor and Tom Baker as the Curator. We discuss the magic of Tom Baker's voice, the ways we respond to art, and what exactly makes a great curator. You can follow Shannon on Twitter at @sdohar (http://twitter.com/sdohar). Special Guest: Shannon Dohar.
Season 3 Trailer
Each week on The Moment, I speak with a different guest about an individual moment in an episode of Doctor Who that means a lot to them. Season 3 premieres January 6th, 2021. Featured voices: * Tom Dickinson (https://www.themomentpod.com/hosts/tom-dickinson) * Merlin Mann (https://twitter.com/hotdogsladies) * Delia Gallegos (https://twitter.com/deliaistyping) * Sanjay Lago (https://www.sanjaylago.co.uk) * Paul Cornell (https://www.paulcornell.com) * Adrienne Enderle (https://twitter.com/alwaysadrienne) * Shannon Dohar (https://twitter.com/sdohar) Featured music: * "Fishing Take Down (https://open.spotify.com/track/2WkXgVyMkLGiWcAhuxprfn?si=dHxWHS-GR4m9u8-gxoopKg)" by Segun Akinola * "Lo-fi Chill Beats for Time And Space Travel" by Telesnaps.
2.13 - As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves.
For the final episode of season two of The Moment, I'm joined by Graeme Burk (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/graeme-burk), to discuss two parallel moments: one from 2005's The End of The World, featuring Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose, and one from 1964's The Edge of Destruction, featuring William Hartnell as the First Doctor and Jacqueline Hill as Barbara. We talk about how the Doctor learns to open up to his companions, how the show's storytelling style and approach to character has changed, and the importance of character drama as the core element of Doctor Who. You can follow Graeme on Twitter at @graemeburk (http://twitter.com/graemeburk). Special Guest: Graeme Burk.
2.12 - I'm the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universe.
This week, I'm joined by Mikayla Micomonaco (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/mikayla-micomonaco), to discuss a moment from 2018's The Woman Who Fell to Earth, the first episode to star Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor. We talk about the trends in Doctor Who that had brought Mikayla to consider quitting the show, the aspects of this episode that brought them back in, and how far the show still has left to go. You can follow Mikayla on Twitter at @mikaylamic (http://twitter.com/mikaylamic). Special Guest: Mikayla Micomonaco.
2.11 - I didn't kick you out. I gave you up.
This week, I'm joined by Erika Ensign (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/erika-ensign), to discuss a moment from 2012's Asylum of the Daleks, the first episode of Matt Smith's final season as the Doctor, featuring Karen Gillan as Amy Pond and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams. We talk about why these two companions have so much difficulty communicating, and how this moment clarified the nature of their relationship for Erika. You can follow Erika on Twitter at @hollygodarkly (http://twitter.com/hollygodarkly). Special Guest: Erika Ensign.
2.10 - How long is a night on Darillium?
This week, I'm joined by Moisés Chiullán (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/moises-chiullan), to discuss a moment from the 2015 Christmas special, The Husbands of River Song, with Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Alex Kingston as River. We talk about what Capaldi brings to the table when portraying the Doctor's relationship with River, the closure this episode offers for a long-running storyline, and what the Doctor's actions in this episode say about him as a character. You can follow Moisés on Twitter at @moiseschiu (http://twitter.com/moiseschiu). Special Guest: Moisés Chiullán.
2.09 - Run!
This week, I'm joined by Kathleen Schowalter (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/kathleen-schowalter), to discuss a moment from 2005's Rose, the first episode of modern Doctor Who, featuring Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose. We talk about the visceral effect when someone shouts run, how this one word connects the many lives of the Doctor throughout the show's history, and what it means to Rose to have the opportunity to run with the Doctor. You can follow Kathleen on Twitter at @kschowalter (http://twitter.com/kschowalter). Special Guest: Kathleen Schowalter.
2.08 - I think you look like giants.
This week, I'm joined by Sage Young (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/sage-young), to discuss a moment from 2010’s The End of Time, Part 2, the final episode of David Tennant's run as the Tenth Doctor. We discuss the Doctor's enduring love of humanity, the way that Tennant portrays the Tenth Doctor's emotional life, and why Wilfred Mott is the perfect companion for the Doctor at this point in his life. You can follow Sage on Twitter at @sageyoungest (http://twitter.com/sageyoungest). Special Guest: Sage Young.
2.07 - The Sting
This week, I'm joined by Houman Sadri (http://www.themomentpod.com/guests/houman-sadri), to discuss a moment from Part two of the 1975 serial Pyramids of Mars, from Tom Baker's second season of Doctor Who. We discuss how sound can terrify us, the impact of opening and closing credits on a viewing experience, and the role that fear and tension and cliffhangers have in making Doctor Who what it is. You can follow Houman on Twitter at @houmansadri (http://twitter.com/houmansadri). Special Guest: Houman Sadri.