Fantastic Worlds: A Pathfinder Podcast - Official Partner of Paizo-logo

Fantastic Worlds: A Pathfinder Podcast - Official Partner of Paizo


It has been a century since the immortal witch Baba Yaga last visited the world, and the hour draws nigh for her return. But when she fails to appear in the frozen realm of Irrisen to usher in its newest ruler, pockets of winter begin to grow throughout the Inner Sea. After 1,400 years of perpetual winter, the icy curse of Irrisen is spreading! What links do these strange blizzards and swaths of wintry landscapes have with Irrisen, and is there any truth to the growing rumors that the Witch Queen Elvanna has taken full control of the realm? Can her plans for the Inner Sea be thwarted, or will the Reign of Winter engulf the world? Five friends come together to discover what ushers in this unnatural winter and the forces in-play threatening all of Golarian.


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It has been a century since the immortal witch Baba Yaga last visited the world, and the hour draws nigh for her return. But when she fails to appear in the frozen realm of Irrisen to usher in its newest ruler, pockets of winter begin to grow throughout the Inner Sea. After 1,400 years of perpetual winter, the icy curse of Irrisen is spreading! What links do these strange blizzards and swaths of wintry landscapes have with Irrisen, and is there any truth to the growing rumors that the Witch Queen Elvanna has taken full control of the realm? Can her plans for the Inner Sea be thwarted, or will the Reign of Winter engulf the world? Five friends come together to discover what ushers in this unnatural winter and the forces in-play threatening all of Golarian.





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Episode 149 – Dermatologist Approved

War has come for Team Torta! The hut is on the attack, but what exactly are the members attacking? And where exactly are they? It’s nyet time for hasty decisions, so perhaps the best defense is an offense. This mechanical beast is proving a threat – will the Team be able to withstand?


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Episode 147 – Literal Foreshadowing

Shadows of the present flee as shadows of the past loom once more. New room, new you? Maybe so if you’re ok with brushing away the dust and forging anew. Our team of Guys and Dolls marches on as they explore deeper into Baba Yaga’s hut as they search for an exit and information on this new world! This Team Torta family is ready to go in this exciting season finale!


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Episode 148 – Rage Against the Machine

War has come for Team Torta! The hut is on the attack, but what exactly are the members attacking? And where exactly are they? It’s nyet time for hasty decisions, so perhaps the best defense is an offense. This mechanical beast is proving a threat – will the Team be able to withstand?


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Episode 146 – Sugar High

Someone needs to call the exterminators! Or maybe some de-colonizers? The metaphors are becoming mixed, just like how mixed-up Team Torta’s emotions are roiling and boiling. The group needs to squash this foe before moving deeper into the new world that Baba Yaga’s hut has delivered them to!


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Episode 145 – Abraxas Get your gun

Though the passage of time erodes all, perhaps there may exist something stronger that connects us all. Mountains become sand, sand becomes glass, glass allows sight and reflections. What happens when confronted with one you loved so far removed? How does Team Torta move on after an occurrence such as this?


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Episode 144 – You’re Still My Babe

Though the passage of time erodes all, perhaps there may exist something stronger that connects us all. Mountains become sand, sand becomes glass, glass allows sight and reflections. What happens when confronted with one you loved so far removed? How does Team Torta move on after an occurrence such as this?


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Episode 143 – Shaken, Not Stirred

Team Torta gets ready to rumble! But it’s…with one of their own? How can they overcome this! What is the source of this turn of fate! What webs are spun and faces revealed and witchy ways on display! Is this a loss or a win in disguise? The sands of time keep spilling forth. Tick tock. Tick tock.


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Episode 142 – Spa-loosh

The Fellowship of the Ladle is born! Is it getting cold in here, or is it just these Ice Elementals blocking the way? If there’s an obstacle, the only way through is with BRUTE. FORCE. This team is a wave of destruction, but what happens when the crest comes crashing down? Time to get wet! But beware…what may be lurking in the deep


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Episode 141 – One Girl Enters, Two Girls Leave

It’s Room Raiders – Torta edition! After ransacking along the way, the group decides to take a quick dip in the pool. But something is lurking under the surface. Is that the Free Willy theme song playing? And who’s in the kitchen with an unidentified chef?


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Episode 140 – Are You There, God? It’s Me, Ronald

It’s Room Raiders – Torta edition! After ransacking along the way, the group decides to take a quick dip in the pool. But something is lurking under the surface. Is that the Free Willy theme song playing? And who’s in the kitchen with an unidentified chef?


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Episode 139 – Storm-In Norman and the Rush In Plan

The only path is forward, and Team Torta is rushing deeper into the fort! Encased in ice, looming statues, and a twisted blast from the brotherly past. It’s almost too much to bear! What will the group encounter? How does one pacify a many-limbed hindrance? What tricks will they need to see through as they make their way to Yraxx?


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Episode 138 – Werewolves are Like Tofu

After finding their way inside, Team Torta meets an immediate new obstacle. This is one bad, blind, mule of a dragon that’s playing Cerberus to the fort’s defenses. Will a silver tongue be the key needed to pass harmlessly by? Or has the group’s luck already run out just one room into Yraxx’s fortress?


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Episode 137 – Getting the Icy Shaft

An icy shaft appears! Team Torta finds themselves preparing themselves to force their way into a glacial fortress. Wings spread and intel gained, the group realizes that sometimes the best way forward is to go through the front door. But which path will they choose – the way of words or the way of war?


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Episode 136 – Take a Fiadh!

No more baddies, just one new ally! Who is this mysterious person who came to Team Torta’s aid in their hour of need, and what of their motivations? As friendships are born, the group helps Baknarla with funeral rites as they set their eagle eyes on the evil that they have come to slay. We’re coming for you, Yraxx!


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Episode 135 – “Hole”y Damage

A “hole” bunch of events keep on happening in the entombed area of the Rimekeening Crevasse. An undead ambush of many limbs catches Team Torta off guard, but something even more unexpected happens! Who is this figure who has entered the fray? Is this the invisible stalker who has peppered the group thus far, or is this some new mysterious crusader on the side of good?


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Episode 134 – #NotAllCrocs

The adventures within the Rimekeening Crevasse continue, and as a new morning emerges, revelations abound with the new day. Team Torta talks it out, brings up family secrets, the blood of the womb, and every iota and every facet of monster information. But there’s an ever present danger laughing at their antics as they make their way forward to a dead end cavern. How will their time in this icy passage go?


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Am I the Villain – Episode 01 – Adventurer or Villain?

Welcome to Am I the Villain, our Patreon exclusive dive into Reddit from the perspective of two TTRPG nerds. It's our pilot episode, but Abbie and Dustin have a good time discussing what they find.


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Season Finale Message from FWP

Just a chaotic message from some chaotic folks about the FWP Season Finale.


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Episode 133 – Popping Off at the Worm Prom

Team Torta finds themselves in the middle of a Worm Prom tango, but this ain’t a dance that they want any part of! As the giant worms demand a tussle, the party members bob and weave out of the way. But what’s so fascinating about these worms? What would make one of our own fall to their knees? Their fiery fierceness is all that steels them in their resolution. Fight on! Roll the dice! Crit!


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Episode 132 – Crystals & Vibe Checks

While being peppered by delayed fireballs, Team Torta finds themselves between a rock and a hard place. Fending off crystal shards and crystalline blows alike, the adventurers take to the skies or hold their ground as they get ready to rock and roll. Can you smell what the rocks are cooking? Or will lightning strike twice? But wait, in the eleventh hour what hails from beneath the ground?
