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Inner West Women


It’s Lisa’s hope that by local women sharing their raw and real stories – that they resonate with you, uplift you, encourage you and motivate you on your own path of connecting with yourself and other’s in your local community so that you can build collaborative, supportive and loving relationships with other incredible local women. Know that YOU are empowered, you are inspiring and you are loved. Are you ready?


Balmain, NSW




It’s Lisa’s hope that by local women sharing their raw and real stories – that they resonate with you, uplift you, encourage you and motivate you on your own path of connecting with yourself and other’s in your local community so that you can build collaborative, supportive and loving relationships with other incredible local women. Know that YOU are empowered, you are inspiring and you are loved. Are you ready?




+61 410 688 655

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3: How to Connect as Soul Beings with Bianca de Reus

What is soul-to-soul connection and Connecting Soul Beings? We talk about what this means, how you can discover this connection for yourself by ‘tuning in’ to yourself and to others. We talk about how Bianca was unable to leave the house for 3 months and the tools she used to tap into her own mindset and change her fears and come from a place of love. This is a very deep and soulful conversation.


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2: The Power of Human Connection with Giovanna Lever

Giovanna Lever talk to Lisa Gumieniuk talk about the power of human connection in local community. And talk local people, local businesses, emotional philanthropy, local non-for profits and how you can connect with the local community and pay-it-forward.


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2: The Power of Human Connection with Giovanna Lever

Giovanna Lever talk to Lisa Gumieniuk talk about the power of human connection in local community. And talk local people, local businesses, emotional philanthropy, local non-for profits and how you can connect with the local community and pay-it-forward.


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Welcome To The Inner West Women Podcast With Lisa Gumieniuk

Introduction / Episode Summary This is the first Inner West Women Podcast! Lisa welcomes you to the podcast, shares part of her personal journey and her Inner West Women mission and vision and how the Inner West Women podcast came to be. Share her inspiring story and her hope to bring about connection, collaboration and a greater sense of community for Inner West (and local) Women. About Lisa Gumieniuk Lisa Gumieniuk is a leading health, wellness, nutritionist & business Coach. An...
