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The Pedalshift Project: Bicycle Travel Adventures


The Pedalshift Project is a series of conversations, thoughts, and experiments around the bike touring lifestyle. It's the companion show to, bringing stories from the road, interviews from fellow bike tourists, plus tips, tricks and ideas on how to tour more. Let's shrink the world by bike.


United States




The Pedalshift Project is a series of conversations, thoughts, and experiments around the bike touring lifestyle. It's the companion show to, bringing stories from the road, interviews from fellow bike tourists, plus tips, tricks and ideas on how to tour more. Let's shrink the world by bike.





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371: Oregon Coast Remix - Part 2

After a relaxing first night in camp, it was time to put in some real mileage over some real terrain. Fog and cool weather beckoned, but would it remain? And would our next new-to-us campsite with "beach" in its name live up to expectations? Oregon Coast Remix - Part 2 Morning in Camp • Coffee experiment failure: James’ protein powder mishap. • Chilly morning with heavy winds. • Plans for the day: ride to Newport and Beachside. Starting the Ride •Update from Highway 101 near Depot Bay: favorable tailwinds. •Tim’s new breakfast strategy: snacking on shredded wheat minis. •Weather and clothing conditions: cool, foggy, perfect for cycling. First Break •Brief stop south of Lincoln Beach. •Positive progress: good pace and energy levels. •Hydration strategy with electrolyte juice. Depot Bay Stop •Stopping for coffee and a treat at Pirate Coffee Company. •Reflections on past experiences and current ride satisfaction. Cape Foulweather Climb •Detailed description of the back road climb on Cape Foulweather. •Scenic views and serene atmosphere. •Comparison to previous rides and current weather benefits. Lunch in Newport •Meeting James for lunch in Newport. •Longer than usual break, reflections on its impact. •Post-lunch ride strategy and sunscreen mishap. Riding to Waldport •Update on the ride to Waldport after lunch. •Grocery run and preparations for the evening. •Anticipation for Beachside State Recreational Area. Arrival at Beachside State Recreational Area •Initial impressions of the campground: close beach access, sandy terrain. •Comparisons to previous night’s campsite. •Reflections on the ride and overall experience. Evening Reflections •Enjoying the evening with beverages. •Discussion on the ride and campsite rating. Statistics Miles biked 50 Protein powder mishaps 1 Other cyclists in camp 0 Hikers in camp 5 Flats 0


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370: Oregon Coast Remix - Part 1

A big day of travel from DC to Oregon and then on to the coast… it’s not hassle-free, but the coast and its cooler temperatures await for a grand adventure celebrating ten years of the pod. But wait… who’s that in Lincoln City? Introduction • Opening remarks from Tim in Washington D.C. • Packing and preparation challenges. • Importance of cable run for bike handlebars. Travel Troubles and Adjustments • Delayed flight and rebooking with Alaska Airlines. • Adjusted travel plans leading to an early morning departure. • Personal updates: spending extra night with family and dealing with remote family health issues. The Journey Begins • Revealing Mysterious James as a trip companion. • Anticipation for the 10th-anniversary trip of the podcast. • Details of the bike setup and packing. • Weather conditions and impact on travel. Flight to Portland • Flight experience: busy airport and smooth connections. • Challenges with TSA and bike packing. • Arriving in Portland and rebuilding the bike. Portland to Tillamook • Riding through Portland to brother’s place. • Adjusting the bike setup. • Detailed plans for the next day’s travel to the coast. • Reflections on using local transit systems. Arrival in Tillamook • Experience at Tillamook Safeway. • Bus journey details and using transit apps. • Mysterious James’s progress on the coast. Lincoln City Campground • Campground features and setup. • Ratings and comparisons of the camping experience. • Discussion on the evolution of cycling tourism post-COVID. Wrapping Up • Final thoughts on the day’s travel and setup. • Looking forward to the ride through Newport to Beachside State Park. Statistics Miles Biked 2.5 Bike tourists in camp 0 Wine-based Choclotinis purchased 2 Mysterious Jameses encountered 1 Flats 0


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369: Oregon Coast Remix Preview

Ten years ago, I embarked on one of my biggest adventures… cycling the entire Pacific Coast, from border to border. Since then, I’ve revisited sections of that ride time and again. And to be honest, I have some habits… tried and true places to camp and eat and even throw back a few. So to celebrate ten years of the pod, the Oregon Coast makes a lot of sense. But celebrating the past sometimes means looking forward, so maybe we shake it up…. remix the ride. On this episode, a preview of the tenth anniversary ride, the Oregon Coast Remix. Oregon Coast Remix Preview The ride Lincoln City - Crescent City A couple of fast forwards (PDX-LC, Port Orford-Brookings) Reasonable mileage The remix - new to me campsites each night (except the last one - more in a moment) Pros - even though this a familiar ride, the tick tock of it isn’t so it’s going to be totally different. New challenges, new rhythms. Ability to spend time in the coastal towns differently. No Sunset Bay! Cons - I’ll miss out on some classic things like South Beach SP. Would have liked more time. Not in proper bike shape for the ride? Unknowns - there are h/b campgrounds, but are they any good? Ride to Union Station, Portland Bus to Tillamook Ride to Pacific City? Bus to Lincoln City Ride hits so many new h/b campgrounds Final night… wanted to do Cape Blanco, but in retrospect it’s just too much to get up there (steep and narrow road). Luckily, Humbug Mountain is close enough to Port Orford to bike back to grab the bus. Only campsite I’ll stay at that’s not new to me (barring disaster/change in plans) Fast forward Port Orford to Brookings and then another bus to Crescent City airport for my car (puke avoidance tour 2024) The gear The Safari - same bike (well same frame and a few of the OG components) as the one that road the coast in 2014 Back from the shop and hopefully riding perfectly Fully loaded, even bringing a stove Flying with the Dogsbody bag (which has definitely paid for itself at this point) Two rear panniers Fork bags, but using the eVent bags instead of those skinny bags that came with them Will be the closest to a "4 pannier" setup I’ve ever done Handlebar roll (new bag) Lots of capacity, but will try to keep amount of gear and clothing to a minimum. May look heavier than it is? The challenges Not in the best shape My usual stops won’t make sense so I’ll be improvising a bit The upsides Brand new campgrounds - new sights to see and new perspectives of the coast Different rhythm to the ride makes it closer to new I’m in this for fun, not breaking speed records… hoping to stop at a few cool places I usually pass by Might have some surprises. It’s the ten year anniversary adventure, after all! Tour Journals start… next week!


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Best of Pedalshift 263: Guide to the C&O – Section by Section

I’ve taken listeners on a bunch of rides on the C&O (including the current one!), so it's worth revisiting my guide to riding it. In the second of two parts, we go section by section from DC to Cumberland. It’s an audio guide to cycling the C&O Canal towpath whether you’re a first timer of a full on expert. Originally podcast November 18, 2021. Best of Pedalshift 263: Guide to the C&O - Section by Section


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368: C&O But Slow Takeaways

10 takeaways from a bike trip that was supposed to be slow but ended up being quite different than anticipated... C&O But Slow Takeaways 10 takeaways from a bike trip that was supposed to be slow but ended up being quite different than anticipated: 1. Unplanned Higher Mileage Day: Despite the intention to have a slow and leisurely ride, the trip ended up requiring a high mileage day due to weather conditions and route changes 2. Changing Routes Due to Weather: The need to avoid bad weather led to a significant change in plans, including a decision to ride to the cabin instead of continuing on the planned trail 3. Encounter with Rolling Coal: The trip included an unpleasant experience of being coal-rolled by a truck, highlighting some of the challenges and hostility faced on the road 4. Gear Issues: Mechanical problems, such as issues with the bike's gearing, added to the difficulty of the trip. This required on-the-go adjustments and highlighted the need for future maintenance 5. Utilizing Lights for Safety: Riding on exposed and less-traveled roads necessitated the use of fully charged lights to ensure safety, especially in low visibility conditions 6. Importance of Flexibility: The trip underscored the importance of being flexible and adapting to changing conditions, such as unexpected weather and route challenges 7. Strategic Zero Days: Taking a zero day (a rest day with no riding) proved to be a wise decision to avoid riding in bad weather and to recuperate from a strenuous day 8. Food and Hydration Management: Managing food and hydration was crucial, with stops to consume snacks and hydrate, especially given the physical exertion and varying conditions 9. Navigating New Routes: The journey involved navigating new and less familiar routes, which added an element of exploration but also required careful planning and adjustments 10. Reflection on Pace and Experience: Despite the trip being more challenging than expected, it offered valuable experiences and insights, leading to reflections on the importance of pace, enjoying the ride, preparation, flexibility, and resilience. Best of next week and then we continue the celebration of 10 years of Pedalshift with Oregon Coast Remixed!


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367: C&O But Slow - Part 4

After a rejuvenating zero day to avoid the storms, I had one more day of road riding to catch my train. A familiar route, but not exactly one with mindfulness paid to bikes. Would I catch the train home? Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Quick housekeeping if you missed last episode’s live show news… I’m off to Oregon for the 10th anniversary tour: Oregon Coast Remixed! We’ll pivot right into that as soon as we wrap up the C&O But Slow over the next few weeks, so stay tuned. Also another shout to Lael Wilcox’s pod… her adventure around the world continues so make sure you follow along Lael Rides Around the World wherever you get this pod. Unless you get it off my website, in which case go google hers ;) C&O But Slow - Part 4 Introduction Travel Plans and Preparations On the Road Experiences Mid-Ride Reflections Final Leg of the Journey Arrival at Martinsburg Train Station Return to DC Statistics Miles biked 20.1 Trains taken 1 Bars eaten 2 Celebratory train beers 1 Flats 0


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366: Ten Years of Pedalshift [Live!]

June 8th, 2014 was the very first episode of The Pedalshift Project, and since then we've gone on quite the journey, mostly by bike. On this live episode, we got a bunch of listeners together to chat about highlights from the last ten years, the evolution of the show, and the reveal of the Tenth Anniversary Tour this summer. Recorded live June 8, 2024. Watch the show Top Ten Moments Honorable Mention Ten First episode - 001 First Brock - 002 First Aaron and first Sprocket Crossover - 004 Gillian Klempner Willman and The New Woman - 013 The Sprocket Podcast bike touring music crossover - 044 First Cat Caperello-Snyder 056 Thanksgiving on the C&O - 063 First Jasmine Reece 069 First Guthrie solo - 071 Green Goblin retirement tour - 252-258 Top ten 10. Social Distancing on the C&O (200-203) - April 2020) 9. Katy Trail (118-126 May-June 2018) 8. eBikes with Biking Brian (Nov 30, 2023) 7. First Brompton tour in CA (048 - April 28, 2016) 6. Shifty the Elf makes his first appearance on the very first Holiday Spectacular (Pedalshift 038 - December 24, 2015) 5. First Biking to Disney World (277 - March 24, 2022) 4. DC to Cincinnati (165-169 - May-June 2019) 3. The 2020 Bike Touring Draft feat. Sprocket (207 - June 11, 2020) 2. The Mysterious James three pack (190-192 - January 2020) 1. The Pacific Coast (005, 006, 010 - 2014) Summer 10th Anniversary Tour Reveal Oregon Coast Remix


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365: C&O But Slow - Part 3

After leaving you all with a bit of a cliffhanger, the decision is made – my (formerly) slow and chill C&O ride now gets another 18 miles of riding to some sweet sweet roofed lodging at my cabin. But that means I cross into West Virginia where I encounter something I’ve never dealt with before. Explicit tag earned for this episode… Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Live 6/8 It'll be on the YouTube channeland here at C&O But Slow - Part 3 Introduction - Riding to the cabin due to favorable weather conditions Travel Plans and Preparations - Description of the route and challenges ahead - Discussion on safety measures and time management - Strategy for avoiding bad weather and deciding to ride immediately On the Road Experiences - Reflections on the ride: pain, headwinds, and dealing with a truck that rolls coal - Encounter with challenging road conditions and gearing issues - Insights on energy management and navigating difficult climbs Scenic and Safe Routes - Decision-making on route choices to avoid hazards - Progress update and estimated distance to the destination Final Leg of the Journey - Description of the last few miles and expected challenges - Nearing the end: checking distance and anticipating weather Arrival and Reflections - Arrival at the cabin and initial feelings - Immediate plans and reflections on the day's ride Zero Day - Announcement of a zero day due to bad weather - Observations on the weather conditions and impact on the trail Closing Thoughts - Strategy for the upcoming ride to the train station - Gratitude for making the right decision and empathy for those still on the trail Statistics Miles biked 18 F bombs tossed 1 Zero days 1 Heavy rain storms dodged 2 Flats 0


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Best of Pedalshift 262: Guide to the C&O - The Basics

I’ve taken listeners on a bunch of rides on the C&O (including the current one!), so it's worth revisiting my guide to riding it. In the first of two parts, it’s an audio guide to cycling the C&O Canal towpath whether you’re a first timer of a full on expert. Originally podcast November 11, 2021. Best of Pedalshift 262: Guide to the C&O - The Basics


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364: C&O But Slow - Part 2

After a surprisingly fast start for a planned slow tour, it was time to head down trail. But the muddy trail conditions of the night before don’t improve with more rain, and the forecast looks pretty wet and plans… well, they’re meant to change on a big bike trip! Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Live 6/8 It'll be on the YouTube channeland here at C&O But Slow - Part 2 Morning Setup and Reflections - Description of the camping spot and the decision-making process regarding legal camping sites. - Reflections on being overextended the previous night and the challenges of finding a good campsite. Weather and Trail Conditions - Noting the weather holding off the rain for a few more hours. - Observations about the better trail surface and concerns about muddy sections post-Paw Paw Tunnel. Camp Setup and Gear Adjustments - Detailed account of morning activities, including packing and adjusting gear. - Challenges with the fork bag and adjustments made to the tent setup. Journey Begins - Initial miles covered with observations of the surroundings and the condition of the trail. - Encounters with traffic and reflections on the proximity of roads to the trail. Trail Experiences - Encounters with other cyclists, particularly a group of LE officers, and reflections on group riding dynamics. - Decision to avoid a large group of cyclists to maintain a personal pace and experience. Weather Check and Gear Adjustments - Checking weather forecasts and preparing for rain by adjusting clothing and gear. - Clearing fenders from mud and dealing with bike maintenance issues on the trail. Scenic Observations - Descriptions of the flora and fauna observed along the trail. - Reflection on missing the red bud season but enjoying the current wildflower bloom. Paw Paw Tunnel Experience - Detailed ride through of the Paw Paw Tunnel, including conditions and the tunnel's history. - Observations on the descaling and maintenance efforts. Trail Challenges and Maintenance - Continued struggles with mud and fender issues. - Descriptions of efforts to keep the bike in good condition amid challenging trail conditions. Decision Points - Considering various options for the day's ride and the impact of weather on the plans. - Reflections on potential stops and the possibility of a zero-mile day due to expected rain. Hancock - Arrival in Hancock and decision-making process about accommodations and next steps. - Consideration of resupply options and potential camping sites. Concluding Thoughts - Reflection on the day's challenges and successes. - Cliffhanger about the decision on where to stay for the night and future plans for the ride. Statistics


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363: C&O But Slow - Part 1

Starting with a semi-eventful train to Cumberland, the tour kicks off at an unexpected pace. But with rain already soaking the trail, and more on the way would the C&O reject my desire for a chill and relaxing start to my trip? Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Live 6/8 It'll be on the YouTube channeland here at C&O But Slow - Part 1 Introduction Trip Plans Bike Setup Union Station Departure Arrival in Cumberland Trail Conditions Camp Setup Day Zero Reflections Closing Remarks Statistics


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362: C&O But Slow Preview

Finding my way back onto the C&O is hardly a surprise, but this spring’s ride is taking a page from my 2024 goals… try to take some of these tours a little more slowly. On this preview episode, we cover how I think it’ll go down. C&O But Slow Preview Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Live 6/8 The basics New config? Pacing Food/water Other stuff


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Best of Pedalshift 106: Beginners Series (2018)

Are you brand new to bicycle touring or like seeing things through the eyes of a first-timer? You’re in luck! On this episode, we revisit the 2018 Pedalshift bicycle touring beginners series, following James from NYC on his journey to his first bicycle tour. Originally podcast February 8, 2018.


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361: The Science of Cycling

Ever wonder why it's harder to cycle up a hill? Or why it's easier to ride on smooth asphalt with skinny tires instead of wide tires on gravel? Turns out, there's an answer: SCIENCE! On this edition, we delve into the (very) basics on what works against us while riding, and how we convert food into motion! The Science of Cycling Programming notes The Physics of Cycling 1. Rolling Resistance 2. Air Resistance (Drag) 3. Energy and Power 4. Gravity and Hills The Biomechanics of Riding 1. Human-Bike Interaction 2. Muscle Work and Efficiency 3. The Role of Gearing


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360: Mindfulness and Bicycle Travel

When we talk about mindfulness in bicycle travel, we mean paying close attention to our experiences and feelings while we are biking. Sometimes this is a natural thing to do and doesn't require any added thought, and sometimes it's helpful to be intentional about it because it can often enhance your travel. On this edition, we talk about how bicycling can be a mindfulness practice. Mindfulness and Bicycle Travel 1. Introduction to Mindfulness in Bicycle Travel 2. Mindful Preparation and Planning 3. Experiencing Joy While Riding 4. Mindful Encounters with Nature and Culture 5. Overcoming Challenges with Mindfulness 6. Featured Stories Story 1: The Hill and the HawkStory 2: Raindrops and RevelationsStory 3: The Sunset Cycle


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The Pedalshift Project 359: Urban Bike Touring

So much of our bike travel is out on the open road, or along some back country trail. But what about the cities? On this edition, we talk about how to make cities and suburban riding a fun and enjoyable part of your next urban bike tour! Urban Bike Touring Planning Your Urban Adventure - route planning in urban areas. - researching bike-friendly cities and regions. - know the area and any rules of paths Choosing the Right Bike and Gear - bike and gear choices for urban touring. - have a flexible setup - Gear recommendations - locks, lights, and bags Navigating Cities and Suburbs - Tips for navigating city streets safely and confidently. - Discuss bike lanes, bike-sharing programs, and public transportation integration. - Strategies for dealing with traffic and busy intersections. Finding Accommodations - Roofed vs unroofed -hotels, hostels, rentals, camping. - Plan ahead vs. staying flexible Immerse Yourself - Highlight the unique cultural experiences that urban touring offers. - Suggestions for exploring local cuisine, art, and events. - Best experiences - NYC, Tampa, SF, LA, San Diego Challenges - theft concerns and bike security. - "bad parts of the city" may be real or may be reverse hype - comfort over all else


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Best of Pedalshift 138: Bike Touring Canada

An interview with Jesse Herbert on his experiences biike touring Canada (and around the world), plus a ton of great ideas, hacks and tips on all things bicycle touring, from lightening your load to braving a chilly night in a hammock. Originally podcast October 11, 2018.


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358: The eBike Build Update

The big project for 2024 is building the ultimate custom e-bike. On this episode we update where I'm at with the project... have I narrowed things down or am I hopelessly lost in the paradox of choice? e-Bike Build Update Nomad Cycles


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357: Space Coast Loop - Takeaways

With the 2024 Florida ride in the rearview mirror, it’s time to assess how it went. I did the ride a bit differently this time… was it the right call? Is there something I definitely want to do next time? And what will I never do again in the Orlando area? Space Coast Loop - Takeaways


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356: Space Coast Loop - Part 4

The final day of the Space Coast Loop was supposed to be the easiest… a familiar route and a familiar destination, with maybe a quirk at the end. But would my luck avoiding mechanicals finally run out and would making a route change in the middle of the ride end up putting me in the middle of an interstate highway? Space Coast Loop - Part 4 An Early StartRoute ChangeRiding on US 192Assessing Traffic ConditionsA Mechanical IssueDiscovering and Using TrailsEncountering Wildlife and AgricultureNavigating ChallengesReflecting on Planning vs. RealityConcluding at Coronado Springs Resort Statistics Miles biked 34.8 Terrible route change ideas 1 Creams in my iced coffee 2 55+ resorts biked by 3? more? Chain jams 1 Flats 0 Trip Overview
