Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)-logo

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)


Alan Watt gives you Both an Historical and Futuristic Tour on who runs society, gives you your thoughts, trends, your entire reality - through media, entertainment and 'education'. This is a controlled global society, planned long ago by an elite group working intergenerationally. Listen to its goals, its history, Working Groups and Techniques.


Round Rock, TX


Alan Watt gives you Both an Historical and Futuristic Tour on who runs society, gives you your thoughts, trends, your entire reality - through media, entertainment and 'education'. This is a controlled global society, planned long ago by an elite group working intergenerationally. Listen to its goals, its history, Working Groups and Techniques.




Alan Watt, Site 41 Box 4, Estaire, Ontario Canada P3E 4N1 800-313-9443

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July 21, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Political 'Events' and Tech Lords of the Brave New World"

--{ "Political 'Events' and Tech Lords of the Brave New World"}-- What happened recently to Donald Trump? Politics, Campaign Rallies, and Conventions - Accidental View of History - Two Views of Reality - In Entertainment, We Must have Justice - The Con of Money - Free Trade - Finance and War - Conflict Needed to Bring About World Government - H.G. Wells - Socialism - Societies with Secrets - Alchemy - Ruled by Use of Fear - The Men Who Make Us Spend - Bernays, Propaganda, Advertising - Using Sex, Fight or Flight to Sell - Politics is a Game, a Soap Opera - Best Slaves Don't Know They're Slaves, Pay for Their Own Upkeep - Change Society to Suit Your Product - Thugs and Think-Tanks - Public-Private Partnerships - Feudalism: You're In It - CEOs are the Feudal Overlords - Jacques Ellul, Osmosis - Aldous Huxley, Scientific Techniques - Russia - The Need for Enemies - CIGI, CFR - Economic Sanctions - Erik Prince, Privatize War - Betsy DeVos - Foxconn - The Truth About Free Trade.


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July 14, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Outer Space to Deep Underground, and Templars Too"

--{ "Outer Space to Deep Underground, and Templars Too"}-- Scalar Weaponry - 3 Levels of Science - What was the Tic Tac UFO? - What does "Accretion" mean? - Deep Underground Military Bases - What is SNOLAB? - Hamas' Tunnels - Underground Bunkers for Billionaires - Albert Einstein and His Theory of Relativity - Spacetime, Time - World Federation - Knights Templars, International Banking, Chessboard, Cheques, Pirates - "Masters Over the Masters of the World" - Pike, Mazzini, Lenin. War on Smoking, War on Obesity - Masonic Knights, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Knights Hospitallers - "Aliens" - Government Experiments, Hypnosis, Narcosis - High Technology - "Flying Saucers", "Attack from Outer Space" - "Martian Warships". Science Fiction, Futurist Society, Predictive Programming - CIA Technology - Humanity and Inhumanity - Nature of Evil - Forms of Hell on Earth - Society of Upper Inbred Psychopaths - Eugenics, "Bioethics Committees" - Science, Seance.


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July 14, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Outer Space to Deep Underground, and Templars Too"

--{ "Outer Space to Deep Underground, and Templars Too"}-- Scalar Weaponry - 3 Levels of Science - What was the Tic Tac UFO? - What does "Accretion" mean? - Deep Underground Military Bases - What is SNOLAB? - Hamas' Tunnels - Underground Bunkers for Billionaires - Albert Einstein and His Theory of Relativity - Spacetime, Time - World Federation - Knights Templars, International Banking, Chessboard, Cheques, Pirates - "Masters Over the Masters of the World" - Pike, Mazzini, Lenin. War on Smoking, War on Obesity - asonic Knights, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Knights Hospitallers - "Aliens" - Government Experiments, Hypnosis, Narcosis - High Technology - "Flying Saucers", "Attack from Outer Space" - "Martian Warships". Science Fiction, Futurist Society, Predictive Programming - CIA Technology - Humanity and Inhumanity - Nature of Evil - Forms of Hell on Earth - Society of Upper Inbred Psychopaths - Eugenics, "Bioethics Committees" - Science, Seance.


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July 7, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Communitarianism, Ukrainian Genocide"

--{ "Communitarianism, Ukrainian Genocide"}-- Nature - Are we born good? Christopher Hitchens and Peter Hitchens, Journalism, Marxism, Materialism - Archbishop Vigano Excommunicated - Man-Made Famine in the Ukraine - 10 Million Deaths, Soviet System, World War II, Horrors of War - Hindu Philosophy - Freemasonry, Government Genocide, Joseph Stalin - Force Peasants to Give Up Private Farms and Join Collectives, New Communitarianism, CollectHIVE, USSR - Moscow, Mass Starvation - Genocide, Sovietization - Lives Planned by Experts, Taxation, Grain Quotas (Tax) Exceeded Production in Ukraine = Famine, War, Oaths of Secrecy - Blood Oaths - Death Oaths, Freemasonry's Charity Front - Freemasonic World System, "Rite" Connections, A Religion Encompassing All Religions, Secret Services and Intelligence, Trade Unions, Masters Over "The Masters of the World" - Manly P. Hall, Spokesperson for Freemasonry - Freemasonry is a Religion, Social Change and Guidance, Hidden Masters, Theosophy, Lawyers Wit and Terminology, Knights Templars, Uniform - One Form One Shape, Oneness Doctrine, Capstone for the Elect, Controlling Minds - Massive Indoctrination and Conditioning. (Credits: Poem - "The Box" by John Denver, Song - "Try To Remember" by Nana Mouskouri)


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June 30, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Manipulative Masters, Sons of Perdition"

--{ "Manipulative Masters, Sons of Perdition"}-- Why Do We Need to Know What Kinsey Did? - Book, Foundations: Their Power and Influence, Dr. Judith Reisman - The Internet Drug, Information Overload - Media Spins - Why Do We Get Stuck in Diversions? - British Empire, Build-up and Unification of India - Technocrats with Real Power - Depopulation Agenda - Margaret Sanger - Maurice Strong (Rockefeller's Protege), UN Earth Charter, Agenda 21, Earth Inc. - Destruction of the Family Unit - The Pervert Kinsey - Devaluation of Human Life - Starsuckers Documentary, Opinion Creation, Mass Mind Manipulation through Weaponized Media and Marketing - Left Wing / Right Wing, Body hides behind the Shield - US Expands "Secret" War Globally - British Unofficial yet Promoted One-Child Policy, Single Parent Families - Planned World Society.


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June 23, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "There's something in them."

--{ "There's something in them."}-- Under the weather - A few excerpts from Aug. 23, 2020 - Alan Watt: Welcome to My World Where I Explain the Sciences Behind the System that Runs Everything - The Art of Conology - Aldous Huxley, People Accept Things That They Shouldn't - Your Decisions Matter for You and Your Very Soul - China, a Model State for the World - Prophecy Series of Three Movies with Christopher Walken - Why do You Give Your Power Away by Voting? - You have to Stop Participating in Your Own Deception - Malachi Martin, a Real Double Agent, Vatican II; William F. Buckley, Jr., CIA; M. Martin Brought Back the Idea of the Supernatural and the Preternatural; Martin's Book, Hostage to the Devil - Why did Communism have to Destroy Religion? People Will Not Fight for a Secular Idea - Mao, Most Frightened by a Big Idea (Religion ) - Trotsky's Train with Priests Dangling on Ropes - God-Given Rights, Life is Precious - M. Martin, the Perfectly Possessed; Psychopathy versus Possession - You Always Knew it Was Going to Come Down to the Choice You Have to Make - Evil has to Be Stood Up Against.


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June 16, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Everything's a secret, isn't it?"

--{ "Everything's a secret, isn't it?"}-- Real History, Over the Mountain part 2. What is real and what is fake? - Why do we participate in the pretense of voting? - Carroll Quigley, Royal Institute of International Affairs - Christian values. - Sexualizing the Youth, "Brave New World" of Aldous Huxley. - Why do libraries weed books?


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June 9, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "There's a separation taking place."

--{ "There's a separation taking place."}-- CTTM bookclub update: Darin on Sat., 15 June and Nick Heys of Heys Reviews on Sat., 29 June in the Telegram chat. - Redux is "Tinkering in the Matrix of the Womb" Dec. 14, 2006 and "Chaos, Conflict and Caritas" Jan. 12, 2007 - Purpose Made People - Language - Israel rescues 4 hostages and kills hundreds of Palestinians. - Obesity and the words used to describe it. Movie, "Branded" - Gender Neutral Pronouns - Evil people can be pleasant, and even care for their own. - Myths about the end of an age. - The sacredness of life. We build our own chains. - Survival of the fittest. - No concern for people far away. Egosyntonic. - Fascinated by the esoteric. - What is a numinous experience? A life-altering understanding.


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June 2, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Dare to know"

--{ "Dare to know"}-- What role does the news media play? The media is an essential arm of government. - Operation Covid or "C" and the Number 33 - The Matrix we live in - AUTHORized Authors - Money is Root of this System - Sumer, Hurrians - Gold, Silver - Coin - Debt Racket - Family Planning=Abortion, Global Planning=Genocide. Psychopathy - Conformity to Personality Type. Kinsey Report - Promiscuity, Perversion - Departments of Culture (Government) - Mind Control through rapid change - Do you really want to open Pandora's Box? You will never be the same. - Theory of Evolution - "The Coming" - Freemasonic religion. Battle for Individual Self - Hypnotism by Emotion - HOLLYWOOD=HOLY WOOD=Wizard's Staff - Real Estate - Agenda 21 (21st Century) - Habitat Areas - No Private Property - Luther, Calvin, Kantian philosophy - Perception - Marshall McLuhan - Mass-man or Individuality? - The Enlightenment - "Dare to Know" - Conscience as relation to your deity. (BOOK: "The Next Million Years" by Charles Galton Darwin.)


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May 29, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special "Dynamic Independence" with CTTM's Melissa as guest

--{ "Dynamic Independence" with CTTM's Melissa as guest"}-- The farce of political theater. Electric cars and the scarcity of minerals. The individual.


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May 26, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Alan and Jackie, and a Few Hollywood Stories"

--{ "Alan and Jackie, and a Few Hollywood Stories"}-- Alan Watt and Jackie Patru in candid conversation. How do we break out of the prison (ILLUSION) we're born into? How is language used to control us? - The parietal lobe. You are surrounded by "experts" who make you feel small and worthless. There is power in your mind. All answers are within you. Why do we waste all our time? What is significant about the year 2030? - What is entertainment? Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream, a 1998 documentary film from the book, An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood - Zion, Scion - Arnold Schwarzenegger - How is the illusion created? - The International Criminal Court (ICC) Seeks to Prosecute Netanyahu and Hamas leaders. Amal and George Clooney - Group of Seven (G7) meeting - Frozen Russian assets for Ukraine. - Why don't we use all of our senses in understanding language? - Movie, Der Golem - Article by the Russian ambassador to South Africa, The Thin Red Line: From Unthinkable to Unavoidable; How is propaganda used and intensified? - Ukraine embraces Smart Grid Technology.


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May 19, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Liberty is an Inside Job"

--{ "Liberty is an Inside Job"}-- Letters from listeners - Alan Watt as a guest on American Awakening. Why was he at odds with the host? - What is money? - Who was Thomas Paine? - What is the Librarian of Congress? - James H. Billington's book, Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith - Freemasonry and the Occult in revolutionary movements - A Sufi story from Tales of the Dervishes - Chemtrails - Predictive Programming - Positive Thinking - New Age - Understanding of History - What is Purpose of Life? - Money is the Root of All Evil - Deification of Leaders and Constitutional Papers - New Testament: "Let the dead bury the dead." - Psychopaths respect Power - Alan: "You don't win any battle until you've conquered yourself." Change Starts within the Individual. "Who are you?" "What is life about?"


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May 15, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special "Dynamic Independence" with CTTM's Melissa as guest

--{ "Dynamic Independence" with CTTM's Melissa as guest"}-- What is the depopulation agenda? How is social engineering done by education and entertainment? Eurovision Song Contest 2024.


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May 12, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Chasing Truth? Be Like the Terrier"

--{ "Chasing Truth? Be Like the Terrier"}-- Your Generation - How do you manage large groups of people? - Predatory Behaviour - What does the Lion King represent? - Techniques of Taking Over World Trade - Appearances and Chaos - Making Piles of Money - Psychopaths Rule the World - How and why are we kept too busy to study? - History, His-Story - Deceiving Your Prey - Forcing Folk Out of the Country - Depopulation - Cancers, Sterilization - Countryside Should Be for Elite - War is Lucrative - Ontario, Climate Change Plans - Green Bank - Be Like Terrier Chasing Rabbit - Cons and Illusions - Lies and Statistics - Abbott and Costello on Borrowing 50 Cents - Scientific Control of Society.


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May 1, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special "Dynamic Independence" with CTTM's Melissa as guest

--{ "Dynamic Independence" with CTTM's Melissa as guest"}-- Alan Watt on Culture Creation and Destruction.


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May 5, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "What is Antisemitism?"

--{ "What is Antisemitism?"}-- Revisiting the Kamploops Residential Schools story from May 2021 - How do we define antisemitism? Darwin Family - Eugenics, Sterilization of the "Unfit", Improvement of the Stock, Genetic "Enhancement" - Gattaca movie - Gas Fracking - Jewish Gender Segregation Campaign Turns Violent - G of Freemasonry, Generation, Compass and Square, Eugenical Program - Bills Passed for Gov. to Restrict Internet - Effects of War on the Psyche, Behaviour Modification, Fear of Mentioning Certain Topics.


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Apr. 28, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Psychopathy of the Dominant Minority and Political Ponerology"

--{ "Psychopathy of the Dominant Minority and Political Ponerology"}-- What is Ponerology? The Study of Evil. - What is in the Aid Package Bill for Ukraine and Israel? - What are ATACMS? - What makes the Daily Mail newspaper schizophrenic? - Why did South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Kill her Dog, Cricket? - TikTok - China and Bitcoin Mining - What is the Evangelical Christian involvement in Ukraine? - Psychopathy versus Demonic Possession - Tragedy and Hope Book Club - Plato's "Republic" - City-States, Beehives - Mining Gold, Silver - Winston Churchill and a United Europe - Rothschild Family - Knights Templars - Psychology, Conscience, Ego - Eugenics - Pyramid, Capstone - Prey, Predators - "Born Again" Christians - Family Dynasties, Monied Power Elite - UNESCO and its Role in Standardized Education, Worldwide "Democratic" System - Double-Speak.


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Apr. 16, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special "Dynamic Independence" with CTTM's Melissa as guest

--{ "Dynamic Independence" with CTTM's Melissa as guest"}-- Security 2030 - Ukraine - Israel, Iran


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Apr. 21, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Who is Authorized to Speak for You?"

--{ "Who is Authorized to Speak for You?"}-- How do bureaucrats live? - Patriot radio, Made in America? - What is the Better Cotton Initiative? BBC News, Infected blood scandal in UK in the 1970s and 1980s - What is in Ireland's proposed Hate Crime bill? - Who are the authorized voices speaking for us? - Please support the talks and websites with your orders and donations - We Live in a Very Old System - Knowledge is Power - Plato on The Art of Memorizing - Empires and the Understanding of Human Nature - Be Still in Your Mind to Learn - Extraneous Entertainment - City-States are the Beehives - Language is Coded - Pharmaceutical Drugs - Legalizing Marijuana - Arthur C. Clarke's 2001, 2010 and 3001, and Childhood's End - Eugenics, Winners and Losers - Freemasonry, There are No Moral Absolutes - MK-ULTRA, Psychic Driving - Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll - Theo Adorno, Frankfurt School - Destruction of Family Unit - Youth Culture - Soap Opera Drama of Politics - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals - Trump's Speech at the United Nations - Netanyahu - Gen. Wesley Clark - PNAC - Canada and Marijuana Industry.


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Apr. 14, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "The Miner Called His Lamp Non-Linear Thinking"

--{ "The Miner Called His Lamp Non-Linear Thinking"}-- What is the Aryan Invasion Theory? - Phone Call with Listener - Balfour Declaration - Who was behind the Society for Psychical Research? - Psychology - Science - Alan Watt: Non-Linear Thinking - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Sykes-Picot Agreement - Who is Vivek Ramaswamy? - Brahmins, the Priestly Class - Secret Brotherhoods and the Taking of Oaths - Iran (Persia) and the 1953 coup d'etat - Mark Sykes and the Balfour Declaration - Why does Leonardo DiCaprio want to "Rewild" Scotland? - The Role of the Media - How far ahead is Science? - Francis Bacon and The New Atlantis - Israel, Iran and the New World Order - Colossus of Rhodes - The Profane - Stonemasons and the Building of Cathedrals in the Middle Ages - Music Industry, Fashion, the Destruction of the Family - Miltary, Uniform.
