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European Parliament - EPRS Policy podcasts


Listen to a selection of EPRS policy podcasts here. An in-depth look at different topical EU policy areas based on objective authoritative and independent research.




Listen to a selection of EPRS policy podcasts here. An in-depth look at different topical EU policy areas based on objective authoritative and independent research.



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Laureates of the 2024 Sakharov Prize

The European Parliament's Sakharov Prize honours the work of people who stand up for these freedoms and rights. This year's Sakharov Prize is to be awarded to María Corina Machado, leader of Venezuela's democratic forces, and President-elect Edmundo González Urrutia. They represent all Venezuelans both inside and outside the country who are fighting to restore freedom and democracy. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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Protection of journalists in the European Union

In recent years an increasing number of attacks and threats against journalists have been documented and reported in Europe. Physical attacks against journalists as well as online threats and harassment in reprisal for journalists' work are on the rise in several EU countries. Around the world, the number of dead and wounded journalists is still too high, as is the number of journalists who are detained, imprisoned and mistreated. The most recent Council of Europe assessment of press freedom in Europe reports that war remains a threat to press freedom and the safety of media workers. Reporters without Borders confirms that the situation is particularly dangerous for journalists, who are sometimes deliberately targeted by military fire despite displaying 'Press' identification. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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Young people and the news

News media are now faced with digitally native younger generations who often pay more attention to influencers and celebrities than they do to journalists, even when it comes to news. The teaching of media literacy skills is more necessary than ever to help people - especially children and young people - understand the difference between news circulating on social media and news provided by professional media sources. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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Setting the European political priorities for 2024-2029

The EU's priorities for the 5-year institutional cycle are outlined in the European Council's Strategic Agenda. Subsequently, the European Commission sets its priorities in the president's political guidelines, which are a first step in operationalising the EU priorities outlined in the Strategic Agenda. These priorities will then be translated into concrete initiatives included in the Commission's annual work programmes, before being submitted to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU in the form of legislative (and non-legislative) proposals. This briefing outlines the main policy priorities for the EU in the coming years, and analyses the differences inviews of the European Council and the European Commission. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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Deepening the single market in the light of the Letta and Draghi reports

Recent shocks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, have revealed not only the single market's vulnerability in crises, but also the extent to which the EU's competitiveness relies on a well-functioning single market, ensuring unhindered access to the goods, services, and strategic inputs EU supply chains need. Although the single market has generally been a success, recent analyses, including those put forward by Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi in 2024, clearly demonstrate that it remains highly fragmented, limiting EU companies' ability to scale up and compete internationally, and preventing EU citizens from reaping the full benefits. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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Choosing Europe's Future: The ESPAS global trends report 2024

In a year when the European Union enters a new institutional cycle, it is timely to look ahead to the strategic choices our political leaders may be asked to make in the next five years. These choices will undoubtedly be taken against a backdrop of heightened global uncertainty with geopolitics shifting quickly in new and unexpected ways. This ESPAS Global Trends Report 2024 is a contribution to the ongoing debate about the future of Europe, its role in the world and its ability to adapt and change to meet fresh challenges and harness new opportunities. This report attempts to identify the key global trends, analyse their significance for Europe, assess the agency the European Union has to influence global thinking, and sets out some of the main strategic choices policymakers may be required to make choices that will have a strong bearing on the kind of Europe we will live in by 2040. - Choosing Europe's Future: The ESPAS global trends report 2024 - Choosing Europe's future: The 2024 ESPAS report - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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The European Parliament's new Rules of Procedure: Parliament 2024 reforms

The European Parliament's new Rules of Procedure entered into force on 16 July 2024 - the first day of Parliament's 10th term. The 'Parliament 2024' reforms sought primarily to streamline legislative procedures, enhance budgetary control and improve scrutiny of the Commission. The reforms also affect plenary, with new speaking-time attribution rules and the creation of a new plenary debate format. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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What are delegated and implementing acts?

In the EU, the distinction between delegated acts and implementing acts was introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon. The distinction seems clear only at first sight. Delegated acts are defined as non-legislative acts of general application, adopted by the European Commission on the basis of a delegation contained in a legislative act. In contrast, implementing acts are not defined as to their legal nature, but to their purpose − where uniform conditions for implementing legally binding Union acts are needed. Under no circumstances may an implementing act modify anything in the basic act. Both delegated and implementing acts are subject to judicial review by the Court of Justice of the EU which controls their conformity with the basic act. - The evolving powers of the European Parliament - Understanding delegated and implementing acts - The European Parliament's right to challenge Commission delegated acts - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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European Parliament's scrutiny of the European Council: The use of Parliament resolutions

The need for accountability and increased scrutiny of the European Council has been a constant theme in the European Parliament's resolutions throughout the 2019-2024 legislative term. The increased need to scrutinise the European Council also results from the changing role of the institution over recent years. In this podcast, we analyse the need for democratic oversight of the European Council and outline the different tools at Parliament's disposal to do so. We also look at the content of Parliament's resolutions addressing the European Council and the messages it sends to the EU leaders. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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Financing the European defence industry

Although the European defence industry is generally competitive, more than a decade of underinvestment has kept it from reaching its full potential. The significant under-investment in European defence is demonstrated by the severe difficulties the European defence technological and industrial base (EDTIB) has in obtaining finance. Member States' defence budgets will continue to be the EDTIB's main source of funding; however, more collaborative actions and spending would enhance output and efficiency. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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The EU's role in promoting health and well-being for all - SDG 3

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing crises, progress towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) 3 ('ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages') is off track globally, and many of its targets may not be achieved by 2030. Within the EU, measures pertaining to SDG 3 focus on achieving more resilient, accessible and inclusive health systems; improving reproductive, maternal and child health; ending major communicable disease epidemics; and reducing non-communicable and mental disorders. They also focus on lowering behavioural and environmental health risk factors. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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How is the European Parliament's President elected?

How does the EU regulate the post term activities of members of the EU institutions, as for example, Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament, as opposed to staff members? The European Ombudsman has looked the phenomenon, also called ‘revolving doors’ in the context of several individual cases; on a few occasions this has ended in an unsatisfactory outcome for the institution or body under investigation and prompted the European Ombudsman to make specific recommendations to avoid a repeat of maladministration in future cases. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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Rules on 'revolving doors' in the EU

How does the EU regulate the post term activities of members of the EU institutions, as for example, Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament, as opposed to staff members? The European Ombudsman has looked the phenomenon, also called ‘revolving doors’ in the context of several individual cases; on a few occasions this has ended in an unsatisfactory outcome for the institution or body under investigation and prompted the European Ombudsman to make specific recommendations to avoid a repeat of maladministration in future cases. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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The role of the Parliament in appointing the new European Commission

One of the most important roles of the European Parliament, next to legislating, is to hold the European Commission accountable. As the newly elected 720 Members of the European Parliament take their seats, one of their first and most important tasks will be to elect the next President of the European Commission, and, shortly after, to greenlight the Commissioners’ designate put forward by the Member States. Find out how this process works with us. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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New European Parliament: First key tasks

With the European Elections now behind us, the process to kick-start the formation of the new European Parliament has begun. And a lot needs to happen between now and the official start of the new legislature on the 16th of July, in Strasbourg. So, if you’re a new Member of the European Parliament, and you’re listening to us, welcome to the European Parliament! Here’s what to expect next... - Timeline to new EU institutional leadership: - Electing the European Parliament's President: - Rules on political groups in the European Parliament: - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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People with disabilities and the European elections

Getting involved in political life: standing for elected office, joining a political party, or following the news; is at the heart of what it means to live in a democracy. People with disabilities are active citizens, keen to participate given the right opportunities. However, they face legal, administrative, institutional and accessibility barriers to taking part. Several EU initiatives encourage people with disabilities to participate in politics. With the 2024 European elections on the horizon, the European Parliament is committed to helping them take part. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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European elections 2024: Rules of a pan-European democratic event

In June 2024, around 400 million EU citizens go to the polls to elect the Members of the European Parliament's 10th legislature. As the only EU institution that represents EU citizens, elections to the European Parliament are a major democratic event, and the only one at EU level that resembles national democratic electoral consultation. European elections, however, differ from the national version, as they are part of a context of multi-tier government, sometimes perceived as 'second order elections'. The main difference is that the European elections are a rather fragmented exercise, since a great part of the electoral process, including the way in which the right to vote is exercised, remains subject to national rules. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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Violence against women active in politics in the EU: A serious obstacle to political participation

Women continue to be under-represented in EU countries at all levels of political decision-making as well as in political parties. The origins of this situation are complex, but one reason stands out: violence against women active in politics discourages many women from entering the political arena. Women politicians are exposed to two severe and intersecting forms of violence: political violence and gender-based violence. Violence against women in politics takes multiple forms, from physical attacks to psychological and symbolic abuse, including sexual and sexist comments, online hate speech and sexual harassment, etc. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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The EU's digital trade policy

Digital trade has become a key element in the EU's trade policy. The EU is the world's largest exporter and importer of digitally deliverable services and has a strong market position. Therefore, the development towards more digital trade provides opportunities for European consumers, for the economy and for the EU’s green and digital transition. The key difference between digital trade and traditional trade is the prominence of cross-border data flows. However, certain data are considered 'sensitive' and require protection and/or specific processing conditions. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP


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The path to 6G

The European Union needs high-performing digital connectivity infrastructure to give all citizens the best access to digital services and to maintain prosperity. As the 2030s approach, the groundwork for the next frontier in mobile communications is being laid – the era of 6G. However, with the promise of unprecedented capabilities comes a host of challenges. Countries and companies that lead in 6G development and deployment are expected to gain a competitive edge in terms of technological innovation, economic growth, and influence in shaping global standards. The global race to 6G has already begun. - Original publication on the EP Think Tank website - Subscription to our RSS feed in case your have your own RSS reader - Podcast available on Deezer, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, YouTube Source: © European Union - EP
