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Your best life is just one project away. The Project Weight Loss Podcast is where you will learn the tools and skills to change what is weighing you down, lose weight and above all, improve your quality of life. This reinvention of your life could have a tremendous ripple effect in all you do and everyone you touch. To learn more and work with us visit


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Your best life is just one project away. The Project Weight Loss Podcast is where you will learn the tools and skills to change what is weighing you down, lose weight and above all, improve your quality of life. This reinvention of your life could have a tremendous ripple effect in all you do and everyone you touch. To learn more and work with us visit



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The Path to Passion

Hello, my beautiful friends! Welcome back - Today, we’re diving into the emotion of passion—how to live with it and get more of it. Passion, is derived from the Latin "pati" meaning to suffer, is about enduring pain for something meaningful. Passion and compassion are intertwined, both stemming from understanding and empathy. We also speak to the art of compassion by Maester Dr. Bruce Perry on the Ten Percent Happier podcast, we explore shifting from judgment to understanding others' pain. Passion is crucial for a fulfilling life, fueling our drive even through tough times. It’s contagious and inspiring, but it must come from our own desires, not mimicking others. Cultivating passion requires effort. For example, my running passion started with a mental block, but I used music and visualization to push through. I offer for us to embrace our fears and use them as motivation. Passion takes energy but also creates it. Honesty, clarity of intention, and willingness to fail are key. Passion means living authentically and wholeheartedly. As Maester Oprah Winfrey says, "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." Thank you for joining me today. I’d love to hear from you! Please rate and share the podcast. Tell me your favorite episode and share it with others who might benefit from our discussions. Keep living with passion and purpose. Until next time, take care and keep moving forward my lovely friends. Love you. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Winning: The 66-Day Challenge

Hello, my beautiful friends! Welcome to our Project Weight Loss podcast. This week, I’m visiting my daughter, and it’s been heartwarming. I’ve finally gotten a breather and am ready for what’s next. Today, I’m excited to talk about creating habits and making them stick, inspired by my time here in LA and the beautiful journey of transformation we all undertake. In this episode we explore how to follow our intuition and apply this to an exercise challenge I’ve planned for us. We’ll commit to 5 minutes of exercise daily for 66 days, forming a new habit. And we will use science to help make our winning habit a staying habit. Every step counts towards our metamorphosis. Until next time, keep moving forward. Oldest Sport Article @fina.projectweightloss Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Weight Loss Success During My Craziest Time

In this week’s episode I share my experience with food sequencing, a method where you eat vegetables first, followed by protein, fat, and finally starchy foods. Amidst a hectic schedule of running my coaching business, podcasting, moving homes, and taking on new real estate projects, I found that starting my mornings with carrots and cucumbers before my main breakfast has made a significant difference. This approach helped me feel fuller faster, making it easier to avoid overeating, and surprisingly, I lost 8 pounds in 4-6 weeks without much effort. Research supports these observations, indicating that food sequencing can lower post-meal glucose spikes and aid in weight management. By incorporating this method, I've been able to maintain my health despite my busy lifestyle. As Maester Mark Hyman says, "Food isn't like medicine, it is medicine and it’s our number one tool for creating the vibrant health we deserve." Have an amazing week everyone - love you! A Review of Recent Findings on Meal Sequence: An Attractive Dietary Approach to Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes Eating Vegetables First Regardless of Eating Speed Has a Significant Reducing Effect on Postprandial Blood Glucose and Insulin in Young Healthy Women: Randomized Controlled Cross-Over Study Mark Hyman interview: The Key Signs You're NOT HEALTHY & How To Use Food To HEAL THE BODY | Jessie Inchauspé Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Decision Clarity: In 3 Simple Steps

In this week's episode, I give you 3 simple steps into the art of making decisions. We explore how to overcome indecision, clarify your choices, and trust yourself in the process. By embracing decision-making with courage and awareness, you can reduce stress and move confidently towards your goals. If you found this episode helpful, please follow, share the podcast with your friends, and subscribe so you never miss an update. Your support means the world to me and helps us continue to grow our community. Thank you for listening! (Calm App, Indecision, 2024) Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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NOVA Unpacked: Discovering Joy in Real Food

In today's episode, I unpack the NOVA classification system, a framework that categorizes foods based on the extent of processing they undergo. And reflecting on my own preferences, I find joy in simple pleasures like herbal tea and avocado toast, realizing that my tastes have evolved with newfound knowledge. As I offer - for you to explore your own food preferences, I challenge you to consider what brings zest to your life, from seasonal produce to post-meal strolls. You see, we have the power to decide what nourishes our bodies and ignites our passions. So, as you embark on this journey of self-discovery, remember: you are what you eat, so don’t settle for anything less than authentic, nourishing goodness. Until next time, my dear friends, may your plates be filled with joy and your hearts with passion. Love you all. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Identity Shift: Project Manager Mindset

In this episode, I unpack the transformative power of identity in our weight loss journey. I share some stories, emphasizing how our identity shapes our actions and the value of striving to become our best selves. Inspired by mentors like Maester Manny (my son) and also Maester Life Coach Zig Ziglar, I discuss the pivotal moment when I decided to project manage my weight loss journey during an executive retreat, embracing a new identity focused on health and wellness. Introducing the VERITAS system, I outline its key components, emphasizing honesty, truth, and enjoyment in the weight loss process. By incorporating project management principles such as defining goals, setting objectives, and managing risks, listeners are encouraged to embark on their own transformative journeys. Remember, every project is an opportunity for growth, and through intention, perseverance, and self-awareness, we can all become better versions of ourselves. I Had a Son and Lost Two Years of Memories You Tube Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Project You Rule: Cultivating a Positive Self-Image

In today's episode, I unpack the third important rule for our Project Weight Loss and that is the self-confidence in you rule, the vital "Project You" rule. This rule emphasizes the importance of cultivating a positive self-image. Self-confidence is paramount for both weight loss success and effective project management. By embracing self-love and checking self-criticism, we unlock our true potential and inspire those around us. Remember, nurturing a positive relationship with ourselves sets the foundation for all other relationships in our lives. It's not selfish; it's necessary. So, I offer, let's prioritize self-care and positivity, knowing that when we love ourselves unconditionally, we create a ripple effect of empowerment and fulfillment. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Seize the Day: How 24 Hours Can Change Your Life

In this episode, I unpack the transformative potential of the 24-hour rule, exploring its impact on decision-making, emotional regulation, memory retention, and meal planning. Drawing from personal anecdotes and research insights, I reveal how this simple principle can revolutionize our approach to weight loss and holistic well-being. From learning to navigate major decisions with clarity and confidence to cultivating mindfulness in our dietary choices, the 24-hour rule serves as a powerful tool for empowering change and driving progress in Project Weight Loss and beyond. As we journey through the episode, we uncover practical strategies for implementing the 24-hour rule in various aspects of our lives, from professional endeavors to personal habits. By embracing imperfection and committing to continual growth, we harness the full potential of each day, propelling ourselves forward on the path to success and fulfillment. Tune in to discover how the 24-hour rule can unlock new opportunities, enhance resilience, and accelerate your transformation journey in Project Weight Loss and beyond. Harvard Business Review 12/2/2010 Baylor College: Memory Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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PWL Rule #1: The 90-Second Secret

In this episode, I unpack the 90-second rule and the concept of emotional management. This rule is so relevant to both our project management and weight loss journeys. Exploring the 90-second rule and drawing from Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and Viktor Frankl's insights, I offer practical strategies for handling emotions effectively and therefore handling our reactivity and our success in our Project Weight Loss. I illustrate the benefits of applying the 90-second rule in real-life situations in order to make conscious decisions in both professional and personal contexts. Overall, I bring you valuable insights and actionable tips for achieving success by mastering emotions in various aspects of life to lose whatever can hold us back and weigh us down. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Milestones & Memories: Celebrating 100 Episodes Together

Hello, my beautiful friends! Can you believe it? This is our 100th episode, and I'm filled with gratitude for each and every one of you. What a journey it's been, especially this week – it's been a roller coaster with a trip to the ER thrown in for good measure. But hey, we're all okay, and that's what matters. First and foremost, I want to extend a humble thank you to all of you for sticking with me and for sharing the podcast. It means the world to me. Some of you lovely listeners have even told me you've listened to certain episodes multiple times – thank you for that! So, for this special episode, I've put together a few clips from some of the most popular and your favorite episodes. I hope you enjoy them. And please forgive me if they're not perfect – this week has taught me to embrace B- work, especially when life throws curveballs. Each clip will be accompanied by the title and episode number, in case you want to revisit the full episodes later. So, without further ado, let's dive in: 1. "Our Brains and Why We Overeat" – Episode 8 2. "From Reasons to Seasons" – Episode 99 3. "What the Heck Is a Life Coach?" – Episode 51 4. "Let's Talk Fats" – Episode 64 5. "Regrets" – Episode 41 And last but certainly not least, the top episode: "Tamara Levitt: The Mindfulness Maester" – Episode 20 And to wrap up this monumental episode, here's a quote to ponder: "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken" by Oscar Wilde. I love YOU so much. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Here's to the next 100 episodes and beyond! Special Thank you to Andrey Rossi for the wonderful song, Seize the Day that you hear in between the clips. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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From Reasons to Seasons: The People that People Our Lives

In today's episode, we're going to unpack a topic that's close to my heart: the profound impact that relationships have on our project weight loss journey. Lately, I've been reflecting on the significance of the people in our lives, both in our professional and personal spheres. I've been contemplating retirement and it's got me thinking about the wonderful individuals who have crossed my path throughout my career. I also define what relationships mean to me. I've been inspired by the insights of Maester Drew Chalker, who suggests that people enter our lives for specific reasons, providing support and guidance during challenging times. Drew also talks about the concept of seasons in relationships, where individuals come into our lives to share, grow, and learn, but only for a period. I'm incredibly grateful for the lifelong relationships that have shaped me into who I am today. From family members to mentors and friends, each person has left an indelible mark on my life. As we wrap up, I encourage you to reflect on the people who have influenced your weight loss journey. Remember, our relationships shape how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. I'll leave you with a quote from Anaïs Nin "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." Thank you for joining me on this episode of the people that people our lives, and how they come into our lives for a reason, a season and a lifetime. I hope you'll take some time to share this episode with your loved ones and continue the conversation about the power of relationships in our wellness journey. Until next time, take care and stay well. Zig Ziglar : You Were Born to Overcome Life's Challenges Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Powerful Emotions, Powerful Results

In this episode of Project Weight Loss, I do a deep dive into the transformative power of some emotions on our Project Weight Loss journey. Exploring the emotions of discipline, courage, clarity, joy, gratitude, and certainty. I share insights on how these emotions can serve as guiding lights, empowering us to overcome any impediment and cultivate a healthier, happier life. I also share a summary of my VERITAS (truth) model, the system I use in Project Weight Loss. I invite you to join me on this enlightening journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, let's harness the strength of our emotions to create lasting change and step into a brighter, more vibrant future. Don't miss out on this empowering episode filled with actionable advice and heartfelt encouragement for you to get ready and shed what weighs you down so you can embrace a life of wellness and fulfillment. VERITAS Episode Series Part 1 The How Part 2 The Pause & the Past Part 3 The System: VERITAS Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Eagerly Live Your Best Life: Embracing the Gems

In this week's episode, I speak to the concept of living our best lives amidst significant changes and challenges in our lives. From retiring from my government job to the change of my sister's move and home renovations with my honey, life's transitions on the surface can seem overwhelming. However, amidst the chaos, I reflect on the small, precious moments that define true happiness. Inspired by an unattributed social media post, I encourage you my listener to contemplate on your own interpretation of living your best lives. I share examples of what it means to me-it's the simple yet profound experiences that enrich our lives. Join me as I share heartfelt moments and insights, reminding us all to treasure life's gems. Until next week, keep on living your best lives, my dear friends. Signing off with warmth and love, your friend Fi. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Crave Less, Live More: Mastering the Art of Not Wanting

In today's episode of Project Weight Loss, I, Fina Perez, your guide and coach, unpacked desires and cravings and the concept of not wanting to want to overeat or eat off plan. We unraveled over desire, focusing on the intense allure of cravings and the broader spectrum of desires, particularly in the context of our relationship with food. This exploration serves as a crucial foundation for our collective journey towards a healthier, more intentional life. As we our Project Weight Loss journey, I emphasized the significance of understanding these nuances. Over desires and cravings possess the potential to veer us away from our true desires. For me, it's about cultivating a healthy body and savoring a remarkable quality of life in the years ahead. From pinpointing when and where these desires typically surface to providing actionable strategies for overcoming them, this episode aims to empower you in conquering these challenges. Closing with the timeless wisdom of Plato and Seneca, we are reminded that the first and greatest victory is the conquest of oneself, a key to celebrating life without unnecessary cravings. Until our next insightful journey together, stay true to your path, nurture contentment, and wield the power to conquer yourself. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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What are Ultra Processed Foods (UPF): Maester Chris Van Tulleken Insights

In this episode, I dive into the complex world of Ultra Processed Foods (UPF) and unpack it for you, prompted by research on diabetes and health concerns and drawing inspiration from the insightful vlog of Susan Pierce Thompson, I embark on unraveling the complex concept of UPF with the guidance of the Maeser Dr. Chris Van Tulleken, affectionately dubbed as "Maester Chris" for his expertise. Dr. Van Tulleken's perspective on UPF is enlightening, emphasizing the effects of UPF on our health while debunking misconceptions and offering powerful insights. Through Dr. Van Tulleken's teachings, we explore the profound impact of UPF on our bodies, from its influence on neurotransmitters to its role in driving chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes. Amidst the seriousness of the topic, I want us to have fun and with a lighthearted approach, I highlight strategies for navigating the UPF-laden modern food landscape. Ultimately, the episode focuses on the importance of informed decision-making, with a reminder to keep judgment at bay and our focus firmly on our plates. With Dr. Van Tulleken's wisdom as our guide, we embark on a journey towards healthier choices and a deeper understanding of the foods we consume. Bee Wilson Article in the Guardian Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Rising Above Haters-Including Ourselves

In this episode of Project Weight Loss, I delve deep into the pervasive issue of hater-talk, offering six actionable strategies to break free from its grip. As a life coach specializing in empowering female project managers, I understand the unique challenges we face in balancing leadership roles and personal well-being. I outline a comprehensive 6-step approach to overcoming negative self-talk, providing listeners with the tools they need to rewrite their inner dialogue and lead with unwavering confidence. Throughout the episode, I will speak to the importance of self-awareness, self-compassion, and surrounding oneself with truth and beauty. By challenging negative thoughts, practicing affirmations, and cultivating a supportive environment, listeners will learn to silence their inner critic and embrace their innate potential. Whether you're a seasoned project manager or navigating leadership for the first time, this episode offers invaluable insights to help you conquer the haters and the self-hate and step into your power. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Breaking the Quit Cycle

Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well! How was your Valentine’s Day? By now, it's likely passed, but I hope the love and warmth of the occasion linger with you, whether from a friend, family member, or a special someone. Sending some love your way too, with a little wink for good measure. In this episode we're delving into something that hits close to home for many of us: the tendency to quit on our goals. Whether it's weight loss or any other aspect of life, quitting seems to be a common theme, especially after the initial burst of enthusiasm that comes with New Year's resolutions. Research shows that only a small percentage of people actually stick to their resolutions, and by mid-February, a significant majority have already given up. But fear not, my friends, because today we're dissecting the reasons behind quitting and exploring strategies to break this cycle. It's time to reignite our commitment, embrace resilience, and keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles. So, let's dive in and reclaim our determination together! Episode 86- Commit, Constrain, Conquer: A strategy to Achieving your Weight Loss Goals Link Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Help for the Caregivers: Transforming Emotions into Action

In this heartfelt episode of Project Weight Loss, we shift gears from our regularly scheduled content to unpack a topic close to my heart: caring for others while managing our own emotions. Drawing from my recent personal experiences of facing a loved one's illness, I share my insight on transforming feelings of helplessness, guilt, and frustration into empowering actions. Through introspective coaching techniques I guide you on embracing awareness, accepting emotions without judgment, and reframing mindset to cultivate compassion and resilience. I offer encouragement to recognize the validity of your emotions, identify the thoughts driving them, and consciously redirect their mindset towards realistic and empowering thoughts. Understanding the importance of normalizing these emotions as part of the human experience and the significance of self-care and seeking support. We understand that navigating emotions effectively, can enhance our quality of life and better serve our loved ones. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Unleashing Your Higher Mind-The Prefrontal Cortex

In this episode we take a profound journey into the transformative realm of our higher mind – the prefrontal cortex. The episode explores the significance of planning in weight loss. We discover that planning ahead engages the higher brain, offering a strategic advantage in navigating desires and impulses. We understand the profound impact of working from the higher mind, elucidating the dual outcomes of habit formation and a bolstered self-confidence when commitments are honored. Delving deeper, we illuminate the profound connection between emotional intelligence, maturity, and the prefrontal cortex. And we unravel the layers of personal growth that stem from facing urges and acknowledging the potential ramifications of our choices. We are reminded of the parallels between planning for the future and finding peace in the present, highlighting how activating the prefrontal cortex becomes the blueprint for sculpting a healthier and more fulfilling life. Tune in to unlock the secrets of your higher mind and embark on a transformative journey towards sustainable weight loss and overall well-being. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:


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Nourishing Your Life: Nutritarian Maester, Dr. Joel Fuhrman

In this episode we explore the Maester Nutritarian lifestyle with renowned physician and nutrition expert, Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Discover the key principles of Nutritarian living, including the power of GBOMBS—Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds—and how these nutrient-dense components can help inform your Project Weight Loss journey. I share my personal journey of incorporating Dr. Fuhrman's teachings into my life, from making salads the main meal to crafting homestyle gelato ice cream, and speaking to some ofthe added benefits of intermittent fasting taught by Maester Fuhrman. Learn from this Maester, a a board-certified family physician and a best-selling author and nutritional researcher. Gain valuable insights into the science behind Nutritarian living and how this holistic approach can positively impact your well-being. Subscribe, rate, and embark on the journey to optimal health with Project Weight Loss. Learn more about this Maester here. Let’s go, let’s get it done. Get more information at:
