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Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast


On the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast, Joe McCall will share with you the real world secrets on how to make a full-time income through investing in real estate – with a special emphasis on fast cash strategies like Wholesaling and Lease Options. You will learn how to escape the 9-5 through hearing the stories of other successful investors, and discovering strategies that Joe has implemented in their businesses to obtain the freedom many only dream of.


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On the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast, Joe McCall will share with you the real world secrets on how to make a full-time income through investing in real estate – with a special emphasis on fast cash strategies like Wholesaling and Lease Options. You will learn how to escape the 9-5 through hearing the stories of other successful investors, and discovering strategies that Joe has implemented in their businesses to obtain the freedom many only dream of.



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How To Find More Buyers Than You Need For Your Deals » 1345

What’s the best way to find buyers for your deals? Whether you’re doing houses or vacant land, you should already know who your buyers are before you make an offer on the property. You should make sure you're only doing deals in markets where there is already high demand. If you're targeting these kinds of markets, you'll be able to sell your deals for much higher profits, much faster. All you have to do is make some phone calls. If you find a good deal, if you're in a good market where there's a lot of demand, if you call realtors and other investors that have bought property recently, and if you don't sell your deal in 2 to 4 weeks, you probably don't have a good deal. At that point, you can just move on. It's really that simple. What’s Inside: —How to find buyers for your deals —Why you should know who the buyers are before making an offer —The advantage of partnering with others on deals


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How to Find More Money than You Need for Your Deals » 1344

You sent out the postcards. You've gotten the leads. You started making offers. You got a good deal under contract. What are you going to do now? Where are you going to get the money to buy the deal? Maybe you can just do an assignment, a quick wholesale, or get transactional funding, but it’s getting harder and harder to do wholesale deals in this market. You can’t list a property you don’t own, and you have to be a licensed realtor. Certain states are passing restrictive laws on wholesaling. If it’s not a law in your state yet, it soon will be. So how do you get around this? Where do you find the money to close on these deals? First of all, understand that when you have a good deal, money will find you. You've got to believe that money is abundant. It's there; you just need to focus on finding good deals. You’ve got to get rid of those limiting beliefs telling you to have it all figured out first. Just get the deals. Get a good deal under contract, and the money will find you. What’s Inside: —Why it’s getting harder to wholesale —Strategies to find money for deals —Benefits of joining Joe’s inner circle


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5 Skills Every Wholesaler Must Learn to Make Money In Any Market » 1343

Whether you're doing vacant land or houses or commercial or residential apartments, all wholesalers need the same five skills to make money in any real estate market. It doesn't matter if the market is sideways, if it's flat, if it's hot, or if it's cold. Here, I’m sharing the five skills you have to master if you want to do deals. I know this from my own personal experience, and this is also something I've coached thousands of people on. This is very important stuff to know because it is going to save you a lot of hassle and frustration. In addition to the five skills I cover here, you also have to master the three gems to success: marketing, momentum, and mentors. Once you get the ball rolling and have a system in place, everything starts to get a whole lot easier. What’s Inside: —The five skills every wholesaler needs to make money —The three gems to success in real estate —Why it’s so important to become brilliant at the basics


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TOP Real Estate Software to Automate Your Leads » 1342

Here, my good friend Rob Swanson joins me to talk all about how FreedomSoft can transform your real estate business. It’s an incredible tool. One thing I learned early on in my real estate investing career is the importance of “no lead left behind.” Whatever tool you’re using, you have to have a system that prevents leads from falling through the cracks. The money is made in the follow up, right? I use FreedomSoft every day. I use it for houses. I use it for land. I use it to do my direct mail. I use it for my phone numbers. I use it for my websites. I use it for digital signatures. There's going to be lists for land that you can get excited about. Yeah, did I mention skip tracing? You can do cold calling, create your contracts, create automated workflow automations, and much more. To get my signature edition of FreedomSoft, go to What’s Inside: —Why you need FreedomSoft in your real estate business —How FreedomSoft helps you capture every lead so none get lost —How to get my signature edition of FreedomSoft


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Do Land Deals From Busch Stadium?

Today’s episode is gonna be epic. I’m with my buddy, Brent Bowers, to talk about what’s working well today with two very simple agendas: TEACH and DO DEALS. Brent and I talk about what he’s been up to in his business and share our excitement for our upcoming 2-day workshop, together with another real estate legend, Ray Zhang, which will happen in Busch Stadium while we’re watching a Cardinals game. How cool is that? You can fast-track your vacant land business with what we’ll be teaching and showing you in this workshop on August 26–27. Here’s the catch… We're only inviting a small group of action-takers for this exclusive, hands-on, mastermind workshop. After that, the secrets go back in the vault. So do not delay. Sign up now by going to What’s Inside: —What’s working well today in the vacant land flipping scene. —Info on our upcoming 2-day hands-on workshop.


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6 Figure Wholesaling Checks - With Trent Ellingford » 1341

Wouldn’t it be cool to maybe get six figure assignments? What if you could make $100,000 as an assignment fee, doing bigger deals like commercial properties? Obviously, I can't guarantee or promise that you're going to make six figures wholesaling deals. But I can tell you this, you'll probably be more likely to make that kind of money when you're wholesaling bigger properties than you would if you're wholesaling houses or recreational vacant land. Commercial real estate can be real intimidating, right? It can be a little scary. That's why I've asked a good friend of mine, Trent Ellingford, to come on the show to talk about this. He’s a commercial real estate investor who does a lot of these bigger deals and has been teaching and helping people do commercial wholesaling. If you want to get these kinds of larger assignment deals, you're in the right spot. What’s Inside: —How to land six figure wholesaling deals —Which properties to target as a beginner —How to get access to Trent’s wholesaling blueprint


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Stop Being a Motivated Buyer! » 1340

Some students and clients in the community are struggling. They’re getting deals under contract, but they're not selling them. There are a few things going on here, but you’ve got to learn how to negotiate with sellers. People are struggling because they're getting a property under contract, and they're waiting too long, hoping to get the price that they want. You’re probably offering way too much, or you’re not being aggressive enough in your negotiations with sellers to get them down to their price. So how do you solve this problem? You have to become the reluctant buyer instead of the motivated buyer. When you stop chasing sellers, they start coming to you. You have to play tough. Don't let them walk over you. Don't let them tell you how it's going to work. You tell them how it's going to work. Here, I take a couple of questions from the community, do a little role playing, and show you what it looks like to be that reluctant buyer. What’s Inside: —Why you don’t want to be a motivated buyer —How to get tough with sellers and become a reluctant buyer —A role play to help you talk to sellers


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The Community of Producers » REI In Your Car » 1339

I've been getting a lot of testimonials lately from folks who are doing deals. Things are actually working for them and the community that I'm trying to build inside what I'm calling my inner circle. It's just so cool to see people in there who are helping each other and partnering with each other on deals. I haven't really focused on building a community until last year, and I wanted something where people could post questions and get answers from others besides me. Whether you have too many leads or not enough, this group is the place to be. The cool thing is that people in the community are jumping in with some fantastic ideas and advice. It’s super exciting, and I'm really giddy over it because it's actually working. People are getting real results. If you want to check it out for yourself, head to my Facebook group called Joe’s Inner Circle. I’ll meet you there. What’s Inside: —All about my producers community, Joe’s Inner Circle


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Watch Me Call Realtors Live For Land Deals - The Best Free Seller Marketing » 1338

This walkthrough is all about how I like to talk to realtors. Some of you guys are really interested in doing marketing to bring in leads, but you might not have a ton of money to spend. A really great, free way to get a lot of leads is by calling realtors. I have a tried-and-true script that I’ll share with you. You’ll get to hear me go through it in real time with a realtor live on the line. When I cold call realtors, I start off by telling them I’m looking for a deal and then ask for information about the property. You’ll get a good idea of how things flow by listening to this real-world example. If you want access to this script to use in your own business, I’m giving it away for free. Head to to get your copy. What’s Inside: —The exact script I use when I talk to realtors —A real life cold call conversation with a realtor —How you can get your very own copy of the script


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Land Flipping Mistakes You Must AVOID! » 1337

New wholesalers often get tripped up by two major roadblocks: not having a real estate license and not having money to do deals. Here, I share some tips to help you get around these roadblocks so you can gain traction and grow your business. Some states have rules and regulations that say you have to have your license, but you can also hire realtors or buy the deal yourself. I’ll show you how to work with the rules instead of getting around them. It also helps to partner with a mentor who can set things up for you. They can help you start off on the right foot and get a good marketing plan in place so you can target the right areas with a ton of activity. Working with a mentor can be a real game-changer in your real estate business, and here, I share how I like to partner with others to do deals. What’s Inside: —Why you don’t need a real estate license to wholesale —How to partner with others on deals —Why you need to work with a mentor


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Land Deal Under Contract? Steal This Seller Script To Sell Fast! » 1336

When my coaching client Josh first got started, he was doing a bunch of marketing, but was forced to put things on hold for a little while because he had a lot going on. He’s currently based in South Asia with his family, and a lot of stuff hit the fan. Now, Josh is picking things back up, and here, we recap how things have been going. In addition to getting the marketing machine back up and running, Josh’s friend has been doing acquisitions for him. They’ve gotten some deals under contract within the last three weeks, which is pretty cool. Josh and I dive into everything he’s got going on, and we walk through the next steps, how to talk to sellers and realtors, and deal closing tips. What’s Inside: —An update on Josh’s real estate business —Deal closing tips and tricks —How to talk to sellers and realtors


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Is Your Business Structure a Ticking Time Bomb? Find Out Before It's Too Late » 1335

In real estate, your business structure is really important. A lot of people have their entities set up wrong. It’s critical to get things right as soon as possible, especially if you are a beginner. Tommy from Prime Corporation Services joins me here to talk about the importance of setting up the right entities, like LLC, S-Corp, etc. I’ve done business with PCS for a long time and I highly trust and recommend them to all my students. Tommy is an expert in the industry and knows exactly what you need to get set up correctly. Even if you already have an LLC, you’ll want to pay attention to what we cover here. There’s a chance you don’t have the right privacy protections in place. Once you start doing deals and things flip from a hobby to the real deal, you’ll be glad you got your ducks in a row. If you want more information on how to work with Tommy and set up your business, head to the link below! What’s Inside: —Why setting up your business entity the right way is important —Benefits of electing an S-Corp —How to work with Prime Corporate Services


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Consistent Daily Action for the Win » REI In Your Car » 1334

Here, I’m sharing two stories to hopefully get you pumped up and excited about your own real estate business. Two guys within my community are doing deals and experiencing big wins, all because they’re taking massive, consistent action. They’ve set up their marketing machine, and they’ve stuck with things long enough to start making some serious money. If you’ve been down on yourself and feel like you’re ready to quit, listen to this episode and don’t give up. Don't get discouraged, and you will start finding success. It's a numbers game, right? All the guys who do a lot of deals have one thing in common. They stick to the basics, they do a lot of it, and they do it over and over again. They're what I like to call brilliant at the basics. They keep it simple, easy-peasy. What’s Inside: —Success stories from the community —Why consistent action is the key to success —Info on my Saturday workshops


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Haters... It was going to happen sooner or later... » REI In Your Car » 1333

Haters, you gotta love them, right? My daughter recently Googled me and found at the top of the results, “Joe McCall is a scam.” Now, it bothers me. I'm a little emotional about it, right? Some chuckle had complained about something that he bought and about how it was just all wrong and jacked up. He had some legitimate complaints that we fixed. A long time ago, even before he made the complaint, I refunded his money, and he still felt the need to go on a long internet rant. If people don't hate you, then you're probably being too mediocre. When you start putting yourself out there, you're going to find haters, whether you're in the education business or not, or whether you're doing deals. I always say that if you haven’t made somebody mad by 12:00, then you're not marketing hard enough. You just have to have thick skin and be cool with it. What’s Inside: —How to deal with haters


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How to Find Secret Off-Market Leads Your Competition Doesn't Know About » 1332

Today we're going to be talking about probate leads. If you don’t know what they are, these leads could be the most valuable leads that you could find in your real estate investing business. These are leads where somebody passed away and they own some real estate, whether it's vacant land, houses, commercial properties, or whatever, that needs to be sold. These properties typically require a ton of work and the family just doesn’t want to deal with it. That’s where you come in. If you can get these leads, you can print money almost if you do it right. My guest Micah Nicholes is a rockstar when it comes to probate leads and here he shares everything you need to know. There are a lot of stories of stupid things that people have done with these leads, and there's a right and wrong way to approach them. Micah’s giving away a ton of valuable resources to help you with probate leads, including letter and direct mail templates and his marketing swipe file. Head to for more info. What’s Inside: —How to find the best probate leads —Probate lead marketing strategy tips —How to talk to probate lead sellers


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The Easiest Way To Raise Private Money For All Your Land Deals - Even If You've Never Done a Deal Before » 1331

How many of you have ever come across an exciting deal, but then you turn around and you have no idea where the money is going to come from? You have no idea how you're going to close on the deal or how you’re going to flip it. The clock is ticking as your closing date approaches and you don't have the funds to close the deal. You're hoping you can find somebody to assign the deal to or to maybe double close. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had dug your well before you're thirsty and you already had access to private money? With private money, you could close on smokin’ hot deals immediately and never miss out. You can make a bunch more money because you can now list it without having a real estate license, because you actually own it. You don't have to worry about all the hassle and how it's illegal, immoral, and fattening to close deals. My friend Bill Allen from 7 Figure Flipping knows all about doing deals this way. Here, he breaks everything down step by step. I also include his program for free in my Inner Circle program, which you can check out through the link below. What’s Inside: —How Bill Allen built his real estate empire with private money —How private money can make doing deals easier —How to find private money if you’re starting from scratch


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Small Workshop in My Home Office

It's a beautiful day after some night thunderstorms, and I'm excited to share my journey with you. Today, I'm heading to breakfast with my friend Jeremy, a long-time partner in real estate deals. Over the past seven years, we've refined a system that allows me to travel the world with my family while still closing deals. From automating processes to partnering with local experts, I'll walk you through the steps that made this possible. Plus, I've got some exciting news about upcoming workshops where I’ll be helping a select few to master these techniques and even start their own coaching businesses. If you’re interested in taking your real estate business to the next level or starting your own coaching business, join me for a hands-on workshop at my home office! We'll dive deep into creating marketing plans, setting up systems, and launching your business. Email me at and let me know if you want to be part of Group 1 or Group 2. Spaces are limited, so act fast! What’s Inside: —How I automated my real estate deals and traveled for months at a time. —Insights into my collaboration with local wholesalers and virtual assistants. —Details about my upcoming workshops at my home office.


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The Shockingly Profitable Real Estate Niche You're Overlooking » 1330

Wouldn't it be cool if you bought some vacant land for a few thousand bucks, stuck a mobile home on it, and then maybe tripled the value on that? I've been talking a lot about how to wholesale vacant land, but now there’s a new twist. You could now add some value to that vacant land and make up to $10,000 in profit by just adding a mobile home. Mitzi Dyane is a master of this process, and here she shares all about how she’s making a ton of money through this technique. She’s absolutely crushing it. You’re going to really get a lot of value out of this one. Get ready and grab a pen and paper. You’re definitely going to want to take notes! Don’t forget, every Saturday, I host a $7 workshop where I share everything I’d do if I had to start my real estate business all over again from scratch. Get more information at What’s Inside: —How Mitzi makes huge profits off adding mobile homes to vacant land —How Mitzi gets good leads and finds the best deals —How you can get started if you want to build a business like Mitzi’s


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The 6 Pillars Every Dad Must Master to Avoid Catastrophic Failure in Life and Relationship with Dustin Hoog » 1329

My friend Dustin Hoog joins me here to talk about what it’s like to be both a dad and a business owner. We get into some of the challenges, the things to watch out for, and how to maintain balance in a very busy lifestyle. First and foremost, it’s important to be a good dad. You could have an amazing business, but a horrible family life if your priorities are all mixed up. Dustin shares his story, and I think we can all learn a ton from his experiences. I was really intrigued and fascinated by Dustin’s angle on things, and he shares how he got into real estate and why. It’s so tempting to dive right into business first, but it takes up most of our time and can cause a lot of problems when you make it your number one. Dustin covers the six pillars every dad must master: faith, health, marriage, parenthood, brotherhood, and business. On the Balanced Business Dad Podcast, Dustin dives further into all these topics and much more. Check him out and connect with him through the links below. What’s Inside: —The six pillars every business owner dad must master —How Dustin got into real estate and grew his business —Tips for living both a balanced and successful life


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And the fastest path to cash is....

What’s the number one rule in real estate? Well, it’s also the fastest path to cash. It’s not location, location, location. It’s making a ton of offers. I can’t emphasize the importance of this enough. If you want to make serious money in real estate, you have to learn how to make offers. That’s the number one skill you must master to close more deals and grow your business. If you haven’t made anyone mad by noon, you’re not making enough offers. My new Offer Challenge starts next week and it’s the perfect way to boost your offer making skills. For 30 days, you’re going to make one offer per day. Within the first week, I’ll teach you how to talk to sellers and make offers without any fancy software. In the following four weeks, we’ll hold live accountability sessions where we’ll talk through your deals and troubleshoot. Head to to sign up! What’s Inside: —Why making offers is the fastest path to cash —Why being brilliant at the basics is all you need to succeed —Info on my brand new Offer Challenge
