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Conscious, Connected, Coupling


Join Frederic and Christy as they talk and share their experiences of creating a conscious, connected relationship. They candidly share what they have learned over the last 12 years of being married, their ups and downs, the shifts they made by working with energy. They will discuss the 7 essential laws, getting out of drama in your relationship, the 7 areas that couples need to get clear in their relationships, the way we give and receive love and it is different for each person, we will discuss the roles that all of us have learned and how we function from these roles and it causes stress, strain and it is the cause why most relationships break up. Learn how to turn your partner in to your soul mate, twin flame and kindred spirit, how to overcome the fear of change. We answer the questions of how do we return back to love and connection in our relationship? Why Is The Attraction Between Twin Flames So Powerful? We will give practical tools, steps and processes to help you find the lo


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Join Frederic and Christy as they talk and share their experiences of creating a conscious, connected relationship. They candidly share what they have learned over the last 12 years of being married, their ups and downs, the shifts they made by working with energy. They will discuss the 7 essential laws, getting out of drama in your relationship, the 7 areas that couples need to get clear in their relationships, the way we give and receive love and it is different for each person, we will discuss the roles that all of us have learned and how we function from these roles and it causes stress, strain and it is the cause why most relationships break up. Learn how to turn your partner in to your soul mate, twin flame and kindred spirit, how to overcome the fear of change. We answer the questions of how do we return back to love and connection in our relationship? Why Is The Attraction Between Twin Flames So Powerful? We will give practical tools, steps and processes to help you find the lo



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Emotional Intelligence

A lot of people struggle with being accountable and responsible for their personal happiness and often resort to blaming others for their struggles. This can be said in every aspect of life, including intimate relationships, and this has a significant impact on how happy you can be as an individual and as a partner. Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman discuss in this episode the symptoms of being in the drama triangle and the steps you need to take to get out, and into the circle of love. They also talk deeply about why you need to be responsible for your own happiness in order to stay connected as a couple. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Emotional Intelligence

A lot of people struggle with being accountable and responsible for their personal happiness and often resort to blaming others for their struggles. This can be said in every aspect


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You Need To Change In Order For Me To Be Happy

A lot of people struggle with being accountable and responsible for their personal happiness and often resort to blaming others for their struggles. This can be said in every aspect of life, including intimate relationships, and this has a significant impact with how happy you can be as an individual and as a partner. In this episode, Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman discuss the symptoms of being in the drama triangle and the steps you need to take to get out and into the circle of love. They also talk deeply about why you need to be responsible for your own happiness in order to stay connected as a couple. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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You Need To Change In Order For Me To Be Happy

A lot of people struggle with being accountable and responsible for their personal happiness and often resort to blaming others for their struggles. This can be said in every aspect


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Resistance To Doing Couples Work

It can be difficult for some people to open up to their own partners, let alone someone whom they’re not intimate with. However, there are times when it’s necessary as a couple to work with somebody else in order to straighten things out and save the relationship. Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman discuss the differences between couples work, couples therapy, and couples coaching to help you asses and determine what you need most. They share a defining moment in their life where the help of a third party changed everything for them as a couple and as a family, for the better. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Resistance To Doing Couples Work

It can be difficult for some people to open up to their own partners, let alone someone whom they’re not intimate with. However, there are times when it’s necessary as


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Conscious Parenting: Empower Your Children

As parents, there’s always the temptation to give in to every single one of your child’s whims, no matter how out of the way they may be, because you believe that’s what they deserve of you. But empowering your children isn’t just responding affirmatively to their every beck and call; there have to be boundaries somewhere. Christy Whitman and Frederic Gobeil bring up the subject of empowerment as it relates to children, and how you, as a parent, respond to their wants. Because of the way some parents give in to their children, these same children forget that their choices – and the consequences of said choices – matter. Make sure your child grows up with empowered decision-making skills! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Conscious Parenting: Empower Your Children

As parents, there's always the temptation to give in to every single one of your child's whims, no matter how out of the way they may be, because you believe


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Conscious Coupling – How To Keep Your Relationship Exciting: Mindful Relationships and Love Manifestation

Relationships last longer when both parties want, need, and support each other. There are bumps along the way but may be prevented or mended with the right moments and right emotions. Keeping the fire burning among couples is mandatory for their union to last longer. As Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman talk about how to keep relationships exciting, they always emphasize on having a mindful relationship with love manifesting. If you want to have a lasting relationship with your partner, make sure to take note of Frederic and Christy’s top ten things that ignite your couple’s flame. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Conscious Coupling – How To Keep Your Relationship Exciting: Mindful Relationships and Love Manifestation

Relationships last longer when both parties want, need, and support each other. There are bumps along the way but may be prevented or mended with the right moments and right


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Conscious Coupling: What’s The Worst Advice You Have Ever Received in Your Relationship?

What was the worst relationship advice you have received from family and friends? Did you heed their opinion or not? You must remember that the best guidance you can get is from yourself, your intuition. Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman talk about the worst advice to ever receive about your relationship or for your relationship. By suggesting some crucial avenues for seeking the right advice, they share the kind of help they can give you. Looking at positive aspects is a sign of loving the divine self and this alone can lead you to understanding your relationship better. From venting to being connected to your inner being to discover the best advice for yourself, Frederic and Christy provide simple tips on avoiding bad advice. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Conscious Coupling: What’s The Worst Advice You Have Ever Received in Your Relationship?

What was the worst relationship advice you have received from family and friends? Did you heed their opinion or not? You must remember that the best guidance you can get


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Does Your Partner Do Annoying Things Like Eating or Breathing Too Loud? Why This Is And What To Do About It

Does your partner do some things such as eating or even breathing that totally annoys you? If he or she does, Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman can guide you through some easy ways on dealing with this situation. Holding on to resentments and pain body can be some reasons why you react towards those behaviors. The good thing is that by processing your emotions and focusing on the positives instead of the negatives, you can change the way you perceive things. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Does Your Partner Do Annoying Things Like Eating or Breathing Too Loud? Why This Is And What To Do About It

Does your partner do some things such as eating or even breathing that totally annoys you? If he or she does, Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman can guide you through


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Pain Body vs. Light Body

Oftentimes, we experience sudden reactions which we, ourselves, find it hard to explain. These are most likely because of awakened traumatic past experiences. Pain body, which are imprints from specific life events, can often resurface and affect how we react to certain situations. Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman shed some light to the importance of identifying our pain bodies and using it to correct our relationships with our partners. With their Vice Redone Program, they can help us rediscover our love and light bodies. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Pain Body vs. Light Body

Oftentimes, we experience sudden reactions which we, ourselves, find it hard to explain. These are most likely because of awakened traumatic past experiences. Pain body, which are imprints from specific


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Using Your What Ifs To Your Advantage

What if I can't make my relationship better? What if things completely stay the same? What if things don't improve? We have all these what-ifs in our life, and a


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Using Your What Ifs To Your Advantage

What if I can’t make my relationship better? What if things completely stay the same? What if things don’t improve? We have all these what-ifs in our life, and a lot of times, we’re so focused on what we don’t want or what we’re fearing in our relationships. Your what-ifs don’t have all the right answers, and you can actually change your what-ifs to what you do want. Start using your what-ifs to your advantage as Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman teach us how to start looking at our what-ifs towards what we desire and what we want instead of what we don’t. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Fighting Relationship Distractions

In our relationship with our partner, especially when we are already married and have children, distractions arise that could take in the form of work, entertainment, or even our kids. Taking care of our relationships is important, and we have to know how to make some time for our partners if we want to keep the relationship healthy. In this episode, hosts Frederic Gobeil and Christy Whitman shares some tips for fighting relationship distractions. Listen to this episode to learn what these are so you can avoid doing things that may hamper your relationship. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join The Conscious, Connected, Coupling Community today:


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Fighting Relationship Distractions

In our relationship with our partner, especially when we are already married and have children, distractions arise that could take in the form of work, entertainment, or even our kids.
