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Something Better

Relationship Podcasts

Inspired by the staggering statistic that over half of American women are living without a spouse for the first time in history, Something Better is singer/songwriter Amy Loftus’ solution to exploring behaviors aligned with the inner masculine and feminine energies that helped her find true love. Amy believes conscious use of these energies is not only how to attract lasting love, but how to maintain a healthy happy marriage.


United States


Inspired by the staggering statistic that over half of American women are living without a spouse for the first time in history, Something Better is singer/songwriter Amy Loftus’ solution to exploring behaviors aligned with the inner masculine and feminine energies that helped her find true love. Amy believes conscious use of these energies is not only how to attract lasting love, but how to maintain a healthy happy marriage.







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The Farewell Episode with Tosha Silver

Dear Listeners, I can't believe I am releasing the last Something Better episode, but after months of life balance challenges, heartfelt prayer and listening (meditation) I feel certain that it is time for me to let go of Something Better, and with a heavy heart I bid you farewell. I thought I could reshape a plan and trim the hours I put in but as my dad used to say, "there is no substitute for hard work" and attempting to do the podcast along with music and yoga has taxed me in some pretty...


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Keeping the Faith with Dixie Laite

Re-issue; original post date 1/2/2018 Host Amy Loftus asks writer, speaker and digital marketing strategist Dixie Laite about the journey that led to the moment she met her husband in NYC, and they discuss trusting in a Divine Universal Order. Follow Dixie in Martha Beck's O magazine column beginning in the January 2018 issue. The blog that inspired this interview: Join our growing online podcast community:...


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Which Energy is Prominent for You? Take the Quiz!

Re-issue: Original post date Sept 25, 2018 In this episode, host Amy Loftus goes in depth into a few questions from the quiz and answer key she developed based on research, and experience with coaching women. If you are flip flopping or confused on which behaviors match the corresponding inner energy of masculine or feminine (we are all both, but one is prominent) then not only will the quiz clarify, the answer key will explain everything. All you have to do is sign up for the mailing list...


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OK2BKRZ: Yin (Feminine) and Yang (Masculine) Behaviors

Re-issue, original post date: Oct 2, 2018 My elementary school-age nieces visited my studio last summer and weighed in briefly on their experience of their feminine energy- I thought it may inspire. In this episode I go into my experience opening up to spiritual solutions as I entered a constant conversation with the Universe, (or Source as you understand it, whatever you call it; Jesus, Buddha, God, Hashem....) I believe it communicates back! I highly recommend you try it. As you nurture...


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Single Girl Revival

The last episode of season 2 touches on what's coming in Season 3 as Amy re-commits to the original mission of the podcast: being there for women in the unexpected circumstance of attracting a partner later in life. Join our growing online podcast community: email Amy: For even more support, join our growing secret FB page by messaging Amy on FB Google voice...


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Personal Responsibility Means Letting Others Go

The truth about focusing on others as if they are your ticket to happiness’s a mental prison. The only way to really be free is to take full responsibility for the one you CAN change and make choices for: yourself. That almost always means letting others go. (Even your kids.) Join our growing online podcast community: email Amy: For even more support,...


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Girlfriend Talk with Carrie Stickel

Some of you already know Carrie as our lovable and enthusiastic Content Coordinator. Well, she’s also an SB gal and openly shares in this episode on the realities of her personal growth since listening to the podcast. Join our growing online podcast community: email Amy: For even more support, join our growing secret FB page by messaging Amy on FB Google voice...


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Depression: Deep Rest

This episode is on a quote I saw on Jim Carrey’s Twitter: “The word depressed can be spoken as deep rest. We can choose to view depression not as a mental illness but as a state of deep rest, a spiritual exhaustion that we enter into you when we are de-pressed (pressed down) by the weight of the false self, the mask, the mind-made up story of “me”. We long to stop pretending and express our raw truth! To give voice to our secret loneliness, our shame, our broken hearts, boredom and brilliant...


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Healing the Mother with Jennifer Arnise

Author, speaker, coach and podcaster Jennifer Arnise absolutely widened my mind through this conversation. I thought I was getting on a call about emotional growth regardless of background; that our wounds are our wounds, and we are all walking each other home. What I came to accept is, while that may be true, in particular, between white and black women—this can only take place AFTER trust is earned and our very different histories are honored, acknowledged, and respected. Even though I...


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Intuitive Healer Michael Frontier

I have spoken to Michael Frontier twice in my life so far and both times I encountered remarkable insights and shifts. I wanted to make his wonderful energy known to my listeners. He also has his own podcast in addition to working as an intuitive healer, and can be found online at . He has been with his husband for over two decades so it was fun to test out inner energies regardless of gender with him! Join our growing online podcast community:...


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Unworthiness: The Root of Longing

Lots of women that contact me are caught in some form of longing's elusive trap. These days, busy women can "make a meal" on crumbs of text messages and hope he will come around, because they haven't yet taken the time to do the deep inner work about worthiness. If you find yourself thinking about someone you barely know, or are still caught in a trap of drifting to memories about the one who isn't here now, or even if you fall into mental potholes wishing your spouse would be different,...


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The Problem Was Me with Thomas Gagliano

Well, by now you know I love two things: people who take full responsibility for themselves, and direct communication…so you can be sure when I heard Thomas Gagliano say “don't put your crap in your kid’s diaper, it’ll take a lifetime to clean it up” I was determined to have him on the podcast! The author of the book with the same title as this episode, you may also recognize him from Jenny McCarthy’s radio show. Get close to your inner ninja of personal growth with this remarkable author,...


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On Radical Trust

Do you trust Life? Trust your Source Energy? Trust yourself? We are often called, when things do not progress as anticipated, to trust a realm beyond our understanding. This episode is about some of my experience around that. Join our growing online podcast community: email Amy: For even more support, join our growing secret FB page by messaging Amy on FB Google...


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Redeeming the Father with Adenike Harris

Adenike Harris is an empowerment coach, writer and public speaker. She holds a Master’s Degree in Women’s Studies and is the founder of Restorative Notions. I encountered Adenike at TEDx when I heard her speak and had the privilege of singing a song after her incredibly moving talk, given with her father. I consider her a lightworker, and I was eager to hear from her on personal growth. I believe she will be a comfort and a ray of light for singles and spouses keeping the focus on their...


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Behind the Veil with Robert Kandell

Robert Kandell is a speaker, podcaster and bestselling author who has created an international company based on mastering the art of communication—helping men to walk an unhidden path. Amy interviewed him about his book Unhidden: A Book for Men and Those Confused by Them” and other concepts that will help any wife or single woman feel she has gotten a peek into often mystifying territories of romantic life. Find Robert at Join our growing online podcast community:...


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Girlfriend Talk with Blaire Ward

Blogger Blaire Ward has reached thousands with her open hearted, vulnerable, honest and inspiring blog. She is coaching (mostly male) singles through the dating process and had loads of insight into the most positive outlook for a single. My chat with her was refreshing and lovely. Find her online here: Join our growing online podcast community:


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The Next Brave Thing with Liz Kimball

Liz Kimball “writes and directs things, guides multi-faceted creatives to take next-level leaps” and is The Founder of The Collective for Women Creators. She graciously joined Amy for a fascinating conversation on creating a job based on principles you actually needed for yourself, attending your own lectures, and all kinds of other juicy ideas around the next brave thing you can do. Find her at Join our growing online podcast community:...


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Mending While Blending with Naja Hall

Naja Hall is direct, clear and fearlessly telling it like it is about delicate matters. She is a master stepfamily coach, promoting harmony in blended families. I recently heard her on a podcast and was BLOWN AWAY. I felt grateful when she agreed to offer an interview. (She also restarted with me, despite a limited amount of time, after a glitch caused me to lose the 40 minutes we had just recorded!!) Naja offers deep relief through her research, knowledge and ability to communicate. If you...


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Amy Loftus on iHub Radio’s "The Good Life" with Kate Zenna

iHub Radio's "The Good Life" is hosted by Kate Zenna, who reached out to Amy with a kindhearted email acknowledging her efforts on the podcast, and that they had resonated with her. This episode is a portion of that lighthearted, fun and enlightening hour on the radio, exploring Kate's background and marriage, masculine and feminine energies, and even taking a caller named Calla who has been dating since a divorce. We are so grateful for "The Good Life" , Kate Zenna and !...


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The Wisdom of Anxiety with Sheryl Paul

Informed by the Jungian depth psychological tradition through her graduate training and particularly the work of Marion Woodman and Robert Johnson, Sheryl Paul is a devotee of the unconscious. She says "our culture tells us that anxiety is the problem but the truth is that it’s the distress flare signaling that it’s time to slow down and discover what needs attention in the interior realms of self. When we shift our mindset from one that sees anxiety as the problem and evidence of brokenness...
