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Abundant Church - Alton

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Abundant Church is located in Alton, IL. You will find the latest Sunday morning messages. Each message is Bible based and practical for everyday living with Jesus.


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Abundant Church is located in Alton, IL. You will find the latest Sunday morning messages. Each message is Bible based and practical for everyday living with Jesus.



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Warning Signs

READY is a new message series based on the book of Revelation. What are the warning signs that we are NOT READY to meet Jesus? Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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The Blessings

Pastor Joe concludes this 4 part series on the Holy Spirit. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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How the Holy Spirit Uses Us

This is part 3 of this important series on the Spirit of God. Pastor Joe talks about the gifts of the Spirit and why one is not more important than another. Collectively we use these gifts (that can't be earned) to help the whole church body work together. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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The Spirit of God: Power to Witness

What is your attitude toward the Holy Spirit? Jesus told His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit, not just so that we could have a good church service. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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The Spirit of God: Holy Who?

This is the introduction to The Spirit of God message series where we look at who the Holy Spirit is and what role it plays in our lives. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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The Father Heart of God

Pastor Joe compares and contrasts how we project the experience that we have with our earthly fathers onto our relationship with our Father God. God wants to be in close relationship with you. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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Commitment Sees it Differently

Guest Speaker, Pastor Austin Westlake shares from Acts 16. Paul's assignment from God didn't make sense to him, got him beaten, and landed him in prison. Sometimes God leads us to a place that looks like a loss but later looks like a miracle. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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Unfair Faith

Jarrod Six, executive pastor at Abundant Church shares from Jesus' parable of the prodigal son. Pastor Jarrod calls him little brother and we try to see things from his perspective. Then we flip the script and see things from the big brother's perspective. What's God trying to tell us from this story? Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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I AM: The Way, Truth, & Life

In the conclusion to our series studying the 7 I AM statements of Jesus, listen to learn just how Jesus is preparing the way to eternal life for those who choose to follow him. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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I AM: The True Vine

The Old Testament talked about the Jewish people as the vine and God as the Vinedresser. They saw their connection to God in their identity, land, and function. Jesus shook the culture by calling himself the True Vine and only path to the Father God. We can't rely on our identity, someone else's beliefs, or where we come from to get us closer to God. Jesus is still the one True Vine. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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I AM: Resurrection Life

Jesus' friend Lazarus got sick and died. What we see in John 11, is that Jesus doesn't see death as we do. Death is not final. 3 Takeaways 1. Jesus gives permission to grieve. 2. Jesus gives hope to see our loved ones again. 3. Jesus gives us resurrection life now. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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I AM: the Good Shepherd

Today we are talking through John 10 where Jesus compares a hired hand to a good shepherd. A good shepherd has: 1. Intimacy- know his sheep by name 2. Commitment- when danger comes, he does not abandon the sheep 3. Sacrifice- will lay down his life for his sheep The desert is a desperate place. Having THE Good Shepherd as a guide helps us discern His voice from all of the noise. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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I AM: The Door

Pastor Joe challenges us about cultural pressures that are contrary to biblical truth. After healing a young man on the Sabbath Jesus and the young man were pressured and persecuted for breaking with cultural norms. Jesus says in the book of John, that He is the Door. The Door that saves us, protects us, and brings us peace. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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I AM: Following the Light

Pastor Joe Banks looks at the passage in John 8, where Jesus says, "I AM the Light of the world." What did Jesus mean? Light shines into the darkness and everything is seen. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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I AM: The Bread of Life

Jesus fed 5,000+ people and they didn't understand that He came to give them a deeper satisfaction than just a full belly for a day. Our own immediate dissatisfaction with our job, our relationships, or our physical bodies become front and center. Jesus is the Bread of Life who satisfies all of our wants if we turn to Him. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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I AM: Let's Get Personal

Pastor Joe starts this new message series: I AM. Have you ever thought about the importance of knowing God's personal name? Would you even know what His personal name is if you were to asked? Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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Easter Sunday- Good News

Pastor Joe Banks shares the Good News that Jesus came to bring forgiveness and hope. Sin separated us from God. Jesus came to us to provide a way back to God. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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Palm Sunday

People react all different ways when their favorite celebrity comes to town. People were lining up to see Jesus when he came to Jerusalem. They saw victory in a new King. Jesus wept because they didn't recognize that God was right there with them. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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RECALL: Wrecked Faith

Pastor Joe concludes the Recall series on the book of James with a serious look at what happens when we wander away from God. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons


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RECALL: Don't Forget the Father

When change happens, relationships drift. We look today at our relationship with our holy, heavenly Father God. Watch the message at: https://www.abundant.church/sermons
