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Be Disciples Podcast

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Discipleship Podcast - Dakota Smith, Kyle R. Morris and David Glavin walk through the Bible for the purpose of equipping their listeners to disciple others. To live as a disciple of Jesus Christ, all followers of Jesus are commanded to proclaim the gospel and teach people the word of God (Matt 28:18-20).


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Discipleship Podcast - Dakota Smith, Kyle R. Morris and David Glavin walk through the Bible for the purpose of equipping their listeners to disciple others. To live as a disciple of Jesus Christ, all followers of Jesus are commanded to proclaim the gospel and teach people the word of God (Matt 28:18-20).



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Acts: Paul in Ephesus

Send us a Text Message. In this episode of the Be Disciples podcast, the hosts discuss the importance of recognizing the Jesus who came to save and the danger of overemphasizing the Jesus who is to come. They emphasize the need to remember our own testimony and share it with others, as well as the importance of readiness and communicating the gospel with others. They also explore the concept of ministry and the need to be discerning and adaptable in reaching people with the gospel. The study in Acts focuses on Paul in Ephesus and the spread of the Gospel. #acts #podcast #godsword #jesus #apostlepaul #gospel #discipleship #evangelism #bible #biblestudy


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Acts: Bold and Humble

Send us a Text Message. The Be Disciples Podcast continues in the book of Act but preludes the episode with some religious history dating back to the revolutionary war. The discussion is centered around the movement of the church in early America and how it has shaped our country today. Dakota and Kyle also dive into the book of Acts as we learn to grow in our understand of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the church.


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Acts: Ministry Partnership

Send us a Text Message. Join us in episode 115 of the Be Disciples podcast as we journey through Acts chapter 18. Dive into Paul’s experiences in Corinth, focusing on the divine vision that emboldened him to speak without fear. Discover the intricate balance between boldness and discernment in Paul's ministry. Paul's strategic partnership with Priscilla and Aquila is a key highlight, emphasizing his approach to empowering others in ministry. We touch on the significant role of women in ministry and how Priscilla's teaching prominence challenges traditional norms. In our final segments, we celebrate the inspiring example of Priscilla and Aquila's marriage and ministry. Drawing parallels to other influential women in the Bible like Ruth, we underscore the significant role women have played in spiritual growth and discipleship. We also tackle the relevance of the Old Testament for today's Christians, making a compelling argument against "unhitching" from these scriptures. Don't miss our personal anecdotes and thoughtful reflections on the enduring importance of the Old Testament in understanding the New Testament and the life of early believers.


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Acts: Trusting in God's Guidance and Overcoming Fear

Send us a Text Message. Summary In this episode, the hosts discuss the importance of spending time in the Word of God and being obedient to His calling. They highlight the example of Paul, who devoted himself completely to the Word and went where God led him. They also emphasize the need to prioritize the gospel and not be discouraged by rejection. The hosts share personal experiences of standing for the truth and the blessings that come from aligning with God's Word. They encourage listeners to make the Word of God the foundation of their lives and to trust in God's provision and guidance. Takeaways - Spending time in the Word of God and being obedient to His calling is crucial for our spiritual growth and effectiveness in ministry. - When we prioritize the gospel and stand for the truth, God will bless and provide for us. - Rejection should not discourage us, but rather motivate us to focus on those who are receptive to the gospel. - The Word of God is the foundation of our faith and should be the guiding force in our lives. - Trusting in God's provision and guidance enables us to overcome fear and boldly proclaim the truth.


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Missions w/ Dr. Jim Baugh

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, Kyle and Dakota interview Dr. Jim Baugh, a pastor and missionary serving in East Africa and the Caribbean. They discuss the importance of evangelism and discipleship in ministry and how Global Training Network is equipping pastors in the emerging world. Dr. Baugh emphasizes the need for reproducible and contextualized training, as well as the importance of loving one another and working together as the body of Christ. He also highlights the universal understanding of God and the recognition of sin in every culture, making evangelism relevant and necessary.


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Acts: Who is God?

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, Kyle shares his recent trip to Mexico where he and his team built a home for a family. He highlights the efficiency of the home building process and the special experience of taking his son with him. The podcast hosts discuss their partnership with I-68 in Mexico and the importance of sharing the gospel. They then dive into the book of Acts, focusing on Paul's approach in Athens and his message about Yahweh being everyone's God. They explore the contrast between the one true God and other gods, emphasizing God's sovereignty and providence. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the relationship between God and humanity and the greatness of God's creativity. In this conversation, Kyle and David discuss the importance of contextualization in missions and the debate surrounding it. They also explore the concept of God as judge and the call to repentance. The significance of the resurrection and the cross is examined, along with the question of why God chose this method of salvation. The different responses to Paul's message are also highlighted.


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Spurgeon on Prayer w/ Dr. Geoff Chang

Send us a Text Message. Dr. Geoff Chang, who joins us from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to discuss the dedicated pastoral work of the 'Prince of Preachers'. As we navigate through Dr. Chang's book "Spurgeon the Pastor," you will gain more insight on Charles H. Spurgeon's shepherding of a 19th-century megachurch. Dr. Chang helps us glean from Spurgeon an understanding of the pivotal role concerning corporate prayer in the life of a church. Step into a world where the collective voice in prayer becomes the heartbeat of a congregation, with Spurgeon's practices serving as a beacon for our own times. Our conversation focuses on the power of shared supplication, reinforcing the necessity of maintaining a dynamic prayer life amid today's distractions and keeping a Gospel centered approach to congregational prayer as a cornerstone of faith. We delve into the personal prayer life of Charles H. Spurgeon, unearthing his personal devotional poems and the sacredness of his family worship. The tender balance Spurgeon achieved between his public ministry and his home life offers an inspiring blueprint for nurturing faith within the family. Dr. Chang provides a rare glimpse into Spurgeon's inner sanctum, revealing how this historical figure's domestic devotion can guide us in creating a spiritually rich home environment. It's an honor to share this dialogue with Dr. Chang, which promises to fuel your own walk with Jesus and deepen your appreciation for the timeless lessons from Charles Spurgeon's life as a servant of Christ.


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Acts: The Gospel is on the Move

Send us a Text Message. We continue in the book of Acts as it serves to guide and lead us through the contrasting receptions of the Gospel spoken by Paul found in Thessalonica and Berea, and inviting us to consider the early Christian movement's enduring influence on societal norms and beliefs. Witness the power of the Gospel as we delve into the actions and convictions of the disciples post-resurrection, underscoring their journey to spread Christianity's message far and wide. Paul's mission encapsulates the essence of this transformation, challenging traditions and cultural structures with a revolutionary message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. As we contemplate the historical and contemporary impact of these endeavors, we recognize the cultural shifts they have prompted, reinforcing the Christian message's revolutionary nature across various contexts. Concluding our expedition, we emphasize the value of conversation and debate in the search for truth—a theme echoed in Paul's engagement with Athenian philosophers and relevant to intellectual discourse today. With heartfelt gratitude, we extend an invitation to join our mission in sharing God's word through our podcast. The journey through the Acts of the Apostles continues, and we eagerly anticipate further enlightening discussions aimed at deepening our collective understanding and connection to the scriptures.


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Acts: Reaching the Next Generation

Send us a Text Message. Join us in the Book of Acts as we unwrap the profound impact of Paul and Silas's imprisonment and the jailer's transformative conversion. Feel the warmth of fellowship and discover the potent truths hidden within biblical prophecies, from the book of Daniel to Genesis 49. As we unpack these scriptures, you'll find yourself fortified with a renewed understanding of Jesus as the Messiah and gain insights into our commitment to nurturing personal and communal faith at Ottawa Bible Church. Our conversations don't stop at the church door; they extend into the bustling intersections of modern culture, where discernment and influence become the currency of youth ministry. Together, we tackle the tough questions of pop culture's sway over the hearts of our youth, while offering strategies grounded in scripture to shepherd them through the tumultuous seas of misinformation. Learn from our candid dialogues on leading by example in today's world, whether it's through sidewalk ministry or navigating the complex debates surrounding moral absolutes. But the journey doesn't end there. We reach out to college students standing at the crossroads of faith and secular ideologies, sharing personal stories and practical advice to embolden them in their witness. Tune in as we suggest invaluable resources like Greg Koukl's "Tactics" to equip the next generation for the challenging but rewarding task of defending biblical truth amidst academia's skeptical landscape. By fostering Christ-centered connections and emphasizing the importance of scripture over social scrolling, this session is crafted to inspire and engage believers in all walks of life.


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Acts: Unshackled Faith - Paul, Silas, and the Birth of the Church in Philippi

Send us a Text Message. Imagine being bound in chains, confined to a dank, dark cell with no hope of escape. Now picture yourself singing praises to God in that same hopeless situation. That's exactly what Paul and Silas did, and we had a riveting discussion with Chance Hollern about this powerful scripture from Acts chapter 16. Chance shares his own spiritual odyssey, from Spring Hill, Kansas to his impactful ministry at Baker University. Our conversation spans from the spiritual fortitude of these Biblical heroes to the modern-day implications of living out a faith that transcends the walls of a prison or the boundaries of adversity. Our guest Chance Hollern, alongside Kyle Morris, Dakota Smith, and David Glavin, remind us of the extraordinary resilience and joy that can be found in the most unexpected places. Through the lens of Paul and Silas's story, we uncover the profound impact of worship during trials and how their experiences echo the transformative power of faith in our lives today. As we dissect the seismic events that shook the foundations of the prison — and the jailer's heart — we're left pondering the divine authority that not only freed these apostles but also left an indelible mark on the early church and its future. Wrapping up this spiritually enriching dialogue, we delve into the beautiful interplay of evangelism, baptism, and the birth of the church in Philippi. Paul's dedication to justice and fair treatment sets the stage for the nurturing of the fledgling church, a sentiment as vital today as it was then. Through Chance's narrative and our collective exploration, this episode is a testament to the power of faith to guide, protect, and inspire — a truly inspiring journey through scripture that resonates with every step we take in our own walks of faith. Join us in this discussion that promises to enrich your spiritual understanding and encourage your heart. #gospel #jesus #discipleship #christianpodcast #christianpodcaster #bible #acts #biblechurch #expositorypreaching #bibleinterpretation #howtoreadthebible #evangelism #apostlepaul #god #holyspirit #faith #faithingod #faithinhardtimes #truth #apologetics #bookofacts #biblepodcaster #biblia #sonofgod


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Acts: The Gospel Message for All

Send us a Text Message. Kyle Morris and Dakota Smith wrestle with the intricacies of scriptural authenticity versus societal perceptions, dissecting the theological tensions that arise when Jesus is co-opted for pop culture messaging. Striking a balance between relevance and reverence, we address the potential for confusion when biblical stories are adapted for modern tastes, all while maintaining a focus on the integrity of the message. Continuing in Acts 16, our conversation transitions to the story of Lydia in the Acts of the Apostles, shining a light on her crucial role in the early church and what it signifies about the inclusive nature of the Gospel. The narrative of Lydia's conversion not only reflects the breaking of conventional boundaries but also paints a vivid picture of a movement that fervently believed in the value of every soul. Navigating deeper into the Acts, we grapple with the themes of divine involvement in salvation, spiritual warfare, and the resilience of faith under persecution. The episode reaches its crescendo as we reflect on Paul and Silas's unwavering faith amidst imprisonment, drawing parallels with our personal missionary experiences. As we dissect these ancient narratives, they emerge not as distant tales but as relevant touchstones for the modern believer, challenging us to consider the depth of our own faith and the impact it has on confronting worldly values with Gospel truth. Join us for a compelling exploration of how these timeless events from Acts continue to resonate and inspire the faithful in today's world.


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Acts: Timothy Joins the Mission

Send us a Text Message. Join us, your hosts Kyle Morris, Dakota Smith, and David Glavin, as we unveil the new visual dimension of the Be Disciples podcast. We're stepping into the world of video podcasting to bring the Word to you with greater impact, responding to the pulse of contemporary culture with the wisdom of the Scriptures. Witness the delicate dance of upholding doctrine while gracefully navigating diverse cultural practices as we unpack the story of Timothy's circumcision. This narrative invites you to consider the art of compromise for the greater good of the Gospel, and how we too have learned to adjust our practices to connect more deeply with our congregations. Join us in exploring the nuances of leading with humility, the significance of local traditions, and the importance of being sensitive to the unique dynamics within each community we serve. Finally, we delve into the stirring account of Paul's missionary excursions, a testament to the power of discerning and embracing God's will. Through personal anecdotes and shared wisdom, you'll glean insights on the challenges of shepherding a flock, the patience required to witness the fruition of one's ministry, and the joy of seeing God’s hand at work in places we never expected. Tune in for an episode that not only aims to guide you in spiritual growth but also celebrates the unexpected harvest that awaits when we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.


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Mexico Missions in Chiapas 2024

Send us a Text Message. Embark with us on a transformative expedition to the heart of Chiapas, Mexico, where the road less traveled led us through a tapestry of spiritual encounters and cultural awakenings. Our recent mission trip found us weaving through bustling cityscapes and serene villages, embracing the warmth of newfound friendships and the resilience that comes from unwavering faith. Alongside friends from i6Eight Ministries and immersed in the richness of local life, we witnessed first-hand the stark societal dichotomies and the enduring spirit of communities navigating the complexities of modernity and the Zapatista movement. Our narrative takes a heartfelt turn as we recount the profound connections made within remote villages, where the simplicity of life echoes with the purity of joy found in faith. The unique opportunity to share laughter with local children, preach in humble chapels, and witness the eagerness for biblical understanding left an indelible mark on our souls. Accompanied by Wesley Baker and Pastor Jaime, we traversed language barriers and cultural nuances, celebrating the triumphs of local churches and the significance of equipping local leaders for a future flourishing with spiritual guidance. Concluding with a poignant reflection, we share a powerful sermon on leadership from Second Timothy that resonated deeply with the local pastors, emphasizing the necessity of nurturing the seeds of faith. Join us , and let the stories of Chiapas stir you to engage in the mission of the Gospel.


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A Christmas Special - Luke 1:26-38

Send us a Text Message. As the Christmas season wraps its festive arms around us, our church family recently had a children’s Christmas program that truly embodied the reason for the season. The little ones, dressed as shepherds, took us back to the miraculous night of Jesus' birth with a performance that warmed every heart in the room. Special thanks go out to Terry, Kathy, and Lori, whose tireless efforts made this event possible. Peering through the lens of Luke 1:26-38, we uncovered insights about the moment Gabriel delivered the life-altering news to Mary. We traveled back in time to decipher the complex political and social landscape of the era, marveling at Mary's faith in contrast to Zechariah's doubt, and reflecting on the themes of fear, favor, and faith that permeate Luke's Gospel. As we pondered Mary's lineage and her understanding of Messianic prophecies, it became clear that her humility and unexpected role in the grand narrative spotlight the power of trust and obedience to God's promises. With the holiday season often stirring a mix of emotions, we extend an open-hearted invitation to anyone seeking a place of worship or spiritual kinship. The doors of Bible-believing churches are open wide, ready to envelop you in a community that finds strength and hope in Jesus. As the episode draws to a close, we share a heartfelt prayer and blessings for the week, acknowledging the unique challenges this time of year brings, and reminding you that within the family of faith, you are never alone.


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Acts: The Paths of Paul and Barnabas

Send us a Text Message. Would you believe me if I told you that disagreements and separations can lead to growth, especially in ministry? Brace yourselves as we revisit the complexities of the discord that occurred between Paul and Barnabas during their planning for the second missionary journey. We dissect the contentious debate about revisiting the churches versus including John Mark, an issue that ultimately led them to embark on separate journeys. Ever been curious about how to handle ministry separations maturely? We've got you covered as we delve into the dynamics of Paul and Barnabas' sharp disagreement. We highlight Barnabas' persistent advocacy for John Mark and how this divergent viewpoint led both parties onto different paths of service. Our candid conversation challenges you, our beloved listener, to reflect on your own experiences with ministry separations, emphasizing the significance of addressing these situations with respect and maturity. The final note of our discourse zeroes in on the intriguing issue of managing disagreements and conflicts within the church. By drawing insights from the Paul and Barnabas scenario, we underline the importance of humility and respect amidst strife. This engaging discourse culminates in the reconciliation between Paul and John Mark, hence showcasing the essence of forgiveness and mutual respect. As we wrap up, we introduce Timothy, a crucial figure in Paul's discipleship efforts. So, buckle up for a soul-stirring exploration of God's word together, packed with enlightening insights that challenge us all to grow in faith.


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Acts: Faith, Conflict, and Resolution

Send us a Text Message. Join us through Acts 15, as we gather to break bread over the contentious issue of Gentile believers' need for circumcision. What if we told you that the unity between Jewish and Gentile believers could be bridged by moral guidelines? As we traverse this path, we'll lean on James's wisdom, recount Peter's account of God's concern for the Gentiles, and discuss the warnings against idolatry, sexual immorality, and dietary restrictions. We'll then turn our attention to the apostles, elders, and brethren's decision to send an affirming letter to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia. As we emphasize the importance of trusted men like Barnabas and Paul in delivering this message, we'll underscore the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit in guiding these decisions. In our closing segments, we'll tackle the tension between Paul and John Mark, revealing not a doctrinal disagreement, but a clash of personalities. We'll explore how God uses even these conflicts for His glory, presenting an unmatched perspective on complex biblical characters. All this, while addressing false teachings and reaffirming the Gentile believers as brethren. We assure you, this is not just another Bible study, but a lively, deep, and thought-provoking exploration of the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. So tune in, engage, and let the teachings amplify your discipleship journey.


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Acts: The Jerusalem Council

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, The Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 comes into focus. The crew discusses the issues prompting the council meeting and seeing the leaders of the early church adhere to the Scriptures. Join us as we continue our journey through Acts.


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100th Episode Special: Delving into the Essence of Christian Discipleship w/ C.L. Mitchell

Send us a Text Message. Get ready to join us for a milestone celebration on the Be Disciples podcast - our big 100th episode! We have a special guest, C.L. Mitchell. Starting with the questions, "Can you be a Christian without being a disciple?" A question that's often pondered, and we discuss it right here. Highlighting the concept of discipleship, we explore its essence through a biblical lenses. We reflect on the Old and New Testament interpretations of discipleship, brushing upon its holistic approach and the Greek grammar behind the Great Commission. Finally, we contemplate the significant concept of accountability in the life of a Christian, backed by implications of Second Corinthians 5. Gain insights from David, our co-host, as he shares the importance of service and the unique perspective gained from his experiences. Join us as we celebrate this milestone, reminisce, and enrich our understanding of discipleship.


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Acts: Examining the Teachings of Paul, Facing Trials and Understanding Contemporary Church Movements

Send us a Text Message. Imagine facing relentless opposition, yet pressing on with courage and resilience to share the Gospel. This is the story of Acts 14, as Paul and Barnabas journey through trials, tribulations, and fierce resistance to spread the Word. We will take you through their inspiring narrative, shedding light on their faith, their teachings, and their unwavering conviction in the face of adversity. Ever wondered how the teachings of Paul relate to modern church movements? Get ready to unravel a whole new layer of understanding about the Prosperity Gospel and the Progressive Gospel movement or the Emergent Church. We'll be drawing bold comparisons, contrasting the true essence of the Gospel with these movements, and extracting valuable insights that will encourage you to fortify your faith and find joy in the Gospel rather than personal prosperity. Lastly, let’s reexamine the significance of Paul's ministry and the crucial role of eldership. Prepare to embark on a journey that takes us back to the roots of the church, exploring how Paul strengthened faith through tribulation and the grace of God. Together, we'll reflect on the importance of surrendering control to God, prioritizing the gospel in our lives and the essential role of discipleship and fellowship in advancing the Gospel. So, join us on this empowering exploration, and let's redefine our faith together.


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Acts: Diving into Paul's First Missionary Journey

Send us a Text Message. Join us as we recount our recent mission trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico! We had the privilege of working with i68 Missions, where we helped train over 70 ministry leaders to enhance their preaching and biblical interpretation skills. Our teaching approach blended lectures with breakout groups, fostering an environment of active learning and collaboration. Hear how the pastors' newfound skills will not only benefit them, but also have a ripple effect on their respective congregations. We'll also share a glimpse into our upcoming trips and teachings, so stay tuned! Shifting gears, we'll take you on a journey through the book of Acts, specifically focusing on Paul's First Missionary Journey. We'll discuss why the Jews were the first to receive the Gospel's message and the challenges the apostles faced in spreading their faith. From disbelief among the Gentiles to divisions caused by the Gospel's message, we'll trace the apostles' path as they navigated these hurdles while spreading God's grace. Finally, we unpack a significant event from the scriptures - the healing of a man lame from birth. We delve into the varied responses this miracle received and the misattribution of power, exploring the notion of God's common grace and its accessibility to all. Whether you're looking to disciple others, evangelize, or simply deepen your faith, this episode offers a wealth of insights and lessons to aid in your walk with Christ.
