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Below The Surface at The NoW

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A conversation where we skip the small talk and dive deep into who you are, how you got here and where you are going! Our mission is for you to heal, expand and learn through the power of storytelling. Each week we invite a beautiful guest to share their journey. Their insight, perspective and knowledge allow us to find a deeper connection to ourselves and those around us.Simply listening has the power to change the world. Find out more about The Network of Women at and on Instagram


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A conversation where we skip the small talk and dive deep into who you are, how you got here and where you are going! Our mission is for you to heal, expand and learn through the power of storytelling. Each week we invite a beautiful guest to share their journey. Their insight, perspective and knowledge allow us to find a deeper connection to ourselves and those around us.Simply listening has the power to change the world. Find out more about The Network of Women at and on Instagram



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Invest in Yourself, Kathleen Fanning

Kathleen has worked for many years as an Educator, Leadership Coach & Facilitator and her expertise is fostering resilience and well-being in 1-1 coaching and group events. While performance and productivity may be what brings a client to work with Kathleen, the underlying sense of overwhelm, stress, self-criticism, and self-doubt are what often lie below the surface. Her style is subtle, powerful, and effective. She is passionate about her client's growth and creates a safe space for her clients to fully engage in their transformation. She has a ‘foot on both continents’ lived in the US and Ireland – and is now working virtually around the world. In recent years Kathleen has become certified in mBIT (Multiple Brain) and in Positive Intelligence/Mental Fitness Coaching. Let's dive deep and learn more about Kathleen and her journey! Kathleen Fanning Coaching Kathleen Fanning IG Kathleen Fanning LinkedIn


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Accessing Your Inner Knowingness, Maria Maloney

Maria Maloney is the youngest of six children and was born into an Irish Mexican family from Pennsylvania. Acting and singing originally took her to New York, where she spent 18 magical years. She recently relocated back to her hometown in PA, where she splits her time between performing, real estate and spiritual entrepreneurship; all of which bring her profound joy. Let's dive deep and learn more about Maria and her journey to Inner Knowingness. Maria Maloney IG Maria Maloney LinkedIn


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Experiencing Joy in Everyday Life, Kym Motley

Kym is an artist, writer, and foodie on a mission to inspire people to experience the joy of everyday life. It’s in the little things—your cup of coffee, your afternoon walk—where you find joy. Kym believes one finds joy by being in the present moment and living with gratitude. Let's dive deep and learn more about Kym and the incredible work she does! Daily Modern Living Kym Motley LinkedIn Kym Motley IG


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The RoadWarrior, Kathy Tuccaro

Kathy Tuccaro is a motivational speaker, author and Heavy Equipment Operator! She is the operator of the biggest equipment in the world - a 400 tonne 797F Caterpillar Truck! In today's episode Kathy shares how her direct experience with trauma, violence and sexual abuse has given her compassion, understanding and wisdom for those wishing to take that important next step in the direction they desire. She travels the world on her days off to give FREE personal development classes at women’s shelters, schools, youth programs, juvenile detention centers and even prisons. She is truly one of a kind. Let's dive deep and learn more about Kathy. Kathy Tuccaro website Kathy Tuccaro LinkedIn Kathy Tuccaro Instagram


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Courage Over Comfort, Suzanne Weller

​​​​Suzanne Weller is a partner in growth. Clients seek her out as a coach, consultant, and thought partner when they're navigating a journey that requires a new approach. Today we dive into the work Suzanne does and her journey to getting there. Let's dive deep and learn more about Suzanne. @wellercollaboration


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The Gift of Awareness, Rachel Friedman

Rachel Friedman is a Somatic Therapist, Coach and Serial Entrepreneur. She is committed to supporting other coaches and healers in this thing called life. Rachel helps healers up-level their skills with somatic therapy to create sustainable results for their clients. In today's episode we dive deep into the various ways people heal from trauma and a super easy, accessible place for anyone to start. Let's dive deep and learn more about Rachel. Somatic School Rachel's IG Rachel's LinkedIn Four Agreements Existential Kink


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Living Fully & Dying Prepared, Francesca Lynn Arnoldy

Francesca Lynn Arnoldy is a community doula and death literacy advocate. She is the author of Cultivating the Doula Heart, Map of Memory Lane, and The Death Doula's Guide to Living Fully and Dying Prepared. Francesca wants to empower all folks to develop a healthier relationship with end of life and an understanding of what to expect. She wants us to spend the time we do have with our people in ways that are meaningful and in ways that won't leave us carrying regret about what we said or didn't say or what we did or didn't do. Let's dive deep and learn more about Francesca and the powerful and impactful work she does surround death literacy. Francesca's IG Francesca's LinkedIn Cultivating the Doula Heart Map of Memory Lane The Death Doula's Guide to Living Fully & Dying Prepared


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Better Days Ahead, Ally Kahler

Ally wants her tombstone to read 'Ally Kahler was here to make you smile and hopefully laugh as well' and I think that pretty much sums her up in a nutshell! In this beautiful episode Ally shares how her mother has been such a powerful influence on her life and how that's manifested in her as a mother and human in general. She speaks to how easily it can be to get derailed with the accessibility of everything, but has always used the tool of moderation to stay in check. Let's dive deep and learn how Ally strikes that delicate balance and more!


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The Accidental Astrologer, Cindy Walt

Cindy is an accidental astrology coach living in Brooklyn, New York. She is an award winning chef and ceramic sculptor who found success by taking the other road. She dropped out of a profitable restaurant career because she knew that her life was more than “one thing”. Labels are not a core value for Cindy. She went on to travel, create and meet extraordinary humans. She sort of settled down to have children in her 40s then started her own successful culinary business for needed flexibility. Today she practices Astrological coaching and still feeds NYC families. Life is full of possibilities when we go off script. Let's dive deep and learn more about Cindy and her journey of possibilities. Seawalt Astrology IG Cynthia Walk LinkedIn The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need Goop podcast


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Guiding Others to Show Up with Confidence & Curiosity, Emily Shain

Growing up in California as an only child, in a multi-generational household, Emily found herself in curious conversations from an early age. She found her way to the arts early on and that path of artistic curiosity would eventually lead her to the work she does today as a professional actor, teacher and coach. Emily shares how her parents, her grandmother Anne and best friend Ali have been some of the biggest influences in her life along with the free range, unstructured summer camp she attended as a child. Let's dive deep and learn more about Emily and her journey. Fearless Communicators Emily Shain IG Emily Shain LinkedIn Wintering, Katherine May Tiny Beautiful Things, Cheryl Strayed This American Life Podcast


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Following the Beat to Your Soul's Code, Dr. Jennifer Freed

As a self described passionate rebel, Dr. Jennifer Freed has been an avid seeker from her earliest years. An interaction with an astrologer would eventually lead Jennifer to the work she is doing now as a renowned psychological astrologer. Jennifer shares, amongst many things, how following the beat to her soul's code has led the way and the three things necessary for a fabulous life. Let's dive deep and learn more about Dr. Jennifer Freed. Dr. Jennifer Freed's website Dr. Jennifer Freed's IG A Map to Your Soul Use Your Planets Wisely Astrology Oracle Deck The Chani App


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Tapping into Your Extraordinary Life, Hannah Austin

Hannah spent 20 years as an executive in the healthcare industry where she faced immense pressures and witnessed her colleagues suffering the effect of burnout en-masse. The decision to leave her job was made for her when she found herself on the bathroom floor contemplating suicide. Hannah founded SheShatters in 2021 with the goal of helping professionals find a balance between their personal and professional lives. She's a staunch advocate for more holistic education around the experience of burnout and practical methods of identifying, managing, and cooling off from burnout. Let's dive deep and learn more about Hannah and her journey. SheShatters SheShatters IG Hannah Austin LinkedIn


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Stepping Into Your Presence, Power and Purpose, Stephanie Pereira Lima

Stephanie is a Soul Coach & Intuitive Energy Healer for awakening souls on the healing path. In today's episode, Steph shares what led to her awakening (and continued awakening) and why she feels so passionate about helping folks heal and align their mind-body-soul connection so that they may create a life of presence, power and purpose. Let's dive deep and learn more about Stephanie. Space by Steph Steph IG Steph LinkedIn Untethered Soul Mark Groves Podcast


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Untangling the Tangled Ball, Susie Raisch

In April of 1999, Susie found herself watching the Columbine High School massacre unfold in front of her on television. Like many of us, it greatly impacted her and she knew in that moment she was going to do something to help support our children. And that day arrived 10 years later. Susie shares more about the work she does in the anti-bullying space and the #1 thing she believes can help children who are either victims of bullying or bullies themselves. Let's dive deep and learn more about Susie and the powerful work she does. Tangled Ball Tangled Ball on IG Schools Where Everyone Belongs Every Day Spirit Super Heros Wear Mom Jeans Common Sense Media


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Remembering Our Human Parts, Melissa Lowenstein

Melissa is psychotherapist, parent coach, educational non-profit administrator, group facilitator, writer, editor, creative artist, parent, stepparent, yoga and somatics teacher/practitioner, psychological astrologer. Her varied background and experiences uniquely position her to holistically support parents and families . She helps folks develop their social and emotional muscles so that we can all human better. We dive into parenting, our triggers and all the critical things we don't learn as children (but should!). Let's dive deep and learn more about Melissa. AHA! Melissa's Substack What Happened to You? Therapist Uncensored Pod This American Life


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Breastfeeding Breastwinners — The Under-celebrated & Overachieving Powerhouses

Ginelle's been curious from birth. Her curious nature surrounding human behavior would eventually lead her to the work she does today. As a feminist analytic therapist, Ginelle provides workshops and presentations for businesses and organizations on burnout response and prevention. She believes everyone should have a secure and meaningful relationship with their occupation and focuses her advocacy work in service of our society's under-celebrated, overachieving powerhouses: breastfeeding breadwinners. Today we talk about the constant need to prove ourselves, the conditioning that's led many of us to that doubt and how our world overlooks and under supports our powerhouse breastfeeding mothers. Let's dive in and learn more about Ginelle. Growth Point Retreats Breast-feeding Breadwinners Growth Point Collaborative IG Ginelle Krummey LinkedIn Good Inside with Dr. Becky pod Journal of Radical Permission


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The Dress Code Whisperer, Francesca Zampaglione

Growing up as a first generation American, Francesca was greatly influenced by her amazing parents. Both were creatives and entrepreneurs who took great pride in their work. Francesca not only inherited that but the value they placed on building and nurturing community as well. Francesca shares how she pivoted from a career in accounting into the world of entrepreneurship. Let's dive deep and learn more about Francesca. Office Flip Flops Podcast Dressed Smart Francesca’s LinkedIn The Four Agreements The Human Upgrade


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90 Day Business Launch, Michelle Ward

Michelle Ward joins us today to share her story of why she left corporate America to launch her own business, 90 Day Business Launch. Michelle shares how she navigated a devastating diagnosis and how being authentic and transparent was critical to her success both personally and professionally. Let's dive deep and learn more about Michelle. 90 Day Business Launch 90 Day Business Launch IG Michelle Ward LinkedIn Big Magic Why We Can't Sleep DVD Death Match Podcast The Deep Dive


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Releasing the Mother Load, Jennifer Khalaf

Jennifer was born with a checklist. She learned at an early age to be self sufficient and was coined an adult child because of it. It wouldn't be until later in life, when she was physically depleted and burnout that she realized how unaligned she truly was. As a Certified Holistic Health and Integrative Nutrition Coach Jennifer now helps overstretched moms get off the hamster wheel of burnout and back on their priority list. With her individualized whole-mom approach, she helps her clients create space, manage their stress and fuel themselves mind and body. Let's dive deep and learn more about Jennifer. SHOW NOTES Thrive Hive Wellness Thrive Hive Wellness IG Smartless Armchair Expert We Can Do Hard Things The Body Keeps the Score


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Healing Fulling & Living Freely, Di Barnett

Chef Di Barnett was two when she came to the United States to be treated for a cleft palate. She continued to be plagued with ear issues and multiple surgeries her entire life. And then in April of 2018, she was blindsided with a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes despite being a healthy active woman in her 50’s with no prior family history. Instead of fully turning her treatment over to western medicine, she grabbed her health by the horns and started to really listen to what her body needed. She graduated from Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) as a Health Coach and started on her healing journey. Di dives deep with us today about not only the importance of you being your biggest health advocate but also the importance of living every day to its fullest. Let's learn more about Di and her journey. SHOW NOTES Chef Di Barnett Di IG Morning Alters Self Love Peddler Podcast She’s Brave Podcast The Drive by Peter Attia ​
