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Biblical Christian Worldview

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Media Missionaries where Christianity and Culture collide. Providing honest reporting and analysis on the intersection of contemporary issues and theology, based on a Biblical Christian Worldview. We report regularly on a broad range of contemporary topics in the areas of ethics, false theology, family, technology, megatrends, politics, freedoms, law, church, and eschatology. Our podcast and website ( are intended to strengthen the systematic theology of Biblical Christian underpinnings. Thank you for taking the time to listen. Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


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Media Missionaries where Christianity and Culture collide. Providing honest reporting and analysis on the intersection of contemporary issues and theology, based on a Biblical Christian Worldview. We report regularly on a broad range of contemporary topics in the areas of ethics, false theology, family, technology, megatrends, politics, freedoms, law, church, and eschatology. Our podcast and website ( are intended to strengthen the systematic theology of Biblical Christian underpinnings. Thank you for taking the time to listen. Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.





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“It is necessary to feel the weight of God telling you are wrong, the conviction of sin.”

"Let us know what you think." This is what repentance is all about.


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“To the lost the Bible is fiction.”

"Let us know what you think." Faith is the final answer to Biblical inerrancy.


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Christians are not sinless. But we should sin less.

"Let us know what you think." This play on words offers deep truths about the Christian life.


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How Many Generations Does It Take to Lose a Biblical Christian Worldview?

"Let us know what you think." Reflecting on Joshua 2:6-12 while looking out at families of today.


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“People who reject life in the womb reject life outside the womb.”

"Let us know what you think." The Lord knew us before we were born, as a reflection of Himself.


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“Politics should not be part of Sunday morning sermons.”

"Let us know what you think." Study the truth rather than pointing out the fake.


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“God always speaks to the faithful but not always the casual reader of His word.”

"Let us know what you think." It is not just a matter of reading, but how one reads the Bible


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Are We Just Puppets and God the Puppeteer?

"Let us know what you think." What is the point of life if a supreme being has already decided all our actions before we were even born?


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Are We Ready to Decide the Life and Death of our Loved Ones?

"Let us know what you think." Do we have the Biblical authority to end the life of our loved one?


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Fear Is a Liar – Music by Zach Williams

"Let us know what you think." We need not fear either the supernatural or the natural if we are in the arms of God.


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Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.

"Let us know what you think." Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.


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The fear of Hell is not the way to discuss the joy of Heaven.

"Let us know what you think." What do we tell the lost sheep?


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The world is growing dark.

"Let us know what you think." What should be our response?


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God offers three answers to prayer, yes, no, and wait.

"Let us know what you think." Answered prayer is not always straightforward.


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We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness.

"Let us know what you think." Our faith needs to be overt and not covert.


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Why did God Allow Sin into the World?

"Let us know what you think." Is God not all powerful?


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The number of choices in news sources has exacerbated silos, helping Christians to hide in our own group.

"Let us know what you think." Believers are hiding in our self-isolating echo chambers.


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Is There a Difference between Patriotism and Nationalism?

"Let us know what you think." Without a resurgence in Patriotism our country and the world is in great jeopardy.


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So far, only God understands the science behind Quantum Entanglements.

"Let us know what you think." Quantum physics can be proven, but not yet explained.


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Is the LGBTQ Position of Pastors and the American Population in General Changing?

"Let us know what you think." The changing views of same-sex marriages in America.
