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We are an active community of ordinary people –a local church– who meet regularly to read the bible as we follow Jesus Christ. For many of us, hearing the Bible’s message explained regularly helped us to finally understand who Jesus is, his mission and his relevance.




We are an active community of ordinary people –a local church– who meet regularly to read the bible as we follow Jesus Christ. For many of us, hearing the Bible’s message explained regularly helped us to finally understand who Jesus is, his mission and his relevance.



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The Glorious Gospel and the Refocused Church | 1 Timothy 2:1-3:13 | Richard McConnell

The Christians at Ephesus needed to buckle-in. Paul instructs Timothy (1:3) to stay onboard and make some corrective manoeuvres. Listen in as Paul outlines 3 necessary realignments for churches then and now.


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The Glorious Gospel Must Not Be Obscured | 1 Timothy 1:1-20 | Richard McConnell

In every generation, for every local church committed to proclaiming the good news about Jesus Christ – there’s the danger of obscuring the light of the gospel from view. Listen to this first message from 1 Timothy.


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God Confirms His Covenant | Exodus 24:1-18 | Richard McConnell

The dramatic scene in Exodus 24 brings this section of the book to a climax. Reading the description is like watching back the video of a great and historic ceremony. Here God confirms or ratifies his covenant with his people. We are going to get insight into the relationship between God and his people before reflecting on what this means for us.


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God Reveals His Rule | Exodus 20:22-23:19 | Richard McConnell

This part of Exodus in not just dull case law. Nor is it a set of shockingly controversial rules. The Book of the Covenant was designed to show God’s holy rescued people how to live out their relationships with him and each other and that all of their lives should come under his sovereign rule. How does it apply to Christians? Listen in to find out more.


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God Reveals His Character | Exodus 20:1-21 | Richard McConnell

Why don't you park some of your own ideas about what God is like as you read the 10 Commandments today. Ask the question that this part of the Bible is posing: What is God like?


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God Reveals Himself | Exodus 19:1-25 | Richard McConnell

Why don’t you listen to these messages from Exodus and read it with revelation and relationship in mind? To find out what God is like and how he has revealed himself and how to relate to him. Here we will see the God who reveals himself.


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A Message That Reads Differently | Romans 5:6-8 | Richard McConnell

When life has its not-quite-rightness, the writers of the Bible don’t just describe it, they profoundly diagnose it. Rather than just accepting our problems as the norm, they go on to describe a remarkable way out. This is a message that reads differently.


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From An Empty Grave To Life In His Name | John 20:1-10 | Richard McConnell

You might have noticed that John, one of the key eyewitnesses of the resurrection, is very clear where he wants us to land. Unapologetically John is presenting his compilation of the events of Jesus' life and death, including his account of the resurrection, so that people like us will believe. Believe and have life in his name. Listen to how he describes the events of the first Easter Sunday morning.


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Live For Christ Now | 2 Peter 3:1-18 | Richard McConnell

In this final instalment of his letter, Peter launches two countermeasures to help Christians to thwart a potentially devastating campaign. It is a call to:


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Training Notes For Faithful Christians | 2 Peter 2:10b-22 | Richard McConnell

The Bible shows us that there will be a calculatedness to the efforts of false teachers among communities of faithful Christians. Carefully considering Peter's analysis of malicious insider antics will provide training for genuine, growing and stable Christians.


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Danger & Reassurance | 2 Peter 2:1-10a | Richard McConnell

Big companies talk about the phenomena of Insider Threats. One of these comes in the form of malicious insiders - people who maliciously sabotage systems because they have grievances, and who decide to expose sensitive data out of revenge. They can do a lot of damage, especially if they go undetected. Peter warns the Christians about this kind of threat in the churches here in 2 Peter 2. Listen in.


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Rebuilding Confidence in God's Word | 2 Peter 1:12-21 | Richard McConnell

Peter realises that those uprooted and carried away as Christians are people who have stopped growing and who have lost confidence in God's Word. His efforts are about rebuilding a robust confidence in that Word of God.


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Stable and Growing | 2 Peter 1:1-11 | Richard McConnell

Can you lose your stability as a Christian? Yes, you can. Writing his last letter to the churches, Peter’s aim is about preventing faithful Christians from losing their stability. Listen in.


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Adultery Actually | Proverbs 5:1-23 | Richard McConnell

The Bible raises our awareness of the sly, deadly, and life-breaking nature of adultery. Proverbs 5 serves as a warning. Listen in.


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The Decision | Proverbs 4:1-27 | Richard McConnell

Repetition is needed because people like us are so easily deviated. In Proverbs 4, there are some messages that repeat what we have already been encountering in this book so far. As you listen to what the Bible says again and again, you'll see that you have at least 3 decisions to make.


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The Value Of Wisdom | Proverbs 3:13-35 (Richard McConnell)

What is your most valuable possession? God’s word is telling us about the value of God's wisdom: urging us to find it, to value it, to keep our eyes on it, and apply it. The writer of Proverbs presents us with 4 calls to action here. Listen in.


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Trust In The Lord! | Proverbs 3:1-12 (Richard McConnell)

Trust in the Lord. That’s the central message of this text, this book. The Bible itself. The writer begins this chapter with a START HERE! instruction, followed by a call to nurture a life of commitment to the Lord.


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Why Search For Wisdom? | Proverbs 2:1-22 (Richard McConnell)

Today at the start of a new year, and the start of the next 5 years, God’s Word sits each one of us down for a serious chat. As we are in the Proverbs, you could probably sum up the message of this serious chat proverbially… a bit like this: Start a search, find a fear, live the rescue!


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When You Are Enticed | Proverbs 1:8-33 (Richard McConnell)

In the war for your identity that is being waged, when you are enticed... who will you listen to?


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When You Are Enticed | Proverbs 1:8-33 (Richard McConnell)

In the war for your identity that is being waged, when you are enticed... who will you listen to?
