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Bluegrass United Church of Christ

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Bluegrass United Church of Christ is a congregation in Lexington, Kentucky. We see the value and worth of all God's creation and practice our understanding of God's love toward everyone that "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here."


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Bluegrass United Church of Christ is a congregation in Lexington, Kentucky. We see the value and worth of all God's creation and practice our understanding of God's love toward everyone that "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here."





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“Taking a Time Out” by Pam Lee-Miller

It was important to Jesus (so it should be important to us) to take some time to get away. Today Pam leads us into a few moments of reflection and contemplation as we look at the moment he led his followers to a quiet place to rest awhile. MESSAGE: “Taking a Time Out” by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: Mark 6:30-32 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube:


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“Peace” by Kenny Bishop

Maybe our world has always been as unsettled as it is today; maybe we are more aware of it now, thanks to, 24-hour news, social media, and access to information we've never had before. Regardless, our world seems to be in desperate need of peace and calm. Not everyone has the option, but if it's possible, we invite you to make a few minutes and find a place, then allow your mind to settle into a memory or a place that brings you calm. MESSAGE: “Peace” by Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: John 14: 27 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube:


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“Ask the Pastors” with Pam Lee-Miller & Kenny Bishop

Every few weeks we ask the congregation to bring their questions about the bible, some of its stories, characters, and lessons. We call it "Ask the Pastors" MESSAGE: “Ask the Pastors” with Pam Lee-Miller & Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube:


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“A Touch That Heals” by Pam Lee-Miller

A touch can be a powerful thing. It can be violent, it can be calming, it can be healing. When we read the story of the woman who had been sick for twelve years and had been declared unclean by the religious law, we are reminded of the courage it took for her to reach through the throngs of people surrounding Jesus just for the chance to touch the hem of his robe. She risked a lot, but in the end, because of her faith, she received a lot. She was healed, not by the touch of Jesus, but by her touching him. MESSAGE: “A Touch That Heals” by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: Mark 5:21-43 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube: / @bluegrassucc


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“Have a Little Faith” by Pam Lee-Miller

When Jesus and his disciples started their journey across the sea the winds were calm and the waters were smooth. To take advantage of the time away from the crowds, he even took a pillow to get some rest. Then things changed. A sudden storm started rocking their boat violently and the once-resting disciples were now afraid. But Jesus continued to sleep... until they decided to wake him. His message to the storm was to cease and his message to his followers was to find the faith to look beyond the wind. MESSAGE: “Have a Little Faith” by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: Mark 4: 35-41 Learn more about us at ⁠ ⁠Facebook: ⁠ ⁠Twitter: ⁠ ⁠Instagram: ⁠ ⁠YouTube:


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“It's Just a Title” by Kenny Bishop

Most of us think of God as a father figure. In almost all of the ancient writings and translations that we are familiar with, God is presented in the masculine. But there are scriptures that allow us to see another part of God's personality apart from that idea. At Bluegrass United Church of Christ, we try hard to be as inclusive as possible, to make everyone feel welcome, and feel valued. One way we do that is by acknowledging that God means different things to different people. This Father's Day, we want everyone to know that God is available to them - as a father, as a mother, as whatever they need. MESSAGE: “It's Just a Title” by Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: Exodus 3: 7a, 9-14 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠ ⁠Twitter: ⁠ ⁠Instagram: ⁠ ⁠YouTube:


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“A Bad God - A Good God” by Kenny Bishop

The first humans, Adam and Eve, made some bad decisions that they knew disappointed God and found themselves hiding in shame. Come to find out, even though there were consequences for their "sin," the God they were hiding from never stopped desiring to be with them and never stopped seeking them. They discovered, as we have, that their assumptions were wrong, the God they thought was "bad" was actually a good God. MESSAGE: “A Bad God - A Good God” by Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: Genesis 3: 1-11 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube:


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Farrah Sea’s Front Porch: A Story Sermon” by Pam Lee-Miller

These days it seems there is a heavy push by the more traditional and conservative-leaning Christian leaders to move America back to a more hardline version of Christian "law" and away from a more inclusive view of God and scriptures. Today, Pam helps us understand that God's intention is to lead us with love instead of strict laws and heavy-handed penalties. MESSAGE: “Farrah Sea’s Front Porch: A Story Sermon” by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: Mark 2: 23-3:12 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube: / @bluegrassucc


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“God’s Invitation” by Pam Lee-Miller

We've been invited by God to change our world for the better. We know the charge is not to make every single life better, but to make better those within our reach. The invitation is to try, to make the effort, to accept the challenge, and do our best to live into God's desire for our world to be better, safer, more ready to help when and where we can. We stand ready to accept God's Invitation. MESSAGE: “God’s Invitation” by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 29: 11 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube: / @bluegrassucc


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“The Wind" by Kenny Bishop

Early in the life of the Christian movement, a wind started to blow... it's still blowing today, and when we allow it to have its space and do its deed, it can move us into meaningful and powerful places. We gathered on Pentecost Sunday to wait and listen for our time to yield to its breeze. It was a wonderful time of learning from the wind. MESSAGE: “The Wind" by Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: Acts 2: 1-4 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠


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“The Way Love Works" by Kenny Bishop

Mother's Day is a wonderful celebration of all the women and others who have nurtured us, cared for us, loved us, and helped us through difficult times. It is the perfect occasion to show our love for those who've loved us so much. Then there are those who don't find reasons to celebrate Mother's Day - for whatever reason. But even for those, there is the promise that God loves us, cares for us, nurtures us, and helps us - so much so that our names have been written in the palm of God's hand. MESSAGE: “The Way Love Works" by Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 49: 13-16a Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube:


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“Rooted and Grounded in God Love" by Pam Lee-Miller

We often try, but we know it is impossible to compare God's love to anything we can know or feel. God's love is not based on any conditions - there is nothing that can suppress it or keep it from being shown. So the question becomes, will we allow ourselves to be rooted in that perfect love? MESSAGE: “Rooted and Grounded in God Love" by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 3:16-19 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube:


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“It Is Not A Solo Adventure" by Pam Lee-Miller

Nature tells us that all of creation is intertwined. We were never intended to live our lives alone. We're not expected to thrive alone on an island, separated from human interaction. We rely on each other, and others rely on us for love, care, support, and companionship. MESSAGE: “It Is Not A Solo Adventure" by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: John 15: 1-5 Learn more about us at ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ YouTube: / @bluegrassucc


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“Faith In Harm Reduction" by Hill Brown

Faith in Harm Reduction is dedicated to mobilizing community at the intersection of harm reduction and faith-based organizing, fostering opportunities for the co-creation of spiritual community and relationship building in partnership with people who use drugs and other harm reduction community leaders. Hill Brown, Southern Director for Faith in Harm Reduction joins us for a special service to share the work they are doing and to encourage us in the good work of faith in harm reduction. Learn more about Faith in Harm Reduction at MESSAGE: “Faith In Harm Reduction" by Hill Brown SCRIPTURE: Acts 4: 5-11 Learn more about us at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:


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“It's My Unbelief" by Kenny Bishop

Let's be honest; all of us, preachers and pastors included, sometimes have doubts and times when we struggle with our faith. None of us are immune from wondering if God really is there for us. Today, we read the story of the father who brought his son to Jesus to be healed. In a moment of honesty, the father acknowledges that his faith isn't beyond at least a measure of doubt. Even so, his son is healed. Today Kenny expands on how to deal with our questions and doubts when it comes to faith, the bible, and who God is. MESSAGE: “It's My Unbelief" by Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: Mark 9: 14-24 Learn more about us at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:


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"Ask the Pastors" with Pam Lee-Miller & Kenny Bishop

All of us have questions and curiosities about some of the bible's lessons, stories, and characters. This Sunday we're going to spend some time addressing some of your questions. MESSAGE: “Ask the Pastors" with Pam Lee-Miller & Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 Learn more about us at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:


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“Look Up" an Easter sermon by Kenny Bishop

Sometimes we have trouble reconciling the rejection we find in many churches with the radical inclusion we find in the bible's Easter story. Three days had passed. The women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body, according to custom. No doubt the journey to the tomb was heavy. Perhaps they approached with heads lowered in defeat and grief. But then they looked up and it changed their lives. The barrier that they thought would be there was gone and what they discovered instead was life. That same promise is ours - even if we've been told it is not for us - we believe God's promise of life is for everyone. MESSAGE: “Look Up" by Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: Mark 16: 1-7 Learn more about us at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:


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"Sit Up and Ride On!: A fictional sermon straight from the donkey’s mouth" by Pam Lee-Miller

Make no mistake, the powers-that-be in Jerusalem sat up and took notice at the actions of Jesus and his motley crew of palm-waving followers on that morning. It was a show of the "power" of love and injustice for the "least of these," in stark juxtaposition to the military might of the Roman rulers. It was a non-violent action featuring a man sitting on a donkey - an action that has offered hope throughout the ages. Will we sit up and take notice of the injustice of this world and work to eradicate it in ways that honor that first Palm Sunday parade? We're excited to continue our Lent series, What R U Up 2? MESSAGE: “Sit Up and Ride On!: A fictional sermon straight from the donkey’s mouth" by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: John 12:12-16 Learn more about us at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:


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"Lifting Up" by Kenny Bishop

“When nothing else would help, love lifted me!” says the old Gospel song. To be lifted up is to be drawn into the love of God. Jesus drew all kinds of people to him during his short tenure on earth, drawing no boundaries for who was invited into that love. As his hour to die drew nearer, he spread the message that all things would be enveloped in his love even after he was gone. What uplifting message will we pass on to others? We're excited to continue our Lent series, What R U Up 2? MESSAGE: "Lifting Up" by Kenny Bishop SCRIPTURE: John 12: 20-33 Learn more about us at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:


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"Light Up" by Pam Lee-Miller

John 3:16 is probably one of the most famous and oft-quoted scriptures in the Bible. What follows that verse is important for our Lenten journey. God did not send Jesus to condemn the world, but to offer it saving light. As believers in that light, we are called to be those who will continue to light up the world through our lives so that the world might see the hope it yearns for. We're excited to continue our Lent series, What R U Up 2? MESSAGE: "Light Up" by Pam Lee-Miller SCRIPTURE: John 3: 16-21 Learn more about us at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:
