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Chasing Wisdom

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Feeling Wounded? Weary? Filled with worry? Or wondering what you’re made for? No matter your age or stage of life, this podcast will equip, encourage, and inspire you for such a time as this. No matter your age or stage of life, this podcast will equip, encourage, and inspire you for such a time as this. Pull up a chair and join Jolene Engle and friends as we discuss all things related to a Christian woman’s life.Chasing Wisdom is home of the how-to, transparent, and Christ-centered podcast where you’ll learn to overcome your insecurities, put away regret & shame, and step forward with confidence into God’s perfect will for your life. You don’t have to leave your life and personal relationships to chance. Chasing Wisdom will change your decisions, attitudes, and relationships setting you on the path to becoming all God wants you to be. Chase wisdom. Change the world.


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Feeling Wounded? Weary? Filled with worry? Or wondering what you’re made for? No matter your age or stage of life, this podcast will equip, encourage, and inspire you for such a time as this. No matter your age or stage of life, this podcast will equip, encourage, and inspire you for such a time as this. Pull up a chair and join Jolene Engle and friends as we discuss all things related to a Christian woman’s life.Chasing Wisdom is home of the how-to, transparent, and Christ-centered podcast where you’ll learn to overcome your insecurities, put away regret & shame, and step forward with confidence into God’s perfect will for your life. You don’t have to leave your life and personal relationships to chance. Chasing Wisdom will change your decisions, attitudes, and relationships setting you on the path to becoming all God wants you to be. Chase wisdom. Change the world.







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Episode 10: If You Ever Feel Overlooked, Listen to This

Didn’t get the promotion? Not chosen for ministry? Left out of that endeavor? I feel you. It’s not easy when you feel like you’ve been overlooked and tossed to the side. I’ve been in this discouraging place too. But God never overlooks us. In fact, He has a great plan for our lives even when we can’t see it. In this episode I discuss 3 reasons why things do not go according to our plans. Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 09: If You Ever Feel Insecure, Listen to This

I thought God screwed up when he made me. Here's a snapshot of where Ms. Insecurity and I have traveled through life... For most of my life Ms. Insecurity was right by my side. I think she was connected to my hip. Seeing how I was given up at birth, that one small thing seemed to tell me who I was. It shaped me. It gave me my sense of self-worth (or lack there of it!). And it didn't help any that I didn't feel like I fit in with my adopted family. That's not to say that I have mastered my insecurities because I haven't. From time to time I let the Enemy into my life so he can speak lies to me. It's like I put a doormat out for him that says, "Welcome." "Come on in!" This always happens when I'm walking in my flesh rather than my spirit! Sigh! So today I'd like to kick Ms. Insecurity to the curb because she's been a part of my life for way too long! If you've felt insecure, join me in this episode as I share ways to combat this lie from the Enemy. Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 08: If You Ever Feel Anxious & Worried, Listen to This

I’ve been married for 25 years now and not once has my Beloved received a paycheck. There has been no income that I could count on and budget for, and no dependency of what he’ll bring in each month. All this equates to me living with no financial stability throughout our marriage. It’s always been this way because he’s been self-employed his entire working life. Here’s what I said to my new groom about my new reality: “How on earth do you live like this?” That was code for: I freaked out! “ How do you pay bills and what do you have to rely on? And how much money do you know you’ll make? How do you plan anything?” Can you say Control Freak? That’s what I was. I can't help but laugh now when I hear how other women call themselves that. I totally get it! Yes, I was one, but the Lord, in His precious ways took a chisel to me and started chipping those controlling issues away. Of course I still revert back to my old ways from time to time, kinda like a dog returning to it’s vomit like the Scriptures say. But looking back over all those years, that young bride’s faith in Christ grew tremendously! My faith increased greatly over the next several years and it was all because I had to learn how to rely on the Lord. It's easy to worry since we face a lot of unknowns, especially in today's world with wars and rumors of wars. As well as a possible recession on the horizon with banks shutting down. It's all unnerving. In today's episode, I'm tacking the subject of feeling anxious and worried as a Believer. Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 07: If You Ever Feel Overwhelmed & Stressed, Listen to This

As a believer in Jesus Christ, I should exude joy and peace but those attitudes go straight out the window when I'm overwhelmed and stressed. And the last thing I want to be is a stressed out follower of Jesus because that's not a good witness. Jesus was a man of action yet he was never stressed. What was it that I was missing? What did I need to learn to change my ways? I remember reading about the Proverbs 31 woman when I was a new believer. Man, was that woman busy! When I compared her life to mine the first thought that came to mind was "failure". In fact, I thought, I might as well just grab a sharpie and write that word across the page in my Bible knowing full well I'll never measure up to her. But, then I came to the end of the chapter and that's when I found the life-changing verse that put everything into perspective. Join me in this episode as I discuss the 4 reasons for feeling overwhelmed and stressed and the steps you can take to make those changes. Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 06: If You Ever Feel Depressed, Listen to This

I’m not a naturally upbeat person who’s got a pep in her step. Melancholy is more my bent. So the idea of being a joyful person eluded me for many years when I was a young Christ-follower. Coming out of a deep dark pit of atheism I had my fair share of depression struggles and suicidal thoughts, but once I found the Light my heart was filled with hope. But one day, it felt like the light went out. Depression has been my uninvited traveling companion on and off for years. I am well acquainted with her and the dark cloud she brings to my life. Yet, as a believer in Christ, the last thing I want to be is a depressed disciple. In this episode, I'm discussing the 3 different types of depression that one can experience in life as well as how to deal with them. Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 05: If You Ever Feel Bitter, Listen to this

As the unexpected tears welled up in my eyes, I mourned our losses. The loss of my health, the loss of our time, the loss of our home and business, the loss of relationships, the loss of our dreams. Not only was I fighting back the tears but also the bitterness that was seeping into my heart. I was trying not to be angry at God for all that we've gone through. I knew I was on a slippery slope. Every person has difficult seasons that can cause bitterness to take up residence in one's heart. But God promises to give us restoration. He wants us to place our hope in him so we can overcome our bitterness. He doesn’t want us to stay stuck in our troubles but to move forward with his guidance. If you're heart is feeling bitter, this episode is for you! In this episode, I'm sharing 6 biblical essentials to help your heart from growing bitter. Scripture: Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. Hebrews 12:15 Show resources: Wives of the Bible Book Wives of the Bible Expand Study Version Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 04: If You Ever Feel Rejected, Listen to This

The sting of rejection. Every soul has experienced it, including Jesus. The shame and grief we feel when we're not accepted by another can leave our souls wounded. Our insecurities start to seep out as a result and then we want to retreat from others. But, as believers in Jesus Christ, we are not called to live like this. If you've been rejected like I have and you too want to hide back in your shell, then listen to this podcast episode where I share how to get beyond feeling rejected. Scripture: For am I now trying to win the favor of people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ. Galatians 1:10 (CSB) Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 03: If You Ever Feel Shame, Listen to this

If you don’t know my testimony here’s the short version. I was married, then divorced, then lived with a man, plus I was sexually involved with other men before I came to Christ. And I embraced atheism. So with all that being said, I’m very familiar with the shackles of shame. I refer to my past lifestyle similar to Rahab’s. Although I didn’t get paid money for what I did, what I was looking for in return was being loved. But really, there’s not much of a difference between the two lifestyles, one is just more acceptable (as well as legal) by society than the other one, yet both are wrong in the Lord’s eyes. So I get it the whole 'shame' thing. But you don't have to remain in shame. You can get out of it and in this episode, I'll share with you what I did! Scriptures: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Cor. 5:17 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Philippians 3:13 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy–meditate on these things. Phil. 4:8 Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 02: If You Ever Feel Fearful, Listen to This

Friend, are you like me where you're habitually wearing Fear? Is this emotional villain a common thread in your life? Maybe you're fearful of the future? Fearful of stepping out in faith? Fearful your husband won't.......................fill-in-the-blank. Fearful your husband will..........................fill-in-the-blank. Fearful you won't ever marry? Fearful you'll marry the wrong guy? Fearful your children will bring you shame or worse yet, walk away from the Lord? Fearful you'll lose your health? Fearful you'll lose your job, home, finances? There are certain areas of my life I realize I'm a coward looking to run and hide, yet I long to do this life as a courageous woman; one who walks with The Lion of Judah who fights our battles. In this episdode, you'll learn: Scripture: I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 Get connected to our new community! Let us know on instagram what helped you the most in this episode! Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Episode 01: If You Ever Feel Lonely, Listen to This

Whether married or single…we have all felt alone at one time or another in our lives. We keep searching for connection and sometimes that is found in family, friends, and community, but most of the time that is not always the case. In this episode, you'll learn: Get connected to our new community! Let us know on instagram what helped you the most! Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.


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Chasing Wisdom Trailer

We are so excited to launch the Chasing Wisdom podcast! Season One launches on Thursday, 2/2. Help us reach others by reviewing and subscribing to our show. Thanks for joining us. Follow us on instagram @officialchasingwisdom and @joleneeengle.
