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Chicago Gnosis Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Free lectures on spirituality, religion, mysticism, meditation, psychology, kabbalah, alchemy, tantra, sacred sexuality, runes, dreams, astral projection, kundalini, yoga, the Bible, and more. From the Gnostic Academy of Chicago, a non-profit organization.


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Free lectures on spirituality, religion, mysticism, meditation, psychology, kabbalah, alchemy, tantra, sacred sexuality, runes, dreams, astral projection, kundalini, yoga, the Bible, and more. From the Gnostic Academy of Chicago, a non-profit organization.



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Scriptures | Ibn 'Arabi: The Meccan Revelations, "Voluntary Death"

By comprehending and eliminating our defects, we produce the awakening of the consciousness within dreams. This is the sacred return of the soul to divinity within this very life, without needing to physically die. We can competently navigate the higher worlds, the internal dimensions, and receive direct guidance from the Being through profound meditation and spiritual practice: (see Dream Yoga and Astral Travel). On every Saturday the 13th, we can perform the Spiritual Practice with Melchizedek, supplicating to the genie of the Earth to guide us in the path of mystical death. Such a process radically awakens the disciple during the normal hours of sleep, so that the soul can personally converse and commune with divinity with joy, inspiration, and spiritual healing.


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Articles | Why Is Sexual Magic Controversial?

Critiques and explanations regarding divine sexuality. See the following references to Glorian Publishing: Courses Evolution of SexKabbalah of GenesisMeditation EssentialsSamael, the Fifth Angel Books by Samael Aun Weor The Major MysteriesThe Perfect Matrimony Lectures by Samael Aun Weor Questions About the Path: The Wisdom of the BeingQuestions of Importance to Women


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To Thine Own Self Be True 04 Experience Your True Self

The basis of understanding reality is direct perception. While contemporary science accepts sensory and conceptual means of apprehending truth, the ancient mystical traditions taught that the awakened consciousness possesses superior faculties beyond the limitations of individual subjectivity and personal bias. Rather than imprison oneself within a sensual or believing mind, it is possible to awaken a third type: the inner that knows how to perceive and comprehend states of being beyond subjective materiality. By developing the inner mind, we come to experience and witness our true nature.


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Introduction to Gnostic Studies | Sexual Transmutation

The proper use of sexual energy can empower us to attain the highest spiritual potential, though we must be aware of the dangers that the misuse of this energy can cause.


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Articles | Is Gnosis Anti-LGBTQ?

Enlightenment is realized through renouncing desire.


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To Thine Own Self Be True 03 Awaken Your True Self

Our current psychological state is not unitary, but aggregated within varying levels of density. Another analogy is a spectrum or gradient marked by two extremes. The lowest qualities of being are attributed to affliction, confusion, pain, ignorance, and a whole constellation of destructive behaviors, characterized by complexity, problems, and all their concomitant sufferings. As hinted by the great mystical traditions of antiquity, superior states of being relate to spiritual awakening, serenity, and religious experiences of divine reality. Discover how to identify, discriminate, and understand various forms of perception through four states of consciousness: sleep, dreams, wakefulness, and spiritual illumination, so as to master one's complete potential.


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To Thine Own Self Be True 02 Observe Your True Self

The foundation for experiencing the most fundamental truths of human and divine reality lies within the field of psychological self-observation. By watching our thoughts, feelings, and impulses, it becomes possible to discover who and what we really are, not from any theory, theology, or belief system, but direct perception: the basis of real faith.


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Articles | How to Overcome Masturbation

Practical advice for Gnostics who seriously wish to preserve their chastity. Resources and references mentioned in this article: Articles by Glorian Publishing Daily Life on the Path: Home and AltarWhat is Pranayama? Books by Samael Aun Weor Esoteric Medicine and Practical MagicMagic of the RunesMagic of the Runes: Practice for Willpower (Rune Dorn)The Perfect MatrimonySacred Rites for Rejuvenation Lectures The Mantra of Christ: Om Mani Padme Hum (Glorian Publishing)Meditation Essentials (Glorian Publishing)Pranayama and Sexual Transmutation (Gnostic Meditation Course)Runes Course (Glorian Publishing)The Transmutation of Sexual Energy: Ham-Sah Pranayama (Samael Aun Weor) Scriptures Siva Samhita: Preserve the Semen TEDx Talk Video The Great Porn Experiment: Gary Wilson (TEDx Talk) Videos by Glorian Publishing Does Porn Affect Spirituality?Get Spiritual Strength through Blessed Food and DrinkMelon Seed Remedy for Nocturnal PollutionsOur Father: The Prayer to the LordSeven Sacred Runes Practice


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Articles | How Do Drugs Affect Our Spiritual Development?

The truth about drugs, perception, awakening, and obstacles to spiritual enlightenment.


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Articles | COVID-19: A Time of Opportunity

Take advantage of the crisis to spiritually awaken. See the following recommended sources for meditation and spiritual practices to initiate a personal, in-home retreat: Alchemy Techniques for Married Couples The Perfect MatrimonyThe Mystery of the Golden Flower Dream Yoga Exercises Astral Projection and Dream Yoga (Glorian)Clues for Astral ProjectionDream Yoga (Book)Dream Yoga and Astral Travel (Course)​Mantras for Astral Projection Jinn Science The Yellow Book Mantras and Prayers for Protection The Divine ScienceEsoteric Medicine and Practical MagicKlim Krishnaya Instructional VideoThe Major MysteriesThe Microcosmic Star Instructional Video Meditation Courses and Resources Gnostic MeditationGuided PracticesMantras and PronunciationsMeditation EssentialsSufi Principles of Meditation Pranayama for Single Practitioners Christic Egyptian PranayamaThe Yellow BookKundalini: The Sacred Fire of All ReligionsPranayama and Sexual TransmutationHam-Sah Pranayama Runes The Magic of the RunesRunes CourseThe Seven Vowels Instructional Video ​Sacred Rites of Rejuvenation BookYoga for the Aquarian Era (Lecture)


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Scriptures | The Sharpest Sword

"The Buddha Replies to the Deva" explained through the gnostic wisdom.


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Practical Initiation | The Magician (Part 2): Transformation of Impressions

An esoteric key for transforming our daily lives and practical tips for how to apply it.


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To Thine Own Self Be True 01 Know Your True Self

It is possible to know the breadth, depth, and complexities of humanity by exploring our own psychology, since each individual is a reflection or microcosm of the external world. Conventional wisdom also encourages conformity to society while acknowledging its possible costs: the end of originality, the loss of beauty, the corruption of innocence, and the weakening of virtue. By identifying three constituents of psychological experience (consciousness, defects, and personality) in relation to specific events, it becomes possible to awaken our true nature, modify our personal experiences, improve our relationships, master our full potential, and produce positive results within all domains of our life.


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Articles | Spiritual Practice with Melchizedek

Develop your spiritual life and receive divine aid from Melchizedek every Saturday the 13th. Resources Chicago Gnosis ArticleChicago Gnosis Guided PracticeGlorian Publishing Guided Practice


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The Secret Path of Initiation 04 The Minor Mysteries

Every candidate for spiritual initiation must enter a probationary period known as the Minor Mysteries, so that divinity can prove his or her sincerity, willingness, and caliber. This is in preparation for greater spiritual advancements (the Major Mysteries) within the path of the perfect matrimony. Discover the challenges, qualifications, and means of successful candidates in the probationary path.


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Articles | What Spiritual Teachings Are Reliable?

Determine the authenticity of a spiritual teacher or teaching from your own experience. Resources Meditation Essentials (Course)The Perfect Matrimony (Book)Types of Spiritual Schools (Lecture)


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Articles | What is Meditation and Why Practice It?

Learn what the science of meditation is and the reasons for practicing it. Lectures on Meditation Gnostic MeditationGnostic PsychologyMeditation EssentialsSufi Principles of Meditation Guided Practices Guided Practices


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Articles | What is Gnosis and Gnosticism?

Genuine spiritual life is direct experience of religious truths. The basis of all mystical traditions is personal verification of divine reality. Therefore, the Gnostic tradition as a locus of practical spirituality leaves beliefs and theories behind. Explore resources on how to awaken such potentials within oneself: Videos Chicago Gnosis | What is Gnosis?Glorian Publishing | What is Gnosis? Knowledge is the Key to Liberation from Suffering Courses Introduction to Gnostic StudiesFundamentals of Gnosticism Membership The Gnostic Church | Article Navigating Our Site Where to Start? More from Glorian Publishing Knowledge is Power May the light and peace of divinity reign within your heart!


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Gnostic Gospels | Beyond Good and Evil in The Gospel of Judas

This lecture builds on controversial gnostic motifs in Transcendent Betrayal in The Gospel of Judas. By rebelling against one's own false notions good and evil, the initiate recognizes and submits to divine will even when it is contentious, scandalous, and displeasing. Therefore, mystical revolutionaries transcend incipient beliefs and hypocritical sanctimony to perform that which is truly good, even when it is inconvenient and misunderstood.


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Articles | Walking the Path of Balance

How to begin practicing and applying the principles of the Gnostic tradition of Samael Aun Weor. References and Resources: Pranayama for Single Practitioners Christic Egyptian PranayamaThe Yellow BookKundalini: The Sacred Fire of All ReligionsPranayama and Sexual TransmutationHam-Sah Pranayama LectureHam-Sah Pranayama Practical Alchemy Techniques for Married Couples The Perfect MatrimonyThe Mystery of the Golden Flower Mantras and Prayers for Protection The Divine ScienceEsoteric Medicine and Practical MagicKlim Krishnaya Instructional VideoThe Major MysteriesThe Microcosmic Star Instructional Video Meditation Gnostic MeditationMeditation Essentials Runes The Magic of the RunesRunes CourseThe Seven Vowels Instructional Video Spiritual Rituals for Strength and Healing Healing Emotional and Spiritual PainSpiritual Strength through Blessed Food and Drink Sacred Rites of Rejuvenation Book Ways to Serve Volunteer for Glorian Publishing
