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Community Bridge

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to Community Bridge, a Family Radio podcast designed to help you stay informed about matters affecting your community. As Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” Host Jenny Burkhiser interviews representatives from community organizations and ministries, providing opportunities for us all to do good in our communities!


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Welcome to Community Bridge, a Family Radio podcast designed to help you stay informed about matters affecting your community. As Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” Host Jenny Burkhiser interviews representatives from community organizations and ministries, providing opportunities for us all to do good in our communities!





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Faithful Stewardship

Your retirement can be a tool to bless others! How? You can use your IRA-required minimum distribution to invest and have a lasting impact in God’s Kingdom. Brian Miller, private wealth advisor, The Bahnsen Group, shares how.


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Christian Unity in Politics

Elections are around the corner! How does that make you feel? Overwhelmed? Hopeful? Fearful? Here’s the grounding truth—God is always in control. And your conversations, influence, and exercising your right to vote can make a God-honoring difference! Alex McFarland, youth, religion and culture expert, and founder of Alex McFarland Ministries shares how you can be salt and light in the world this election season!


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Healthy Church Families

How can you have the best possible relationships with your church family? Dr. Josh Zeichik, former pastor and director of church engagement, Focus on the Family, shares how you can evaluate and improve relationships through the Bible to best glorify God in your church.


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Mental Health Power in the Pew

Imagine you’re sitting in church when someone says to you, “I struggle with mental health and addiction.” Dr. Karl Benzio, board certified psychiatrist and medical director of the American Association of Christian Counselors, shares how you can help others "unbind" their minds through the power of Jesus Christ!


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Unbind Your Mind

You met Jesus and He saved you—praise God! But now you’re wrestling against your old mind. How can you “unbind” from psychological baggage to overcome addictions and mental health struggles? Dr. Karl Benzio, board certified psychiatrist and medical director of the American Association of Christian Counselors, shares his insight.


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Loving & Serving Women

Unplanned pregnancies can be so frightening—but they don’t have to be. Nicole Hunt, Attorney and Life Issues Analyst, Daily Citizen, shares how to love, serve, and pursue justice for women in your community. Give hope and compassionate care through a local pregnancy resource center today!


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Emotions & Teen Health

Do your emotions ever want to "take over?" Recently, a very popular movie touched on teen emotions and the importance of emotional health. Adam Holz, director of Plugged In, a Focus on the Family publication, shares what teenagers deal with today and how you can help!


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The Greatest Journey: Lyda's Story

Lyda was only four years old when she was sold into slavery. But God still had a plan for her life. He rescued this little Cambodian girl using a Christian couple, a shoebox, and The Greatest Journey Discipleship Program from Samaritan’s Purse. Here’s her story of forgiveness!


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Singles' Seat at the Church Table

Are you single? The Apostle Paul said being single is a calling—a gift from God! Lisa Anderson, director of Boundless, a ministry of Focus on the Family, and host of the Boundless Podcast, talks about how singles are needed and valued in the life of God’s church.


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Freedom from Addiction

"Doing a “180”—not just a skateboarding trick. It means turning away from a destructive path—and turning to Jesus Christ! Kyle Roth, community engagement director and Jonathon McKeehan, Denver men's program director, 180 Ministries, share their stories from hopeless addiction to true freedom in Jesus—freedom available to you!


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Building Marriages that Glorify God

Civilizations and societies thrive on strong marriages because out of these come strong families, community leaders, and nations. But what is strong, biblical marriage? Javier and Shannon Labrador, Marriage Coaches, with 24 Seven Marriage share how you can break unproductive habits and adopt healthy, new God-honoring mindsets and build up Biblical marriage in your community.


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The Heavens Declare God's Glory

As we approach the 55th anniversary of the moon landing, what wonders of the universe have been uncovered to reveal the glory of God? Andrew Fraknoi, professor of Astronomy at University of San Francisco, shares what has been learned about the moon since Apollo 11 and how you can use this upcoming milestone anniversary to celebrate God's creation and the wonders of His universe!


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Your Father for All Eternity

What the best way a father can love his children? By loving their mother with a Christ-centered love! JP DeGance, founder and president of Communio, shares in a special Father’s Day interview how to have Christ-centered relationships and reveal God's great love to their communities!


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Your Mission This Summer

Want to go on a mission trip this summer? You don’t need to travel far—kids in your neighborhood need hope and good news! Vice President of Administration Fred Pry, Child Evangelism Fellowship, shares how you can host a 5-day Bible club for children at your home this summer and at your local school this coming fall!


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Healthcare According to Acts

As critical health care costs rise, many Americans with health insurance are putting off medical treatment. What is an affordable option that also embraces biblical values and community? Katy Talento, a veteran policy advisor, epidemiologist, and executive director of the Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries, shares about health care sharing as it was in the early Church and how this Acts-based model is being used today.


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Don't Take Your Kidneys to Heaven, Heaven Knows We Need Them Here

Could you save a life today? It’s possible! God brought Dave and Noah together in a deli—and changed both of their lives forever. Hear the incredible story from Dave Blomsterberg, living kidney donor and senior director of operations at Family Radio, and Noah Kronenberg, the grateful recipient of one of Dave’s Kidneys—and discover how you can save a life today.


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Family Engagement Spurs Student Success

You are critical for your children’s and grandchildren’s educational success. Tracie Potts, chair of the Learning Heroes Advisory Board, and Dr. Andrew “Andy” Westmoreland, SVP of Higher Education, Faith Search Partners, show you how to engage with teachers and find the best opportunities for your youth.


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Honor Mom, Honor God - Love Foster Families

Ann Billo has nine children! She’s also the spokesperson for Florida 1.27, a movement of churches and individuals following the James 1:27 model as they care for foster families. You and your church can also get involved in transforming the child welfare system.


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Welcome Home to the Family…

What makes you feel welcome at church? And how can you help others new or coming back to church feel welcome? Joni Eareckson Tada, founder and CEO, Joni & Friends, shares how you and your community can embrace people of all abilities into the fabric of your church.


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Prevent Cancer at Every Age

You can help win the war against cancer. The earlier it’s detected, the less power it has over you and your community. Yet nearly seven in ten U.S. adults are behind on cancer screenings. Jody Hoyos, CEO, Prevent Cancer Foundation, discusses prevention, early detection, and treatment.
