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Concerning The Times with Howard Green

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Our times are marked by increasing violence, pestilence, natural disasters, wars, economic uncertainty, spiritual deception, and hopelessness. Everyone seems to be asking: What in the world is going on and why? Join us as we discuss end-time Christian living. Concerning The Times is the evangelistic and Bible teaching ministry of Howard Green. Subscribing to our podcast will help us reach more people with the gospel. For prayer requests or ministry inquiries, please contact us at:


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Our times are marked by increasing violence, pestilence, natural disasters, wars, economic uncertainty, spiritual deception, and hopelessness. Everyone seems to be asking: What in the world is going on and why? Join us as we discuss end-time Christian living. Concerning The Times is the evangelistic and Bible teaching ministry of Howard Green. Subscribing to our podcast will help us reach more people with the gospel. For prayer requests or ministry inquiries, please contact us at:



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I am Not Ashamed!

In America and Europe, living for Jesus, for the most part, only costs us our reputation, and for many, that’s too much of a cost to bear. You would think that with the gift of hindsight and discernment, the tepid approach of groveling for the world to like and accept us, Christians would see that it doesn’t win disciples but makes false converts. Let's talk about what it means to say: I am not ashamed. Show Notes: A.W. Tozer's book, The Pursuit of God: Link to Concerning The Times article: I am Not Ashamed Connect with us at:


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Is End-Time Prophecy for Ego, Entertainment, or Equipping?

Many Christian conferences, including end-time Bible prophecy conferences, cost upwards of $50.00 to $100.00. This is profiteering in Jesus's name! Some end-time prophecy teachers use the genre for greedy gain, selfish ambition, and ego. How should Christians respond? Show Notes: Original article: Is End-Time Prophecy for Ego, Entertainment, or Equipping? Connect to our YouTube channel: Dr. Mark Hitchcock's book, Russia Rising Dr. Ron Rhodes's book, Bible Prophecy Under Siege Roger Oakland book, Another Jesus, the eucharistic christ and the new evangelization: Erwin Lutzer's book The Church in Babylon, link: Jan Markell-Olive Tree Ministries, link: Rapture Ready, link: Connect with us at:


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How Would We Live Differently If We Knew It Was Tomorrow?

This podcast isn’t meant to make sensational predictions but to take Jesus’ repeated warnings seriously and consider how we would transform the way we live if we knew He was going to return tomorrow. Show notes: * This message was preached at Wheeler Men's Mission in Indy, so thank you for dealing with the background noise. Link to our article, Is End-Time Bible Prophecy Relevant? Part 1 Link to: Is End-Time Bible Prophecy Relevant? Part 2 Please remember to rate and subscribe to the Concerning The Times podcast. You can help us reach more people with the gospel by rating & subscribing. Thanks! Every blessing in Jesus. Howard Connect with us at:


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Don't Get Distracted From Eternity

The average attention span is 8.25 seconds, down 4.25 seconds from just the year 2000. People are distracted with everyday life, while eternity is racing upon us. God will get the whole world's attention soon. Knowing that Jesus is coming soon, don't get distracted from eternity. Show Notes: The message was preached at Wheeler Men's Mission in Indianapolis, IN. Don't Get Distracted From Eternity video on YouTube: *Please remember to rate and subscribe to our podcast. It is a tangible way to help our ministry reach people with the gospel. Thanks! Connect with us at:


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An Open Letter to Gen. Z About Jesus

Gen Z: Have questions about Jesus? Is he real or relevant? This episode is for you! If you know someone between the ages of 15 and 30? Please share this episode. *Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to our podcast, Thanks! Show Notes: More questions? Listen to the episode: Who is Jesus? Original article: An Open Letter to Gen Z About Jesus Have you come to saving faith in Jesus? Contact Us Suicide and crisis helpline: Dial 988 or Connect with us at:


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The Time To Act Is Now!

Global events of biblical proportions are about to take place. Jesus called them the beginning of sorrows & birth pains that would happen just before his return. We are living in the last days and the time to act is now! Show Notes: * The first 19 minutes of this episode cover the events in Israel on October 7th 2023 and refuting replacement theology concerning Israel and the Jewish people. * Because of the graphic nature of the reporting on the Hamas massacre in Israel, please be advised this episode isn't suitable for young children. Connect with us at:


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Baseball fan says, "God's not real!" Others intrigued by preaching outside MLB game.

We preached the gospel in Cincinnati outside of Great American Ballpark during the Reds-Cubs doubleheader. There was some opposition to our street preaching, but many people were interested in what we had to say. We had some good conversations, and hope that people will remember the words they heard and come to saving faith in Jesus. Maranatha Please remember to subscribe to our channel to help us reach more people with the gospel. Thanks For questions, comments, ministry inquiries, or prayer requests, go to our ministry website: Concerning The Times on YouTube: Connect with us at:


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No time for business as usual! Jesus is coming soon.

I once read about a sister in Christ who said, "I'm looking for a church and other Christians who don't think this is the time for business as usual." Jesus is coming soon, and I want to remind believers that we have little time left to warn people to come to saving faith before God's Judgment falls on this world. This is no time for business as usual! Show Notes: You can see the original article on No time for business as usual on YouTube: Connect with us at:


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Ministry Update Summer 2023

We wanted to share what the Lord is doing through our evangelism and discipleship outreach this Summer. We preached the gospel in Slovakia, Austria, and the US. We hope you are encouraged and challenged through this praise report. Show Notes: Link to Erika's home church in Bratislava (there is a tab for English translation): Viera Baptist Faith Fellowship Link to Mark & Amy's Ministry (Josiah Venture-Training Center Kompas) in Bratislava. Connect with us at Concerning The Times: CTT on YouTube: Twitter: Connect with us at:


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Flirting with Jezebel! How pornography steals, kills, and destroys.

Pornography is a sin that devastates men, women, marriages, and souls. Let’s examine the root causes, effects, and carnage from pornography in the light of scripture and expose this sin for what it does and where it leads: It steals, kills, destroys, and ultimately ends in hell. We'll also talk about the forgiveness and healing from porn addiction that Jesus offers and a life free from shame and guilt. Show Notes: Article: Flirting with Jezebel Connect with us at:


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The Reality of Heaven

Nearly 150,000 people die and go into eternity daily. We'll discuss popular misconceptions about the afterlife and the belief there are many ways to heaven. Let's look together at what Jesus said about heaven, what it is, and how to get there. Show notes: This podcast episode is taken from the video: The Reality of Heaven Book by Erwin Lutzer: One Minute After You Die Do you have questions about Jesus and how to be saved for all eternity? Please visit: Are you saved? *Please remember to rate and subscribe to our podcast. Thanks! Connect with us at:


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The Reality of Hell

There's a place so terrible most preachers won't even preach about it. It's a place Jesus warned about often. Let's look together at what the Bible says about hell. Where will you go the second after you die? Most people will answer they would like to go to heaven. The Bible makes it clear that heaven is one of two places people will spend eternity when they die, and the other place is hell. Some use it as an expletive. Others relegate it to the realm of fantasy and make-believe. While others hope to avoid it at all costs. Show Notes: Recommended resources: Video: The Reality of Hell Book: God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life by Ray Comfort Book: One Minute After You Die by Erwin Lutzer #hell, #heaven, #eternal life, #will I go to hell, #how could a loving God send people to hell, #is hell real, #where will I go when I die, #the reality of hell, #God has a wonderful plan for your life, #Ray Comfort, #Erwin Lutzer One minute after you die, #Fear of death, #eternal life, #What does the Bible say about hell, #Is the devil real, #What happens when I die, Connect with us at:


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Should Christians be Preppers?

Threats of economic collapse, nuclear war, and food scarcity are causing people to stockpile massive amounts of provisions to survive. There are others who seem oblivious to the dark days ahead. What does the Bible say about prepping and the question: Should Christians be preppers? Show Notes: Should Christians be preppers? Click here for the YouTube video. Should Christians be Preppers? Click here for the original article. Connect with us at:


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A Warning About Worshiptainment

Let's look together at the spiritual deception mass marketed by groups like; Hillsong, Bethel, Elevation, and Jesus Culture. It's time to wake apathetic Christian leaders up to the truth. Behind the beautiful melodies, obscured by the fog and hidden behind the spotlights, lies an agenda. Worshiptainment is focused on man, not Jesus. Show notes: Link to: Concerning The Times Worshiptainment article Link to: Christian Post article on Elevation Church "spontaneous baptisms." Link to: A warning about Worshiptainment YouTube video Connect with us at:


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The Cowardly Preacher

Many preachers are cowards. Why? Because they value public opinion over what God thinks. This is the fruit of a watered-down American church more interested in gaining numbers, not true disciples. They use methods and marketing to reach the world instead of the gospel as people go into eternity. Check out the article: Show notes: Leonard Ravenhill's book: Sodom Had No Bible Mark Cahill's Book: One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven Connect with us at:


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Russia, Ukraine, and Bible Prophecy

Does Russia's invasion of Ukraine foreshadow a massive end-time showdown in the Middle East in the near future? Find out what Bible prophecy tells us about the perilous days ahead and the hope that can be yours. Connect at: Episode notes: The Hook in Russia's Jaw link: Mark Hitchcock book - Russia Rising link: Connect with us at:


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Is Street Preaching Relevant?

Street preaching is perhaps one of the most controversial subjects among both Christians & non-Christians. Much of the controversy is because of false notions about what true biblical evangelism is and the way it has been tarnished by a few bad actors. This video will give you renewed zeal to witness the way Jesus, the early church, and saints of days gone by preached in the public square. Episode notes: Is Street Preaching Relevant article: Ray Comfort's book: Phil Blair/Torch of Christ Ministries on YouTube: Connect with us at:


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How to Have Hope in a Hopeless World

This world is increasingly filled with hopelessness. Desperation, depression, and despair are the rule, not the exception. People say, "peace, peace" but there is no lasting peace. So how do you find and maintain true lasting peace and hope in this troubled world? Join us for this episode to see what the Bible says about having peace and hope in the midst of this life. Show notes: Episode based on this article: God's Providence and Our Perseverance. A favorite hymn reminding us of God's care for us: Great is Thy Faithfulness *It would be a great help to our ministry if you would rate, review, and subscribe to the Concerning The Times podcast. Every blessing in Jesus, Howard Connect with us at:


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Doing one thing will change your life forever.

People will try anything to change their life. 3 steps to a happy marriage, 5 steps to lose weight, or 7 steps to get rich. What if I told you that there is one thing you can do to change your life forever? Let me tell you now. Show notes: Our website: Cited: Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Charles H Spurgeon - "Clowns entertaining goats." Resources: Whatever Happened to Repentance: They Won't Repent: Are You Saved? Connect with us at:


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Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? Who do other religions say he is? Who does history & culture say he is? Who does Jesus say he is? Who do you say he is? Episode notes: Concerning The Times: Menu: Are You Saved? Concerning The Times on YouTube: Sources: Buddhism: J. Warner Wallace from Cold-Case Christianity Hinduism: Got questions. Mankind is divine. Christian answers .net: Islam: Sharing the gospel with Muslims. BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) Islamic society of greater Springfield ILL. Jesus from history: Uncover UK: Evidence outside of the Bible for Jesus. The Logos Herald. Connect with us at:
