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This podcast contains audio from sermons given at East Renton Community Church.


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This podcast contains audio from sermons given at East Renton Community Church.




(425) 226-6778

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Praying for God's Kingdom

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) Some of us have grown up viewing prayer primarily as presenting requests to God, much like submitting a wishlist or making appeals to a powerful authority figure. We might measure the effectiveness of our prayers by how many of our requests are granted in the way we expect. This can lead to frustration or doubt when prayers seem to go "unanswered." In what ways might viewing prayer as relationship-building rather than request-making change your approach to prayer? 3) Throughout history, humans have consistently tried to build their own kingdoms—creating spaces of safety, comfort, and control. We often invest significant time and energy into constructing these personal kingdoms, whether through career advancement, financial security, or social influence. Yet these efforts, while not necessarily bad, can compete with our allegiance to God's kingdom. What are some signs that you might be more focused on building your own kingdom than seeking God's kingdom? 4) When we encounter pain, suffering, or injustice in the world, our natural response might be to either accept it as "God's will" or to question God's goodness. However, understanding that these elements were never part of God's original design for creation—and won't be part of His kingdom—offers a different perspective. How might recognizing that suffering isn't part of God's intended kingdom change how you pray about difficult situations? 5) The idea of "dying to self" and submitting to God's kingdom can sound intimidating or even threatening to our sense of identity and autonomy. Yet the bible suggests that finding our true identity and purpose comes through this very submission. This paradox lies at the heart of kingdom living. What does dying to self mean to you?


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The Holiness of God

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) Many of us develop habits and patterns in our prayer life over time. These patterns can become so familiar that we follow them without much thought, potentially losing sight of the deeper purpose behind them. Sometimes we need to step back and examine why we pray the way we do. What tends to be your primary focus or starting point when you begin to pray? 3) The concept of holiness can feel abstract or distant from our everyday experience. In Scripture, when people encountered God's holiness directly, it often led to profound reactions - Isaiah declared himself unclean, Peter asked Jesus to depart from him, John fell as though dead in Revelation. These encounters transformed their understanding of both God and themselves.How has your understanding of God's holiness influenced your relationship with Him? 4) In our achievement-oriented culture, we often measure success by results and outcomes. This mindset can seep into our spiritual life, leading us to evaluate prayer by whether we receive the answers we seek. However, the eternal picture of prayer shown in Revelation focuses on declaring God's glory rather than making requests. What would it look like to measure the "success" of prayer by how it transforms our perspective rather than by the answers we receive? 5) The 24 elders in Revelation cast their crowns before God's throne, symbolizing how they lay their achievements and honors before Him. This action demonstrates a profound understanding that everything they have achieved or received ultimately belongs to God. We face similar opportunities in our daily lives to acknowledge God's supremacy. In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to "cast your crown" before God?


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Calling God Our Father

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) Many people feel they need to use formal language or specific formulas when praying. This can create anxiety about "praying correctly" and may prevent people from praying altogether. The focus on technique can overshadow the relational aspect of prayer. How has your understanding of prayer as a child speaking to their Father changed your approach to personal prayer time? 3) Our culture often promotes self-sufficiency and independence as ultimate virtues. There can be significant internal resistance to admitting our limitations and need for help, even (or especially) to God. What makes it challenging to approach God with complete vulnerability about our weaknesses and needs? 4) The transformation from viewing God primarily as a transcendent, holy judge to understanding Him as an intimate, loving Father represents a profound paradigm shift. This new identity as God's child affects every aspect of spiritual life. In what ways does seeing yourself as God's beloved child change how you view your daily challenges and struggles? 5) The Holy Spirit's role in prayer includes taking our imperfect, sometimes selfish prayers and translating them into perfect communications with the Father. This process gradually teaches us to pray more aligned with God's will. When have you experienced your prayers changing over time as you grew in your relationship with God? 6) The concept of suffering as part of our inheritance with Christ challenges many popular ideas about faith and prayer. Rather than eliminating suffering, prayer often helps us engage with it more meaningfully. How does understanding suffering as part of your spiritual inheritance affect your perspective on difficulties in your life?


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Why We Pray

Discussion Questions Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? Many people feel pressure to pray with perfect words or follow specific formulas when talking to God. This can create anxiety about praying "correctly" and may even prevent people from praying altogether. Some believers worry their prayers won't be effective unless they use the right language or technique. What holds you back from praying more openly and freely with God? Children often approach their parents with complete trust, expressing their needs and feelings directly without worrying about proper form or presentation. This natural, unfiltered communication demonstrates the kind of relationship God desires with us. Their simple faith and dependence can teach us much about prayer. How might viewing God as your perfect Father change the way you pray? In our social media age, we often feel pressure to present a polished version of ourselves to others. This can carry over into our spiritual lives, where we might focus more on how our prayers sound to others rather than on genuine communication with God. The desire for recognition can subtly influence even our most sincere spiritual practices. What difference do you notice between your private and public prayers? Trust requires vulnerability, and bringing our real needs and struggles to God can feel risky. Opening ourselves up to disappointment if God doesn't answer in the way we hope takes courage. Yet this vulnerability is essential for developing a genuine relationship with God. What makes it difficult to be completely honest with God in prayer?


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The Unfailing Love of God

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) Many people attempt to understand God through their own cultural and personal experiences of love. This often leads to defining God’s characteristics based on human understanding rather than the other way around. How might our cultural understandings of love potentially distort our comprehension of God's nature? 3) The concept of unconditional love often seems counterintuitive to human nature. In most relationships, people expect some form of reciprocity or worthiness from those they love. God’s love, however, operates differently. What challenges do you face in accepting love that is completely independent of your actions or worthiness? 4) The analogy of pure water versus flavored beverages suggests that while cultural expressions of faith aren't inherently negative, they shouldn't be confused with the essential nature of God’s love. Every culture adds its own "flavoring" to the expression of faith. In what ways have you observed cultural additions potentially obscuring the pure essence of God’s love in faith? 5) Burnout often stems from attempting to generate love from our own resources. Rather than striving harder, the solution involves returning to a relationship with the source of love. How does viewing yourself as a channel of God’s love rather than its source change your approach to serving others?


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The Joy of the Incarnation

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) We often create detailed plans for our lives - career paths, relationships, personal goals, and life milestones. These plans may be good and even admirable, but sometimes they can become rigid tracks that we're unwilling to deviate from. When we grip too tightly to our own plans, we may miss opportunities for something greater. What area of your life do you find it most difficult to accept unexpected changes or interruptions? 3) In our digital age, there's a constant stream of new solutions, techniques, and approaches promising to bring happiness and fulfillment. From self-help books to wellness apps, we're surrounded by novel answers to age-old human struggles. Yet lasting joy might be found in more timeless sources. How do you distinguish between temporary happiness and deeper, more lasting joy in your own life? 4) The concept of surrender often carries negative connotations in our culture, which celebrates independence and self-determination. Yet paradoxically, spiritual traditions have long taught that true freedom and joy come through surrendering control. This surrender isn't about passive resignation but active trust. What does genuine surrender look like in your daily life and decision-making? 5) Mental health challenges like anxiety and depression affect many people in our communities. While professional help and medical interventions play important roles, there's also a spiritual dimension to emotional wellness. Finding balance between practical and spiritual approaches requires wisdom and discernment. How do you maintain hope and seek joy during seasons of emotional struggle?


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The Peace of Christ's Presence

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) We often try to create peace in our lives through external means - managing circumstances, building security, or controlling our environment. These efforts, while natural, can actually increase our anxiety when things feel out of control. What specific situations in your life have shown you the limitations of trying to manufacture your own peace? 3) The Holy Spirit consistently aligns with scripture, bringing God's word to life in practical ways. Understanding this helps us discern between our own thoughts and the Spirit's guidance. How do you distinguish between your own desires and the Holy Spirit's leading in your daily decisions? 4) Saying "yes" to God often involves stepping out of our comfort zone, especially in loving others. While this can feel risky, it paradoxically leads to deeper peace. When have you experienced unexpected peace after choosing to follow God's leading despite your initial hesitation? 5) As responsibilities increase in life, maintaining dependence on God becomes more challenging. The temptation to rely on our own capability and control grows stronger. What practices help you maintain spiritual dependence when life's pressures push you toward self-reliance? 6) True peace includes elements that worldly peace often avoids: justice, holiness, and the reality of right and wrong. This deeper peace acknowledges both the gravity of sin and the beauty of redemption. How has your understanding of peace changed as you've grown in your faith journey?


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The Promise of Hope



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Living a Disciplined and Faithful Life

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) Work existed before sin entered the world, as God placed Adam in the Garden to work and tend it. This reveals that work itself is inherently good and purposeful, not merely a consequence of the fall. While sin added difficulty to work, its fundamental value remains unchanged. How does viewing work as worship rather than just a means of survival change your approach to daily tasks? 3) In Christian communities, some people become "busybodies" - appearing active but engaging in unproductive activities like gossip rather than meaningful work. This behavior often masquerades as spiritual activity or concern for others, but ultimately burdens the community. What's the difference between genuine spiritual fellowship and being a "busybody" in the church community? 4) True accountability extends beyond just talking about our struggles or meeting for prayer. While these activities have value, biblical accountability must include practical demonstration through actions and service to others. How can accountability relationships move beyond conversation to include practical service and work? 5) When confronting others about their behavior, Scripture teaches us to approach different age groups appropriately - older members as parents, younger ones as siblings. This family-based model emphasizes respect and relationship while still maintaining the need for truth. What specific challenges arise when trying to maintain both respect and truth in difficult conversations with fellow believers?


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The Importance of Prayer and Perseverance

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) In our modern world, we often approach relationships through technology and quick interactions. We value efficiency and immediate responses, sometimes reducing deep connections to surface-level exchanges. How does your understanding of prayer differ from other types of communication in your life? 3) Many of us face situations where our efforts and abilities seem insufficient for the challenges before us. These moments can either drive us to self-reliance or lead us to depend on something greater than ourselves. What has helped you move from relying on your own strength to trusting in God's power? 4) The transformation of our hearts often occurs gradually through consistent relationship rather than dramatic moments. Like any deep relationship, this process requires investment, vulnerability, and regular connection. What practices have most helped you develop genuine intimacy with God? 5) Everyone faces opposition or rejection when standing for their beliefs. In these moments, we must choose between defending ourselves or trusting God with our reputation and moving forward. When have you experienced freedom by choosing to move forward rather than defend yourself?


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Holding Fast to the Truth

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) Life often presents us with situations where we feel torn between trusting God's control and taking action ourselves. Sometimes this tension can lead to either passive inaction or self-reliant striving. Neither extreme captures the true nature of walking with God. How does understanding God's sovereignty change the way you approach difficult decisions in your life? 3) Many of us develop habits and routines to maintain physical health, career growth, or relationships. These disciplines often prove most valuable when we don't feel motivated to maintain them, yet their consistent practice shapes who we become. What spiritual disciplines have you found most transformative in your own faith journey? 4) We often find it natural to cry out to God during difficult times, when we clearly see our need for Him. However, maintaining that same dependence during seasons of success and prosperity can prove more challenging. How do you maintain awareness of your need for God during times when life is going well? 5) The Holy Spirit is described as our Helper, yet many believers struggle to understand what this means in practical terms. Like someone offering assistance with a technical problem, the Spirit's help is available but must be actively received. What practical differences do you notice in your life when you consciously rely on the Holy Spirit's help versus trying to handle things on your own?


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Standing Firm Against Deception

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) In today's digital age, we're constantly bombarded with information from countless sources. Technology makes it increasingly difficult to distinguish what's real from what's artificial or manipulated. Even experts struggle to identify deep fakes and AI-generated content. How do you maintain confidence in what's true when it becomes harder to trust what you see and hear? 3) Throughout history, many influential leaders have risen to power by telling people exactly what they want to hear. They often present themselves as solutions to all problems and appeal to people's desires for comfort, security, and success. What makes it challenging to recognize when someone is manipulating us through our own desires and ambitions? 4) We often evaluate leaders based on their charisma, confidence, and ability to get results. These qualities can be valuable, but they don't necessarily reflect someone's true character or motives. What character qualities do you look for to determine if someone is trustworthy? 5) Many of us struggle with the tension between focusing on our own needs and desires versus focusing on God's purposes. Our culture constantly encourages us to put ourselves first and to pursue what makes us happy and comfortable. What practical steps can we take to shift our focus from self-interest to God's interests in our daily decisions? 6) Living in an age of misinformation and deception can create anxiety and uncertainty. Many people feel overwhelmed by trying to discern truth from falsehood in both spiritual and practical matters. How can we maintain peace and confidence while staying alert and discerning in challenging times?


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Persevering in Faith Through Trials

Discussion Questions: 1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2) In our modern world, comfort and convenience often shield us from significant hardship. When minor discomforts arise - like hunger, traffic delays, or technological frustrations - our responses can reveal deeper spiritual truths about where we place our trust. How do your reactions to daily inconveniences reflect your spiritual dependence on God versus self-reliance? 3) The natural human response to persecution or mistreatment is to seek justice or revenge. However, the supernatural response calls for a radically different approach that trusts in God's ultimate justice while showing love to those who wrong us. What makes it particularly challenging to respond with love toward someone who has deliberately hurt or wronged you? 4) Many people can show dramatic displays of faith during crisis moments or special events. The deeper challenge lies in maintaining consistent faithfulness over long periods, especially in unglamorous or behind-the-scenes ways. What helps you maintain spiritual consistency during the ordinary, mundane seasons of life? 5) When walking alongside others who are suffering, there's often pressure to offer quick solutions or find immediate meaning in their pain. True companionship in suffering sometimes requires simply being present and allowing space for grief. How can we better support fellow believers who are going through trials without rushing to minimize their pain or fix their situation? 6) Spiritual growth paradoxically comes through acknowledging weakness rather than demonstrating strength. This runs counter to most cultural messages about personal development and success. What prevents you from being more open about your weaknesses and struggles with other believers?


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Building Up the Body of Christ

Discussion Questions: 1. Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2. Respecting church leadership is a crucial aspect of fostering healthy relationships within a community. This respect should be unconditional and not based on agreeing with every decision. It's about recognizing the role and efforts of leaders rather than their inherent value. How can we cultivate a culture of respect for leadership in our community while maintaining healthy boundaries? 3. In our busy lives, it's easy to make excuses for not serving or engaging with others. However, true community thrives when its members actively seek ways to love and support one another. This might involve participating in church events, helping neighbors, or being available when others need support. What practical steps can we take to move from a mindset of making excuses to one of seeking opportunities to serve? 4. Rejoicing always, praying without ceasing, and giving thanks in all circumstances are key spiritual practices. These are not dependent on our situations or feelings but are choices we make regardless of our circumstances. How can we incorporate these spiritual practices into our daily routines, especially during challenging times? 5. Discernment is a crucial aspect of spiritual growth. In a world where misleading teachings abound, it's important to carefully compare what we hear with Scripture. This doesn't mean becoming cynical, but rather developing a skill of thoughtful evaluation. What strategies can we use to develop and strengthen our discernment skills in today's information-rich world?


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Preparing for the Day of the Lord

Discussion Questions: 1. Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you? 2. The concept of Christ's return is often compared to the arrival of a baby or a wedding day. Both events require preparation and anticipation, but the exact timing is uncertain. How can we maintain a state of readiness in our daily lives without becoming anxious or obsessed about the future? 3. The parable of the ten virgins illustrates the importance of spiritual preparedness. It suggests that last-minute preparation or borrowing readiness from others is not possible. What does spiritual oil look like in our lives, and how can we ensure we're continuously filling our lamps? 4. Community plays a crucial role in maintaining spiritual readiness. Believers are encouraged to support and build each other up as they await Christ's return. How can we effectively encourage and support one another in our spiritual journeys without falling into comparison or judgment? 5. The promise of Christ's return offers a new perspective on current sufferings. It suggests that present trials are part of a larger narrative that culminates in redemption and restoration. How can we cultivate a perspective that sees our current challenges in light of eternity without minimizing the real pain and difficulties we face?


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The Hope of Christ's Return

Discussion Questions: 1) The concept of Christian hope in the face of death can be challenging to grasp. Many people struggle with fear or uncertainty about what happens after we die. How does the belief in resurrection impact your view of death? 2) In our daily lives, we often focus on immediate concerns and worldly pursuits. The idea of Christ's return can seem distant or abstract. What practical steps can we take to live with an awareness of Christ's imminent return? 3) Grief is a universal human experience, yet Christians are called to grieve differently. This can be difficult to understand or put into practice. In what ways can Christian hope transform the experience of mourning without diminishing the reality of loss? 4) The physical nature of the resurrection challenges common notions of a purely spiritual afterlife. This concept of a renewed earth and bodily resurrection is central to Christian eschatology. What aspects of this concept of a physical afterlife excite or challenge you? 5) The anticipation of Christ's return is meant to shape our present lives. However, it's easy to become so focused on the present that we lose sight of this future hope. What aspects of your life might change if you lived each day as if Christ could return at any moment?


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Living to Please God

Discussion Questions: 1) The process of sanctification involves a constant struggle between following our selfish desires and God's will. This internal conflict is central to the Christian experience and growth in holiness. How do you personally experience the tension between following your own desires and following God's leading in your daily life? 2) The concept of the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit challenges cultural norms that prioritize personal pleasure and self-fulfillment. This perspective calls for a reevaluation of how we treat and use our bodies. In what ways can viewing your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit change your daily habits and decisions? 3) Love is described as the primary manifestation of sanctification, expressed through selfless actions and service to others. This love goes beyond emotions and requires practical, tangible expressions. What are some specific, practical ways you can demonstrate sacrificial love in your relationships this week? 4) The call to "live quietly" involves focusing on living out one's faith through actions rather than words alone. This approach emphasizes integrity, diligence, and being a positive witness through one's lifestyle. How can you better align your actions with your faith in your workplace or community? 5) The motivation for a lifestyle of holiness, love, and quiet diligence comes from a deep understanding of God's grace and love. This understanding transforms our perspective on relationships and service. How has your understanding of God's love and grace influenced your approach to serving others?


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Pursuing Holiness and Brother Love

Discussion Questions: 1) The Christian life involves a fundamental shift in perspective, from a materialistic worldview to one that acknowledges supernatural realities. This shift can be challenging to maintain in a world that often denies or dismisses the spiritual realm. How do you personally maintain a supernatural perspective in a world that predominantly operates from a materialistic worldview? 2) Believers are called to stand firm in their faith, even in the face of trials and persecution. This steadfastness is not just an individual effort but is strengthened through community support. In what ways has your faith community helped you to stand firm during challenging times? 3) True Christian love extends beyond our comfort zones, reaching out to those who may be considered outsiders or "sinners" by society. This mirrors Jesus' own ministry and challenges our natural tendencies towards judgmentalism. What barriers do you face in showing love to those whose beliefs or lifestyles differ significantly from your own? 4) The hope of Christ's return is meant to be a motivating factor in the Christian life, shaping our priorities and actions. However, it's easy to become caught up in immediate concerns and lose sight of this future hope. How does the anticipation of Christ's return impact your daily decisions and long-term goals? 5) Christianity is fundamentally about a relationship with Jesus, rather than adherence to rules or maintenance of a certain image. This understanding can radically change how we approach our faith and interact with others. In what ways might focusing on relationship with Jesus, rather than rule-following, change your approach to spiritual growth and evangelism?


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Standing Firm in the Face of Opposition

1. Our beliefs shape our perception of reality. For Christians, this means embracing a worldview that includes the supernatural, which can be challenging to explain to non-believers. How can we effectively communicate our faith to those who view reality solely through a naturalistic lens? 2. Opposition often arises when we live out our faith openly. This can range from subtle social exclusion to more overt forms of persecution. What are some practical ways to respond with love and patience when faced with hostility due to our beliefs? 3. The Christian community is meant to be a place of authenticity and mutual support. However, being vulnerable about our struggles can be daunting. What barriers prevent us from being truly transparent with fellow believers, and how can we overcome them? 4. Our faith is not just about personal beliefs but should manifest in tangible actions. James emphasizes being "doers" of the word, not just hearers. In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to align your actions with your beliefs? 5. Christian hope is grounded in the promise of Christ's return and the full establishment of God's kingdom. This hope can sustain us through present difficulties. How can we cultivate a perspective that balances engagement with current realities while maintaining focus on our future hope?


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Serving with Sincerity and Love

Discussion Questions: 1) In our daily lives, we often encounter situations that challenge our commitment to our beliefs and values. These moments can be uncomfortable and may tempt us to remain silent or inactive. How can we cultivate the courage to stand firm in our convictions, even when facing opposition or discomfort? 2) In today's world, it's easy to get caught up in seeking approval from others, especially on social media. This desire for validation can sometimes lead us to compromise our principles or present an inauthentic version of ourselves. What can we do to maintain integrity in our actions and motivations, particularly when faced with the pressure to conform or seek popularity? 3) Love is often portrayed in popular culture as a feeling or emotion. However, true love involves action, sacrifice, and commitment, especially when it's difficult. In what ways can we demonstrate a more comprehensive and active form of love in our relationships and communities? 4) We all have strengths and weaknesses in how we interact with and care for others. Recognizing these can be the first step towards personal growth and more effective service to those around us. How can we accurately assess our own strengths and weaknesses in relating to and helping others, and what steps can we take to improve in areas where we struggle? 5) Many people compartmentalize their lives, separating their spiritual or ethical beliefs from their day-to-day activities. This can lead to a disconnect between what we believe and how we actually live. What practical steps can we take to integrate our core values and beliefs into every aspect of our daily lives, including work, family, and leisure time?
