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ERCC Sermons

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

This podcast contains audio from sermons given at East Renton Community Church.


United States


This podcast contains audio from sermons given at East Renton Community Church.




(425) 226-6778

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The Power of Resurrection

Discussion Questions 1. The resurrection is a supernatural event that challenges our natural understanding of the world. It invites us to believe in something beyond what we can logically explain. How does the resurrection challenge your personal worldview and understanding of reality? 2. The New Covenant shows us that our relationship with God is not based on our own merit or good works, but on faith in what Christ has done for us. This can be a difficult concept to grasp, especially in a society that emphasizes earning and achieving. How does the truth of the New Covenant challenge your understanding of what it means to have a relationship with God? 3. God's unconditional love for us, demonstrated through the sacrifice of His Son, is a profound mystery that collides with our natural understanding of love. It can be hard to fathom a love that is not based on our performance or worthiness. How have you experienced God's unconditional love in your own life, and how does it differ from the love you've experienced in human relationships? 4. The resurrection gives us a glimpse of the restored, eternal life God has in store for us. It shows that our individuality is valued and that we are destined to become fully redeemed versions of ourselves in heaven. How does this understanding of eternity impact the way you view your identity and purpose in this earthly life? 5. Surrendering to Jesus as both Savior and King means letting go of our selfish ambitions and allowing Christ to live through us. This can be a daily struggle, as our natural inclination is often to pursue our own desires and plans. What does it practically look like for you to surrender to Jesus as King in your daily life, and how do you discern between your own plans and God's perfect plan for you?


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Celebrating Jesus' Entry

Discussion Questions: 1. God often uses unexpected situations and unlikely people to accomplish His purposes, challenging our assumptions and expectations. This serves to demonstrate His power and wisdom, while reminding us to rely on Him rather than our own abilities. Can you share an example from your life or from Scripture where God used an unexpected person or situation to accomplish His will? What did this teach you about God's character and ways? 2. Our prayers can easily become self-centered, focusing more on our own desires and plans than on seeking God's will. We need the Holy Spirit's help to align our prayers with God's purposes, trusting that He knows what is best for us and His kingdom. How can we cultivate a posture of humility and submission in our prayer lives? What practical steps can we take to ensure our prayers are centered on God's will rather than our own? 3. Trusting God in the midst of life's "curveballs" often requires stepping out of our comfort zones. God invites us to lean into uncomfortable moments with faith, believing that He will guide and empower us as we seek to love and serve others. Share about a time when God called you to step out of your comfort zone in faith. What challenges did you face, and how did you experience God's faithfulness in the process? 4. As followers of Christ, we are called to be attentive to the people God brings across our path, viewing them through His eyes and seizing opportunities to extend love and share the gospel. This requires setting aside our own agendas and expectations, allowing God to work through us in the lives of others. How can we cultivate a greater awareness of the divine appointments God places in our lives? What might it look like to approach each interaction with others as an opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love and compassion? 5. Trusting God in the unexpected requires holding fast to His promises, even when our circumstances seem bleak or confusing. Like those who witnessed Jesus' triumphal entry and subsequent crucifixion, we may not always understand God's plan in the moment. However, as we choose to worship and trust Him in the waiting, we will experience the joy and victory of His resurrection power in our lives. What specific promises from Scripture can we cling to when facing unexpected trials or challenges? How can we encourage and support one another in choosing to trust and worship God, even when His plan is unclear to us?


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Serving Like Jesus

Discussion Questions: 1. In John 13, Jesus washes his disciples' feet, a task usually reserved for the lowliest of servants. He then commands them to do the same for one another. What does this act of foot washing symbolize in terms of our ongoing sanctification as believers? 2. The sermon explains that justification is a one-time event where we are cleansed from head to toe and given a new identity in Christ. Sanctification, on the other hand, is the ongoing process of daily having our feet washed from the grime we pick up walking through this world. Why is it important to distinguish between these two aspects of salvation? 3. Like Peter, we often resist letting Jesus wash our feet. We want to hide our dirty areas and deal with them ourselves rather than bringing them into the light. What holds us back from being vulnerable about our struggles, and how can we cultivate greater openness and authenticity in our church community? 4. The sermon emphasizes that ministry is not about impressive results or showcasing our own abilities, but about humbly serving others in simple ways and trusting God to bear fruit in his timing. Can you share an experience where you saw God work powerfully through a seemingly small or insignificant act of service? 5. As we serve and minister to others, it's easy to slip into doing it out of duty or for our own glory rather than as an overflow of God's love and grace in our lives. What are some practical ways we can keep our hearts aligned with Jesus' heart as we serve, and avoid burning out or becoming self-righteous in the process?


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The Power of Forgiveness

1. In the sermon, it was mentioned that we tend to form transactional relationships, expecting to get something in return from others. We often seek justice by wanting those who hurt us to pay for their wrongdoing. However, God's forgiveness is unconditional and freely given to us in Christ. How does the unconditional nature of God's forgiveness differ from the way we typically approach relationships and conflict with others? 2. The sermon emphasized that forgiveness always comes at a cost. When God forgives us, Christ bears the cost by taking the punishment for our sin upon himself. In our relationships, when we forgive others, we absorb the debt they owe us, choosing to release them from the obligation to pay us back. Can you share an experience where you had to bear the cost of forgiving someone? What did that look like practically, and how did it impact the relationship? 3. Jesus taught that if we don't forgive others, God won't forgive us (Matthew 6:14-15). The sermon highlighted that our forgiveness of others should mirror the unconditional forgiveness God has shown us in Christ. Why do you think Jesus ties our forgiveness of others so closely to our own experience of God's forgiveness? What are the implications of this teaching for our relationships? 4. The sermon made a distinction between God's unconditional love and his conditional forgiveness. God loves everyone unconditionally but only grants forgiveness to those who repent. Similarly, we are called to love everyone, including our enemies, but are not required to have close relationships with those who persist in unrepentant sin. How can we practically demonstrate unconditional love toward someone while still maintaining appropriate boundaries if they are unrepentant? 5. Unconditional forgiveness has the power to transform and heal relationships in profound ways. The sermon gave examples of Jesus forgiving Peter and continuing to love Judas despite knowing about the coming betrayal. When we learn to forgive others as God has forgiven us, it leads to deep joy and freedom in our relationships. How have you experienced the transformative power of unconditional forgiveness, either in extending it to others or receiving it yourself? What impact did it have on the relationship and your own heart?


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Building a Community of Believers

* We experienced technical difficulties and portions of the video and audio are sped up. We apologize for the inconvenience. 1) In the sermon, there was a reflection on how technology, while beneficial, can foster individualism that contrasts with the communal nature of the church. The church is called to be a space where collective identity in Christ transcends personal preferences and technological influences. How has technology impacted your spiritual life and your sense of community within the church? Discuss ways to balance the benefits of technology with the importance of nurturing real-life, faith-based communities. 2) The sermon highlighted that despite our diverse backgrounds, gifts, and preferences, we are united as one body in Christ. This unity is not based on uniformity but on our shared faith and commitment to follow Jesus. Reflect on a time when you experienced or witnessed the beauty of unity in diversity within your church community. How did it impact your understanding of what it means to be the Body of Christ? 3) It was emphasized that God chooses and places each member in the body of Christ for a specific purpose, underscoring God’s orchestration behind our roles within the church community. Discuss the concept of God placing people in the body and giving them purpose within the church. How do you discern God's purpose for you in your local church community, and how do you embrace the role He has appointed for you? 4) The sermon explored how Christian love is counter-cultural, challenging us to love unconditionally and inclusively, mirroring Jesus's love for us. This love is what unites us and enables us to care for each other effectively within the body of Christ. In what ways does practicing Christian love challenge you personally and within your church community? Share examples of how this love can be actively demonstrated in the church and beyond, especially in contexts where it feels most challenging.


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The Daily Mission



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Parable of the Sower



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The Art of Discipleship



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Understanding Our Commission



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Loving Our Neighbors



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Loving God Wholeheartedly



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Love In Action



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Rooted in Love



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A Tapestry of Promises



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A Baby Changes Everything



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The Covenant Fulfilled



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Fulfilling the New Covenant



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A New Covenant



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The Promise to David



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Promise and Responsibility

