

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Sharing your Catholic faith with family and friends can sometimes feel daunting. Where do I start? How do I make an impact? Welcome to EquipCast, a weekly podcast from the Archdiocese of Omaha. We want to support your faith journey and equip you with the tools to express your faith authentically in your everyday life. Each week, we’ll discuss practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world. Each episode is filled with encouragement and inspiration so you can make an impact and make disciples in your own faith community. For more information and to stay connected with us, head to equip.archomaha.org/podcast/.


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Sharing your Catholic faith with family and friends can sometimes feel daunting. Where do I start? How do I make an impact? Welcome to EquipCast, a weekly podcast from the Archdiocese of Omaha. We want to support your faith journey and equip you with the tools to express your faith authentically in your everyday life. Each week, we’ll discuss practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world. Each episode is filled with encouragement and inspiration so you can make an impact and make disciples in your own faith community. For more information and to stay connected with us, head to equip.archomaha.org/podcast/.



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Episode 155: ChristLife: How to Make Disciples and Change Lives

Have you ever had a moment that completely turned your life around? In a heartfelt conversation with Dave Nodar, founder of ChristLife, he opened up about that pivotal moment when Jesus’ love washed over him, sparking a deep, personal transformation and setting him ablaze with the desire to spread the Good News. Together, we dive deep into why evangelization isn’t just a task for the few but a calling for all of us. Dave puts it powerfully, saying, “If you’re baptized, no exceptions. It’s not just for missionary orders. This is for all of us. That means all the diocesan clergy and the laity, all of us are called to be missionaries.” Dave didn’t stop at just words; he brought ChristLife to life to empower parishes to echo the Gospel’s core message loud and clear. ChristLife helps individuals mature in their faith and equips them to share their faith with others. Tune in to hear: Dave Nodar’s personal journey: From the hippie counterculture to a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. The role of evangelization: How it revitalizes the Catholic Church and its parishes by rediscovering their missionary identity. The ChristLife process: A 21-week relational program designed to help parishioners discover, follow, and share Christ. Check out ChristLife (https://christlife.org/) as well as our list of recommended Conversion Moments (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Options-for-Conversion-Moments-1.pdf)! Register to attend the Alpha Training Lab (https://alphausa.org/event/alpha-training-lab-omaha-nebraska/) on August 3. For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 154: Alpha in the Catholic Context

How would you transform your parish if you had a proven strategy to reignite faith and build a vibrant community? Today, I’m excited to share a piece of that strategy with you—a way to create a sense of belonging before we expect people to believe or behave like us. It’s all about fostering a communal approach to faith, where everyone feels included and can directly experience the love and power of God. In this episode, Monica Martinez and Rick Grinstead from Alpha in the Catholic Context join us to discuss how to spark interest and engagement in our faith communities. They emphasize the importance of asking questions and truly listening. Plus, they share practical advice and real-life examples from Alpha, a powerful tool for introducing people to the basic tenets of Christianity. Highlights from this episode: * The Power of Questions: Learn how asking the right questions can open hearts and minds to the gospel message. * Building a Culture of Evangelization: Discover proven methods to transform your parish into a thriving community of faith. * Engaging Youth: Hear firsthand experiences on how to effectively engage young people in meaningful conversations about faith, life, and purpose. For more, go to Alpha in the Catholic Context (https://alphausa.org/catholic-context/) or email Rick (mailto:rickgrinstead@alphausa.org) and Monica (mailto:monicamartinez@alphausa.org) directly. Check out our list of recommended Conversion Moments (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Options-for-Conversion-Moments-1.pdf)! Register to attend the Alpha Training Lab (https://alphausa.org/event/alpha-training-lab-omaha-nebraska/) on August 3. For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 153: The Clear Path to Discipleship in a Rural Context

Did you know that on average (https://www.datawrapper.de/_/1DUgL/), there’s only one priest for every 2,000 parishioners in our archdiocese? With such a large group to guide, you might wonder how it could be possible for parish leaders to help their people grow in discipleship and move towards sainthood. The Clear Path framework is key to success, but the challenge is greater in our rural communities where a single pastor often handles several parishes. To gain insight on these issues, I sit down with Jake Olson, the evangelization coordinator for Our Catholic Family, a group of parishes in the Northeast corner of Nebraska. Jake describes the clear path as a bowling alley where our ultimate goal (heaven) is like bowling a strike, and the clear path consists of bumpers that keep us aligned towards this goal. Tune in to hear Jake’s practical advice and heartfelt experiences. He shows us how small actions and genuine connections can lead to profound spiritual growth and community transformation. Whether you’re in a bustling city or a quiet rural town, these timeless principles of evangelization are universally applicable. Episode Highlights: * Relational Evangelization: Learn the art of building authentic friendships and introducing Jesus into existing relationships. * The Clear Path: Discover the three-phase strategy tailored for rural communities to guide individuals towards discipleship and sainthood. * *Jake's Journey: *Be inspired by Jake Olson’s personal faith story and his impactful transition from college ministry to serving eight parishes across Cedar and Knox counties. Check out Our Catholic Family (https://ourcatholicfamily.org/). And for more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 152: Sanctify the Ordinary with Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, Chance and Lora Unger

Have you ever heard the universal call to holiness, “Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect,” and instead of feeling inspired, felt discouraged? Holiness is hard, especially when we strive for it alone. When we rely solely on our own strengths, we often fail. But when we pursue holiness within the Body of Christ, leaning on both our community and God, we are much more likely to succeed. In today’s episode, Chance and Lora Unger, founders of Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in the Family, share their insights on making holy practices a regular part of family life. Our conversation highlights the transformative power of continually surrendering to God and incorporating prayer into our daily routines. The Ungers emphasize the importance of a supportive community to foster holiness in our marriages and families. They show us how holiness can begin with simple, practical steps such as daily prayer and small acts of kindness. They encourage us to embrace our daily challenges and transform these experiences through grace and prayer. Tune in and hear: * How to embrace and surrender to God's will in daily life * How to integrate prayer and spirituality into family routines * How to find strength and grace in times of personal and family challenges * How to seek and maintain authentic friendships that encourage spiritual growth * How to support a spouse in their faith journey * How to create a new normal of holiness and faithfulness in family life * How to transform ordinary experiences into opportunities for grace and spiritual development For more from our guests, check out https://www.mhsfonline.org/ (https://www.mhsfonline.org/) or email them at MHSFonline@gmail.com (mailto:MHSFonline@gmail.com). For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 151: How to Effectively Share the Gospel of Life With Women

As we approach the 2nd anniversary of the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the debate about abortion continues to divide us. Have you noticed, maybe even in your own conversations, that traditional pro-life messaging about the baby just isn't hitting home? What if I told you that by understanding the deep emotional and psychological needs of women considering abortion, we could revolutionize our approach and truly help women make life-affirming choices? Today, I chat with Megan Drapa, a researcher and education specialist for the Vitae Foundation, about what really influences women contemplating abortion. Megan shares that their research dives into the deep emotional drives behind these decisions, challenging what many of us think. She highlights that many women already see abortion as morally significant but feel driven by fear and a need to protect their identity. Our conversation sheds light on why we need more nuanced, compassionate communication to better support women facing unplanned pregnancies. Tune in to hear about: Emotional and Identity Factors: The decision-making process around abortion is deeply influenced by women's emotions and sense of identity. Many see carrying to term as a huge personal sacrifice or "death to self," and consider abortion the least harmful option despite knowing its moral implications. Effective Messaging: How we frame abortion-related messages greatly affects how they're received. For instance, presenting a 15-week ban as a way to give women enough time and information to make an informed choice can gain more support than strictly labeling it as a pro-life measure. Trust and Support: Building trust and offering support early in women's reproductive lives, before they face an unplanned pregnancy, is essential. Pregnancy centers and healthcare providers need to be seen as trusted resources for women’s health and reproductive needs, avoiding judgmental approaches that can push women away when they most need support. To see the research, check out the Vitae Research Institute (https://vitaeresearchinstitute.org/) or email Megan Drapa (mailto:megan.drapa@vitaefoundation.org). Also mentioned in this episode: The Happy Girl’s Guide to Being Whole (https://www.lumenpress.org/product/the-happy-girls-guide-to-being-whole/). For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 150: How to Reach One More: Equipping Disciples for Mission Alongside Our Protestant Brothers

Is it hard to talk about Jesus with the people in your life? As Christians, we believe that spreading the good news of Jesus is essential to our faith, but sometimes, finding the courage or freedom to do so feels insurmountable. But guess what? There is an awesome program created by Christ Community Church, called Reach One More, and it turns big barriers into little speedbumps. In today’s episode, I chat with Pastor Mark Ashton from Christ Community Church and Jenny Wiswell, the Director of Evangelization and Discipleship for St. Gerald's Catholic Church. We div into how Reach One More works wonders for disciples stepping into the mission field. They share personal stories of individuals transformed by the program, emphasizing the importance of conviction, training, and ongoing support in equipping believers for mission. Our conversation highlights the unity between Catholic and Protestant churches in fulfilling the shared mission of spreading the Gospel. Tune in and hear: [07:49] How Reach One More Adapts Evangelism to Modern Challenges [11:00] The Reach One More Training Experience: Insights and Impact [13:26] Deep Dive into Evangelism Skills and Mindset Shifts [24:18] Sharing Success Stories: Real-Life Transformations [28:16] Cross-Denominational Collaboration: A New Era of Unity [37:15] Implementing 'Reach One More': Practical Steps for Parishes To see the Reach One More program in action, check out St. Gerald's Parish (https://stgerald.org/adult-ff/330-reach-1-more) or contact Jenny Wiswell (mailto:jwiswell@stgerald.org). Download (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/OneDrive_1_5-13-2024.zip) the Reach One More training content. For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 149: Find Jesus Among the Marginalized: A Conversation with Jill Lynch

Why do you help the poor? In a culture where lending a hand to those in need is often seen as a noble thing to do, it's crucial for us as Christians to understand the deeper motivation behind our actions. As believers, we serve the poor out of love—a love that sees Jesus in the faces of those in need. To delve into this profound aspect of service, I invite you to listen to my recent conversation with Jill Lynch, Executive Director of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Omaha. In this enlightening discussion, Jill shares her insights on recognizing the humanity and inherent worth of homeless individuals, challenging stereotypes and emphasizing the importance of empathy and dignity. Jill sheds light on the obstacles faced by the homeless, from securing identification to accessing transportation, and discusses proactive measures to prevent homelessness among the working poor. Through personal anecdotes, she illustrates the holistic approach of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, offering targeted assistance to those on the brink of homelessness. Above all, Jill emphasizes the profound truth that serving the poor is not just an act of charity, but a way to encounter Christ Himself. By treating each individual with respect and compassion, we fulfill the mission of seeing the face of Jesus in the marginalized. In this episode: [10:43] The Mission and Impact of Holy Family Community Center [13:20] Understanding Homelessness and Addiction [18:47] Personal Stories of Transformation and Hope [29:37] Understanding the Economic Divide and Its Impact [32:03] Building Relationships: Neighbors, Not Clients [36:06] Volunteerism and the Power of Personal Engagement [37:19] Addressing Homelessness: Beyond Immediate Needs [49:22] Faith in Action: Seeing Jesus in Every Face Find out more about Jill's work at SSVPOmaha.org (https://www.ssvpomaha.org/) and HolyFamilyOmaha.org (http://www.holyfamilyomaha.org/). For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 148: How to Recognize Sacred Moments: A Conversation with Archbishop Lucas

Wouldn’t it be nice if God performed some undeniable miracle and every person in the world converted? The reality is…he did. Jesus performed numerous miracles, and people still walked away from him (John 6). So, we must look to the ordinary moments. Moments with coworkers, family members, new acquaintances, and friends that may seem mundane at first, but with an openness and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, they become opportunities to share one’s faith or engaging in conversations about spirituality. Today, I sit down with Archbishop Lucas to talk about those moments. He emphasizes the Holy Spirit's role in orchestrating these encounters and God's unconditional love for all people, regardless of their background or circumstances. Tune in to hear about: [01:12] Archbishop Lucas Shares Personal Experiences of Faith Sharing [03:10] A Chance Encounter: Witnessing Faith in Unexpected Places [06:32] Diving into the Story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch [39:44] The Personal Impact of Faith Sharing and Encouragement for the Easter Season Want to hear more from Archbishop Lucas? He's been on the show several times! * Resurrection Amidst Decline: The Church's Hope Revealed in the Easter Mystery (https://archomahaequip.fireside.fm/117) * Happy Easter! 2022 (https://archomahaequip.fireside.fm/85) * Archbishop Lucas on The Big Goal (https://archomahaequip.fireside.fm/35) For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Phase 6: Expansion - How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship

Now that we’ve built a clear path, how do we make sure is survives? What comes next? In this sixth and final episode of the series How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Clear-Path-Explained-w-Graphics-Mar-2024.pdf), Jenny Wiswell and Fr. Marcus Knecht from St. Gerald discuss the phase of expansion. They emphasize the importance of recognizing and responding to the diverse needs of parishioners at different stages of their faith journey. They underscore the importance of discernment, communication, leader recruitment, and staying humble and receptive to feedback. Here’s what to expect from this episode: [04:14] Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in Expansion [08:38] The Importance of Communication and Flexibility in Expansion [12:42] Harnessing Individual Gifts for Collective Growth [15:23] The Dynamics of Teamwork in Discernment and Expansion [22:45] The Holy Spirit's Guidance in Ministry [26:45] Empowering Parishioners to Lead Check out St. Gerald's Webpage (https://stgerald.org/about-us/way-of-discipleship)! For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Phase 5: Alignment - How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship

What do you do with ministries that existed before the clear path? By the time you see the fruit of changed lives in your parish, it’s likely that you will ask how you can help your non-clear path ministries serve the community’s mission and goal to make disciples. In this fifth episode of the series How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Clear-Path-Explained-w-Graphics-Mar-2024.pdf), Nicole Cook and Kristi Preisman from St. Columbkille describe the process of alignment. They began by talking with their ministry leaders to understand roles, strengths, and areas in need of improvement. They determined how each ministry aligned with the overall mission of the parish and identified areas where ministries needed to adjust. Their goal was to ensure that each ministry at St. Columbkille plays a meaningful role in helping people connect with God and take their next steps in their faith journey. Here’s what to expect from this episode: [14:49] Challenges and Innovations in Aligning Parish Ministries [20:49] Exploring the Parish Pathway and Mission Alignment Tool [21:07] The Role of Volunteers in Parish Ministry Evaluation [21:43] Understanding and Appreciating Ministry Contributions [24:47] The Importance of Data in Shaping Parish Decisions For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Phase 3: Implementation - How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship

Now that you have a plan to transform your parish, how do you get started? Implementing the Clear Path to Discipleship can feel daunting when you start to understand the scope of the change that is necessary. In this third episode of the series How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Clear-Path-Explained-w-Graphics-Mar-2024.pdf), Jonathan Sanchez-Hidalgo, Director of Evangelization and Discipleship at St. Charles Borromeo shares his experience navigating the complexities of implementing programs within a parish setting. He highlights the importance of community involvement, the need for flexibility and initiative, and the ability to learn from failures. Here’s what to expect from this episode: [04:09] Challenges and Triumphs of Implementing the Clear Path [15:28] Navigating Setbacks and Finding Grace in Delay [21:17] Learning from Obstacles: A Journey of Adaptation and Growth [22:04] The Importance of Teamwork and Delegation in Retreat Planning [25:34] Finding and Cultivating the Right Help for Ministry Initiatives [28:27] Embracing Failure and Learning in Ministry Development For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Phase 4: Communication - How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship

Once you have a clear path built, how do you communicate it to your parishioners? Often, our parishioners are living in the new reality of the clear path, but they don’t yet see the big picture vision for evangelization. In this fourth episode of the series How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Clear-Path-Explained-w-Graphics-Mar-2024.pdf), Jake Olson and Fr. James Keiter from Our Catholic Family describe how they navigated the phase of communication. They talk about leveraging different communication methods, the significance of personal witness and stories, and the need to communicate the clear path repeatedly to ensure understanding and engagement among parishioners. Here’s what to expect from this episode: [03:43] The Journey to Communicating a Clear Path [35:00] The Power of Personal Witness and the Clear Path Mantra [37:15] Advice for the Communication Phase For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Phase 1: Assessment – How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship

Does your parish’s current list of ministries help your people evangelize? It’s likely the answer is no. Most parish ministries were built during a time where people flocked to church. But the culture has changed, and our ministries need to as well. So today, I bring you the first episode in the series How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Clear-Path-Explained-w-Graphics-Mar-2024.pdf). Rachel Gifford, Director of Catechesis & Evangelization at St. Mary’s Parish, highlights her parish's journey through the phase of assessment. She shares how they examined existing programs to identify gaps in reaching newcomers and building up disciples for the work of mission. Challenges included resistance to change and feeling overwhelmed, but the parish found support in prayer, coaching, and revisiting their mission. Despite the difficulties, they saw positive outcomes, with new families registering and a renewed sense of faith in the community. Here’s what to expect from this episode: [03:50] The Initial Steps: Vision, Mission, and the Assessment Phase [07:41] Navigating Challenges and Building Unity Through Assessment [12:13] The Power of Shared Vision and Language in Transformation [17:31] Practical Steps and Realizations in the Assessment Phase [28:59] Detailed Breakdown of the Clear Path Stages [38:45] Looking Ahead: Next Steps and Advice for Others For more on the Clear Path, read the book, A Clear Path to Discipleship (https://www.amazon.com/Clear-Path-Missionary-Disciples-Parish/dp/B0CHL7DB58): How to Make Missionary Disciples in Your Parish For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Phase 2: Discernment – How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship

What does the Lord say about the plans you have for your parish? As you seek renewal for your parish community, are you intentionally asking for the Lord’s input? While many of us are prayerful individuals, praying collectively with a team about the strategy for becoming mission-oriented probably feels like uncharted territory. However, if we want to succeed, we must invite the Lord to be part of the process. In this second episode of the series How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Clear-Path-Explained-w-Graphics-Mar-2024.pdf), Fr. Damian Zuerlein, Dcn. Doug Lenz, and Ann Lenz from St. Frances Cabrini discuss how as they brough change to their community, they remained open to God's direction and surrendered to His will, even when faced with challenges and uncertainties. Their experiences reflect a deep sense of faith and openness to the Holy Spirit's guidance in their parish life. Here’s what to expect from this episode: [06:37] How St. Frances Cabrini embraced Discernment and Renewal [14:35] The Power of Community and Creativity in Faith [18:30] Taking Leaps of Faith: Stories of Discernment and Action [27:04] Navigating Change and Finding Purpose [29:30] The Role of the Holy Spirit in Guiding the Community [38:43] Reflections and Advice for Faith Communities For more on the Clear Path, read the book, A Clear Path to Discipleship (https://www.amazon.com/Clear-Path-Missionary-Disciples-Parish/dp/B0CHL7DB58): How to Make Missionary Disciples in Your Parish For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Trailer: How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship

Imagine if your parish provided a place for you to build relationships of trust with nonbelievers. Or if it had a ministry that proclaimed the Gospel and fostered conversions. What if your parish taught you how to evangelize and it gave you a space to celebrate and commiserate with others trying to do the same? Around here, we’d say that parish had a Clear Path to Discipleship. So how do we get to this ideal? If you want to hear real stories of parishes who have built a clear path, join us for our series "How to Build a Clear Path to Discipleship (https://equip.archomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Clear-Path-Explained-w-Graphics-Mar-2024.pdf)". For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Coach's Corner 14: How the Eucharist Breaks You

If you allow it to, the Eucharist can break you. “But, Jim, why would I want that? Sounds awful.” We all know that the Eucharist is transformative because it unifies us to Christ and his body. But if we truly enter into that Pascal Mystery, it means we also can be “broken and shared” with the world. Join me for this Coach’s Corner where I take a short 4 minutes to encourage you in the mystery that was gifted to us at Easter. For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Coach's Corner 13: How to Pray When You Are Angry

Have you ever avoided prayer because you were angry with God? I get it. Wrestling with our emotions, especially anger, in our relationship with the divine can feel overwhelming. But here's the thing: God can handle our raw, unfiltered emotions. Today, I'm diving into a topic that hits close to home: expressing anger to God while keeping our faith intact. Join me as we explore: * The power of being genuine with God, even in our anger * Practical tips for navigating anger in prayer using the "ARRR" method * Inspiration from biblical figures who expressed anger while staying rooted in faith Let's journey together through the complexities of human emotion and faith. Tune in and let's uncover how to authentically connect with God, even when our emotions run high. Psalms of Lament: * Psalm 22 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/22) * Psalm 44 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/44) * Psalm 60 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/60) * Psalm 74 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/74) * Psalm 79 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/79) * Psalm 80 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/80) * Psalm 85 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/85) * Psalm 90 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/90) For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 141: Unity & Mission: Exploring Catholic and Protestant Perspectives

Is unity between Catholics and Protestants really possible? Just imagine the incredible things we could accomplish if we could learn to collaborate. We could address social issues, promote justice, and serve those in need, all while spreading the message of God's love through evangelization. It's an exciting thought, isn't it? But, of course, in order for this dream to become a reality, we need to confront our fears and misunderstandings head-on. We need to foster unity within the body of Christ, embracing humility and openness along the way. That's why I'm thrilled to share an episode of unComfortable with you, a podcast from Christ Community Church in Omaha. I had the honor of joining them for a discussion on ecumenism, and let me tell you, it was eye-opening. In this episode, you'll discover: * Why unity and collaboration between Catholics and Protestants are so important to our faith journey. * Practical tips on how to engage in meaningful conversations and find common ground across different faith traditions. * The power of approaching these discussions with humility, leading to genuine relationships and deeper understanding. To hear more from our Christian brothers and sisters, check out unCOMFORTABLE Conversations About Culture & Christianity (https://www.cccomaha.org/uncomfortable?sapurl=LythNWE4L2xiL21zLyt0cjd0c2t3P2VtYmVkPXRydWUmcmVjZW50Um91dGU9YXBwLndlYi1hcHAubGlicmFyeS5tZWRpYS1zZXJpZXMmcmVjZW50Um91dGVTbHVnPSUyQnRyN3Rza3c=). For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Episode 140: Neighbors In Need: How to Leverage the Resources and Compassion Within Your Local Community

Did you know that only 8% of the people in our church pews can claim that they know the names of their 8 closest neighbors? As Christians, we aught to be on the front lines of the fight against what the Surgeon General calls and “epidemic of loneliness”. Omaha itself, with all its strengths, grapples with mental health issues, people feeling isolated, and disparities in education and opportunities. So, in today's podcast, I sit down with Jed Mullenix, the CEO of Within Reach. He works to unify our local church communities around these issues. Together we can address community needs and spread the love of Jesus. He highlights the significance of pursuing proximity with neighbors, cultivating empathy, and committing to long-term relationships built on genuine care and compassion. As he puts it, "The world needs to know. They need to hear, they need to see, they need to feel and experience the love or the kindness of Jesus. And so, we call the church back to that place of rugged, beautiful, persistent kindness in their lives and in Jesus’ name.” In this episode, you'll learn: The primary concerns of neighbors and how the local church can address them. Inspiring examples of churches actively engaging with their communities. Strategies for cultivating empathy and building long-term relationships with neighbors. The importance of activating Christians to share the story of Jesus through acts of kindness and service. Don't forget to check out Within Reach (https://withinreach.com/)! Jed also recommends The Art of Neighboring (https://www.amazon.com/Art-Neighboring-Building-Genuine-Relationships/dp/080101459X/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=580750215260&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9024585&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=11296911781463010006&hvtargid=kwd-304064976896&hydadcr=22567_13493270&keywords=the+art+of+neighboring+book&qid=1707333448&sr=8-1) and The Power of the Cross (https://www.amazon.com/Power-Cross-Friday-Sermons-Preacher/dp/1685780032/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=648041675020&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9024585&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=6575013877800400065&hvtargid=kwd-1988249758964&hydadcr=18053_13467033&keywords=the+power+of+the+cross+raniero&qid=1707333497&sr=8-1). For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)


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Coach's Corner 12: Renewing Our Church Through Communal Repentance

Have you ever found yourself saying sorry for something you didn't actually do? Like when your kid makes a mess in a store, or your team had to run extra laps in high school because of one teammate's mistake? The concept of taking collective responsibility isn’t foreign to us, but sometimes, we struggle with the idea of personally owning up to the mistakes of past generations. Today, I'd love to chat with you about the concept of communal repentance. It's about recognizing that even if we didn't directly cause a specific problem, we're all part of the same community and share in the work of seeking forgiveness and renewal together. When we come together and repent as the Body of Christ, we recognize the transformative power of God’s grace to heal relationships, restore communities, and guide them towards a more faithful and righteous path. Join me and: * Uncover the theological foundations and biblical precedents for corporate repentance. * Reflect on the implications of corporate repentance for personal spirituality and the broader mission of the church. * Explore practical strategies for implementing collective renewal within our communities and families. For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)
