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Everyday Truth with Kurt Skelly

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Everyday Truth with Kurt Skelly is a 15 minute, daily podcast in which Kurt teaches through books of the Bible with ministry friends or one of his four adult children.


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Everyday Truth with Kurt Skelly is a 15 minute, daily podcast in which Kurt teaches through books of the Bible with ministry friends or one of his four adult children.



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Friday, July 26 | How To Know If Your Church Is Healthy (Ephesians 4:12-13)

Ephesians 4:12-13 We tend to measure our own growth and the growth of our churches with faulty measuring sticks. The good news is that God has already provided the most accurate measurement of all! How can we know if we are becoming more mature? How can we assess our growth over time? By using the measurement of our relationship with Jesus Himself!


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Thursday, July 25 | Your pastor is a gift! (Ephesians 4:11)

Ephesians 4:11 When Jesus ascended to heaven and the church age was inaugurated, several important events took place. The Holy Spirit was given to believers in a brand new way! He indwells the bodies of all those who put their faith in Christ. Also, Jesus gifted His Church with leaders to accomplish His purposes. These leaders included apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors/teachers. Each has a specific function, and the first two are foundational and temporary.


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Wednesday, July 24 | Did Jesus go to hell? (Ephesians 4:7-10)

Ephesians 4:7-10 What does it mean that Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth before He ascended into heaven? Where did Jesus go during the days between His death and Resurrection? What did He promise to the thief on the cross? Did Jesus have to suffer hell for us by going there temporarily? What does it mean that He “led captivity captive”?


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Tuesday, July 23 | What essential doctrines unify a church? (Ephesians 4:3-6)

Ephesians 4:3-6 Unity is not a matter of simply getting together and ignoring our differences, no matter what they may be… that is union. Unity is a matter of coming together around the same shared, non-negotiable truths. Find out on today’s episode what those truths are and how they are essential for all true believers.


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Monday, July 22 | Most disunity is just pride! (Ephesians 4:1-2)

Ephesians 4:1-2 After three solid chapters of rich doctrinal truth, Paul finally aims at application. In fact, chapters 4-6 are all about applying biblical truth. What is surprising is that Paul begins the biblical application with an appeal for believers to guard the unity we share because of the Holy Spirit. Like a belt, peace holds us together!


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Nehemiah 13 | Dealing with Compromise (Part One) | Weekend Pulpit

Nehemiah 13 From the series "When God Interrupts Your Life"


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Friday, July 19 | The Safest Place: Rooted and Grounded in Christ’s Love (Ephesians 3:17-21)

Ephesians 3:17-21 The unshakable position of every believer—spiritually, mentally, and emotionally—is found in his connection to the relentless love of Christ. When a person finds his security there, he is unmoved by the seeming instabilities of the world around him. He begins to see God work in ways he never thought possible!


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Thursday, July 18 | #1 on Paul’s Prayer List (Ephesians 3:14-16)

Ephesians 3:14-16 The prayers of the Bible bear little resemblance to the majority of prayers in the modern church. Modern prayers typically center on circumstances, stuff, and physical health. Biblical prayers focus much more on the incredibly more important aspects of spiritual health and strength.


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Wednesday, July 17 | God is using us to teach the angels something! (Ephesians 3:8-13)

Ephesians 3:8-13 God's plans are amazing! They are way above our ability to figure them out, and even when He chooses to tell us why/how He does the things He does, we still can’t comprehend much of it. One of the most startling truths about God’s plan to include Jews and Gentiles in the one body of the church is that God’s unfolding plan to do so is actually a way that He teaches the principalities and powers in heavenly places!


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Tuesday, July 16 | The Greatest Secret Ever Told! (Ephesians 3:5-7)

Ephesians 3:5-7 A careful reading of the Old Testament reveals God’s heart to reach all people, not only the people of Israel. What was not clear to Old Testament saints was God’s shocking plan to combine the Jews and Gentiles together as one body—the church! There would be no distinction to status level; they would be fellow heirs of all God has promised to grant by His grace to all who put their faith in Jesus Christ, Jew or Gentile. The gospel would be the key to unlocking the door for everybody!


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Monday, July 15 | The Mystery Revealed! (Ephesians 3:1-4)

Ephesians 3:1-4 Paul refused to play the victim! He viewed his seemingly negative circumstances as yet another validation of God’s plan for his life to bring the gospel to the Gentile world. He wanted his Gentile readers to know that God was even then unfolding an intricate and strategic plan to spread Christ's message to the entire world. Far from being hindered by Roman imprisonment, Paul was instead captured by Christ and positioned to advance the gospel even further!


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Nehemiah 11-12 | Joy That’s Heard Afar Off | Weekend Pulpit

Nehemiah 11-12 From the series "When God Interrupts Your Life"


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Friday, July 12 | We that were far off are now IN! (Ephesians 2:15-22)

Ephesians 2:15-22 Jesus died so that salvation could be a reality for everyone—Jews and Gentiles alike. The “middle wall of partition” has been torn down, and all who come to Jesus by faith have equal standing at His cross. Those that were afar off (Gentiles) and those that were nigh (Jews) can now join the family of God as one new man and be the one body of Jesus together!


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Thursday, July 11 | God wrote a poem with your name on it! (Ephesians 2:10-14)

Ephesians 2:10-14 We have been saved for a purpose. While it is true that we have not been saved BY works, it is equally true that we have been saved UNTO good works. Simply put, God has specially designed good works for believers to accomplish, and He has supernaturally fashioned each of His new creatures (creations) to be able to accomplish those very works. In that sense, believers are His masterpiece new creations!


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Wednesday, July 10 | Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:4-9)

Ephesians 2:4-9 The gift of salvation is not a result of any good work that we have done to earn it in some way. It IS, however, the result of Someone’s good works—JESUS. He satisfied the righteous demands of the law, and He paid the awful price of sin on behalf of us sinners. Were it not for God's rich mercy and great love in sending Jesus to die for our sins, there would be no hope of redemption for anybody.


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Tuesday, July 9 | Sorry, but your “before” pic is really ugly! (Ephesians 2:1-4)

Ephesians 2:1-4 One of the best incentives for Christians to reenergize their commitment to serve God is to simply remember what they used to be before they were saved. The picture is not pretty! But when one considers what he has been saved from, he is encouraged to serve God with new determination and greater purpose.


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Monday, July 8 | God's Mighty Power in You! (Ephesians 1:19-23)

Ephesians 1:19-23 There are some things that God wants all of His children to know after they have been born into His family. Among them is this great truth: He wants His children to know that they can be sure that they will be just like Jesus! God will used the same power by which Jesus was resurrected from the dead in order to accomplish His purpose in the lives of His children!


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Nehemiah 10 | Sign Your Name | Weekend Pulpit

Nehemiah 10 From the series "When God Interrupts Your Life"


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Friday, July 5 | Two Great Prayer Responses When Someone Gets Saved (Ephesians 1:14-18)

Ephesians 1:14-18 There is joy in the presence of the angels of God when a sinner repents. Paul possessed the same kind of heavenly attitude about those who responded positively to his gospel message. Find out the two ways that Paul prayed for new converts! Learn the importance of interceding on behalf of new believers.


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Thursday, July 4 | Put these things at the TOP of your praise list! (Ephesians 1:9-13)

Ephesians 1:9-13 Paul begins the letter of Ephesians in the same way that Jesus taught His disciples to begin their prayers to God: by simply praising His name for the amazing spiritual blessings He alone provides. Learn today about the blessing of redemption, forgiveness, acceptance, adoption, inheritance, being sealed, and more! This is a “wow” passage for us to consider!
