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Rebuilding the Church, continuing the call to St. Francis of Assisi. How can we as individuals continue the mission of Francis and become Heralds of the Great King?


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Rebuilding the Church, continuing the call to St. Francis of Assisi. How can we as individuals continue the mission of Francis and become Heralds of the Great King?





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The Examen: Part 4 and 5 Asking Forgiveness and Looking to the Next Day

In this episode we conclude our reflection on the Examen prayer by contemplating steps 4 and 5; asking forgiveness and looking forward to the next day. We begin by exploring what the Catechism teaches regarding forgiveness. We walk through the Psalms and Canticles in the Liturgy of the Hours as they relate to mercy and forgiveness. We realize that approaching God with a humble and contrite heart pleases God. God wants to forgive us, but we must do our part and ask for His mercy. Part 5 is where we conclude the Examen by looking forward to the next day. What can I do better? Where can I grow in holiness and be more conformed to Christ? How can I do better in thought, word, and deed? How can I carry on the process of On-Going Conversion. I hope you have enjoyed this series on the Examen. It is one of many beautiful devotions and practices that have developed over the centuries. The beauty of the Catholic Church is that there are so many ways to be Catholic, one is not necessarily better than the other. Find what devotions and practices speak to you and are suitable to your unique individual person and soul. May the Lord grant you His peace! David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Web Site Support the Show.


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The Examen: Part 3 Review of the day

In this episode we continue our reflection on the practice of the Examen. The third step is to review our day. This is where we get to "Know our sins and to rid ourselves of them." We begin by having a discussion on the uncomfortable topic of sin. Sin is mentioned over 750 times in the scriptures, and so, we must take sin seriously. Sin, we discover, is a breach of our relationship with God. We reflect on the story of the first sin in the garden. We learn that God, even in the midst of our sins, calls out to us to heal that breach of relationship. The goal of the Examen is to help us deepen our relationship with God, to conform oursleves more closely to the person of Jesus. Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., insturcts us to examine oursleves in the light of the beatitudes. He says meditation on the beautitudes helps us to get to know the heart of Jesus. Our goal is to conform our hearts to His. We end this reflection by quoting St. Pope John XXIII. "I often persuaded men to pray, to ponder the gospels, to reform the morals of the world by first reforming themselves." We continude to build ourselves into strong "living stones", the foundation of the Church, which will, in the end, be a witness of Christ to the world, drawing souls to heaven. May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Website Support the Show.


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The Examen: Part 2 of 5

As we continue to explore the Examen Prayer, we delve into Thanksgiving. As you recall, the first part of the Examen is to call on the Holy Spirit to guide us. Step 2, we examine our day and give thanks to God for all He has done for us. We will Explore: 1. The Scriptural Roots of Thanksgiving The Psalms of Thanksgiving Old Testament Examples of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving in the Liturgy and Prayers of the Church 2. We will explore how living a life of Thanksgiving affects our Mental and Physical well being. Emotional Social Peronality Career Physical Health Thanksgiving and Recovery There is an excellent article on 28 benefits of Thanksfulness that can be found at the website and you can read the article by clicking the link to the site. For more information on the book I referenced "Finding True Happiness" by Fr. Rober Spitzer, S.J. go to Ignatius Press. I highly recommend this book. For more information on Franciscan Dave and Tau Ministries visit our website Here. May the Lord grant you HIs peace. David Seitz, OFS Support the Show.


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The Examen: Part 1 of 5 Ask God to Send His Spirit

In this episode we introduce the "Examen". Developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola, (1471-1556), the Examine is a part of the spiritual exercises. The practice of a daily Examine is part of the formation and life of those in the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits. The Exame consists of 5 parts: 1. Ask God to send his Spirit 2. Give thanks for the day 3. Review the day 4. Ask for forgiveness 5. Pray for the next day In this episode, I discuss Step 1, Asking God to send the Holy Spirt. I talk about 12 aspects of the Holy Spirit that lend themselves to our Examen. While these 12 are not all encompassing of the Holy Spirit, I believe they give a good understanding of what the Holy Spirit can bring to help us make a good and thorough Examine of our day. 1. A Spirit of Life 2. A Spirit of Glory 3. The Spirit as Comforter 4. A Spirit of Wisdom 5. A Spirit of Truth 6. A Spirit of Revelation 7. A Spirit of Right Judgment 8. A Spirit of Prophecy 9. The Spirit of the Father 10. The Spirit of Christ 11. A Spirit of Holiness 12. The Spirit as Advocate You may not practice the Examen daily, as to the Jesuits, however, even a weekly, or monthly Examen is worth the effort as it will help you orient your life towards a life centered on God. May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Want to learn more? Check out the book The Spritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: With Points for Personal Prayer From Jesuit Spiritual Masters by Fr. Sean Salai, S.J. For a more in depth study of the Holy Spirit Check out the book, The Sanctifier: The Classic Work on the Holy Spirit Support the Show.


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7 Guideposts for a Holy Life

In this episode David shares insights into what he has learned by the masters of the spiritual life. What has he found in common? There are 7 commonalities that seem to resonate with those saints we hold up as heros and teachers of the faith. David summarizes these 7 common traits. 1. Eucharistic Focus 2. Frequent Confession 3. Live a Life Centered on Prayer 4. Sacrifice / Redemptive Suffering 5. Humility 6. Put on the Armor of Christ (Eph 6:10-19) 7. Be Fervent You can download a summary document by visiting the following link at the Tau Ministreis Website. Prayers ( and opening up the 7 Guidepost document. As always, we pray that you found this reflection helpful and encourage you to share and recommend to others who you feel may find it inspiring. May the Lord grant you His peace! David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministires Support the Show.


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Jesus is Risen! Now What?

In Episode 1 of Season 2, Franciscan Dave talks about how we are called to share the good news of the Risen Lord. What happens after Easter? We Rejoice and we tell the good news. Faith comes by "hearing". It is not enough to simply live a good life, we must go forth and witness to the good news of the Gospel. 1. What not to do. 2. Always be ready to offer a reason for the hope in you. 3. What is the main message of the Gospels? Why did Jesus come? 4. What did Jesus command us to do? 5. What it means to live out our baptismal commission to be prophets? 6. What price are we willing to pay for spreading the Gospel? Franciscan Dave is a production of Tau Ministries, rebuilding the Church by helping the "living stones" grow in faith and a life of holiness. You can reach Franciscan Dave at: May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Support the Show.


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Finding God Through Music and Retreat

In this episode we are joined by Felician Sr. Mary Bernadette, CSSP and Br. Al Mascia, OFM. Sr. Bernadette is the program director for the Maryville Retreat Center, Holly, Michigan. Br. Al Mascia is a professional musician and singer songwriter. What is the value of taking time out from our busy and noisy life by spending time at a retreat center? How can music draw us closer to Jesus and deepen our relationship with him? What brought these two evangelists and ministries together? If you can come to Mid-Michigan on March 30, 2022, mark your calendar. The Maryville Retreat Center is hosting a one man musical play, performed by Br. Al which will teach us, through song, the life and lessons we can learn from Blessed Solanus Casey. This will be the premier of this exciting new musical production. Reserve your seat now by visiting the registration page. If you are not in Mid-Michigan, you will still benefit from hearing about the ministries of Sr. Bernadette and Br. Al, and following the link to Blessed Solanus Casey, where you, too, can learn about a Hero of the Church. May the Lord grant you His peace! David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Website Support the Show.


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Perfect Joy

This episode was presented to the Immaculate Conception Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order in Mishawaka, IN on February 19, 2022. Have the events of the past two years robbed you of Joy and Peace? Can we have joy in our hearts with all that is going on in the world today? How has Satan contributed to stealing our peace and joy? Have you experience your joy being impacted by the divisions in our politics, Church and families? What did St. Francis of Assisi teach about Joy? What does Sacred Scripture teach us about Joy? How can you cultivate "Perfect Joy" in your life? May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Website Support the Show.


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Sacraments as a Means to Holiness with Tom Nash of Catholic Answers

Is holiness attainable in this life? Can we become like Christ? Are the Sacraments necessary for Salvation? How do we participate in the salvific work of Christ? So what is a sacrament? Do you need to be an expert to evangelize? Listen in as Tom Nash shares his expertise. Tom Nash has served the Church professionally for more than 30 years, including as a theology advisor at EWTN and as an editor. He is a contributing apologist for Catholic Answers, and a contributor for the National Catholic Register and Catholic World Report. Tom is a guest host for Kresta in the Afternoon, and a regular guest apologist on Catholic Answers Live. Tom has a B.A. from the University of Michigan, and M.A. in Journalism from the University of Missouri and an M.A. in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. Tom is the author of several books including, "What Did Jesus Do? The Biblical Roots of the Catholic Church", "The Biblical Roots of the Mass", Catholic for a Reason III, Scripture and the Mystery of the Mass" and a new "20 Answers About the Rosary" booklet available from Catholic Answers. Find out more about Tom by visiting the Catholic Answers Website and clicking on his profile, where you may schedule him to speak at your parish or other event. May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Website Support the Show.


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40 Hours Devotion with Guest, Karen Japzon

What is the 40 Hours Devotion? What spiritual and physical miracles have occurred during the 40 hours? Can the 40 hours devotion reclaim our turf for Jesus, the King of Kings? Listen as Karen Japzon, founder of John Leaps Evangelization, discusses the ministry and the resurgence of the practice of the 40 hours devotion in the United States. How can the 40 hours benefit your parish? How can the 40 hours devotion benefit your spiritual life? How can you go about organizing this powerful devotion? Find out more about John Leaps Evangelization by visiting 40 Hours Devotion Video Find out more about Karen's book, "Love Club" Here Interested in exploring bringing the 40 Hours Devotion to your parish? Contact Karen: email: Tau Ministries Website May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Support the Show.


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Charity: A Path to True Holiness

What does Jesus teach about caring for our neighbors in need? Does just believing in Jesus assure our salvation? What is the message of hope and warning in Chapter 25 in Matthew's Gospel? Are you a "Bird Bath Christian"? Christian charity converted Rome. Can our witness to Christ by being servants of the least among us re-convert our culture? Support the Show.


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Jesus is Born: Now What?

In this short episode we discuss how the incarnate Jesus is still present with us today. 1. In the Holy word of Sacred Scripture 2. In the Mystical Body of Christ, taught by St. Paul in Corinthians Chapters 6 and 12 3. In the Holy Sacrement of the Eucharist. May the Lord grant you His peace! David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Website Support the Show.


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Jesus: God's Plan B

In the Hymn of the Exultet changed at the Easter Vigil we here these words that can one to think. "O truly necessary sin of Adam, destroyed completely by the death of Christ. O happy fault that earned so great, so glorious a redeemer." Was sin necessary in order for Jesus to become incarnate and take on our human nature? Was Jesus becoming man and dying on the cross to redeem us from our sins God's fall back plan? Would Jesus have taken on human nature, even if we had no original sin, nothing that needed to be redeemed? Some have speculated that Jesus would have come regardless. Listen and give some thought to this idea. May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Website Support the Show.


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Cultivating a Life of Faith in the Family with Dr. Robert Fastiggi

Dr. Robert Fastiggi is a professor of theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. He is a prolific author and esteemed professor, teaching at Sacred Heart since 1999. Listen in as he discusses how parents can cultivate a life of faith in the family. 1. What does the Church teach regarding the duty of parents as primary educators of their children? 2. What does Vatican II and Popes John Paul II and Pope Francis teach about the family? 3. What are some suggestions for begining to practice a life of faith in the family? 4. What can we learn from the example of St. Joseph as the guardian and earthly father of Jesus and husband to Mary? May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministreis Website Support the Show.


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Communication and Holiness of Life

Listen as Bill Schmitt shares his expertise from a career in journalism, both as a journalist and a teacher of journalism and multi-platform communication, and enlightens us on current trends in communication and how we need to communicate in such a way as to encourage the pursuit of truth. Jesus Christ is the truth, so seeking and communicating truth leads us closer to the Truth which is Jesus Christ. Can telling the truth be sinful? Is there a moral aspect to how we communicate and use words? Does our culture embrace truth-based communication? What is disinformation? Is it different from outright lies? What does the Church teach about morally responsible communication? What can we do to ensure what we communicate does not detract us from a life of holiness? Find out more about Bill Schmitt Onward Communications Read Pope Francis 2018 World Day Communication address When Headlines Hurt, by Bill Schmitt May the Lord grant you His peace David Seitz, OFS Support the Show.


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Who are Nuns? I Mean, "Nones", with Dr. Tamra Fromm

"Nones", or those who have no religious affiliation are a growing segment of the population, with research showing that up to 1/3 of the population fits into this demographic. Dr. Tamra Fromm has done extensive research into this demographic and has interesting insights to share. 1. Who and what are the "Nones". 2. How did this segment grow so large in the space of one generation? 3. How can we engage in dialogue with a "None"? 4. What does this growing segment of the population mean for the future of the Church? 5. How are we each called to witness and evangelize the faith to the "Nones" and in our culture today? Check out Dr. Fromm's blog to learn more by clicking HERE Read Dr. Fromm's articles in the Detroit Catholic by clicking HERE Learn about Dr. Fromm's book, "Pre-Evangelization and Young Adult "Native Nones" HERE Tau Ministries Website May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Support the Show.


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Fr. Albert Haase, OFM, The Call to Holiness, Gaudete et Exsultate, Pope Francis

In this episode, Fr. Albert Haase, OFM, discusses the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate. The call to holiness in today's world. Click here for the document The call to holiness is more ancient than the Church. Can anyone strive to become holy as God is holy? Can you become holy all at once, or is it a lifetime journey? What are the 5 attributes of holiness, per Pope Francis? Find out more about Fr. Albert, his books and other teaching resources here: AlbertOFM Website Tau Ministries Website May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFM Support the Show.


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God's Providential Care

In this episode, we discuss God's Providential care for us. We need to cultivate faith and trust that God really does want what is best for us. Taking a leap of faith. Trusting in God. How can we look at our lives through the lens of faith and recognize the hand of God? Scriptures that inspire us to trust in God. May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Website Come, Let Us Worship Book Support the Show.


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Let's Talk About the Bible with Guest Cathryn Torgerson

Cathryn Torgerson is the Director of Curriculum Development for the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan. Listen as she shares her passion for God's Word and enlightens us on how one might approach a more in-depth study of the sacred text. Whether you are a beginner to the study of scripture or a seasoned pro, you will find something in this episode that you did not know...I certainly did. Cathryn's enthusiasm and knowledge gained through 12 years of teaching courses on Scripture are contagious. Warning! After listening to her, you will want to open up your Bible and dive in! Is there a particularly Catholic way to approach scripture? Is Scripture opposed to science? Is the God of the Old Testament different from the God of the New? What resources are available to one who desires to begin a more formal Bible Study? You can learn more about Cathryn and her work by visiting the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan. CBSMICH.ORG You can contact them directly at CONTACT CBSM (586) 438-3085‬ Support the Show.


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Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. Discusses the Nature of Christ

In this episode, Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., host of EWTN's Open Line Thursday, discusses the nature of Jesus Christ. What are some of the misconceptions about Jesus that may cause one to misunderstand the mission of Jesus? What is the nature of Jesus? What was the primary reason for Jesus becoming Incarnate? Is Jesus just a social and political reformer? Why did the Church develop creedal statements such as the Nicene Creed? You can learn more about this topic in Fr. Mullady's book, "Captivated by the Master" available through EWTN or Amazon: Captivated by the Master You can learn more about Fr. Mullady and avail yourself of his collection of teaching materials by visiting The Rosary Center of Portland Oregon at: The Rosary Center May the Lord grant you His peace. David Seitz, OFS Tau Ministries Website Support the Show.
