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Biblical Moments with Frank King

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Weekly Bible-based audio messages by Evangelist Frank King.


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Weekly Bible-based audio messages by Evangelist Frank King.



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A Biblical Perspective on Prosperity (Episode 93)

Like many other things, Christians and church leaders have divergent views on the subject of prosperity as addressed in the Bible. Some preachers today proudly refer to themselves as prosperity preachers. As that label implies, these preachers proclaim a message that emphasizes material gain and wealth. This podcast episode addresses biblical prosperity as distinguished from some of the controversial teachings in the church on prosperity. Does the Bible teach about God blessing us through giving? A resounding yes. God loves a cheerful giver. And doesn’t the Bible teach that if we give, we will receive back in good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over? Yes, it does teach that. But we must be careful to identify and reject all erroneous and unbalanced teachings on the subject of prosperity. Being a Christian and being successful or even being financially prosperous in this world are not incompatible. Biblical prosperity enables us to be both at the same time. But we must be careful to identify and reject all erroneous and unbalanced teachings on the subject of prosperity. We must reject all the so-called get rich schemes being presented in the pulpit. Duration 16:39


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The Supremacy of Love (Episode 92)

Each of us has many attributes that define us. For instance, we may be a person of integrity; or someone who is always happy; or someone whom you cannot depend on; etc. One of the most powerful qualities that can be used to describe us is that we love others. The podcast episode addresses the supremacy of love. In chapter 12 of his first letter to the church at Corinth, Paul the apostle shares insights on spiritual gifts. He told the believers to earnestly desire spiritual gifts. In the next chapter, chapter 13, he refers to love as the “more excellent way.” His point is that walking in love is superior to simply being a deeply spiritual person. Love is the most powerful gift we have for impacting the lives of others for the Kingdom of God. There is a difference between like and love. When we like something, it means we naturally have a favorable disposition toward it. You may meet someone whom you do not like. In other words, you don’t have a naturally favorable disposition toward the person. But you can still choose to love him or her. Because of the supremacy of love, Jesus even commands us to “love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44). Duration 16:45


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How to Increase Your Capacity for the Word of God (Episode 91)

In this podcast episode, you will learn how you can increase your capacity for the Word of God. Everybody has some capacity to receive and understand the word of God. That capacity differs for each person. This is not about a person’s level of intelligence. Rather, there are spiritual reasons why our capacity to receive the Word of God differs from person to person. In a typical church service, some attendees will leave the assembly having received very little of what was preached. Others will leave with an abundance of understanding of what God is saying through His Word. Many will fall somewhere in between. The problem is that you cannot live for God beyond the degree that you have the capacity to receive His Word. If you only have the capacity to receive the elementary teachings of the Word of God, then you can only live for God on an elementary level. But that’s not where God wants you to be. He wants you to have the capacity to receive the deeper teachings of His Word so you can live for Him on a deeper level. The good news is that you can increase your capacity to receive and understand the Word of God. This is important because you must be able to understand what God is saying before you can obey what God is saying.


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Your Battles Belong to God (Episode 90)

Sometimes, the things around you may suggest that God is not with you. No matter what we say we believe about God, at times our circumstances may suggest otherwise. That’s why it’s important to know in your heart that during difficult challenges in your life, your battles belong to God. Having this perspective is vital because what you believe about God affects how you live your life. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could see what God was doing behind the scenes on your behalf? As it was in the days of Elisha the prophet, when the king of Syria sent an army to apprehend Elisha. God opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant so he could see in the spiritual realm. Thereby, he saw an army of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha to protect him. What God did for the servant, however, was the exception and not the rule. You must walk by faith and not by sight that your battles belong to God. You can’t see Him, but He is actively on your side during the difficult times in your life. Duration 16:52


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When God's Priority Differs from Yours (Episode 89)

Sometimes when you pray to God, it may seem as if you and He are not on the same page. Well, guess what; sometimes, that is the case. God is always interested in whatever concerns us. But sometimes, His priority differs from ours because only He can see the true picture. We tend to be selfish in our expectations from God. That’s understandable when we pray to Him about something that concerns us. But a serious disconnect can exist between what we expect Him to do on our behalf, and what He actually does, or how He goes about doing it. We must learn to trust Him even when we don’t understand His way of doing things. Duration 14:35.


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Jesus' Agony the Night Before the Cross (Episode 88)

Easter/Resurrection Day message, 2024. On Easter day, we rejoice in the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for our sins so that we might have eternal life. In this podcast episode, Evangelist Frank King addresses the agony Jesus experienced as He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane hours before He was crucified. God laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. He who knew no sin was made a sin offering for us that we might become the righteousness of God. We rejoice on Easter and every other day because Jesus pressed beyond the agony and went to the cross of Calvary so that we might have everlasting life. Duration 13:37


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When Your Back's Against the Wall (Episode 87)

When your back is against the wall, you are in a very bad situation--one in which your ability to move forward is limited. Your being a Christian does not mean that you can’t find yourself in a position such as that. Sometimes, God will allow that to happen so He can prove himself in your life. In Philippians 4:19, Paul the apostle writes, “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” That means God has resources for meeting our needs that are out of this world. Paul refers to these resources as God’s riches in glory. So, when your back is against the wall, God’s hands are not tied by your circumstances. Duration 13:47


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The Experience That Changed Everything (Episode 86)

The experience that occurred on the day of Pentecost, recorded in the book of The Acts of the Apostles, was a serious game-changer for the church. Why would God do something on the scale that He did on that day unless there was a divine mandate on the church that made it necessary to do so? During his public ministry, John the Baptist spoke of this divine experience. He said I baptize you with water, but the One coming after me shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Jesus referred to the baptism with the Holy Spirit as the promise of the Father. It is the experience that changed everything in the lives of the disciples. It will do the same for us today. Duration 13:51


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Living a Spirit-led Life (Episode 85)

To live a Spirit-led life simply means to live your life in unison with the works and leadership of the Holy Spirit. This is the will of God for us. He has not indwelt us with His Spirit just for the sake of indwelling us. But He has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, to help us effectively live for Him, and to empower us to do the work He has called us to do. This podcast episode provides practical guidance on how Christians can live a Spirit-led life. But realizing that lifestyle is easier said than done. Though we have been born again, we are still clothed in human flesh. Every Christian must contend with the resulting tug of war between the flesh and the spirit. Duration 13:38


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Moving Beyond Hopelessness (Episode 84)

A sense of hopelessness can occur when a person can’t see his way out of a bad situation he finds himself in. But from God’s perspective, nothing is hopeless. No matter where we find ourselves in life, He always has a way forward. Feeling hopeless is not limited to unbelievers. You can be a genuine Christian and still experience a sense of hopelessness in your life. But that is never the will of God for you. This episode aims to encourage believers who are experiencing a sense hopelessness. The devil knows how to make life look and feel more hopeless than it really is. The truth is that if you have faith in God, life is never hopeless. It can only seem that way. Duration 13:36


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Faith Under Fire (Episode 83)

This episode addresses the challenge of our faith being put to the test. It is a fact that everyone who follows the Lord Jesus Christ will be tested in this life. It’s what we do when our faith is under fire that reveals the true quality of our relationship with God. Hence, the importance of cultivating our faith in God. Sad but true, some people will hate you just because you love God. That seems ironic since God is love. It’s understandable if people hate you or persecute you if you are on the side of evil. But Jesus warned His disciples that if the world hated Him, it would hate them as well. That is still true for His disciples today. Duration 15:47


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The Person of Christ (Episode 82)

The study of the person of Christ is called Christology. One reason we should study the person of Christ is because the Christian faith is based upon and centered around Christ. Hence, the Christian faith is called Christianity. Jesus is the One we must place our faith in to be saved. What we believe about Him determines how we relate to Him. If you believe He was no more than a morally upright human being, you will discount everything He said relating to His divinity. Only if you believe that He is who He claimed to be can you relate to Him properly. Jesus may have looked like just another human being, but He wasn’t. He was the fullness of God clothed in the likeness of human flesh. Duration 15:22


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Always Be Ready for Christ’s Return (Episode 81)

During His public ministry, Jesus said that in the hour you think not, the Son of man will come. Because of that uncertainty, we must always be ready for His return. In the church today, it’s vitally important that we preach and proclaim the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Far too many people who come to church regularly are too careless about being ready for Jesus’ return. Perhaps it’s because we don’t preach that important message enough in our pulpits. The most important decision to make in this life is where we will spend eternity. We will either spend it with the Lord or apart from Him. To be certain to go back with Him, we must live every day in readiness for His return. Duration 15:11


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The Great White Throne (Episode 80)

This podcast episode addresses what the Bible refers to as the Great White Throne of judgment, addressed in the book of the Revelation, chapter 20. One day, every one of us will have to meet the Lord. That’s one appointment we will have to keep—whether we want to or not. The point is that God is the Judge of all the earth. Currently, we are enjoying the grace of God and the love of God and His longsuffering. But one day we will have to meet God as the Judge of all the earth. According to the Bible, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to the glory of God that Jesus Christ is Lord. For many people, that confession will happen at the Great White Throne. Everybody is either going to confess Christ as Lord on this side of death or before the Great White Throne. Duration 14:27


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The Perfect Gift (Episode 79)--Christmas Message

This podcast episode is a Christmas message. Christmas means different things to different people. But for people of faith, Christ is the reason for the season. One way we celebrate Christmas is through giving and receiving gifts. Many of these gifts will be returned or exchanged immediately after Christmas. Oftentimes, that is because the gift was not a good match for the person receiving the gift. But the gift God gave to us on the first Christmas is the perfect gift. It is the one gift that fits all of us to a tee. God's perfect gift came to us in the person of His only begotten Son. God’s gift to us was solely motivated by love. He so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son. Duration 12:31


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Faith in the Power of God (Episode 78)

This podcast episode encourages believers to believe in the power of God today. According to Luke 5:17, as Jesus ministered, “the power of the Lord was present to heal them.” That means He didn’t just minister the Word of God, but also He ministered the power of God. Hence, there are some things that the Word of God can accomplish. And there are some things that only the power of God can do. Some believers in the body of Christ argue that the power of God and signs and wonders and spiritual gifts are things of the past. But according to the Bible, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Duration 13:57


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We Can Do All Things Through Christ (Episode 77)

In his letter to the church at Phillipi, Paul the apostle said he had to learn how to be content in whatsoever state he was in. It is only through a learning process that we can arrive at that kind of contentment as well. We don’t get to choose how life will unfold. No matter how proactive and how vigilant you try to be, sometimes life will deal you what we call a bad hand. And sometimes, God will allow you to endure hardship for a season. But we can overcome all these things--if we allow Christ to be the source of our strength. Duration 14:53


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Prioritizing the Word of God (Episode 76)

Whether or not a local church prioritizes the Word of God comes down to what the church and church leaders believe about the Word of God. In a local church where the Word of God is prioritized, every other part of its public worship gathering is subordinate to the ministry of the Word of God. Jesus is our example. Everywhere He went, crowds followed Him. He preached and taught about heaven and everyday life. The people could take what He taught them and use it to grow in their relationship with God and to make their homes and marriages better. It is critical that churches and church leaders today believe that same power still exists in the preaching and the teaching of the Word of God. Duration 15:29


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Lessons from the End of the Last World (Episode 75)

According to the Bible, this world/age as we currently know it will cease to exist one day. One of the most sobering things for us to acknowledge is that God destroyed the previous world. That means He has already done before what He promises to do again. It’s vitally important for the church to talk about the return of the Lord. These days, we tend to preach and act too much like the Lord is never coming back. But it’s not a myth. It’s going to happen because God said so. Jesus said that at His coming, it will be as it was in the days of Noah. In this podcast episode, Evangelist Frank King addresses some lessons we can learn from the end of the world in Noah’s day. Duration 15:45


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The Importance of Sound Doctrine (Episode 74)

Some people feel that some theologians make too big a deal about the importance of sound doctrine. The fact is that every believer in Christ needs sound doctrine. We need it to help us become the person God wants us to be. Although sound doctrine is what we need, that’s not what many people who attend church want. It’s kind of like our natural diet. We need foods that are healthy for us, but oftentimes, that’s not what we want. The more unhealthy choices may taste good to us, but they are not doing us good. The same thing is true about bad doctrine. It may sound good, but it does not do us good. In fact, unhealthy doctrine makes for unhealthy Christians. Duration 14:22
