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Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Your heart holds the keys that unlock the gateway to your spiritual gifts and the path to a life of your deepest desires. While we've been conditioned not to listen to or trust ourselves, your heart is the compass to your soul. My purpose is to serve as your guide while teaching you how to heal, trust, and love yourself unconditionally. Join Ashley Mondor, master coach, heart healer, and host of the Free Your Heart podcast, as we sink into nourishing and fresh conversations focused on healing, opening, and living from your heart. Through our time together, you'll receive insight, inspiration, and channeled information that'll support you in discovering who you are while you calibrate to the energy of your soul. Thank you for being here! I truly hope our heart-to-heart connection supports you in your journey.


United States


Your heart holds the keys that unlock the gateway to your spiritual gifts and the path to a life of your deepest desires. While we've been conditioned not to listen to or trust ourselves, your heart is the compass to your soul. My purpose is to serve as your guide while teaching you how to heal, trust, and love yourself unconditionally. Join Ashley Mondor, master coach, heart healer, and host of the Free Your Heart podcast, as we sink into nourishing and fresh conversations focused on healing, opening, and living from your heart. Through our time together, you'll receive insight, inspiration, and channeled information that'll support you in discovering who you are while you calibrate to the energy of your soul. Thank you for being here! I truly hope our heart-to-heart connection supports you in your journey.



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Lori Lee Houze: Tuning to your intuition // #33

Just wait until you meet my beautiful friend, Lori Lee! I'd share more here, but the magic is in her experiences and the insights she can share with you about tuning into more of your intuitive gifts! 💛 What you'll learn: (Lori and Mellisa's father)(grandmother) Connect with Lori: FacebookInstagramLinkedInwebsite here Meet Lori Lee Houze Lori is a certified Master MIND MAGIC® Practitioner, Mindset Coach, Heart Healer, and Intuitive Reader. After embodying her highest- self using the MIND MAGIC® framework, she now coaches women and men as they expand their vision, master their mindset, heal the wounds that are holding them back, and grow their businesses in quantum leaps. MIND MAGIC® is an Identity Evolution Practice that integrates science, spirituality, metacognition (thought work), and nervous system regulation to literally evolve yourself into the person you are destined to become. Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Ashley Mae Fernandez: The cosmic shift: Marketing in the Age of Aquarius // #32

How do planetary positions and energies influence your life and business? How can you harness where Jupiter is in your natal chart for luck, prosperity, and abundance? What are we leaving behind as we shift into the Age of Aquarius, and how can you evolve your marketing so that it's aligned to these revolutionary frequencies while staying true to you? You're going to love this one because Ashley Mae Fernandez is this incredible blend of sunshine, sass, and cosmic wisdom! 😏💫 What you'll learn: (like love!) (especially with how 2023 played out for so many business owners energetically) Connect with Ashley: FacebookThe No Fartin' Around Showwebsite hereAstro-Marketing MapWild Words offeringTammi's mediumship offeringMeet Ashley Mae Fernandez Ashley's a content marketing strategist, certified Hypnotherapist, and NLP practitioner who helps personal brands, like you, create content that's as powerful as you and the work that you do (and does the selling for you!). Some people know her as the “fart girl” after taking a funny phrase (don’t fart and dart) and turning it into a top 50 podcast (thanks Capricorn mercury!) while others know her as the marketing lady who loves to go on rants. She’s a 1/3 Emotional Generator, Libra Rising, Cap Sun, and Aquarius moon which she says is the perfect combination of woo and work. Everything she does as a content marketing strategist, is about disrupting the status quo, Shifting energetic frequencies and Helping you own the most out loud version of you and combine it with marketing strategies to create content that is an energetic match for your ideal client. Since 2016, her mindset shifts, astrology knowledge and content methods have given clients across multiple industries a reason to TOOT, TOOT their horns and build wildly successful businesses. Started from the bottom, literally… And now she’s here!" Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Scott Lawrence Nelson: Beyond the mat: A Yogi's journey to recovery // #31

I don't have words to describe to you how important Scott's episode is to me. How profoundly honored I feel to be able to bring his story to you because of the trust he has in me. I'm in awe of Scott's story because of his depth of vulnerability, his presence, and the wisdom that pours through him. This isn't a "light" episode. It's raw. It's deep. It's in facing our humanity and the ways we cope with the darkness of the world we live in (and create) while running from ourselves. This episode matters. Scott's story matters. If you feel compelled, it would mean the world to me if you shared this episode because it's in our shared humanity and connection where healing happens. A note to Scott: You. are. incredible. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your willingness to share your story so that others may remember the Truth that there's an everlasting light flickering within them even when the darkness tries to tell you otherwise. My greatest hope for you is that you remember that wholeness is your birthright and the Truth of who you are. You are loved. You matter. You're worthy. You're enough. You belong. Normally, I don't put trigger warnings into my content, but because of the nature of what we explore - this feels important. Content warning This episode references the following: What you'll learn from our episode: *The one thing you can do today if you're struggling in darkness. Connect with Scott: InstagramEpisode resources: R20SAMHSA*Please do not listen to Scott's meditation while you're driving, watching children, or operating machinery. Safety first! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Shalvika Patil: Soulful abundance and manifesting the life you desire // #30

If you're into exploring manifestation, abundance, and creating rituals or practices that help you align to what you desire experiencing - this episode is sooooo for you! I can't wait for you to experience Shalvika's energy and wisdom :) What you'll learn from our episode: (Her practice is GORGEOUS!)(Steal this. It's a wonderful foundational perspective) Connect with Shalvika: InstagramYour Aligned AF Life (I'm episode #38).Manifestation Rituals6-week Bloom experienceExistential Kink: Unmask your Shadow and Embrace your PowerMeet Shalvika Patil Shalvika is a life coach for creative cycle breakers, entrepreneurs, and women. She calls herself a Vision Board queen. She loves helping women get to a place of self love and self devotion through the exploration of pleasure and joy. Her favorite tools are vision boards and other principles of manifestation and subconscious healing, NLP, EFT, and clinical breathwork. Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Kyle A Trautmann: Rewiring wellness: Tapping into neuroscience for better health // #29

You're going to want a notebook for this episode because the wisdom Kyle is about to gift you is ... 🤯 We're diving into conscious & subconscious dynamics, quantum physics, eternal time, creating a sanctuary for your nervous system, energy, and so much more. What you'll learn from our episode: (This may be confronting.) Connect with Kyle: InstagramFacebookHigh Vibe Holonomics.referenced here.Meet Kyle Anthony Trautmann Kyle is the CEO and Lead Facilitator at High Vibe Holonomics. His work within the health industry has spanned across a myriad of topics over the last ten years. All of those subjects revolving around regenerative principles with one goal in mind: to maximize vitality through all aspects of energy production. Kyle started his career in 2013 as a nutritionist and slowly built his practice around how regenerative agriculture benefits the mitochondrial matrix. Kyle co-founded High Vibe Healing in 2016 (which transformed into High Vibe Holonomics in 2023) with the emphasis of Nutritional Bioenergetics. Since 2016, Kyle has added varied dynamics to High Vibe Holonomics in order to address and alleviate the main causes of CDR (cell danger response), which is the conserved metabolic response that shuts off the production of the "energy molecule" ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from the mitochondria. Kyle's focus over the last four years has been studying the mass influx of chronic disease and how the 7 Types of Traumas have a direct impact to the functioning of our mitochondria and how we utilize energy as a whole for health and well-being. His work as of late has been focused on alleviating these traumas through a process known as Holonomic Energy Harmonization, which focu Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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My heart is racing at the thought of sharing this // #28

It's been months since I shared a podcast episode... Part of it is how little energy I have because I work a full-time job and I hold space for clients in my business. The other part is how tightly gripped perfectionism holds on to my beliefs which stops me from sharing. How hypercritical I am of what I create in comparison to those who are powerhouses in my industry. But comparison is so. damn. boring. And I'm not them - which is a good thing. Candidly, I also had this episode ready to publish for you for an entire MONTH, but I felt SO MUCH resistance to sharing it. Now I know why. This wasn't easy for me to share because I'm working through fears of backlash and judgement. In fact, I was so emotionally dysregulated and triggered that I decided to re-record this when I was more grounded. I have Truths in this episode that need to be heard because I'm not the only one who's navigated family trauma. I hope my experience empowers you even just a little bit. I love you. I'm proud of you. Thank you for choosing to exist during a dark time on the planet. Your light matters always. 💛 Links + resources: Trauma Therapist hereInstagramGround with Gaia meditationDevotiongifts you the golden keyDid something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Tracy Litt: Unlock your limitless potential // #27

Ahhhhhhhh!! You're meeting one of my mentors today and I can barely keep this excitement from exploding through my heart! I've been in her world soaking up her wisdom like a majestic sponge for years and I'm so excited for you to experience her powerful energy! Buckle up. 😎 What you'll learn from our episode: (plus a super recent example) (and how she dances with both masculine & feminine energy) Connect with Tracy: Consciousness Revolution GalaDear Fear, It's Not You, It's MeWorthy Human: Because You Are the Problem and the SolutionwebsiteIGFBThe How of Within™podcast episode featuring her husband, David Meet Tracy Litt Tracy is the founder of The Litt Factor, an international best-selling author, podcast host of "The How of Within", creator of the groundbreaking, identity-evolution methodology, Mind Magic®, quantum success mentor, and emotional healer. Tracy also holds her licensing in professional coaching, neurology, somatics, and hypnotherapy. Tracy's own journey from a single mother on food stamps to Vice President of Human Resources to CEO & Founder of a 7-figure personal growth company, fuels her passion for ensuring that everyone knows that who they’ve been is zero indication of who they are capable of becoming. As such, she was named a Top 125 Global Thought Leaders of 2022 in SUCCESS MAGAZINE. Tracy Litt's unwavering commitment to elevating visionary leaders and facilitating their incredible transformations has made her a force to be reckoned with in the world of personal development and holistic success. With her unique blend of science, spirituality, emotional healing, and compassion, Tracy guides her clients in unloc Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Dr. Beth Westie: Harness your hormones for vibrant health // #26

Are you struggling with fatigue, weight gain, low libido, brain fog, irregular cycles, PMS, mood swings, gut or sleep issues? Well then, I can't effing WAIT for you to meet Dr. Beth Westie! ❤️‍🔥 Note: To my male friends, this is a FANTASTIC episode to tune into for your partners, and, there's tips in here for you, too! Meet Dr. Beth Westie Dr. Beth is a functional medicine practitioner, doctor of chiropractic, licensed acupuncturist, and women's health & nutrition expert. She's also the author of the bestselling book, The Female Fat Solution, the creator of the 12 Week Female Fat Solution Challenge, the Eat for Your Cycle Method, and the host of The Female Health Solution Podcast. She's made it her mission to change the way women view their health. Traveling the country to educate and empower women to take their health into their own hands, she uses nutrition to help women work with the natural cycle of their bodies to achieve lasting weight loss results. What you'll learn from our episode: (It's not what you'd think!) Connect with Dr. Beth: (the DUTCH Test) with Dr. Beth.websiteFB,IG,TikTok,YouTube.The Female Health Solution PodcastDoing HarmInvisible Women Rife Machine.(Use code Mondor for 10% off!)Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty.Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Faryl Moore: Shift your energy to enhance your life // #25

How's your energy lately? Do you feel sluggish, foggy, quick to frustration or anger? What tools or rituals do you have in place to take care of your precious energy? If you don't have any, or, if you've fallen out of practice -- this episode is for you! Faryl is gifting you with specific ways to support the shifting of your energy so you can enhance your quality of life and expand into more impact, abundance, and joy. 💛 Meet Faryl Moore Faryl Moore is a certified Associate Pranic Healer using Pranic Healing techniques to remove blocks, traumas, negative energies, and thought forms that hold women back from achieving their purpose and intentions in the world. Her work helps to access the deep energetic shifts necessary to improve and transform physical, emotional, and mental health exponentially. She specializes in elevating women using her intentional reframe, allowing her to successfully remove the blocks so her clients realize their potential! What you'll learn from our episode: (This is gooooood!) Connect with Faryl: her websiteThe Energy Collectiveher important links hereIGFBLinkedInYour Hands Can Heal YouHave a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Not all medicine is designed to taste sweet // Ep. #24

When you're wading through heavy emotions, it can be really easy to make every situation or experience mean something about you. In this episode, I'm sharing about triggers and how I navigate them. I dive into the magic of your subconscious mind as well as what I've learned about myself through the process of triggering others. If you're a coach, healer, guide, or practitioner who is in service to others -- this one's for you. :) A love note: Having diversity of thought and belief is a GOOD thing. If you disagree with my perspectives, can you still hold on to your belief while remaining open and nonjudgemental? This is how we move the world towards more compassion, love, and grace. 💛 What you'll learn from this episode: (a personal development perspective)(outside of my programs and offers)Links + resources: Trauma Therapist hereInstagramGround with Gaia meditationDevotiongifts you the golden keyDid something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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How do you show up for you? // Ep. #23

This episode is short and spicy. I almost didn't publish it, but decided that moving forward, I'm the type of person with so much value to share that even a short episode is worthy of being listened to. What you'll learn from this episode: (even though it goes against what I've been taught in personal development)(I hope you do the same in the ways you're specifically called to)Links + resources: InstagramGround with Gaia meditationDevotiongifts you the golden keyDid something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Amy Green Smith: Sharpen your communication skills // Ep. #22

Does the thought of communicating a new boundary make you shrink like a saucy little turtle? Do you find yourself people-pleasing as a coping mechanism to avoid hella uncomfortable conversations? Does confrontation make you sweat and your throat tighten? An even better question: how can you use communication to cultivate self-worth? I can't wait for you to meet Amy! Meet Amy Green Smith Amy Green Smith is a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster of The Bold-Faced Truth, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth. With acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert in Inspired Coach Magazine and on Fox 5 San Diego. What you'll learn from our episode: (especially when the world is quick to label behavior as toxic or narcissistic)(like launch a business) Connect with Amy: her websiteThe Bold-Faced TruthIGFBTwitterLinkedInHave a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Matthew Rife: Healing with electromagnetic frequencies // Ep. #21

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla If I could have dinner with any person (dead or alive) - I've always wanted to sit across from Nikola Tesla. Let me tell you how I SCREAMED when I came across Matthew Rife, whose relative collaborated with Tesla to create technology in the 1920s which was used to address various health concerns! Something wild happened to Dr. Royal Rife's tech (you'll learn more about that in the episode), but now, Matthew has decided to take this 70+ year family secret and boldly bring it to the world so that more people have access to innovative wellness solutions. Because, we're electrical beings. Wouldn't it make sense to harness the electromagnetic fields found naturally on Earth to heal? Meet Matthew Rife As a relative of Dr. Royal Rife, Matthew Rife inherited his Uncle Roy’s proprietary journals, notes, formulas and blueprints. At a very young age, Matt was gifted with exceptional mechanical ability and took an interest in Dr. Rife’s manuscripts. He quickly vaulted into learning more about mechanics, electrical and structural engineering, math, physics and theory creation. Using Dr. Rife’s journals and all of the knowledge acquired through his studies, Matt took on the heavy task of resurrecting his uncle’s machine – the REAL Rife Machine. Together with his business partner, Hunter Samakool, Matthew seeks to change the world, starting with transforming the health tech industry. He currently lives on the Gulf Coast and spends his free time fishing, being in nature, and focusing on humanitarian related projects. What you'll learn from our episode: Connect with Matthew: visit his website.(Use code: Mondor at checkout for 10% off!)InstagramTikTokYouTube.Dr. Royal Rife's notes here.replay of our conversation. Have a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Whitney Tougas: Reawakening your limitless pleasure // Ep. #20

Ooooh! This episode with Whitney is DEEP. Because of societal narratives, the topics we dive into are typically seen as taboo. But, pleasure is our intrinsic birthright. You exist because of the incredible power of sexual connection. And, we want to give you access to information that can support you in removing the blocks keeping you from experiencing a powerful gift that has the ability to heal and transform you as a woman. This is the new paradigm of pleasure and it's time to reclaim your sexual power. Meet Whitney Tougas: Whitney is an intimacy and pleasure coach, speaker, and facilitator, teaching women with vulvas (and other humans) how to experience life-changing, transcendent orgasms, heal through radical full expression and sexual integration, and live performance-free and fully seen. She believes sexuality and relationships offer opportunities for deep healing, expansion, and self-actualization, and that most humans never scratch the surface of their birthright pleasure and innate sexual power… but that everyone can. Whitney is the creator of the School of Sexual Sorcery and co-creator of Women Who Roar. In addition to her pleasure and intimacy work, she works with transgender women as a voice and expression coach. What you'll learn from our episode: (steal her tips) (especially after one of her videos went viral) Connect with Whitney: Pleasure SorceryInstagramTikTokWomen Who Roar ceremoniesworking with Whitney here. Have a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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What if I was real, raw, and true? // Ep. #19

This episode is on the heels of a REALLY powerful breakthrough I had while at Tracy Litt's Powerhouse 2023 women's luxury immersion retreat. What I experienced was deep, deep healing that finally clicked into place (that I've been working on for frickin' YEARS). This is why you need to meet your edges. It's why community is so damn important. Why creating safety in your body is paramount. Alrighty, ready to follow me into my breakthrough? I hope it supports you in some way. What you'll learn from this episode: (and why I was so intimidated by her)fundamentally changed my life.thought (at least to me).bodyThe How of Within Connect with four incredible healers: Tracy LittThe How of Within Vaughn Pierroepisode #10Cosmic HealingWhitney Tougas life-changing orgasmsCourtney Beckbook a healingepisode #15Devotion Have a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Tracy Williams: Healing through the Akashic Records and breaking karmic cycles // Ep. #18

Did you know the energy from your previous incarnations can influence and impact your current lifetime? From karmic cycles to vows, soul contracts, and more, are there patterns chaining you to pain, suffering, or misalignment in your purpose? I can't wait for you to meet Tracy Williams and to hear the INCREDIBLE stories of healing she's personally navigated as well as the wisdom she has to share with you as a spiritually focused Holistic Nurse Coach, Akashic Records reader, energy healer, artist, and mother. After spending 24-years working as a Registered Nurse, she followed her heart and stepped all into this creative, spiritual life in 2021. Her focus in art and coaching is to create an energetic space that helps support women business owners no matter where they're at in their own transformation process. She's currently living an intentionally created, nomadic RV life with her husband and daughter. They're traveling the US, meeting amazing people, and making magic everywhere they go! What you'll learn from this episode: (and how she faced her fears and crushing anxiety to make this a reality) Connect with Tracy: (or to book an Akashic Records clearing or coaching call)visit her links hereInstagramFacebook Have a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Nicole Janton: Transmuting anxiety // Ep. #17

You know that feeling of pressure in your chest? The worry, apprehension, and nervousness that floods your body? When your mind creates chaos for your body to handle? It's a loop that can feel hard to break out of when you're trapped in the moment. My guest, Nicole Janton, knows the journey well and she has resources to share with you! Nicole helps highly-sensitive, high-achieving women create alignment in their mind, body, and soul so they can ditch anxiety for ease and flow in their life’s calling. After years of suffering chronic anxiety and panic attacks, and coping with antipsychotics and anti-anxiety medications with no relief, she finally found healing through nontraditional modalities and is passionate about making alternative approaches more accessible to all. Instead of seeing anxiety as a mental illness, she views it from the perspective of the whole self to help others heal the root of their suffering and find inner peace. Her mission is to help those with anxiety ditch the panic and pressure so they can achieve their ambitions from a place of presence and peace. She shares tips, tricks, and inspiration on her podcast, Anxious & Ambitious. What you'll learn from this episode: (So you know, in hypnotherapy, the somnambulistic state is said to be one of heightened awareness and heightened responsiveness to suggestion.) Anxious & Ambitious, Connect with Nicole: Anxious & Ambitious Beyond Quantum HealingInstagramFacebook Have a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Bethany Clemenson: I watched dreams die // Ep. #16

What's a dream on your heart that you've shoved down because it goes against everything you've been taught? Or, maybe you've never really allowed yourself to dream outside of what's prescribed to you from society? What would it take for you to create a life that's authentic to you, your desires, and what your own definition of success is? My guest today is going to be super expansive for you! Bethany Clemenson is a dual certified Leadership Coach, International Speaker, Author, and Registered Nurse who exchanged her stress-filled life for one created on her terms. Today she helps others do the same! What you'll learn from this episode: Connect with Bethany: first chapter of her book for freeDitching the Dream: How to Live Life on Your TermsI Am WorthyDialed IN!InstagramTikTokFacebookYouTubeher website Have a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Courtney Beck: Channeling deities, bending reality, and finding your purpose // Ep. #15

What if you could work with the spirit world to remove everything from anxiety, negative beliefs, and curses, to amplifying confidence, creativity, and courage? I'm SO frickin' excited to bring the one, the only, Courtney Beck, my friend and trusted healer to your ears today! Courtney Beck is an Intuitive, Healer, and Channel who works with souls all over the world on their spiritual, mental, and emotional growth. Formerly a Strategist in Advertising, Courtney's 2016 spiritual awakening saw her jump off the corporate ladder and into the space of spirits and the supernatural influences in our lives. Her speciality is in opening up the Self so the Soul and Spirit can shine through, and her channeled books written with the help of her guides allow her to share all of the wisdom she has been taught by her spirit friends. Note: Are you a member of Devotion? You have an exclusive recording featuring Courtney waiting for you in the 'Courses' section! Enjoy! 🎁 What you'll learn from this episode: Connect with Courtney: Instagramwebsite Ouija Have a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.


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Discovering your purpose // Ep. #14

As a child, I was obsessed with finding my purpose. I knew I wanted to live a meaningful life where I served humanity or the Earth in someway every day. Because I wasn't one of those kids who knew they wanted to be a doctor, vet, lawyer, etc., I decided to pursue my degree in communications because I was naturally good at it. Now, looking back, I can see threads of my purpose that were woven into my youth and how they were guiding me on this path. How do you start the process of discovering or refining your purpose? Let's jam! What you'll learn from this episode: *Note: We're not necessarily living in a world yet where leadership in corporate can hear about or appreciate your small business dreams. I was VERY lucky to have supportive bosses who trusted me to do my work while allowing me to follow my entrepreneurial spirit. To Sally and Cecilia, I love you. Thank you. I am so grateful for the grace, space, and growth you've gifted me while I was under your leadership. You could have totally crushed my dreams to stardust, but instead, you sharpened my skills and made better in SO many ways. From my whole heart, thank you. :) *Double Note: You have natural gifts and talents that you probably take for granted because they're too close to your heart. Find the courage to ask those who are close to you what they think your gifts are. I think you'll be intrigued! Links + resources: InstagramGround with Gaia meditationDevotiongifts you the golden key Have a question? Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you! Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message! Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.
