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Pillar Church Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Pillar Church is led by Preston Morrison and is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Visit us at www.thePillar.com for more information or to learn more.


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Pillar Church is led by Preston Morrison and is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Visit us at www.thePillar.com for more information or to learn more.



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God Still Speaks : Breaking Down the Gift Of Prophecy | Preston Morrison

Did you know that God can still speak to you and through you? He speaks in several ways, but one of the biggest ways is through the gift of prophecy — but prophecy is often misunderstood. Why do so many have concern over prophecy? Why are people offended by prophecy? And why would people ever NOT want a prophetic word?


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Demystifying Praying In Tongues : Is It REALLY That Crazy?! | Preston Morrison

It's one of the most untapped cheat codes in the Kingdom -- but it's also one of the most misunderstood. What does it truly mean to pray in the spirit? Where does it talk about tongues in the Bible? And by using it, how can we partner with the Holy Spirit to fight our enemy on a whole other level?


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Help Them Meet Him | Brent Hatchett

It was one of Jesus' primary messages on Earth --- "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the kingdom of Heaven is near." --- but how are we actually living with a day-to-day urgency of this truth? What if we embraced the same heart that Jesus had towards those around Him? And how can we embrace a spirit of boldness to live out the calling that Jesus places on each and every believer in Him?


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Lessons In The Wilderness | Isaac Gross

The Israelites experienced it. Jesus experienced it. You, either have or will, experience it. Although never easy, wilderness seasons are necessary. It's in the wilderness seasons of life that God shapes us in to the person that He desires us to be. But what perspective can we keep in the wilderness? What can we learn there? And what can happen if we use it to actually carry us into what God desires of us next?


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The Holy Spirit Is THE Friend | Preston Morrison

When you think of the Holy Spirit, do you think of Him as a friend? The fact is, whether you do or not, that is His ultimate desire. But how can we reframe our thinking to see Him that way? Why does He even want to be a friend? And what does it look like when we put our full trust in His direction for our lives?


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This Weight Is Crushing Me | Preston Morrison

Are you under a weight? Weight is heavy. Weight is a burden. Weight can be crushing. But, it’s amazing how much weight can be lifted when we lift it up in prayer. This week, we take intentional time to pray over fours “weights” in life — the weight of worry, the weight of waiting, the weight of someone you love & the weight of wrestling.


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The Holy Spirit Is Sensitive | Preston Morrison

It's a weighty thought to realize that we can disappoint and sadden the Holy Spirit. If we want to fully embrace the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we must first understand that the Holy Spirit can be quenched. But how does it happen? When does it happen? And what can we do to attune to the sensitive nature of the Holy Spirit to ensure we allow Him to do what He wants, in and through our lives?


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Are You A Comfortable Believer Or A Growing Disciple? | Brent Hatchett

As believers, we are called to live as dedicated disciples of Jesus. But what does that look like? How do we move to a mindset of comfort to a mindset of growth? This week, Brent Hatchett brings a message calling the believer into a life from just coming to church to becoming the church.


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The Holy Spirit Is Weird | Preston Morrison

The Holy Spirit...quite possibly one of the most polarizing topics in recent church history. But why is the Holy Spirit "weird"? What does the Bible say about it? When did the “weird” narrative begin? And why does man fight against it?


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The Why Behind The Empty Tomb | Preston Morrison

On Easter Sunday, we dive into an intimate understanding of The Cross and resurrection. Why did He do it? What does it mean for Him? What does it mean for you?


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The #1 Responsibility On The Earth | Preston Morrison

The number of one opportunity on earth is the opportunity to be friends with the God of the universe. The number one compliment of heaven is when God Himself calls you His friend. But the number one responsibility in this life is God asking you to bring Him more friends. So how do we become friends with God? How do we know that he even wants more friends? And what role can we play in bringing Him more friends?


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Lessons From A Wedding | Isaac Gross

The day Jesus performed His first miracle was also the day we hear the last recorded words from His mother, Mary --- “Whatever He says to you, do it.” But what does it look like to live a life of obedience to Jesus? How do we invite Him into our everyday lives? And what actually happens when we give Him everything?


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The Anointing Is Not In The Sending, The Anointing Is In The Abiding | Brent Hatchett

If we want to be like Jesus, we must first learn to abide in Him. But what does that look like? What steps must we take? And how do we step into our anointing?


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The Power Of Your Purpose | Preston Morrison

God created YOU for a very specific purpose. And as His sons & daughters, He commissions and anoints us for it. But how do we discover it? How do we walk in it with confidence? And once we know it, what do we do with it?


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Are You Fully Surrendered? | Brent Hatchett

What does it look like to live the life that God called you to? -- a life where you are truly being used by Him to do what He created you to do. It all starts with surrender, but surrender never comes easy. So what does it look like practically? What in our life must we actually surrender? And how do we know we are FULLY surrendered to His will?


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Following The Way Of Jesus | Preston Morrison

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you." We're all familiar with this commandment from Jesus, but as believers, how many of us are actually walking it out day-to-day? How do we TRULY become a disciple of Jesus? There are three things we MUST learn to do.


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Are You Spiritually Stuck? | Preston Morrison

When you’re spiritually stuck in a rut, chances are you’re deficient in the essential nutrients that you need. You were created for spiritual food. And God has given man a spiritual appetite so big that it MUST be fed daily. But what exactly is the spiritual appetite of man? What happens when we don’t get what we need? And how does God make sure that each of us has a specifically tailored meal plan — no matter what stage we are in spiritually?


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How To Care God's Way | Preston Morrison

As followers of Christ, we are called to care — but what does that look like? Who must we care for? How must we care? Why must we care? This week we continue the Seven Mandates series with “We Must Be A Caring Church.”


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God is Generous, Are You? | Preston Morrison

When it comes to being generous, there is no one more generous than our God. And if we are called to be like Him, we MUST make generosity a priority in our lives. But what does that look like? What can we do practically? What areas of our life does that affect? This week, we look to answer six questions that we must address if we want to pass one of life’s hardest tests.


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Accessing God’s Presence : Six Steps To Encountering God (pt.2) | Preston Morrison

How can we access the manifest presence of the God of the Universe? Over this two-part message, we are walking through a six step protocol that we can put into practice to access and experience the presence of God.
