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Josh McPherson

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Helping the average man become a stronger man in every area of life.


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Helping the average man become a stronger man in every area of life.



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Online Censorship, AI, and Masculinity: The Modern Battle

In this engaging Stronger Man Nation podcast episode, Josh McPherson discuss the reality of online censorship and agenda-driven big tech with guests, Mark Driscoll, and John Lovell who share their experiences and insights. These men delve into the rise of artificial intelligence and its cultural implications. The conversation wraps up with a deep dive into men, masculinity, and the importance of strong leadership in churches. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing Christians today. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Breaking from Enmeshed Family Systems, Going "Scorched Earth," & Repairing Familial Damages

Our life is chaotic, how do we make changes? How do we break free from enmeshed family systems? I have been prioritizing hobbies and "me time" over my kids, how do I repair the damage? We're new believers, is it okay to go "scorched earth" on everything? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 7 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of Planning." Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Satan Doesn't Want You to Forgive

Stronger Marriage #8 - The Law of God's Power Welcome to the final episode of the Stronger Marriage series! Josh brings an extra part to the 7-week marriage series, making this Law #8 of building a Stronger Marriage. Join us as we delve into the power of planning and the transformative role of God's power in overcoming sin, temptation, and brokenness through forgiveness. Discover the key takeaways from last week's sermon on purposeful planning and explore this week's focus on the law of God's power. Tune in for an inspiring conclusion to our series, where Josh unpacks the critical elements of integrity, honor, humility, and forgiveness in building a Stronger Marriage. For a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource, go to the link listed below! Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Danger of Late-Night Sex, Biblical Sexual Teaching for Your Children, & Spouse is Addicted to Porn

- All of today's questions are in relation to sex and sexuality - How do you talk to your children about sex? How can my husband help me in the area of physical fitness and body image? What do I do if my husband is addicted to pornography? How is sex like fast-food and fine-dining? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 6 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of Pleasure" [pt. 2]. Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Stronger Marriage #7 - The Law of Planning In this sermon, Josh brings the last of the 7 Laws of a Stronger Marriage. While the previous six laws are crucial, without the seventh, they won’t be effective. This law, although simple and intuitive in other aspects of life, is often neglected in marriage. Couples need to proactively apply wisdom, make plans, and set goals to ensure a strong and thriving marriage. The marriages that fail to plan should plan to fail. Go to the link below to get free resource: "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Criticism from Husband, Self-Pleasure, & Uncomfortable Conversations

- All of today's questions are in relation to sex and sexuality - How do you bring up uncomfortable topics with your spouse? Is masturbation ever acceptable as a single person or while you are married? What do I do with constant criticism from my husband? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 6 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of Pleasure" [pt. 1]. Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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What is God's Design for Sex?

Stronger Marriage #6 - The Law of Pleasure Pastor Josh McPherson is back with week 6 of our Stronger Marriage series, focusing on the gift of sex between a husband and a wife in the covenant of marriage. It as a gift from God meant to be enjoyed exclusively within the confines of marriage. Pastor Josh points out that the best sexual experience does not come from any mastering of technique, but through cultivating your covenant with your husband or wife. Go to the link below to get free resource: "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Practical Steps to Be a Good HELPER

This episode of the Stronger Marriage Podcast is in relation to Stronger Marriage Law #5 - "The Law of (her) Power." Pastor Josh McPherson and his wife, Sharon, delve into the crucial role of a wife as a helper in marriage. Sharon breaks down the acronym "HELPER," with each letter corresponding to a way a wife can become a better helper. They discuss the practical and spiritual aspects of this role, emphasizing the need for wives to empower, respect, and support their husbands. Sharon shares her insights on being a proactive and loving wife, including her strategies for praying for Josh, encouraging him, and maintaining a strong, intimate connection. *To access the Noble Woman resources that Sharon refers to in this episode go to -> Connect -> Women -> Season 4 Resources* Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Leaving the Home as a Young Woman, Unheard and Disrespected Wives, & Delegating Household Responsibilities

What if I don't feel the role of "Helper" is a noble role? Who should mow the lawn and who should do the dishes? My husband hasn't apologized in 40 years; what do I do? When does a young woman know if she is ready to leave the home? What do you do as a wife if you feel unheard and disrespected? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 5 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of (her) Power" [pt. 2] Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Pointing Out Blind Spots, Extroverted Single Women, & Inner Beauty and Quiet Strength

How do I respectfully point out blind spots in my spouse? What to do if I am a wife who struggles with the idea of submission? What did Josh notice in Sharon that reflected inner beauty? What to do if I am a single, loud woman who wants to exercise quiet strength? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 5 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of (her) Power" [pt. 1] Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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How a Wife Lives Out the Calling of "Helper"

Stronger Marriage #5 - The Law of (her) Power In this sermon, Pastor Josh explores the complexities of submission and leadership within marriage, challenging cultural perceptions and urging both spouses to embrace their God-given roles. A wife has a divine calling to be a helper to her husband; to respect, affirm, and support her husband's headship. Go to the link below to get free resource: "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Looking for a Spouse, Defensive and Emotional Wives, & What to Do When You've Failed

- PART 2 - What do I look for in a potential spouse, and what do I avoid? What to do when you've failed in spiritual leadership? How to respond in a respectful way when I am commonly defensive and emotional when my husband confronts me? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 4 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of (his) Power" Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Breaking Long-Term Habits, Restructuring Your Life, & Mother-In-Law Criticism

- PART 1 - How do you architect your life so you can actually lead your family? How does a wife avoid usurping her husband's leadership as Head? How do I break free from years of following the same bad habits whilst not following God's design? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 4 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of (his) Power" Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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What is Biblical Headship?

The Law of (his) Power - Stronger Marriage Week 4 Pastor Josh unpacks biblical headship and the roles of husbands and wives in a Christian marriage. He emphasizes the importance of living under God's authority and the consequences of not doing so. God has given both men and women unique and distinct powers to either build or break their marriages. Husbands should wield their God-given power responsibly to nurture and strengthen their marriages. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Sports, Boy-Moms, & Diagnosing Your Priorities

What to do when sports is taking up all your time? When you don't have privacy in the bedroom? How to know if you are violating the Law of Priority? How to be a good mother of boys and encourage differentiation? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 3 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of Priority." Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Intimacy, Inferiority, & Jealousy

What do you do when you have no time or energy for sex as a mom? What do you do when your husband's mom makes you feel inferior? What do you do when you feel jealousy in a marriage? How do you unlock the mysteries of your wife? Pastor Josh McPherson and his wife Sharon answer your questions from week 3 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of Priority." Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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The Law of Priority- Stronger Marriage Week 3

Welcome to week 3 of our Stronger Marriage series. Explore the fundamental aspects of building a stronger marriage in focusing on Law #3, "Law of Priority." Josh delves into the biblical basis for prioritizing one's spouse over all other earthly relationships and endeavors, using Genesis 2:24 as a foundational verse. How does a couple actively leave, cleave, and unite to form a solid marital relationship? Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Dating, Prenups, & Infidelity

What should you do when your spouse thinks everything is okay in your marriage, but you believe something needs to change? What should young Christians do about dating today? Should Christians get prenuptial agreements? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 2 of the Stronger Marriage series, "The Law of Promise." Click on the link below for a free "30 Days to a Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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The Law of Promise - Stronger Marriage Week 2

What is the Law of Promise and how does it help to form the foundation of a stronger marriage? Join Pastor Josh McPherson for week 2 of our Stronger Marriage sermon series as he explains God’s design for marriage, our culture’s contempt for it and how to cultivate a safe, stable intimate marriage through covenant love. Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.


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Desiring Change, Self-Destruction, Unbelieving Spouses & Addiction

What do you do if your spouse won't change? Or if they are self-destructing? How do you maintain hope as the spouse of an unbeliever? How do you know when a spouse who is struggling with addiction is safe? Pastor Josh and Sharon McPherson answer your questions from week 1 Part 2 of the Stronger Marriage sermon series. Click on the link below for a free "30 Days To A Stronger Marriage" resource. Thanks for listening! Thanks for listening! Go to for more resources.
