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Healthy + Thriving Relationships

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Hey Friends! Our greatest passion is helping people experience healthy and thriving relationships. From marriage to faith to yourself, we want all of your relationships to flourish. Meet with us every week, as we discuss how to be successful in all your relationships. Pull up a chair at our virtual table and join the conversation.See MORE resources @


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Hey Friends! Our greatest passion is helping people experience healthy and thriving relationships. From marriage to faith to yourself, we want all of your relationships to flourish. Meet with us every week, as we discuss how to be successful in all your relationships. Pull up a chair at our virtual table and join the conversation.See MORE resources @



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Toxic Things We Say: "Sex Positive"

SERIES: Toxic Things We Say There are a lot of popular phrases accepted in culture right now in the name of things like mental health, freedom and love. However, could these claims that are supposedly helpful actually be extremely toxic to us? Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” In this episode we’ll talk about a popular belief, discuss why it appears to be right and shed light on how it could actually lead us towards toxic ideas about ourselves, and our relationships. See MORE resources @


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Toxic Things We Say: "Be True to Yourself"

SERIES: Toxic Things We Say There are a lot of popular phrases accepted in culture right now in the name of things like mental health, freedom and love. However, could these claims that are supposedly helpful actually be extremely toxic to us? Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” In this episode we’ll talk about a popular belief, discuss why it appears to be right and shed light on how it could actually lead us towards toxic ideas about ourselves, and our relationships. See MORE resources @


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Toxic Things We Say: "You Only Live Once"

SERIES: Toxic Things We Say There are a lot of popular phrases accepted in culture right now in the name of things like mental health, freedom and love. However, could these claims that are supposedly helpful actually be extremely toxic to us? Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” In this episode we’ll talk about a popular belief, discuss why it appears to be right and shed light on how it could actually lead us towards toxic ideas about ourselves, and our relationships. See MORE resources @


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Toxic Things We Say: "Whatever Makes You Happy"

SERIES: Toxic Things We Say There are a lot of popular phrases accepted in culture right now in the name of things like mental health, freedom and love. However, could these claims that are supposedly helpful actually be extremely toxic to us? Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” In this episode we’ll talk about a popular belief, discuss why it appears to be right and shed light on how it could actually lead us towards toxic ideas about ourselves, and our relationships. See MORE resources @


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Healthy Communication: Communication That Hurts

SERIES: Healthy Communication There are ways we communicate and things we do or say that are hurtful to our relationships. So, today we're going to talk about the things NOT to do when communicating. Because until we can recognize what these are the more we'll be able to embrace healthy communication principles and techniques that will bring flourishing to our loved ones. See MORE resources @


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Healthy Communication: How to Talk Through the Tough Stuff

SERIES: Healthy Communication One of the biggest problems in communication is talking about the tough stuff. We oftentimes either make it worse, or we just avoid the tough stuff altogether. But the thing is, if you want to have rich, meaningful, long-lasting relationships, then you have to practice talking through the hard things well. So, we've created a few healthy guidelines or "rules" to follow when confronting the ones you love. And the great news? If you keep practicing these guidelines, your relationships will come out stronger and deeper than you thought possible! See MORE resources @


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Healthy Communication: Staying Connected

SERIES: Healthy Communication This series has been all about how to communicate well in your relationships. Because when our relationships are filled with miscommunication that often leads us to disconnection. Do you feel disconnected in your relationships? Or maybe you feel connected but want to learn how to keep it that way? Today we'll talk about how to keep the connection alive once it's established. Because surprisingly, there are actual habits you an incorporate to keep the connection alive and thriving. And that's what we all long for :) See MORE resources @


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Healthy Communication: Different Folks, Different Strokes

SERIES: Healthy Communication If you've ever played Charades you know how difficult it can be to communicate. Now imagine you can only communicate that way. Oy. But doesn't it feel like that's the truth at times? Like you’re trying to get your point across but they never understand? It's as if you each speak a different language. It's probably because you are. And until you can learn their languages or see the world through their “lenses,” all communication techniques will fail. There are 3 major lenses that will shape the way we experience the world. And if we can understand them, our communication will automatically become better. So, let’s dive in! See MORE resources @


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Healthy Communication: Texting Rules for Relationships

SERIES: Healthy Communication Remember passing notes? This was pre-cell phone era for those of you non-millenials. We loved passing notes! There was an element of danger because your teacher could catch you at any moment, but sometime what you had to say was just too worth it. Texting has been the adult form of passing notes since cell phones became popular but it's never been quite as simple. What are the rules? Are there any? When we communicate over text there are all sorts of possibilities for miscommunication. So, to make it easier, in this episode we'll share a few of our "ground rules" for communicating via text. See MORE resources @


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Healthy Communication: The Biggest Reason We Miscommunicate

SERIES: Healthy Communication Most problems in Relationships come down to miscommunication. Because lack of clarification = frustration. We want you to have thriving relationships, but that means you must do the work to communicate well. This episode in particular, we'll take a look at how our family culture and our family background play a huge part in our communication with others. Which may leave you wondering, "how in the world does understanding our family culture help us with communication?" Well, click play to find out ;) See MORE resources @


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Porn: How to Win the Battle - Ep. 3

SERIES: How to Support Your Porn Addicted Husband The last few weeks we've discussed why he struggles with pornography and how we, as women and wives, can partner with our husband in the path to recovery. Today, we'll switch from a defensive stance to an offensive. Because so often we wait until pornography becomes a problem before being his refuge. Which means we must be proactive to stop the enemy before he even get's to our front door. We want to see our men to never stumble again, right? But is this future even possible? We think it is! That's why we'd love for you to click 'play' and join the conversation :) See MORE resources @


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Porn: What’s Her Role in This? - Ep. 2

SERIES: How to Support Your Porn Addicted Husband Many of us have faced the difficulties and heartbreaks that surround sexual addiction. Gordon and I have had the unfortunate experience of this in our own life. Ladies, oftentimes your natural response to this betrayal is: “I hurt too much to help.” “Why should I help? It’s not my problem” “Why can’t you just get over it? I don’t ever feel tempted with this…” However, in saying these things, we leave our men to fight alone. And this often leads them towards feelings of shame and guilt, so, he hides the problem. But hiding is where sin thrives. The Devil isolates, so that he can assassinate. Ladies, we must help our husbands fight. But what does that role look like exactly? See MORE resources @


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Porn: Why Does He Struggle? - Ep. 1

SERIES: How to Support Your Porn-Addicted Husband Porneia. It is the root word of Pornography. And it’s the Greek word Paul uses in 1 Corinthians 6:13, translated as “sexual immorality.” In the next couple of weeks, we’re going to focus on the issue of pornography because it's deeply personal to us both and something we protect ourselves against daily. The reality is that most men struggle with this addiction. But they love their wives and children and want to be faithful to them. And most men do believe women are valuable and don't want to objectify them. So why is it such a struggle, for all men, even the good ones? See MORE resources @


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Strange Things Happy Marriages Do

Do you long for one of those marriages that always seem really happy? Isn’t this why we get married, why we don’t want to be single? But then Roommate Syndrome kicks in. Things don’t feel the same… You look at those happy couples and think: How do they have that and we don't? They must have just found “the One” But the truth is, no matter where you are in your marriage -- whether you’ve been married for years or your newlywed; whether you’re doing well or struggling -- there are practical things you can do that will almost instantly make your marriage better. But beware… they’re kind of strange! See MORE resources @


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Step 4: Feel the Rhythm! Feel the Rhyme! (Crushin' Anxiety)

SERIES: Crushin' Anxiety Definition of Anxiety: anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, tense, or afraid. Particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think could happen in the future. We all feel anxious sometimes. But it's about how we respond that will determine if we "suffer" from it. This whole series we've talked through what to do when Anxiety attacks. But is there anything we can do that’s preventative? To attack anxiety before it even gets to us? See MORE resources @


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Valentines Day Tips

Gordon is the king of celebrations and making a girl feel special. Ever since we began dating all those years ago he has done something to make the day special. Does it always have to be a BIG event? No. Should he just do nothing? Well, no ;) It's just about doing something - ya man's gotta put in some work! Ok, Ladies too...sometimes ;) Maybe you want to do something you just have no idea what to get her/him for valentines day. Well my friend, we've got you! Listen in for some great tips to make your day special and separate from the rest. See MORE resources @


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Step 3: Can’t take my eyes off of You (Crushin' Anxiety)

SERIES: Crushin' Anxiety We all feel anxious sometimes. But it's about how we respond that will determine if we "suffer" from it. Because God is good, He gives us step-by-step instructions on how to handle our anxieties (so good!). Paul says the first thing we need to do when we start feeling anxious is to remember where we place our hope, which is in Jesus and the future He's promising. The second step is to involve Jesus in every area of our life. And we do that by telling Him our needs and thanking him daily through prayer. But that isn't all. There is something vital we must also do. And that's what we're going to unpack today. See MORE resources @


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Step 2: Throw ya hands in the air! (Crushin' Anxiety)

SERIES: Crushin’ Anxiety We all feel anxious sometimes. But it's about how we respond that will determine if we "suffer" from it. Because God is good, He gives us step-by-step instructions on how to handle our anxieties (so good!). Paul says the first thing we need to do when we start feeling anxious is to remember where we place our hope. But there's a second thing we also need to do and that's what we're going to dive into today. See MORE resources @


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Step 1: So Fresh & So Clean (Crushin' Anxiety)

SERIES: Crushin’ Anxiety Do you ever feel anxious? Or fearful? Well, you're not alone. One study revealed that 40 Million Americans currently have an Anxiety Disorder. We get it! Statistics can be overwhelming, but they prove where our culture is at right now. And our "go-to" response to ease our worries isn't helping. Cures like numbing out on XYZ, just aren't working. So, how do we crush anxiety when it rears its ugly head? See MORE resources @


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How to Set Goals that Actually Work (Goals Getaway - Pt 2)

SERIES: Goals Getaway Most Resolutions, Dreams, and Goals fail. Simply because most of us go about it all wrong. Today we discuss how to set up goals that actually work and set you up for success. See MORE resources @
