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Hearing God

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Most people struggle with hearing God for themselves, so this podcast will equip you with tools and practical examples so you can confidently hear God.




Most people struggle with hearing God for themselves, so this podcast will equip you with tools and practical examples so you can confidently hear God.



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If a donkey can hear God, what about me?

How often do we miss what God is trying to say because we are not looking or listening? At what point are we willing to disobey God? What is our breaking point? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack the truths in this story and how Balaam and his talking donkey met and experienced God. This story is a great reminder to first seek God for ourselves and not go running to others to hear from God for us. For more information, please go to garyandjane.co garyandjane.co


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Hearing God when feeling unseen, uncared for, abused, or overlooked

Hagar's story includes exclusion, oppression, jealousy, desperation, powerlessness, hopelessness, uncertainty, cruelty, humiliation, impatience, broken promises and flawed people. It is messy and chaotic. It is life. God met Hagar in the middle of her pain and abandonment. God meets us amid our sorrow, pain, brokenness, and desert experience. Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack all these truths and how Hagar met and experienced God. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God when we don't see evidence of God at work in our life.

I don't want to be known as someone who couldn't see God's goodness. Do you? The story of Ruth in the Bible and how she encountered God is a reminder to focus on God's goodness. The story of Ruth is also full of 'coincidences' – times when God chooses to remain anonymous. Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack all these truths and how Ruth heard and experienced God. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God before and after being disobedient

When we create, we partner with God and His creativity is expressed through us. Creativity can be a fantastic way of hearing and experiencing God. Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack Adam and Eve's story in the Bible and how they heard and experienced God, both before and after they disobeyed Him. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God with Kathryn Yaxley

Kathryn Yaxley is a guest on this episode of the Hearing God Podcast. Kathryn and her husband Peter are good friends of Gary & Jane. They operate a ministry called Kingdom Presence Ministries that equips people to hear God and grow in their journey of hearing God. Listen to Jane and Kathryn's conversation as they chat about Kathryn's healing journey, how she first recognised God speaking to her and several powerful examples of actioning what she thought God was saying to her, especially in her thoughts. Kathryn recently wrote the book "Threads of Hope Knots of Pain". garyandjane.co


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Hearing God when you are called to be a Courageous Leader

Are you in a leadership position and desperately need God's help? Do you need God to give you a strategy for the way ahead? Do you need courage for something you are facing? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack Joshua's story in the Bible, how he was repeatedly told to be courageous and not afraid, and the unusual strategies God gave Joshua. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God when you are unsure who is speaking.

Have you ever been unsure if it is God who is speaking to you? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack Samuel's story in the Bible, how he initially didn't recognise God's voice but began to hear God, and how hearing God influenced his decision-making. The story of Samuel is an excellent reminder that we are to seek a relationship with God first and foremost, not just chase after hearing God. Relationship and intimacy with Him is what God desires. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God while Living an Influential and Extraordinary Life

Have you ever wanted to do more with your life? Have you felt called to have a greater vision and stop playing small? Have you ever wanted to make your life count by influencing other people? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack Deborah's story in the Bible, how she heard God, and how it can apply to your life. Deborah didn't play small. She lived an influential and extraordinary life, fully committed to God and fearlessly trusting Him. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God when the Rules are Broken

Even though it meant breaking numerous rules, Jesus took a 'shortcut' to meet with a woman. They engaged in a robust debate, and even though the woman was unnamed, she had a voice, and it was heard. Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack the story of Jesus interacting with the Samaritan woman at the well and how it can apply to your life. We also unpack words of knowledge. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God when it goes against Current Culture

Am I prepared to be obedient to God, even when it is not aligned with current culture? Am I willing, faith-filled, courageous, future-sighted, totally trusting God even when there is no reference point of rain, willing to look ridiculous in the world's eyes, swim against the stream, being a misfit, having tenacious faith? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack the story of Noah from the Bible. Noah is an excellent reminder that God desires our obedience and is interested in our character and relationship with Him. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God in Times Requiring Courage

Have you ever desperately needed God to speak, but He was silent? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack the story of Esther from the Bible. This book does not mention God, but His fingerprints are all over it. Esther was kidnapped and forcibly placed in the King's harem, repeatedly raped, not allowed to have a voice, and threatened with death if she spoke out of turn, yet she courageously fulfilled what was required of her. We encourage you, like Esther, to be courageous enough to do what God's asking you to do. Don't shortchange a miracle in your life by giving up too early. The book of Esther is a powerful reminder to be careful who you pay attention to and ask for advice from. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God in Ways We Don't Always Recognise. (Principles from Gideon in the Bible)

Have you ever asked God for a 'fleece' or to tell you something a different way because you were unsure you heard God correctly? Join us in this latest episode of Hearing God as we share the story of Gideon from the Bible and how he kept asking God for another sign. We unpack how we don't believe in co-incidences, rather they are 'God-incidences'. We love how God tells us how He sees us and who He created us to be, instead of who we think we are. The story of Gideon is a fantastic reminder to keep your eyes on God after a successful time. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God about Injustice (Principles from Habakkuk in the Bible)

Have you ever accused God of not doing something about violence or not caring about injustice? Join Gary & Jane in this latest episode of Hearing God as they share Habakkuk's dialogue with God about injustice. They unpack principles of how to complain to God, go from worry to peace, and hear God clearly. They also share how to embrace waiting. garyandjane.co


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How Daniel in the Bible heard God

Join Gary & Jane in this latest episode of Hearing God as they share how Daniel in the Bible heard God, even when threatened with death. Thus, a more apt title may be: "What to do in a hard or seemingly impossible situation". Daniel sought God and received wisdom and knowledge that he had no way of knowing other than from God. Gary & Jane unpack how God used Daniel to speak the truth to the King, even when it seemed impossible. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God with Simon Hardaker

Join Jane as she chats with Simon Hardaker about his Christian journey and how he hears from God. Simon is a great friend of Gary & Jane, has a fantastic teaching gift, and is brilliant at hearing God for himself and others. Simon chases after God and deliberately finds ways to grow in his walk with Jesus. You will be mightily encouraged as you listen to Simon share his experiences. (Please note - this episode was recoded at the end of last year.) garyandjane.co


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Hearing God - Hosea

Join Gary & Jane in this latest episode of Hearing God as they share how Hosea in the Bible heard God. They unpack how God used Hosea's life and actions to send specific messages to the Israelites who were unfaithful to God. God asked Hosea to marry a prostitute to demonstrate this. Since Hosea's life was a prophetic act, Gary & Jane share what prophetic acts are and how they can change outcomes. Gary & Jane also share how our name is important and can bring identity and purpose. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God: Paul /Saul (from the Bible)

Join Gary & Jane in this latest episode of Hearing God as they unpack how Paul first heard God in Acts 9 and his radical conversion. Gary & Jane share that God desires a relationship with everyone and that when we encounter God, we change. They both share their personal story of how they encountered God. Gary & Jane also cover how we can respond when God asks us to do something that doesn’t make sense. garyandjane.co


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Life Update



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Hearing God at Christmas

Christmas is a fantastic time for sharing the good news about Christ. We have the opportunity to speak into many people's lives, encouraging them through both words (verbal and written) and gifts. Join us as we share practical ways to encourage yourself and others by hearing from God at this significant time. garyandjane.co


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Hearing God through Seeing

Imagine having the supernatural ability to see spiritual realities in the invisible realm. Hearing from God this way can be developed. Join Gary & Jane as they unpack how to hear from God with both natural and spiritual sight, grounding this with Biblical examples. They share personal examples to help you understand how you can hear God through seeing. They also share helpful tips for stewarding your ability to see in the Spirit, especially your child’s ability. garyandjane.co
