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Heartland Christian Center

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Heartland Christian Center is a church where we teach the Bible, connect in groups, and focus on growing in our daily relationship with Jesus Christ. Heartland Christian Center is a part of the Assemblies of God cooperative fellowship. The Assemblies of God is a protestant fellowship with an emphasis on Pentecost and evangelism. We believe that God is alive and at work today, and that we can know Him personally through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. For more information please visit hcc.ag.


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Heartland Christian Center is a church where we teach the Bible, connect in groups, and focus on growing in our daily relationship with Jesus Christ. Heartland Christian Center is a part of the Assemblies of God cooperative fellowship. The Assemblies of God is a protestant fellowship with an emphasis on Pentecost and evangelism. We believe that God is alive and at work today, and that we can know Him personally through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. For more information please visit hcc.ag.





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Rooted In My Identity In Christ┃Rooted┃May 26, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

In his sermon on May 26, 2024, Dr. Phil Willingham discusses the profound impact of sin on our physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being, and emphasizes that wholeness begins with God. He highlights that our identity in Christ is received, not achieved, and transforms how we live, encouraging us to live for God rather than ourselves. This identity frees us from fear of the future, reminding us of the perfect peace and security we have in Christ. Additionally, understanding our identity in Christ eliminates the need to judge or compare ourselves to others, fostering a life focused on pleasing God and embracing our unique purpose. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Rooted and Established in His Love┃Rooted┃May 19, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

In his sermon, Dr. Phil Willingham emphasizes the importance of being firmly rooted and established in God's love. Drawing from Jeremiah 17:7-8 and Ephesians 3:14-21, he illustrates how believers, like trees planted by the water, can thrive and bear fruit even in challenging times. The sermon encourages believers to grasp the magnitude of God's love collectively, starting with their families and extending to their communities. Dr. Willingham highlights the need for encouragement and unity among the saints, as stated in Hebrews 10:24-25, and concludes by urging believers to trust in God's ability to exceed their expectations and inspire others through their faith. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Rooted in Obedience┃Rooted┃May 12, 2024┃Associate Pastor Matt Willingham

The sermon "Rooted in Obedience," delivered by Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham on May 12, 2024, illustrates the transformative power of obedience to Jesus by using the miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. It emphasizes that obedience should stem from recognizing who Jesus is rather than what He can do. The act of filling waterpots, as Jesus commanded, symbolizes simple acts of obedience that lead to miraculous outcomes, ultimately manifesting God's glory and strengthening belief among His followers. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Hearing God's Voice┃Rooted┃May 5, 2024┃Executive Pastor John Kilavos

Executive Pastor John Kilavos explores the dynamics of prayer and the importance of listening to God's voice in the sermon "Rooted," delivered on May 5, 2024. He emphasizes the necessity of recognizing God's voice, as outlined in scriptures like Psalm 5:1-3 and John 10:14-16, which serve as a guide for cultivating a deeper relationship with God. The sermon provides practical steps for effective communication with God, stressing continual, honest prayer about everything that matters to us, and the importance of listening for His responses to foster spiritual clarity and connection. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Daniel, Deities, and Dust┃Storm Ready┃April 21, 2024┃Dr. Scott Hagan

Dr. Scott Hagan's sermon on April 21, 2024, titled "Daniel, Deities, and Dust," examines the profound vision of Nebuchadnezzar from Daniel 2:1 and 2:31-35. The sermon focuses on the symbolic image of a great statue with parts made of various materials, representing different kingdoms, which is ultimately shattered by a supernatural stone. This stone grows to fill the earth, symbolizing God's eternal kingdom, surpassing all earthly powers. Dr. Hagan emphasizes the theme of divine sovereignty and the transient nature of human empires compared to God's everlasting rule. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Off Course but Not Out of Control┃Storm Ready┃April 14, 2024┃Associate Pastor Matt Willingham

"Off Course but Not Out of Control," a sermon delivered by Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham on April 14, 2024, discusses how to navigate life's tumultuous periods while keeping faith in God's overarching control. Drawing from Acts 23 and 27, it reassures that being in a storm does not mean being out of God's will or care and emphasizes trusting in God's guidance even when situations seem to spiral. The sermon encourages viewing challenges as opportunities to witness God's power to direct us toward unexpected destinations. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Building Resilience on the Rock┃Storm Ready┃April 7, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

This message by Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham explores strategies for enduring life's storms, emphasizing spiritual resilience through obedience to Jesus' teachings. Referencing Matthew 7:24–27, it contrasts the outcomes of building life on Christ's solid foundation (the rock) with the instability of ignoring His words (the sand). The sermon encourages active faith and obedience as the means to withstand trials, highlighting that storms test and reveal our spiritual foundation and growth. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Jesus Is The Answer┃Easter Presentation┃March 31, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

This Easter message explores the emotional journey from grief, regret, and doubt to the joy of resurrection, paralleling the experiences of Mary, Peter, and Thomas with contemporary Christian life. It addresses Mary's grief, Peter's regret over denying Jesus, and Thomas' doubt, showing how each found redemption and assurance in the resurrection. The message is one of inclusion and affirmation, emphasizing Jesus' resurrection as a personal encounter that transforms sorrow and uncertainty into faith and exultation. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Jesus Is The Resurrection and the Life┃March 24, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham's sermon on March 24, 2024, titled "Jesus Is… The Resurrection and the Life," delves into John 11:24-27, exploring Jesus' power over death and His role as the embodiment of resurrection and life. It underscores the belief in Jesus as the pathway to eternal life and victory over the fear of death. Through scriptures from Hebrews, Corinthians, and Revelation, the sermon elucidates how Jesus' resurrection is central to the Christian faith, offering believers hope and assurance of life beyond physical death. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag. CCLI Copyright License Information: Copyright License 1036955 Streaming Plus License 20941731


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Jesus Is Grace┃March 17, 2024┃Associate Pastor Matt Willingham

In the sermon "Jesus Is… Grace," delivered on March 17, 2024, by Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham, John 1:1-2 and 14-17 serve as the foundation to explore the concept of grace, emphasizing it as a personified manifestation in Jesus Christ. It addresses the limitations of legalism and the transformative power of grace, underscoring that our righteousness is anchored in Jesus' finished work, not our performance. The sermon advocates for a God-conscious life, highlighting grace as the core of spiritual truth and love. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Jesus Is The Bread┃March 10, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham's sermon on March 10, 2024, titled "Jesus Is… The Bread of Life," dives into John 6:30-35, emphasizing Jesus as the essential source of spiritual sustenance. It contrasts the temporary fulfillment of worldly desires with the eternal satisfaction found in Jesus, highlighting that true life and sustenance come from Him alone. The sermon urges believers to recognize God as the source of all goodness and to rely on Jesus, the bread of life, for spiritual fulfillment, moving beyond the pursuit of signs to a deep, sustaining faith. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Jesus Is More Than Enough┃March 3, 2024┃Associate Pastor Matt Willingham

The sermon "Jesus Is… More than Enough" by Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham explores the journey of spiritual enrichment through Ephesians 4:14-21. It emphasizes that accessing God's blessings requires more surrender than effort, highlighting the shift from self-reliance to divine power. The sermon outlines the process of being rooted in love to fully comprehend and experience the vastness of Christ's love, leading to living in the fullness of God. It concludes with the promise of God's ability to do exceedingly abundantly beyond our expectations, encouraging believers to rely on His power within us. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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The Boundless Love of God┃February 25, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham, in the sermon titled "Relationship Status" on February 18, 2024, delves into the spiritual approach to handling unfair treatment, emphasizing forgiveness, the significance of internal reactions over external events, and God's watchful presence. Drawing from biblical passages, including Genesis 50:20 and Ephesians 4:31, the sermon encourages viewing life's injustices through a redemptive lens, transforming from victim to victor by embracing forgiveness and recognizing God's purpose in our trials. This message underscores the power of spiritual resilience and the pursuit of holiness in overcoming life's challenges. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Choosing Forgiveness┃February 18, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham, in the sermon titled "Relationship Status" on February 18, 2024, delves into the spiritual approach to handling unfair treatment, emphasizing forgiveness, the significance of internal reactions over external events, and God's watchful presence. Drawing from biblical passages, including Genesis 50:20 and Ephesians 4:31, the sermon encourages viewing life's injustices through a redemptive lens, transforming from victim to victor by embracing forgiveness and recognizing God's purpose in our trials. This message underscores the power of spiritual resilience and the pursuit of holiness in overcoming life's challenges. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Actionable Steps for Healthy Relationships┃February 11, 2024┃Associate Pastor Matt Willingham

Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham's sermon on February 11, 2024, emphasizes the biblical principles for maintaining healthy relationships, centered around James 1:19-21. It highlights the importance of being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry as foundational behaviors for fostering understanding and patience in interactions. The sermon underlines the need for humility and the willingness to act on the word of God, suggesting that healthy relationships require effort, are more about giving than receiving, and are deeply cared for by God. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Healing from Rejection┃February 4, 2024┃Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham

Lead Pastor Dr. Phil Willingham's sermon, "Relationship Status," focuses on overcoming rejection through a deeper understanding of divine relationships, based on Isaiah 54:4-6 and additional scriptures. It underscores God's intention for thriving relationships, healing from rejection, and fulfilling emotional needs within these relationships, such as unconditional love, security, praise, and purpose. The sermon offers practical action points for building and sustaining healthy relationships, highlighting the importance of kindness, commitment, humor, emotional support, shared goals, compassion, and the ability to discuss mistakes openly. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Overcoming Excuses for Limitless Living┃January 28, 2024┃Executive & Family Pastor John Kilavos

The sermon, led by Executive & Family Pastor John Kilavos, emphasizes the importance of overcoming excuses to embrace God's plans. Using Luke 14:16-18 and Exodus 4:10-12, it highlights the tendency to make excuses when faced with change and the need to focus on God's abilities rather than personal limitations. The sermon stresses obedience to God's will, encouraging believers to act on their abilities and trust God for what is beyond their capacity, resonating with the message that God's grace is sufficient in weakness. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Step Out, Step Down, Step Up // January 21, 2024 // Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham

In "Step Out Step Down Step Up," Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham explores the theme of transformation through guided steps in faith, using Joshua 3:14-17 as a reference. The sermon outlines four key aspects: the Importance of God's Presence, the Power of the People around us, the Shift that happens when we step in faith, and the Purpose God has for us. It emphasizes the need to prioritize God's presence, value the support of our community, recognize the transformative power of our faith-driven actions, and understand our unique purpose in God's plan. This message inspires believers to actively pursue a faith-filled life, aware of the divine guidance and support available in their journey. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Limitless Living: Wet Feet // January 14, 2024 // Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham

The sermon "Wet Feet," delivered by Associate & Student Pastor Matt Willingham, focuses on embracing innovative strategies in faith to experience miracles. Drawing from Joshua 3:5-14, it emphasizes two key aspects: the Method and the Motivation of the Miracle. The Method highlights the importance of being open to new strategies, illustrating that God's stability does not equate to stagnancy. The Motivation part underlines the crucial role of focus, distinguishing between fear and faith. It encourages believers to concentrate on God's word rather than daunting challenges, exemplifying living a limitless life through faith. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.


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Limitless Living: Leap of Faith // January 7, 2024 // Lead Pastor Dr Phil Willingham

This sermon, titled "Leap of Faith," encourages believers to embrace God's limitless power for transformation and advancement. It classifies believers into three categories: unbelievers, limited believers, and unlimited believers. The key message is that combining a committed, obedient faith in God with personal effort leads to experiencing God's extraordinary power. The sermon outlines three critical steps: turning away from the past, claiming God's promises for oneself, and actively seizing the promised future. It emphasizes the importance of moving beyond past limitations and fully trusting in God's promises for a transformative journey of faith. To learn more about Heartland Christian Center or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, please visit hcc.ag.
