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Holy Moley, Who's that Saint?

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Listen to this upbeat take about the lives of Saints as we show how their lives can be made relevant in our own everyday living! https://radio.catholic.sg/


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Listen to this upbeat take about the lives of Saints as we show how their lives can be made relevant in our own everyday living! https://radio.catholic.sg/



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29 June 2024 - Sts Peter and Paul, Apostles

St Peter, also known as Simon Peter, was one of Jesus’ original 12 apostles. St Paul had a dramatic conversion after he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, and became an Apostle to the Gentiles. While far from perfect disciples of Christ, both men were steadfast in their single-minded faith and equally devoted to their flocks. Both were martyred on the same date, 29 June, 67 A.D. St Peter is the patron saint of fishermen, netmakers, shipbuilders and locksmiths, while St Paul is the patron saint of missionaries, theologians, evangelists and Gentile Christians.


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28 June 2024 - St Irenaeus, Bishop & Martyr

Irenaeus was born around 125 AD in Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey. He became a priest and was sent to the church in Lyons. He served as a missionary, peacemaker, and was the second bishop of Lyons at a difficult period of persecution and controversies. He is highly regarded by the Church for his writings, which not only laid the foundations for Church theology, but also defended and saved the Catholic faith from attacks and the danger of heresies.


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27 June 2024 - St Cyril of Alexandria

On the 27th of June we honour St Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, and the patron saint of Theologians. Saint Cyril of Alexandria’s defence of the true nature of Jesus and of Mary’s dignity as the Mother of God challenges us to grow, not just in the knowledge of the Scripture but also in Church’s teachings and tradition.


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26 June 2024 - St Josemaria Escriva

St Josemaria was the founder of Opus Dei, which means ‘The work of God’. It is an institution within the Catholic Church dedicated to helping people in all walks of life to follow Christ, to seek holiness in their daily life and grow in love for God and their fellow men and women. It is made up of lay people as well as the religious and has more than 84,000 members in 60 countries.


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22 June 2024 - St Thomas More, Martyr



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19 June 2024 - St Juliana Falconieri, Virgin

On the 19th of June, we remember St Juliana Falconieri, Virgin and Founder of the Mantellate. When she was near death at the age of 70, she requested the priest to lay the Sacred Host on her chest on a linen. Shortly after, the Host disappeared and Juliana passed away peacefully. The Sisters found an image of the Cross from the Host in the exact spot where it had been laid - "like a seal pressed into the flesh". This was acclaimed as a Eucharistic miracle. Pope Clement XII canonized her in 1737. St Juliana is the patron saint of those suffering from illness and is usually depicted in her habit with a Host upon her breast. The Mantellate have also included the Cross on their religious habit ever since.


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15 June 2024 - St Germaine Cousin

Germaine was born in 1579 to poor parents. Born with a deformed right arm and hand, as well as the disease of scrofula, her stepmother eventually kicked her out of the house and Germaine was forced to sleep in the barn, on a pile of leaves and twigs. Forty-three years later, Germaine’s casket was opened and her body was found incorrupt. St Germaine Cousin is the Patron saint of people with disabilities and those who have been abused or abandoned. Her feast day is on 15th June.


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13 June 2024 - St Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor

St Anthony of Padua was an eloquent speaker. He preached the true gospel of Jesus that even the simple people could understand his message clearly. Once, his notebook was stolen by someone. After St Anthony prayed, the man returned his notebook and rejoined the seminary as well. Hence St Anthony is the patron saint of lost articles. His feast day is on 13th June.


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11 June 2024 - St Barnabas, Apostle

St Barnabas is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. He was a wealthy Jew who sold his property and gave the proceeds to the apostles. He went on to live a simple life and is credited for spreading the Gospel especially to the pagans along with St Paul. St Barnabas’ feast day is on June 11th.


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3 June 2024 - St Charles Lwanga, Martyr



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1 June 2024 - St Justin, Martyr

St Justin lived in the 2nd century in Judaea (present-day Syria). He is best known as an Apologist - he wrote many works defending Christianity against heresies and misunderstandings. He also founded a school of philosophy in Rome, where he taught Christianity as the true philosophy, for free. In 165 AD, he was scourged and beheaded for the faith. He is the patron saint of philosophers.


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30 May 2024 - St Joan of Arc

Often referred to as the Maid of Orleans, St Joan of Arc was born around 1412 to a peasant family in northeastern France. At a very early age, Joan heard the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret. At age 13, it was said that those voices instructed her to drive the English out of France and to reinstate Charles VII as its rightful King. And that was exactly what she did with much valour. In 1920, she was canonised by Pope Benedict XV.


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27 May 2024 - St Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop

St Augustine was an Italian Benedictine monk in Rome and the prior of a monastery. His safe, quiet and comfortable life was upended when Pope Gregory the Great chose him in AD 596 to lead a mission to Britain to evangelise the pagan Anglo-Saxons. That he did to some success, and eventually he was made a bishop. Augustine died in AD 605, only eight years after he arrived in England. Although he only worked for a short time, his efforts began the eventual conversion of England. He is considered the “Apostle of the English” and is the Patron Saint of England.


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22 May 2024 - St Rita of Cascia

St Rita of Cascia was married off at a very young age and she became a mother when she was just 12 years old. She later became a widow and even lost her two sons. Her desire to join the convent of her choice was finally fulfilled at the age of 36. Her feast day is celebrated on May 22nd.


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14 May 2024 - St Matthias, Apostle



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11 May 2024 - St Ignatius of Laconi

St Igantius of Laconi was born in 1701 to a poor farmer. He grew up to be a delicate boy, thin and pale. The hard labour of farming put a great strain on him and he became very ill when he was 17 years old. He vowed that if he got better, he would consecrate his life to the Franciscans, in the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. And that he did. For 15 years, he worked humbly behind the scenes. Ignatius was well loved by the poor and the children. He tended to the sick and to street children every day while on his rounds around town.


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8 May 2024 - St Magdalene of Canossa

From a young age, St Magdalene of Canossa felt drawn to serve girls who were either living in poverty or had been abandoned. Using her inheritance, Magdalene and some companions began charitable work in the poverty-stricken district of San Zeno. This small group of women became the “Daughters of Charity”. Magdalene died at the age of 61. She had established five houses of Canossian sisters at the point of her death.


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6 May 2024 - St Dominic Savio

St Dominic set an example of doing simple things cheerfully and wholeheartedly. He was almost 15 when he died. Even at that tender age, his life and beliefs inspired many around him. He is the patron saint of choir boys, the falsely accused and juvenile delinquents.


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3 May 2024 - Sts Philip and James, Apostles

Saints Philip and James were two of the twelve disciples handpicked by Jesus. They both had different talents. James was a prolific writer while Philip had great interpersonal skills. Philip and James were both martyred for their faith. They share a feast day because their relics were brought to Rome together in early May in the sixth century.


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1 May 2024 - St Peregrine

St Peregrine was from the Order of Servite. He is best known for miraculous healing, which he himself was blessed with when facing amputation due to a cancer of his foot. He is the patron saint of people with cancer, foot ailments or any incurable disease and is popularly known as the “Cancer Saint”.
