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Inside The Cup Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

What is the good life? It consists in becoming a good person. It is actually possible to become a really good person, but it will involve changing who we are on the inside, our inner character. This is what Jesus means in Matthew 23:26 when he explains we must first clean the "inside of the cup," and if we do, our outward behaviors will be good naturally. Come join us at Inside The Cup Podcast for an engaging and down to earth conversation between a married couple about how you can become a disciple of Jesus and learn to do the things he taught by changing what's "inside of us."


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What is the good life? It consists in becoming a good person. It is actually possible to become a really good person, but it will involve changing who we are on the inside, our inner character. This is what Jesus means in Matthew 23:26 when he explains we must first clean the "inside of the cup," and if we do, our outward behaviors will be good naturally. Come join us at Inside The Cup Podcast for an engaging and down to earth conversation between a married couple about how you can become a disciple of Jesus and learn to do the things he taught by changing what's "inside of us."



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The Abundant Life Beyond Death | Episode 12

Death to self, the final stage of inner transformation. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 12: "The Abundant Life Beyond Death" This is the final episode of Season 1, "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself." Mike and Holly discuss "death to self," the final step in the process of inner character transformation into Christlikeness, or cleaning the inside of the cup. Death to self involves resigning all of our desires to God, holding nothing back. This is possible by the power of a living faith. But this death to self doesn't mean you cease to be a self. Rather, it is the doorway to the abundant life that awaits us on the other side of this death. A life marked by sufficiency and fruitful character such as love, joy, and peace. This final step makes us an appropriate vessel to now be filled to the brim with God's agape love. And this is how we love our neighbors as ourselves in an effective and sustainable way. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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The Power of Faith | Episode 11

Faith is our vehicle to use God's power. That is how God shares his power with us. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 11: "The Power of Faith" To the disciple that has humility, God can entrust faith. Mike and Holly take a fresh look at the meaning of faith, from the teaching of Dallas Willard. Starting with a generic faith, which is just a confidence to act as if something were true. And then with a biblical faith, where faith is a gift of God's grace to us, which is capable of causing things that we hope for to come about and actually be, in the power of God. But it is specifically, when we act in faith, that our faith ties us into the reality which we are acting upon. And when this reality is God and his Kingdom, we are tied into a very powerful reality. Mike and Holly discuss what faith isn't, and how we should never try hard to believe something we don't actually believe. Rather, as our inner character grows, God will give us faith as we are ready to handle it appropriately. Some spiritual disciplines that can be helpful in seeking faith are discussed and include silence and solitude, as well as prayer. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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Getting Humility Right | Episode 10

We must become filled with the humility of Jesus for God to give us power. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 10: "Getting Humility Right" Could it be the reason we hear so little about humility in the church today, is we misunderstand what humility truly means? Mike and Holly introduce a fresh look at humility from the teaching of Andrew Murray. Murray defines humility as "dependence upon God." To the degree we depend on God for everything, is the degree to which we are humble. Our current cultural misconceptions surrounding humility are discussed, and then contrasted with the humility of Jesus. The challenge is made to make the humility of Jesus a top priority in the journey of discipleship, actively seeking it with our surrendered hearts. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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Freedom From Desire | Episode 9

Emotional maturity is a matter of coming to terms with our feelings, specifically our desires. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 9: "Freedom From Desire" Only after developing some measure of spiritual maturity, which was discussed in Episode 8, are we are then ready to move on to emotional maturity. Emotional maturity is a matter of dealing with our feelings. Mike and Holly introduce a specific type of feeling that the Bible addresses frequently, our desires, and they explain how our desires control our decisions and our choices more than we may be aware of. In fact, we are dominated or controlled by our desires, and deceived by the devil that we are actually getting what we want. The way out of this trap is through the surrendered, and now Holy Spirit-empowered, human will. This is the function of the human will, to allow us a place to stand outside of our feelings and make decisions for what is good. And if we are going to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, we must cultivate the ability to choose for what is good, even if it goes against what we may want. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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What Is Spiritual Maturity? | Episode 8

Who comes to mind when you think of someone who is spiritually mature? Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 8: "What Is Spiritual Maturity?" If we're talking about "spiritually maturity," it's a matter of the “spirit.” The spirit is the same thing as the heart, or the will. So, if we're talking about somebody who is spiritually mature, they would be mature in terms of their heart, or their will. Mike and Holly discuss some misconceptions around the idea of who would be a spiritually mature person, and then define spiritual maturity as, "the degree I have my will submitted to God's will." Practically, this comes down to choosing what God wants, and thinking about what God wants us to think about. Mike and Holly discuss how spiritual maturity is the preliminary step towards inner character transformation, and that this essential step cannot by skipped. If we do skip it, we will remain stuck in our spiritual journey, unable to progress further. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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Bad Habits in Our Bodies | Episode 17

We carry things "inside" our bodies. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 17: "Bad Habits in Our Bodies" If our actions come largely from habits, then we must address the fact we have bad habits too. These habits become stored up or housed inside of our bodies and are ready to act when the circumstances are right. Mike and Holly address the difference between "sin" and "sins," where sin is a deeper...


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Ideas Are Running Your Life | Episode 16

The ideas in our minds can provoke actions. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 16: "Ideas Are Running Your Life" If our goal is to change or modify our actions or behavior, we must take a look at our ideas. Much of our actions come from habits within our bodies, so the area where we end up having the most freedom to exercise our will is in choosing our ideas. Mike and Holly discuss two important...


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You Have a Will | Episode 15

If the "heart" is so important, then what does it do? Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 15: "You Have a Will" In this episode, Mike and Holly discuss what the "will" is, or what the heart does. And the will is our ability to choose, or to make a decision. They discuss the strange position we find ourselves in culturally, with a physicalist agenda being pushed in the academic culture, which struggles...


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The Human Heart | Episode 7

The "heart" biblically is the same thing as your "spirit," or your "will." Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 7: "The Human Heart" What is the human "heart" biblically? From the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, the "heart" plays a fundamental role in our lives, particularly in our ability to change for the good. Yet what the heart is exactly is often not clear to us as Christians. Mike and Holly discuss Dallas Willard's analysis of the human heart, where the "heart" refers to the same thing as the "spirit," and the "will," and they explain the differences between the terms. Mike and Holly also discuss the role that the heart plays in changing our actions or behavior. And specifically, how we must take things down to the level of the heart in order to follow the teachings of Jesus. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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Practical Steps to Love | Episode 13

Some practical steps we can start with now. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 13: "Practical Steps to Love" Learning to "love our neighbors as ourselves" will be a process that takes place over time. God forms us, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into a loving person through the process of discipleship to Jesus. This takes place through an inner transformation of the person. But this week, Mike and...


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Who Is My Neighbor? | Episode 6

It's not a stranger, but the ones closest to you. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 6: "Who Is My Neighbor?" The way we typically think of our "neighbor" now, often leaves out the ones closest to us in life, our spouse, children, and family. Mike and Holly discuss a fresh look at who our "neighbors" are, and walk through a very practical teaching from Dallas Willard to help us determine: "Who exactly are my neighbors?" CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE WORKSHEET FROM OUR WEBSITE If it's true we have a limited supply of love to work with, then it would be wise to put some intentional thought into determining who our neighbors are so we're directing our resources accordingly. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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Limiting Your Love | Episode 11

We must learn to "limit" our love. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 11: "Limiting Your Love" If it is true that our supply of love is limited, then we must learn how to use it well, directing it towards our neighbors (the people we have been called to love). This includes learning to say "no" to others at times, in order to have the time and resources required to love your neighbors. God gives us the...


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An Order to Love | Episode 10

There is an order to love that we can follow. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 10: "An Order to Love" We are told that, "We love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). So, if our goal is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, there is an order to love that we follow in learning to do it. Mike and Holly discuss a teaching from Dallas Willard on the order we follow with love, first drawing in...


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What Love Is NOT | Episode 5

This week we address some cultural misconceptions about "Love." Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 5: "What Love Is NOT" What we call “love” today seems to be significantly off the mark from the biblical picture we discussed last week in Episode 4. If that's true than it needs some adjustment, and we need to think about love differently, because love is real. It is something that actually exists, and we want to understand the reality properly if we are going to interact with it properly in our everyday lives. Mike and Holly discuss how love is not a "feeling," but rather a "choice," or a decision of the will. They discuss the idea of being "in-love," as well as the idea of "unconditional love," which we hear often in common usage. Both the biblical model of agape love and our current cultural depiction of love are applied to Jesus, and it becomes clear that we need to rethink the way we are using the term "love" today. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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What Exactly Is Love? | Episode 4

Love is real. It's something that actually exists, and God is the source of it. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 4: "What Exactly Is Love?" 1 John 4:7 says, “Let us love one another, for love comes from God.” Love is real, and it comes from God. Mike and Holly take a look at the biblical depiction of "love," reading from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, and discuss how it is not our task, as we often think it is, to act like this all of the time. If we are being honest we are not like that, and that's OK, because Paul is describing what "love" is, not what we are. Rather than trying to act lovingly all of the time and then feeling defeated from not being able to do it, our task is to accept this love that comes from God into our being, starting with the innermost parts of our person, and allow this agape love to transform all the dimensions of our being, leaving us a loving person. Mike and Holly offer a very practical definition of love, where love means: "To choose what is good for the thing you're loving," and give some practical examples of what this might look like in our everyday lives and interactions with others. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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Spiritual Formation | Episode 3

So, what exactly is “Spiritual Formation?” Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 3: "Spiritual Formation" Once we take the step to become a disciple of Jesus, we have already had a spiritual formation. Our spirit and our character have already been “formed” in a world that runs apart from the things of God. Habits that lie stored up in our bodies produce much of our actions without us even choosing to do so. These habits must be changed if our actions are to be different. Christian spiritual formation is taking all the parts of the person through a process where they are “formed” or shaped to look more like Jesus. So, more accurate than spiritual formation then, is spiritual transformation. Jesus takes us on just as we are and we are brought through a process over time, where all the dimensions of the person (our heart, mind, body, soul, and social context) are all changed or transformed to look more like Jesus. Transcripts for each episode are available at: Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website: And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @InsideTheCupPodcast #InsideTheCupPodcast And on Twitter @InsideTheCupPod #InsideTheCupPodcast Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported:


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Effort AND Grace | Episode 6

Can't I just try hard to love my neighbor? I mean do we really have to go through all of this discipleship stuff in order to love those around us? Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 6: "Effort AND Grace" The truth is if we just try hard to love our neighbors we will not be able to keep it up all the time. Maybe we can in certain settings or when we happen to be in a healthy spot personally, but this...


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The Greatest Command | Episode 5

Why start with the "Greatest Commandment?" OK. So we have decided that as a "disciple" of Jesus, we are now to learn how to do the things he taught. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 5: "The Greatest Command" "Shouldn't we start small and work our way up to the 'Greatest Command?'" Mike and Holly suggest just the opposite. We start with the Greatest Command, becoming a loving or good person, which...


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Everyday Life "Redeeming the Mundane" | Episode 4

2 Practical Things We Can Do In Everyday Living If we are learning from Jesus how we should live our lives, the everyday details of your life now become a classroom for learning, or the playing field where the "hands-on" experience takes place. Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 4: "Everyday Life "Redeeming the Mundane" Mike and Holly discuss two practical things you will be doing in your everyday life...


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A Good Vision | Episode 3

Why should I bother with all of this discipleship to Jesus stuff? Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" Episode 3: "A Good Vision" When we make a decision to do something important in life, the vision behind that decision (why it would be a good idea to do it), is all important. If you have a strong enough vision of why you should go about doing something, the likelihood of actually doing it will be much...
