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Jesus is Real Radio with Daniel Fusco

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Jesus is Real Radio is the daily radio ministry of Daniel Fusco, lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver Washington.


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Jesus is Real Radio is the daily radio ministry of Daniel Fusco, lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver Washington.



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Diagnosis: Don’t Compromise Part 3

It’s a human tendency to think that the beliefs we hold must be the correct ones; after all, we believe them! However, since we aren’t God, we don’t know all of the correct things to believe. This causes problems when we learn that our friend doesn’t hold the exact same thoughts that we have. Pastor Daniel will be teaching about the danger of compromise. He also will speak on the need to be gracious to those who don’t think like we do on issues.


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Diagnosis: Don’t Compromise Part 2

It’s so hard to understand God’s grace and mercy, especially when we’re in the midst of falling short of His best for us. We want to beat ourselves up and hang our heads; He wants us to get back up and move forward. But when we choose to continue sinning, there will be consequences. Pastor Daniel will talk about the warnings that Jesus had given this church over their letting in false teachings, and what He promised to do if they didn’t change their ways.


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Diagnosis: Don’t Compromise Part 1

There are times, especially when we’re put under social or legal pressure when we’re tempted to make decisions that go against our moral beliefs. These might have small effects on our lives; sometimes, worse consequences result. Pastor Daniel will be teaching about the church at Pergamos, who had made doctrinal compromises and was being called out on it by Jesus Himself. You’ll learn what He had to say and the warnings He had for them.


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Diagnosis: Just Hang On Part 2

You’ve misjudged someone before, haven’t you? We all have. You’ll see someone who looks like they’re the last person you’d want to be around who turns out to be kind and humble. And you’ve met a person who seems like you’d want to befriend but turns out to be mean and vindictive. Pastor Daniel will be teaching from the book of Revelation about a church that seemed to have it going on but Jesus saw something different there.


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Diagnosis: Just Hang On Part 1

That’s the point, though. Everybody goes through hard times; some people experience tragedies. And since everyone is unique, their feelings as they navigate through difficulties are unique, too. But what is universal for everyone, as Pastor Daniel will be teaching today, is that Jesus does know how you feel. He felt the weight of every sin, of every wrong done by one to another. And He can provide the comfort that you need to cope with your hardship.


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Diagnosis: Just Add Love Part 3

It’s normal to ease your passions when you’ve engaged in an activity for a while. Couples become more comfortable with each other and maybe take one another for granted. It can be the same in your relationship with God. Pastor Daniel’s message today will indicate that this coolness toward God is what had happened to the Ephesian church. You’re going to find out God’s remedy for them, which might apply to your own life.


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Diagnosis: Just Add Love Part 2

How full is your hope tank? Full and raring to go or almost empty, in desperate need of a fill-up? Living in this world can suck the hope out of you because this world is a hope killer. All of the bad things that happen around us give us the impression that only bad things are going to happen. Pastor Daniel will remind you today that God’s the Ultimate authority on this earth and He’s got great stuff planned for you both here and in heaven.


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Diagnosis: Just Add Love Part 1

It is easy to feel all alone when you’re going through difficult times. It seems like there’s no one to give you solid advice or even just to talk to for a sympathetic ear. Pastor Daniel will show you using the scriptures that if you’re a follower of Jesus, you’re never really alone. You’re going to find out that just like in the early days of the Church, Jesus is with His people all of the time. What you need to do is to call on Him and let Him lead you.


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The Greatest is Love Part 2

What do you think about that? An abundant life now, with the promise of an even more abundant life without an ending when your time on this earth is over. And people reject this offer every day and die without having Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Pastor Daniel is going to teach about the ultimate love, the love that God has for you and everyone else. Listen today as God’s love is explained in a way that will be easy to understand.


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The Greatest is Love Part 1

How many of you have been humbled by the words or behavior of a youngster? A child who displayed the compassion that cut at the cynicism of your heart? That’s tough to deal with, isn’t it? And yet, that’s what God wants from all of His followers. Pastor Daniel will be teaching about this heart attitude that’s so lacking among the adults who claim to be the disciples of Christ. But you’ll find out that there’s hope for you if you’re willing to do the work.


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Love’s Fulfillment Part 2

When was the last time you misjudged somebody? Note that the question wasn’t “Have you ever”; we’ve all created an inaccurate picture of someone. It seems like it’s human nature to look at someone’s action and immediately decide that we know for sure what that person is like and what their motives were at that moment. Pastor Daniel will show how wrong that is and our need to take a step back and treat all people with the grace and love of God.


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Love’s Fulfillment Part 1

“That’s easy for you to say – You don’t know the pressures I have”, you might reply. Sure, we all have things that stress us out – jobs, bills, relationships, and the list goes on. But what Pastor Daniel is going to be asking in his teaching today is: what are the most important things in life? He’s going to help you understand what those most important things are. Then you’re going to learn why they matter more than some of the things that are vying for your attention all of the time.


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Love Defined Part 6

It’s hard sometimes to do the right thing, isn’t it? To be excited for a friend who gets the promotion that you wanted, to be happy for your girlfriend who starts dating the boy you had a crush on. It almost seems unfair for God to require that we feel in ways that go against our inclinations. Pastor Daniel will be teaching about all of this and you will learn why you should behave like God does and how you can take on these attributes.


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Love Defined Part 5

Isn’t it almost…well, not exactly fun…but maybe a little pleasurable when someone you don’t like gets what you think they have coming? You feel guilty about enjoying that, but that guilt doesn’t stop you from enjoying their discomfort. Pastor Daniel will be talking about that attitude today and how it is not how God wants you to be thinking. You’re going to be reminded that God’s love does not rejoice in the wrong.


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Love Defined Part 4

Everybody has ideas about how they should be treated as well as how they think they should treat other people. Most people don’t give much thought to these ideas because if they did, they’d see the gap between the two. We want to be treated much better than we treat people. Pastor Daniel’s message today is going to address this disparity and then blow it all up by giving us a higher standard of treating people: God’s standard.


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Love Defined Part 3

Sometimes, you know, we just want to tell people what we really think about them. We know that it might start a fight but we don’t care. And in the thinking of the world, such behavior is justified at times. Pastor Daniel is going to be teaching that this is one of the places where the kingdom of God clashes with the kingdom of this world. You’re going to hear about God’s viewpoint and will be given examples of the ways that God has been kind to you.


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Love Defined Part 2

One of the hard things about being a Christ follower in America is that even people who don’t follow God understand what God’s followers should act like. And when we don’t act in a loving way, it gets their attention. This is the challenge we face – we’re all works in progress. Pastor Daniel will be talking about being patient and kind, which requires that we show patience and kindness to other people, just like God does with all of us.


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Love Defined Part 1

We love puppies. We love kittens. And babies. And our favorite sports team. Coworkers? Sometimes not so much. Family members? Same. We have all kinds of things we say we love, and we usually have people we know we should love but struggle to do so. Pastor Daniel will be teaching from one of the most famous Bible passages. We will be confronted with the standard for love that God has and expects from us.


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The Mathematics of Love Part 2

There’s a lot of talk these days – you find it everywhere. Radio, television, the internet – you can’t get away from it. And much of the talk would fall into the category that the Bible calls “folly” or “foolishness”. Pastor Daniel will be teaching that as a follower of Jesus, the challenge in our life is to not add to the amount of foolish talk in the world. You’ll be given tips on how to talk the kind of talk that is pleasing to Jesus and His Father.


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The Mathematics of Love Part 1

When we’re living our lives, finding out what’s important to us and what we want to do, we don’t think about the long-term consequences so much. All we know is that we like what we’re doing. Eventually, though, we realize that for all the enjoyment this path gives us, something is missing. That’s what Pastor Daniel will teach on today. There’s an ultimate path for all of us, and that path involves having a relationship with God.
