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Religion & Spirituality Podcas

The Light on the Hill Radio Ministry is committed to communicating the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We do this through the teaching ministry of Pastor James Kaddis. Our ministry has the responsibility of editing Pastor James’s regular pulpit sermons and producing 26-minute programs for radio stations across the nation. Since our radio program is available through our church app and through our Light on the Hill website (, this is truly a ministry that reaches souls worldwide.


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The Light on the Hill Radio Ministry is committed to communicating the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We do this through the teaching ministry of Pastor James Kaddis. Our ministry has the responsibility of editing Pastor James’s regular pulpit sermons and producing 26-minute programs for radio stations across the nation. Since our radio program is available through our church app and through our Light on the Hill website (, this is truly a ministry that reaches souls worldwide.



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In the Volume of the Book Part 14c

Today pastor James Kaddis will take us through Acts, Romans and First and Second Corinthians, pulling out some key prophecy he doesn’t want us to miss! We’ll learn some things about our future home in heaven and the resurrected bodies we’ll one day have as a believer! And also something very important about our identity right now. We’ll start in Acts chapter 19! To support this ministry financially, visit:


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It's All About to Go! Only One Thing Will Stand! Part 1

This world is filled with deception. It teaches us that we can find security in things that are temporary and nothing could be further from the truth. All of the things that we have on this earth will one day be destroyed and only one this will stand. Today on Light on the Hill we’re going to talk about this as pastor James Kaddis opens First Peter chapter one! To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Prepare Your Mind for Action Part 3

Christ could come back at any moment. You’ve heard it said countless times here at Light on the Hill, because it’s true! But what’s also true is God wants us to be sober-minded, obedient to Him and holy in these last days. It’s time to prepare our minds for action. Let’s be encouraged in that direction as we join pastor James Kaddis in First Peter chapter one. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Prepare Your Mind for Action Part 2

I think you’d agree, these are crazy times. Exciting and yet can be a little scary at the same time. As students of Bible prophecy, we can see all signs are pointing to the soon return of Christ. So how should we be thinking and living at such times? We’re about to find out through a study in First Peter chapter one. Get ready to prepare your mind for action. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Prepare Your Mind for Action Part 1

We are living in one of the most significant times in human history. Christ could come back at any moment. Now does that mean we can just kick back, relax, and wait around for that to happen? Actually the Lord wants to use us for His glory, be sober minded, and prepare our minds for action! Let’s see what that entails here today on Light on the Hill, as we join pastor James Kaddis in First Peter chapter one. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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This Prophecy Directly Affects You Part 2

When we’re in the midst of a trial we so often cry out to God, Lord get me out of this! But in light of what we’re about to read today on Light on the Hill, a better prayer might be, Lord what do you want me to get out of this? Pastor James Kaddis takes us to First Peter chapter one and shows us that the trials we go through bring more value to us than the most valuable metal on this earth! To support this ministry financially, visit:


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In the Volume of the Book Part 14b

We’re about to open the book of Acts, as we continue our intriguing series, In the Volume of the Book. Think of this as a through the Bible study with an emphasis on prophecy. We’ve all experienced it. we hear someone say something and the Holy Spirit alarm bells are going off in our heart. What do you do? We’ll learn today why it’s so important to fact check, and search the Scriptures to see if it’s really true. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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This Prophecy Directly Affects You Part 1

When you lose your job, or your family is falling apart, or your hit with a life-threatening illness you might be tempted to think could it get any worse. It’s during those times we need to remember what’s waiting for us! The best is yet to come for the Christian. God also wants you to know your salvation is secure and nothing or no one can take it away. Today on Light on the Hill those encouraging truths comes to our attention, as pastor James Kaddis revisits 1 Peter chapter one. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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What Does Your Future Hold? Part 3

Have you ever received a note of encouragement right in the midst of great suffering? A well spoken word at just the right time can really be helpful. And that’s what we find in the epistle of First Peter. It was written to Christians who were unjustly persecuted, and encountering fiery trials like you wouldn’t believe. We can benefit from the letter too, and receive God’s encouragement and instruction for the difficult seasons of life. Today on Light on the Hill, pastor James Kaddis speaks of a living hope, and what’s in our future as believers in Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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What Does Your Future Hold? Part 2

Typically Christians either believe God elects some for salvation, or that man is responsible and has the freedom to choose to be saved. But is it possible God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility intersect in a beautiful way? See how the two merge together today on Light on the Hill as our study of First Peter continues! To support this ministry financially, visit:


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What Does Your Future Hold? Part 1

The Bible tells us so much about what to expect in the present day, what we can learn from the past, and what awaits us in the future. If you reject the message of Christ, your future looks bad. If you’ve placed your trust in the true and living God, your future looks bright. Today on Light on the Hill we’ll focus on the hope that comes from walking with Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Any Christian Alive Today Needs to Know This Part 2

As our world is in the middle of great turmoil and many are discouraged and afraid, we can turn to the solid ground of Scripture for hope and encouragement! When times are tough, the book of First Peter is a good place to turn. And that’s where we’re headed today and in the coming weeks on Light on the Hill. Pastor James Kaddis likens this book to an end times survival guide, as it shows us not only how to survive but thrive in these last days. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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In the Volume of the Book Part 14a

Our series, In the Volume of the Book, kicks into high gear today on Light on the Hill as we pay a visit to Acts and hear the wonderful prophecy contained in this New Testament book. Pastor James Kaddis is our Bible teacher and right now we’re going from Genesis to Revelation pointing out significant prophecy as we go along. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Any Christian Alive Today Needs to Know This Part 1

Today on Light on the Hill we’re going to walk you through a brief survey and introduction to the book of 1 Peter. This book is relevant for many reasons, but perhaps the most significant benefit that we stand to gain from this book is learning how to live in the most difficult time in world history. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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It's Time to Pray and Look Up! Part 2

Today we’ll be putting the finishing touches on our series in the epistle of James. In a time of great spiritual warfare, affliction, illness or suffering it’s a good idea to look up and pray. While we as Christians know we should do that, it’s often neglected at such times isn’t it? So let’s be encouraged now to pray, seek the Lord, and put Him first in all that we say and do. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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It's Time to Pray and Look Up! Part 1

It goes without saying that our world is getting darker. The lies are everywhere you turn and the darkness is manifesting in ways we’ve never seen before. As the darkness increases, we have been given an obligation to live as children of light. We can’t look back and we can’t back down. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Coming of the Lord is Near! Part 2

Just look around today and it’s not hard to argue that we are getting very close to the coming of the Lord! If we know and really believe that, it should completely change the way we live. We’re running out of time, and we must make the most of what remains. Let’s talk about it on Light on the Hill, as pastor James Kaddis returns to James chapter five. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Coming of the Lord is Near! Part 1

When we know what is right or good, but choose not to do it, that’s a sin. It's not hard to see, in this day and age, there are many Christians who are choosing not to get involved, or are refraining from saying something that needs to be said. So let’s take this to heart as we join pastor James in the epistle of James chapter five. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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In the Volume of the Book Part 13b

Today we dive back into our through the Bible study called, In the Volume of the Book. Essentially what we’re doing is going from Genesis to Revelation, drawing your attention to some powerful prophecy. Much of it has already been fulfilled, as you’re about to hear. Today we’ll go through the gospels of Mark, Luke and John. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Time is Almost Up! Life is a Vapor! Part 2

Time is the most valuable commodity we have and it’s a precious gift from the LORD! If we know that’s true, then we’ll stop being presumptuous about the days to come, and we’ll be grateful for what little time we have left! To support this ministry financially, visit:
