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The message library for Milton Keynes Christian Centre with a variety of speakers talking on different topics related to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Christian Life and the Church.


United Kingdom


The message library for Milton Keynes Christian Centre with a variety of speakers talking on different topics related to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Christian Life and the Church.





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Beyond Behaviour - Jesus' Radical Take on Desire and Devotion

The message "Beyond Behaviour - Jesus' Radical Take on Desire and Devotion" delves into Jesus' teachings on desire and devotion in the Sermon on the Mount. Emphasising that Christianity is about more than just behaviour, Pastor Billy discusses the importance of devotion and desire for Jesus in living out the kingdom message. Through a deep dive into the topic of adultery and lust, he provides practical steps to help combat sinful desires and find true satisfaction in Christ.


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Kingdom Grace: But I Say - Speak The Truth

Sometimes you may feel forced into saying something that is not true. "You look lovely in that dress." "I have plenty of time to do that for you." "This is going to be great!" "I'm fine." In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenged his listeners to be honest and truthful. But how do we do this today, particularly with our church family? Discover how to let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No' in this message.


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Kingdom Grace: But I Say - When You Are Angry

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges his listeners to go further in their discipleship. By using the argument - "It was said... But I Say..." Jesus raises the bar on godly living to a level we cannot achieve in our own strength, but only through the Grace of God. In this first message in our "Kingdom Grace: But I Say" series, James Fokkens examines what Jesus had to say about anger. He distinguishes different types of anger and points to the sort of anger you must avoid. With a refreshingly practical approach, he helps you to tackle deep-seated anger and encourages you to understand the concepts of grace, forgiveness, reconciliation and love.


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God Knows - When We Are In Pain

Don't miss this enlightening message, "God Knows - When We Are In Pain." In this heartfelt message, Pastor Billy explores God's intimate understanding of our suffering as He knows us personally. Highlighting Jesus' empathetic nature, he delves into how Jesus, through His sacrifice, intimately shares in our pain. Pastor Billy emphasises the importance of seeking closeness with God and finding support within the Christian community during difficult times. Drawing inspiration from Jesus' example in the Garden of Gethsemane and the stories of biblical figures like Job and Jacob, he calls us to engage in deep, authentic prayer. Discover how to know and be known by God in your moments of pain and confusion. Listen now for an inspiring and comforting message.


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God Knows - When We Grieve

In Pastor Mark's moving sermon, "God Knows: When We Grieve," he delves into the topic of grief and the reassuring presence of God during such periods. Drawing on his personal narrative of losses throughout the pandemic, he unfolds a universal experience of grief, triggered by various losses including death, ended relationships, or the loss of something of great value. Through the biblical story of Lazarus, Pastor Mark underscores the presence of God during stages of grief, urging followers to recognise and voice their sorrow rather than suppressing it. Pastor Mark underlines the importance of trusting in God's timing and plan, despite the desire for immediate respite from grief. He consoles listeners with the idea that God's timing is impeccable and there's a grander purpose, even in instances where prayers seem to have gone unanswered. He further emphasises the comforting presence of Jesus during mourning, demonstrating Jesus' empathy through His own experience of grief. Jesus' response to Mary and Martha's loss shows his deep compassion and understanding of human suffering. Pastor Mark underscores the hope that comes from the promise of resurrection and eternal life, providing solace even in the darkest hours of grief. Wrapping up, Pastor Mark stresses the significance of seeking support and cultivating a sense of community during personal hardships. The church, he asserts, offers emotional and practical aid to grieving individuals. Followers are encouraged to establish connections with those capable of offering comfort, encouragement, and the gift of prayer. To conclude, the sermon gives a comforting and optimistic outlook on grief, reminding followers that God empathises with, and walks alongside them in their suffering. In doing this, they are encouraged to trust in God's timing, seek support from the church community, and believe in the promise of eternal life.


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God Knows - When We're Anxious

In this message on anxiety, Pastor Jon Keel shares personal anecdotes and biblical teachings to address common struggles with worry. He emphasises the importance of seeking God's peace through prayer and trust in His provision. Through his wife Vicki's story, the message offers relatable insight into managing anxiety and finding support. The message concludes with a call to seek God's presence and receive prayer for peace and faithfulness in times of anxiety.


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God Knows - When People Let You Down

In this message, explore how Jesus' experiences of human suffering, betrayal, and disappointment offer profound empathy and a blueprint for our response to life's challenges. Learn about the power of holding firm in faith and the transformative impact of forgiveness, drawing on Jesus' example to find freedom and healing.


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Upside Down - Blessed are the Peacemakers

In this final message of our series, we explore how being a peacemaker, following God's example, sets us apart as disciples of Christ. We'll discuss the proactive pursuit of peace and reconciliation, and challenge ourselves to live out the Upside Down Kingdom's values, reflecting Christ's peace in our lives.


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Upside Down – Blessed are those who are persecuted

In this great message, our Youth pastor, Kathryn Engela-Higham, discusses the final Beatitude in our Upside Down Kingdom Life series, "Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness." She explains that persecution is a reality for believers and cites biblical examples. The message emphasises that enduring persecution is essential for a godly life, as shown in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Kathryn encourages believers to stay rooted in their faith, seek support, and focus on their eternal reward in heaven.


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Upside Down - Your Kingdom Come

We were joined by Andrew Shearman who continued our teaching series Upside Down Kingdom Culture


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Upside Down - Blessed are the pure in heart

In this message, Josh Verity delves into the Beatitude "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God," emphasising the interconnectedness of all the Beatitudes and the importance of inner purity. He highlights the heart as the core of our character and stresses the significance of purifying our hearts for a genuine relationship with God. The message warns against superficial displays of holiness like the Pharisees and advocates for actively fighting against sin while relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. Josh challenges listeners to seek a pure heart, positioning themselves to experience God's work and live out the Beatitudes in their lives.


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Upside Down - Blessed are the merciful

In this message Sean Harriott discusses the importance of showing mercy as a response to God's mercy towards us, drawing from biblical teachings. He emphasises that mercy is not just kindness but an active choice to forgive and show generosity. Examples from Jesus' interactions show the transformative power of mercy in relationships. The message concludes with a call to remember God's mercy and actively carry out acts of mercy in daily life.


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Upside Down - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

It is easy for people to say "I'm right and you're wrong!". But how do you tell what is right? What can we use to measure Righteousness? In the "Sermon on the Mount", Jesus encouraged everyone to hunger and thirst for righteousness. But this is not the world's values of right and wrong which seem to change with every passing season. This righteousness is based on a different measure. Discover how you can find righteousness in your own life in this message.


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Upside Down - Blessed are the Meek

So often the world's approach to a difficult situation is to fight back. It is a dog-eat-dog world where the weak will be trampled on. The Kingdom Culture approach is counter-cultural, it’s Upside Down, it's not the kingdom of the world, but Jesus’ kingdom is a better way. In the "Sermon on the Mount" Jesus sets out a different approach. He makes it clear that his followers should be meek. But what does it mean to be meek? Find out in this message.


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Upside Down - Blessed are those who mourn

The message "Upside Down - Blessed are those who mourn" explores mourning in the context of the Beatitudes and Jesus' countercultural teachings. It emphasises that mourning isn't just feeling bad, but a deep acknowledgement of our brokenness and need for God's grace. Repentance, true mourning over sin out of love for Jesus, is crucial for experiencing blessings. By embracing discomfort, confronting brokenness, and seeking God's restoration, we can find comfort and strength in living out Jesus' teachings in an upside-down kingdom.


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Upside Down - Blessed are the poor in spirit

In the first of our series, Upside Down - Kingdom Culture which examines the Beatitudes in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5, we discover what it means to be "poor in spirit". Is it something that is truly blessed and if so how do we discover this truth?


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Good Friday 2024

"it is finished" is one of the most important declarations in history. When Jesus declared this on the cross on Good Friday it was a point when the world changed forever. Find out why in this message.


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Easter Sunday 2024

Easter Sunday is a celebration of the Christian belief that the Son of God came to earth as fully human and fully divine and who died and came back to life and who offers forgiveness to all those who would believe in Him. Discover the basis for this belief in this message from our Easter Sunday service at Milton Keynes Christian Centre.


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The Way of Jesus - Slowing

The sermon "Slowing" emphasizes the importance of slowing down in our fast-paced society to follow Jesus' way, rejecting the culture of hurry and busyness. He encourages intentional slowing in actions and thinking, highlighting the need to seek Jesus' presence for rest and renewal.


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The Way of Jesus - Simplicity

The Christian life is simple. Love God and love those around you. We are all guilty of overcomplicating things. Join us as Pastor Billy explores practical ways to help us all slowdown, unhurry and get back to the basics of a simple Christian life of loving God and loving others.
