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Matters of Life

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Finally, a show providing Biblically focused discourse and solutions on the Matters of Life impacting the world today. The Lord is returning soon; and viewing life, home, education, and current events in light of the Scriptures will help His Church be ready when He calls. New episodes released Wednesdays at 7:30PM (EST).


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Finally, a show providing Biblically focused discourse and solutions on the Matters of Life impacting the world today. The Lord is returning soon; and viewing life, home, education, and current events in light of the Scriptures will help His Church be ready when He calls. New episodes released Wednesdays at 7:30PM (EST).



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Ep. 73 - Season Finale

The Lord has again provided us much guidance and direction this season. Now, we have to choose whether we will participate in His plan of restoration; or not. There is much work to accomplish on the Destiny track the Lord has for each individual, during the time in between seasons. Let's allow the Lord to empower us and work through us to fulfill all of it for His Glory.


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Ep. 72 - Example and Pattern of the Lord's Restoration in Ezra

There's such incredible similarities in the Book of Ezra, and the present day. Especially, when we examine what the Lord did in the restoration process. As we dive into this episode, let's be careful to hear and apply all the guidance and instruction the Lord's provided to us for this time and season.


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Ep. 71 - Praising the Lord for His Deliverance & Restoration Pt. II

In this episode we're continuing to learn through Psalm 18, about the right heart, attitude, and motivation we should have before the Lord; as we walk with Him into this season of restoration.


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Ep. 70 - Praising the Lord for His Deliverance & Restoration Pt. I

Let's learn from Psalm 18, about the right heart, attitude, and motivation we should have before the Lord; as we enter into this season of restoration.


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Ep. 69 - A Season of Restoration

We have entered into a new season; when the Lord is bringing restoration and miraculous works. We must embrace our role in His plan of restoration, to fulfill the work for His glory; having fully entered into Covenant with the Lord.


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Ep. 68 - The Lord's Restoration Instructions

We, people, always have a role in the restoration the Lord brings about. As we continue to understand the Lord's heart in restoration, and the judgment that simultaneously occurs; let's also receive knowledge and understanding about our role in the restoration process. So, we can fulfill all the Lord has given us to do; and, fully understand His expectations of us.


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Ep. 67 - Restoration Comes from the Lord

The Lord not only delivers; He restores. The Lord is restoring things to how He established them, or the standard / structure He set forth. We, as His people, must enter into Covenant with Him; and remain obedient to the Lord. Covenant is the container for the blessing, or the deed that gives you ownership to the House; and obedience is the key that unlocks the door, so you may enter and remain.


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Ep. 66 - Understanding the Father's Heart Pt. III

The Lord's always looking for someone who will fulfill, or carry out His Will on the earth; while He also looks to see if His Children will enter into alignment with His Word - no matter whom He chooses to use to accomplish His desire.


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Ep. 65 - Prophetic Update & Warning to the Church

As we continue to learn to understand Heavenly Father's Heart, let's understand what's on His heart at this time and season; and, what He requires of us - His people.


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Ep. 64 - Understanding the Father's Heart Pt. II

Jesus, in speaking of the parable of the sower / soil, states that it is a mystery of the Kingdom that is for them to understand; so they can understand all of the parables - signifying the importance, because it gives insight and understanding the Father's Heart. Additionally, He desires for us to truly know Him, and deal with all idolatry and rebelliousness that has been demonstrated towards the Lord; uprooting it from our lives completely. Reciprocating His Love that has been so freely given towards us.


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Ep. 63 - Understanding the Father's Heart

The Lord's desire, or will, is that all should enter into eternal life; with none perishing. We must view the Lord from a righteous perspective; understanding His heart, even when some of the refining processes - like discipline - are experienced. Making us, His children, to be like our Heavenly Father; conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus the Christ.


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Ep. 62 - How Did We Get Here? Pt. V

Let's move into understanding where we go from here? The Lord is prompting people to repent and enter into Him; seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness. A people He's made into kings and priests because of the Blood of Lamb [Jesus the Christ], that when we bring ourselves and all our sin underneath, will be washed away; leaving us white as snow.


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Ep. 61 - How Did We Get Here? Pt. IV

As we continue to examine how this nation arrived at the place it is in, let's receive understanding how we're positioning ourselves before the Lord. Are we taking up the position of those that were against the Lord, leading the charge in carrying out evil and wickedness? Or, are we entering into Divine alignment; letting the Lord lead us and guide us, both, individually and as a nation?


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Ep. 60 - How Did We Get Here? Pt. III

The Lord is always providing instruction and guidance that enables us to address the areas in our life, society, and nation that are out of alignment with His Covenant. Let's continue to receive that instruction, and apply it to our daily life by making the choice to be separate unto Him.


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Ep. 59 - How Did We Get Here? Pt. II

Let's continue to dive deeper into the Word of the Lord, gaining insight and understanding into the reasons Israel departed from the Lord, in their personal live and as a Nation; so we can see the areas, aspect, and facets we need to correct in our life. To position us in Divine Alignment with the Lord, ensuring He is leading and guiding us into Himself; and all that's contained within His Covenant.


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Ep. 58 - How Did We Get Here? Pt. I

The Word of the Lord is given for reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness; so we can gain understanding of what the Lord requires of us at all times. It's not enough that we only enter into Covenant relationship with Him; we must remain with Him. Let's gain some insight into how we can ensure that we remain in close fellowship with the Lord; as individuals, and as a nation, throughout the generations.


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Ep. 57 - Entering into Covenant Relationship with the Lord

Join John and Special Guest Kimmesha, as we continue our discussion of what it means to know the Lord; learning how to actually enter into a Covenant relationship with Him, and what that looks like.


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Ep. 56 - What it Means to Know the Lord

A seed brings fruit in kind; and if we truly are Disciples of Jesus the Christ, then we should be bearing the same fruit. Included in that fruit its defending the widow, the orphan, and the poor; not oppressing or extorting them by utilizing the power and resources available to us, in the position we've been entrusted with by the Lord.


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Ep. 55 - What's My Role / Part?

It's easy to examine leaders who are acting wickedly; however, we should examine ourself to see if we are acting in the the same greedy and corrupt manner; or if our heart is fully trusting the Lord. and, are we demonstrating that in all of our actions; at all times.


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Ep. 54 - What Inspires You?

Let's examine ourselves before the Lord; receiving understanding from Him about the importance of ensuring we only speak the Word of the Lord over every situation.
